validity in Indonesia. The use of banks as samples in
this study is because banks have assets that are
riskier than other companies and the management of
banks in generating profits is a factor that is very
much considered by investors so that it is more
suitable in testing operating profit and investment
factors used in Fama-French five-factor model.
The pattern used for the formation of portfolios
using 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 is rarely done by previous
research with the intention of operating profit factors
and investment can provide explanatory power that
can influence other factors on excess return. The
application of this pattern provides anomalies in
testing market capitalization and book-to-market
factors. But this pattern can explain that investors
are pessimistic and optimistic about large banks in
investing in terms of the operating profit they have.
The results show investors like a high investment if
they generate high profits and low investment if
profits are low. But this relationship does not occur
in banks that have small assets due to the high
investment made by small banks even though the
resulting profits are low so there is an anomaly in
the results of this study
The results obtained from testing the portfolio
of small banks provide anomalies in testing the
factors of market capitalization, book-to-market, and
operating profit, giving a finding that investors
prefer small banks to invest low in their assets. This
result is reinforced by the results of the test of the
effect of the investment on excess returns where
investors are optimistic about small banks that make
conservative investments if their book-to-market has
a low.
The conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely
from the authors. We are grateful to the University
of Sumatera Utara for its assistance in this research
and the State University of Malang for its
opportunity in publishing this paper.
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