2.4 Independent Village
Self-contained villages namely villages that can
meet the needs of its own and is not dependent on
help from the Government because of the aid only as
a help or a stimulant (Wardoyo, 9 April 2015). As
for the features of the village include: independent,
able to improve the incomes and welfare and able to
meet the needs of its own and is not subject to
outside help. According to the results of the
interviews one of the Bappeda staff in Malinau
Selatan conducted by CIFOR (Iwan, Ramses, dkk,
2006). Study of (Darwis and Rusastra, 2011) in an
effort to optimize synergy through village
community empowerment program of agribusiness
enterprise development agriculture (PUAP) and
Demapan (Program Desa Mandiri Pangan) covering
aspects: 1) synergy data and the selection of the
recipient village program, 2) internal institutional
setup program, 3) targeting infrastructure
consolidation accelerated poverty reduction, and 4)
anticipation of implementation of both the synergy
in the field. In the aspect of the fourth notice
accelerated agricultural development and economy
of the village leads to poverty reduction can be
Self-contained villages reflect the willingness of
villagers to come forward, resulting in a product or
work of the village that boasts and have the ability to
meet the needs. The village has an independence that
can be distinguished into three namely: desa karsa,
works, and housing. When reached will be village
autonomy. Karsa, works and housing covers a
variety of areas including economic, cultural and
social power rests on three, namely: the
development of economic activity between the
village and the village, the more powerful the
participative system of the village, the villagers
woke up to a strong Economic and socio-cultural as
well as have a high concern to development and
empowerment of the villages (Wibowo, 2015).
According to the concept, according to Minister of
the Kemendes and law No. PDTT;. 6 The year 2014
in a bid to develop the empowerment and
construction of village community is known by the
term "Economic Village Granary to provide base
financial support towards the poor people but also
encourage businesses of the village. Include
activities that open up access to production,
distribution, and market.
The cultural periphery of Village means lifting
the return values of collective village and culture on
the deliberation and mutual consensus as well as the
value of the human values of Indonesia diligent,
hard-working, simple and has staying power. Ring
culture is based on the shape and pattern of
communalism, local wisdom, social self-help,
appropriate technology, environmental sustainability
and resilience and local sovereignty that reflects the
colectivity of society. Understanding Net Wira
Village is an attempt to grow the capacity of village
human that reflect the human figure a smart village,
characteristic and independent. NET Wira Village
puts human beings as the main actor at the same
time that drives economic and social dynamics of
culture in the village with the awareness, knowledge,
and skills so that the village can preserve the
example as soko guru wisdom local.
This research was conducted in Potorono village,
Banguntapan sub-district and Wonokromo village,
Pleret Bantul sub-district. The subjects of this
research are 18 head of hamlet, 11 of which are from
Wonokromo and 7 from Potorono. The team also
conducted interviews with their respective village
heads. The data were collected through
questionnaires and in-depth interviews.
This research variable i.e. social capital which
means a collection of community groups consisting
of groups of mothers, young men, and fathers. The
measurement of social capital with achievement
percentage of the benefit of the natural resources and
human resources in the development activities of the
now charging results to respondents. While public
participation is the role and the liveliness of the
group activities of communities that made up the
Group of mothers, fathers and young men in the
village development activities. The measurement of
community participation measured the percentage of
roles and the liveliness of the group nor the group
members in the activities of the human development
of the now charging results to respondents. While
the self-contained Village that is the village that its
people have the will to go forward, resulting in a
product or work of the village that boasts and have
the ability to meet the needs and does not depend on
foreign aid. Measurements of the independent
village of the variable that is measuring the
percentage of optimism the achievement of progress
in realizing the independent village. Data analysis
techniques using qualitative and quantitative
descriptive analysis.