Analysis of Acceptance and Cash Expenditure Accounting
Information Systems to Improve Internal Control in LP3I Sidoarjo
Virda Nur Izza
Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: accounting information systems, cash acceptance, cash disbursements, internal controls
Abstract: Cash is important in every company transaction. Because cash is the most easily distorted object, given its
nature is the most valuable asset, its small form, can be transferred quickly and needed by everyone.
Usually, cash is easily distorted when cash transactions occur. This study aims to determine the accounting
information system of cash receipts and expenditures and how accounting information systems have been
effective as providers of information in internal control. The object of this research is LP3I Sidoarjo. This
research was conducted by analyzing the accounting information system of cash receipts and expenditures
on internal controls and reports produced. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis method. The
results showed that the accounting information system of cash receipts and expenditures was effective
because there was sufficient separation of functions, namely between the functions of receiving, storing,
recording and disbursing cash that was separated by providing these functions to different people. it's just
that in cash receipts there is no deposit of cash to the bank by the cashier so that it can result in acts of
misuse of cash.
In every profit-oriented and non-profit-oriented
company, cash is the smoothest asset. Cash is the
most active asset for a company compared to other
assets owned by the company. Where almost all
company transactions will eventually affect cash,
whether it involves receipts or cash disbursements.
Cash and cash equivalents are investments that are
highly liquid, are short-term and can quickly be
converted into cash in a certain amount without
having to face the risk of significant changes in
value (Suharli, 2006: 173). According to the
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards, Cash
consists of cash on hand and cash equivalent
accounts are investments that are highly liquid, short
term and which can quickly be made into cash in a
certain amount without facing the risk of significant
changes in value.
A company leader requires several control
policies and procedures to be able to supervise
employees and lead the company. In addition,
company leaders can directly oversee the
transactions that occur. Thus the development of the
company will increase the complexity so that it is
increasingly difficult for management to conduct
supervision of the tasks and all stages of operations
because the transactions that occur more and more
problems and problems that arise increasingly
complex. In dealing with this situation, the leader
needs a special tool in the form of a good accounting
system to keep the company's activities running
smoothly and achieving goals effectively at a cost
that is quite efficient
Sufficient cash inventory, the company will
operate smoothly, especially in cash disbursement
activities which include the purchase of goods and
services, owning assets, paying debts, financing
operations and other activities. In company assets,
cash is both directly and indirectly and is the basis
for measuring and recording all transaction data. In
the presentation of the balance sheet, cash is usually
listed in the first order of estimation which is a
current asset because cash can be used without
requiring a long time.
The accounting information system of cash
receipts and expenditures is an important part of the
accounting cycle used by a company as a means of
supporting operational activities. The existence of
good management of cash receipts and
disbursements will provide convenience in
processing transactions so that a cash receipt and
Izza, V.
Analysis of Acceptance and Cash Expenditure Accounting Information Systems to Improve Internal Control in LP3I Sidoarjo.
DOI: 10.5220/0008787301020109
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 102-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
expenditure system is needed that can facilitate the
flow of information on a transaction. And a
monitoring system is needed for the implementation
of accounting information systems in the form of
supervision of the internal control system. Good
internal control of cash requires adequate procedures
to protect cash receipts and disbursements. The
procedures used to supervise cash can vary from one
company to another. This depends on various
factors, such as the size of the company, number of
employees, cash sources, and so on.
LP3I is an Indonesian Professional Education
and Development Institute in Sidoarjo that cannot be
separated from cash receipts and disbursements
transactions. Monthly student payments are
relatively paid in cash so the company has a very
high cash flow. The movement of cash in and out of
cash occurs rapidly in large volumes. For this
reason, it is necessary to have a mutually supportive
relationship between the cash receipt function and
the cash disbursement function to produce
information needed by the company. In addition,
adequate internal control is also needed for each
cash receipt and expenditure activity.
2.1 Accounting Information System
The cash accounting system consists of methods and
records created to identify, collect, analyze, classify,
record and report transactions related to cash during
an accounting period. The cash accounting system is
designed to handle cash receipts and disbursements.
An accounting information system is the
organization of forms, records, and reports that are
coordinated in such a way as to provide financial
information needed by management to facilitate the
management of the company (Mulyadi, 2013: 3).
Baridwan (1998: 6) states: The accounting
information system consists of forms, records,
procedures and tools used to process data regarding
an attempt at an economic error in order to generate
feedback in the form of reports that management is
required to oversee its businesses and other
interested parties such as shareholders, creditors, and
government agencies to assess the results of
operations. From this definition it can be seen that
the accounting information system is a collection of
activities such as recording transactions, classifying,
processing, summarizing, analyzing and reporting
information that is useful for carrying out activities
and objectives of a company.
2.2 Cash Receipt Accounting
Information System
The company's cash receipts come from two main
sources: cash receipts from cash sales and cash
receipts from receivables. (Mulyadi, 2013: 462),
1. Accounting Information System Cash Receipts
from Cash Sales
According to Mulyadi (2013: 470), internal
control elements that should be in the Cash
Receipt Accounting System from cash sales are:
1) Organization
1. The sales function must be separate from
the cash function. The sales function
which is an operating function must be
separated from the cash function which is
a storage function. This separation results
in each cash receipt from cash sales being
carried out by two functions that check
each other.
2. The cash function must be separate from
the accounting function. Based on the
elements of a good internal control
system, the accounting function must be
separated from the operating functions
and storage functions. This is intended to
safeguard the company's wealth and
ensure the accuracy and reliability of
accounting data.
3. Cash sales transactions must be carried
out by sales functions, cash functions,
shipping functions, and accounting
functions. There are no cash sales
transactions that are carried out
completely by only one function. With the
implementation of each cash sale
transaction by various functions, there
will be an internal checking of each of
these functions by other functions.
2) Authorization System and Recording
Authorization System and Registration
Procedure in Cash Receipt Accounting
System from cash sales, namely:
1. Receipt of orders from buyers is
authorized by the sales function using the
cash sales invoice form.
2. Cash receipts are authorized by the cash
function by affixing a "paid off" stamp on
the cash sales invoice and attaching the
cash register ribbon to the invoice.
3. Sales with a bank credit card are preceded
by an authorization request from the
credit card issuing bank.
Analysis of Acceptance and Cash Expenditure Accounting Information Systems to Improve Internal Control in LP3I Sidoarjo
4. The delivery of goods is authorized by the
shipping function by affixing the stamp
"already submitted" on the cash sales
5. Recording into accounting records must
be based on source documents attached
with complete supporting documents.
6. Recording into accounting records must
be carried out by employees who are
authorized to do so.
3) Healthy Practices
1. A cash sales invoice numbered is printed
and its use is accounted for by the sales
2. The amount of cash received from cash
sales is fully paid to the bank on the same
day as the cash sales transaction or the
next business day.
3. Calculation of cash balances in the hands
of the cash function periodically and
suddenly by the internal audit function.
2. Accounting System for Receiving Cash from
The accounting system for cash receipts from
accounts receivable consists of:
1. Related functions
The accounting system for cash receipts from
receivables has five related functions, namely
(Mulyadi, 2013: 487):
1) Billing function
If the company collects receivables directly
to the debtor through the company collector,
the collection function is responsible for
collecting the debtors of the company based
on the list of billed receivables made by the
accounting function.
2) Cash function
This function is responsible for receiving
checks from the billing function (if cash
receipts from accounts receivable are carried
out through company collectors). The cash
function is responsible for depositing cash
received from various functions immediately
to the bank in full amount.
3) Accounting function
The accounting function is responsible for
recording cash receipts from accounts
receivable into the cash receipts journal and
decreasing receivables into the receivable
4) Internal checker function
In the cash receipt system of accounts
receivable, the internal audit function is
responsible for carrying out the cash
calculation that is in the hands of the cash
function periodically. In addition, the internal
audit function is responsible for conducting
bank reconciliation, to check the accuracy of
cash records held by the accounting function.
2.3 Cash Expenditure Accounting
Information System
2.3.1 Cash Expenditure System with Petty
Definition of petty cash funds according to Skousen
and Stice (2001: 379), namely the small amount of
cash stored on hand for making various payments.
The petty cash fund system is the company's petty
cash management that is routinely issued to meet the
company's operational needs. Cash disbursement
with cash is done to meet payments with a relatively
small nominal amount.
The related functions in the petty cash fund
system according to Mulyadi (2013: 534) are as
1. Cash Function
This section is responsible for filling out checks,
requesting authorization for checks and
submitting checks to the petty cash fund holders
when forming and refilling petty cash.
2. Accounting Function
This section is responsible for recording petty
cash expenditures, as well as recording the
formation and replenishment of petty cash funds.
3. Functions of Small Cash Fund Holders
This section is responsible for the storage of
petty cash funds according to the authorization of
the designated official and the request to refill
the petty cash fund.
4. Functions that require cash payments
This section is responsible for the use of petty
cash funds by making evidence of petty cash
disbursements and collecting supporting
5. Internal Audit Function
This section is responsible for the periodic
calculation of petty cash funds (cash accounts)
and matching their results with cash records.
This section is also responsible for surprise
audits of the balance of the petty cash funds in
the hands of the petty cash fund holders.
2.4 Cash Internal Control
A company that has run well must always monitor
its activities and results. Management must at all
times carry out continuous checks and analyze
reports and records of where the report was
obtained. Continuous examination and analysis of
reports and records are often referred to as internal
Internal control summarizes the policies,
practices, and procedures used by organizations to
achieve the four main objectives according to James
A. Hall (2001: 150):
1. To maintain company assets
2. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of
accounting records and information
3. To promote the efficiency of the company's
4. To measure compliance with the policies and
procedures established by management elements
of the Internal Control System
According to Mulyadi to create a good internal
control system within the company, there are four
main elements that must be met (Mulyadi, 2013:
1. An organizational structure that separates
functional responsibility explicitly
Organizational structure is a framework
(framework) division of functional responsibility
to organizational units formed to carry out the
main activities of the company. In manufacturing
companies, for example, the main activity is to
produce and sell products. To carry out the main
activities, a production department, marketing
department, and finance and public departments
are formed. These departments are then further
divided into smaller organizational units to carry
out company activities. The division of
functional responsibilities in this organization is
based on the following principles:
1) Operation and storage functions must be
separated from the accounting function.
2) The system of authority and recording
procedures that provide sufficient protection
against wealth, debt, income and costs
3) Healthy practices in carrying out the duties
and functions of each organizational unit
4) Employees whose quality is in accordance
with their responsibilities
The first research entitled: Accounting Information
Systems Cash Receipts and Expenditures at
Pawnshop Corporation-Medan Regional Office. The
results of the study state that the company has
implemented clear procedures and has good internal
control so that it helps the company in managing its
wealth assets in the form of cash. (Dedek Apriono,
The second research entitled: Analysis Of
Admission Internal Control Systems And Cash
Expenditure In Pt. Sinar Galesong Prima Branch
Manado. The test results show that the internal
control system of cash receipts has been effective,
contrary to the internal control of cash expenditures.
While the internal control system of cash
expenditures has not been effective, because there
are still elements of internal control in the company
that have not been fully implemented, including the
placement of cashiers who are in one room with
other employees, existing cash in hand and cashier
not insured, bank reconciliation is not carried out by
the internal inspection section, and the check stamp
is held by the check maker, which should be by the
accounting for control. (Rannita Margaretha
Manoppo, 2013).
4.1 Types of Research
The type of research used is descriptive qualitative,
namely research conducted to obtain actual
4.2 Research Procedure
The research procedures in this research are as
1. Define and formulate problems.
2. Conducting Literature research that refers to
theories that can be found from other people's
books and other research.
3. Collect data regarding cash receipts and
4. Processing and Presenting Information.
5. Analyze and interpret.
6. Making Conclusions.
Analysis of Acceptance and Cash Expenditure Accounting Information Systems to Improve Internal Control in LP3I Sidoarjo
4.3 Data Sources and Data Collection
Data sources used in this study are primary sources
and secondary sources.
1. Primary Data is the data obtained by direct
means in the form of data obtained directly from
the company through interviews with the branch
manager, head of finance and employees who are
directly related to the object under research.
2. Secondary Data is data collected through
company records and documents and processed
data such as company history, organizational
structure, and other cash receipts and
disbursements documents.
4.4 Method of Collecting Data
Data collection methods in this research are:
1. Interview: The researcher conducts a series of
questions and answers directly to leaders, head of
finance, and other employees related to the
problems discussed.
2. Observation: Researchers make direct
observations of activities within the company.
3. Literature study: Researchers collect data by
reading and studying related theories.
4. Documentation: Researchers record secondary
data to obtain supporting data in this research.
5.1 Result
The organizational structure in LP3I
Sidoarjo is Line organization. The use of this
organizational structure is due to the condition of the
company which requires the presence of staff
positions as support for the company's operational
activities. The position of this staff helps Finance,
CandP (Corporate and Placement), Marketing and
Education but does not have the authority to make
decisions that can achieve specific business goals.
While the Lini form appears in the Head of
Marketing section, Head of Education, Head of
Finance and Head of CandP which are located
directly under the head of the Branch Manager.
In relation to accounting information systems for
cash receipts and expenditures, According to the
authors, the organizational structure owned by LP3I
Sidoarjo is good. This can be seen from:
1) Organization.
1. The existence of the firmness of functions and
authority of each individual involved in company
activities. This can be seen from the authority in
signing the receipt of cash evidence and proof of
cash out by the Head of Finance.
2. A good separation of duties. This can be marked
from the separation of duties of cash receipts and
expenses by recording transactions. Separate
cash receipts and expenditure functions to avoid
cash fraud.
3. There is an internal meeting between fields twice
a month to discuss each procedure or activity in
the company whether it has been running well or
2) Authorization System and Recording Procedure
1. Separation of the functions of recording tasks
and the reception function
2. There is a person who is specifically responsible
by signing a proof of cash receipts that are
received by the cashier and authorized by the
head of finance and approved by the manager
3. The company performs cash calculations every
day and the results of the calculations are
recorded in a report on cash calculations
4. All cash receipt transactions are recorded in a
timely manner
5. Head of Finance reports the cash balance to the
Manager every day via SMS Center Finance
6. Management of cash sourced from student
monthly payments is separate from cash
management from other income
7. Doing a backup of cash information data on a
hard drive every week. This is to store company
3) Healthy Practices
1. The physical truth of cash can be checked by
checking the company's cash book which is
closed every day by the cashier. but the cashier
does not deposit money to the bank every day
because the payment counter is open until 9 pm.
2. Perform cash hospitalization at the end of each
month in an orderly manner and physically the
company money is the same as the cash register's
cash balance.
According to the author, the cash expenditure
accounting information system applied by the
company has gone well. Because the company has
established clear procedures and has good internal
control so that the company can manage its wealth
assets in the form of cash. this can be seen from:
1. Cash Function.
Cash disbursement procedures also use a
number of evidence or forms that have been
designed in such a way as to facilitate their
use where each cash expenditure has
evidence of cash outflows 3. Sheet 1 for
recipients of money, sheet 2 for Accounting
and sheet 3 for financial records. The
evidence used is also made in a simple form
so that it is easy to understand how to use it.
2. Accounting Function.
Separation of cash expenditure functions
and recording functions. Cash expenses
handled by the Cashier and the recording
function is carried out by Accounting and
Head of Finance which are authorized to
authorize any evidence of existing cash
3. Functions of Small Cash Fund Holders
Cash disbursements with petty cash
conducted by LP3I Sidoarjo have used a
petty cash fund system that is carried out
using a fluctuating balance system. Petty
cash expenditures are carried out by
sending cash by filling out a request form
for funds by the user of the funds. Each
cash outlay will be recorded as expenses
and petty cash. Replenishing petty cash
funds is carried out in accordance with the
requirements and recorded by debiting petty
cash funds.
4. Functions that require cash payments
Fund users who submit petty cash return the
remaining money and make evidence of
spending petty cash by collecting
supporting documents. Only the head of
each division can apply for petty cash.
5. Internal Audit Function
The section responsible for calculating
petty cash funds periodically and matching
the results of their use with the recording of
cash books, namely head of finance. The
head of finance also conducts a sudden
audit (surprised audit) of the balance of
petty cash funds at the cashier.
The internal control of cash disbursements made
by LP3I Sidoarjo covers two aspects, namely:
1. Control of officers holding cash:
1) Separation of cash disbursement
functions and recording functions. Cash
expenditure is handled by the cashier
and the recording function is carried out
by Accounting
2) The Company establishes Head of
Finance authorized to authorize any
evidence of cash disbursements
2. Control of the physical cash of the
1) Every cash disbursement transaction is
recorded using cash out evidence
2) Every cash outlay must be
accompanied by supporting evidence
authorized by the Head of Finance.
5.2 Discussion
Based on the results and by comparing
theories, according to the author, the accounting
information system for cash receipts and distribution
applied by the company has been running well.
Because the company has established clear
procedures and has good internal control so the
company can manage its assets in cash. Internal
control of cash receipts at LP3I Sidoarjo has not
been effective. It is known that company
management has given good attention to cash
receipts by separating accounting functions, billing
functions, and cash receipt functions, authorization
systems, and recording in accordance with internal
control of cash receipts but no daily cash deposits to
banks. this results in acts of misuse of company
funds. while the cash expenditure internal control in
LP3I Sidoarjo has been effective. Organizational
structure, authorization and recording system,
competent employees are in accordance with the
internal control of cash disbursement.
Judging from the results of research that has been
obtained from LP3I Sidoarjo, the authors can draw
the following conclusions:
1. In the accounting information system of cash
receipts and disbursements, there is an adequate
separation of functions, namely between the
functions of receipt, storage, recording and cash
disbursement separated by giving these functions
to different people
2. Any cash receipts and disbursements prior to the
occurrence must obtain prior approval from the
authorized parties
3. In the implementation of the procedure, every
cash receipt or expenditure uses documents or
forms designed in accordance with the
company's business activities. These documents
or forms are declared valid in their use can be
Analysis of Acceptance and Cash Expenditure Accounting Information Systems to Improve Internal Control in LP3I Sidoarjo
used as needed when signed or authorized by the
competent authority
4. There is a physical calculation of the cash
balance made at the end of working hours
5. The internal control system is quite well marked
by the presence of internal meetings between
divisions twice a month to discuss each
procedure or event that is in the company
whether it has been going well or not.
Based on the results of the research and the
conclusions above, the author would like to give the
following suggestions:
1. The company must make a deposit to the bank
every day for cash receipts obtained by the
company. This is in addition to minimizing the
potential for corruption and cash storage.
2. To maximize the company's operations, Sidoarjo
LP3I must regularly hold job rotations. This is
intended in addition to improving employee
skills and being the main for internal control of
the company.
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Analysis of Acceptance and Cash Expenditure Accounting Information Systems to Improve Internal Control in LP3I Sidoarjo