Analysis of Village Financial Management:
Case Study at Kenongomulyo Village Nguntoronadi Subdistrict
Magetan Regency
Yolanda Dhamayanti
, Puji Handayati
Graduated School of Universitas Negeri Malang
Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: Management, Village Finance, Good Governance
Abstract: This research focuses on village financial management, especially regarding village funds with the purpose
to determine the extent of understanding of village fund management carried out by Kenongomulyo Village.
This study uses a qualitative case study approach, the instrument used to collect data in the form of human
instruments, namely the researchers themselves. To maintain data validity, data triangulation is carried out.
Data analysis activities include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this
study indicate (1) The planning process in Kenongomulyo Village is carried out by involving society
participation in village meetings, this is done to explore people's aspirations, (2) Village funds are used for
infrastructure and non-infrastructure development processes. The construction of infrastructure in
Kenongomulyo Village in 2016 prioritized the agricultural sector (3) Transparency of accountability reports to
village societies still not touched the general level of society. This is due to the lack of socialization of village
funds to the society as a whole due to the lack of skill in the village government in socializing it.
The government's seriousness in paying attention to
villages can be seen by the society, it is evident that
in 2016 the temporary budget al.,location for village
funds amounted to Rp.46.9 trillion, up from the 2015
budget of Rp20.17 trillion. Village funds will be
channeled in two stages, namely March and August.
DJPK will channel village funds with a scheme of
60% in March and 40% in August which has
changed from the previous year. The two-stage
distribution was carried out in accordance with the
issuance of the Minister of Finance Regulation
(PMK) No. 49 / PMK.07 / 2016 concerning
procedures for allocating, distributing, using,
monitoring and evaluating village funds.
( accessed on November 22,
In this study, the researchers chose the object of
research in the Kenongomulyo Village,
Nguntoronadi Subdistrict, Magetan Regency,
because the residents of Kenongomulyo Village
wanted to see how the village finances were
managed because so far researchers had not felt the
benefits of village funds. Based on a preliminary
survey conducted by researchers, Kenongomulyo
Village has received village funds starting in 2015
and has made financial reports based on
Permendagri Number 113 in 2014. The Village
Funds that are lowered by the central government
are not small and have increased in 2016. In
addition, there are obstacles to managing village
finances, which are not in accordance with the initial
plan in management.
The delay in disbursing funds from the center
made the village government in making the
accountability report seem hasty. In addition, there
are still many people who complain about
transparency because of the lack of skilled village
officials in submitting accountability reports as a
whole. Based on Permendagri Number 113 in 2014
the village government must submit its
accountability report through media information that
is easily accessible to the public.
Received the village funds, the village
government must be prepared and able to manage
village finance based on transparent, accountable,
participatory principles and carried out in an orderly
and disciplined manner in accordance with
Permendagri Number 37 of 2007 concerning
Dhamayanti, Y. and Handayati, P.
Analysis of Village Financial Management: Case Study at Kenongomulyo Village Nguntoronadi Subdistrict Magetan Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0008787503060314
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 306-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Guidelines for Village Financial Management.
Public Accountability is an obligation for agents as
trustees to account for, present, report and discloses
all kinds of activities to principals as trustees, where
principals certainly have the right and authority to
hold such accountability Mardiasmo (2002) in
Lestari (2014).
A good financial management and reporting
system will support the realization of public
transparency and accountability in order to produce
information that is relevant and easily understood by
stakeholders (Lestari, 2014). With the changes from
the central government regarding the budget for
village assistance, the government issued
Permendagri Regulation No. 113 of 2014 which is
specifically as a guide for village financial
management, besides that the regulation also
controls village financial management, because there
are still many village governments that are misused
by funds village assistance for personal gain.
Research on village financial management
accounting has been carried out several times,
including Firmansyah (2014), examining "Financial
Management in Pulau Lawas Village, Bangkinang
Sub-District across Kampar Regency in 2012". The
results of the study showed that village financial
management in Pulau Lawas Village, Bangkinang
Seberang District in 2012 was unfavorable due to
the lack of maximum management of village
finances due to limited human resource capacity,
lack of supervision from the BPD and lack of
community participation and less supportive
Research on Nisa village funds (2016) on the
"Phenomenology Study of Accountability for
Village Fund Management in Tegalan Village,
Kandat District, Kediri Regency". The results of the
study said that the understanding of the village
government regarding planning was to invite society
representatives in a deliberation program and also
the community's understanding of planning was to
attend the invitation to the meeting. Implementation
is considered as a realization of the plan and the
absorption of all funds in development for one year.
With no funds remaining, it is considered that
village funds have been implemented well. While
accountability is understood by the village
government as the submission of the results of the
activity report to the center through the sub-district
and the society understands the responsibility in the
form of completion of development for one year and
can be enjoyed directly by all levels of society.
2.1 Good Governance
Governance can be interpreted as a way of managing
public affairs. World Bank (in Mardiasmo, 2002: 23)
defines governance as "the way state power is used
in managing economic and social resources for the
development of society". While the United Nation
Development Program (UNDP) defines governance
as "the exercise of political, economic, and
administrative authority to manage a nation's affair
at all levels". In this case, the World Bank places
more emphasis on the way the government manages
social and economic resources for the benefit of
social development, while UNDP places more
emphasis on political, economic and administrative
aspects in the management of the country. Political
governance refers to the policymaking process
(policy/strategy formulation). Economic governance
refers to the decision making process in the
economic field which has implications for the
problem of equity, reducing poverty, and improving
the quality of life. Administrative governance refers
to a system of policy implications.
According to UNDP (in Mardiasmo 2002: 24),
the characteristics of good governance include:
a. Participation, participation is the involvement of
the society in making decisions both directly and
indirectly through representative institutions that
can channel their aspirations.
b. Rule of law, a legal framework that is fair and
carried out indiscriminately.
c. Transparency, transparency is built on the basis
of freedom of information.
d. Responsiveness, public institutions must be fast
and responsive in serving stakeholders.
e. Consensus orientation, oriented to the interests of
the wider society.
f. Equity, every society has the same opportunity to
obtain prosperity and justice.
g. Efficiency and Effectiveness, management of
public resources is carried out in an efficient
(efficient) and effective (effective).
h. Accountability, accountability to the public for
every activity carried out.
i. Strategic vision, government organizers and the
public must have a far-reaching vision.
Of the nine characteristics, there are at least three
things that can be played by public sector
accounting, namely the creation of transparency,
public accountability, and the value of money
(economy, efficiency, and effectiveness).
Analysis of Village Financial Management: Case Study at Kenongomulyo Village Nguntoronadi Subdistrict Magetan Regency
2.2 Village Fund
Village funds are funds sourced from the APBN
intended for villages that are transferred through the
district and city APBD which are used to finance
government administration, implementation of
development, social development
( accessed 22 November
2016). Village funds are one of the crucial issues in
village law, the calculation of the budget is based on
the number of villages taking into account the
population, poverty rate, area size, and level of
geographical difficulties in order to improve welfare
and equitable distribution of village development.
Village funds are one of the sources of village
income that must be included in the Village Budget
(APBDesa) document (Kemendesa, 2016: 11).
Every year the village will get village funds from the
central government, which is channeled through
districts or cities. The priority of the use of village
funds every year is regulated by village minister
regulations, underdeveloped regional development,
and transmigration.
Village funds are prioritized to finance
development and society empowerment whose
implementation is prioritized in self-management
using local resources or raw materials and sought to
absorb more labor from the local village society
( accessed January 2, 2017).
The village government uses APBDesa funds to
finance the implementation of village authority in
the form of various development activities and
empowerment of village societies. In addition, the
village government is obliged to carry out financial
management in an orderly manner and in accordance
with the provisions. Therefore the village
government needs to develop various regulations,
both in the form of village regulations related to
allocation, use, and monitoring and evaluation of
funds allocated in the Village Budget.
2.3 Village Financial Resources
The source of village finance or village income
as stated in Government Regulation Number 72 of
2005 (Article 68: 1), states that the village income
source consists of:
a. Village Original Income which consists of the
results of village business, village wealth, self-
help and participation, mutual assistance, and
other legitimate village income;
b. Regency / City regional tax revenue sharing of at
least 10% (ten per hundred), for the village and
from the Regency / City retribution some of it is
for the village;
c. Central and regional financial balance funds
received by the Regency / City for the village at
least 10% (ten per hundred), which is
proportional to each village which is the Village
Fund Allocation;
d. Financial assistance from the Government,
namely assistance from the Provincial
Government, Regency / City Government in the
context of implementing government affairs;
e. Grants and donations from non-binding third
2.4 Village Financial Management
The principles of Village Financial Management as
stated in Permendagri Number 113 of 2014 are
transparent, accountable, participatory and carried
out in an orderly and budgetary discipline, with the
following description:
a. Transparent, namely the principle of openness
that allows the public to know and get access to
information as widely as possible about village
b. Accountable, namely the realization of the
obligation to account for the management and
control of resources and the implementation of
the policies entrusted in the framework of
achieving the stated objectives.
c. Participatory means that every action is carried
out by involving society involvement both
directly and indirectly through representative
institutions that can channel their aspirations.
d. Orderly and budgetary discipline means that the
budget must be carried out consistently with the
recording of its use in accordance with the
village financial accounting principles.
2.5 Village Financial Planning
Village Financial Planning is an activity to estimate
income and expenditure for a certain period of time
in the future organized by the Village Government
by laying down the BPD and community elements in
a participatory manner. (
accessed November 22, 2016). In relation to Village
Financial Management, the intended planning is the
APBDesa process. The Village Government
prepares village development planning in
accordance with its authority by referring to
district/city development planning. Village
Development Planning includes Village RPJM and
Village RKP which are arranged in a timetable and
stipulated by Village Regulations. Village
development planning is prepared based on the
results of the agreement in the village meeting which
is implemented no later than in June the current
budget year.
2.6 Budgeting Process
The process of preparing the Village Budget starts in
the following order:
a. The Implementing Activity submits a budget
proposal for activities to the Village Secretary
based on the established Village RKP;
b. The Village Secretary draws up a Village
Regulation concerning the APBDesa (Village
RAPB) and submits it to the Village Head;
c. The Village Head then submits to the BPD to be
discussed and agreed upon. The draft Village
Regulation on APBDesa is agreed upon at the
latest in October of the current year between the
Village Head and BPD;
d. Draft Village Regulations concerning APBDesa
which have been mutually agreed upon as
subsequently submitted by the Village Head to
the Regent / Mayor through the sub-district head
or other designation no later than 3 (three) days
from the time it is agreed to be evaluated;
e. Regents / Mayors determine the results of the
evaluation of the APBDesa design at the latest 20
(twenty) working days from the receipt of the
Village Regulation Draft on the Village Budget.
Village regulations on APBDesa are set no later
than December 31 of the current budget year.
2.7 Implementation of APBD
Based on the village financial management guide
(BPKP, 2016: 11) in the implementation of village
finance, there are several general principles that
must be adhered to that cover revenues and
expenditures. The principle includes that all village
revenues and expenditures are carried out through
the village cash account. Disbursement of funds in
the village cash account is signed by the Village
Head and the village treasurer. However, especially
for villages that do not have banking services in their
area, further arrangements will be made by the
district/city government. With this arrangement,
payments to third parties are normatively carried out
through transfers to third-party bank accounts.
2.8 Village Finance Administration
Village Finance Administration is a recording
activity specifically carried out by the Village
Treasurer. The village treasurer must record all
existing transactions in the form of receipts and
expenses. The village treasurer systematically and
chronologically records financial transactions that
occur. Village financial administration carried out by
the village treasurer is done in a simple way, namely
in the form of bookkeeping not yet using an
accounting journal. Administration of both cash
receipts and cash disbursements, the village treasurer
a. General Cash Book;
b. Tax Helper Cash Book; and
c. Bank Book.
2.9 Reporting and Accountability of
Village Finance
In carrying out their duties, authorities, rights, and
obligations in managing village finance, the village
head has an obligation to submit a report. The report
is semester and annual periodic, which is submitted
to the Regent / Mayor and some are submitted to the
BPD. Details of the report are as follows:
a. Report to Regents / Mayors:
a) Semester Report of the Implementation of
Village Budget Implementation;
b) Report on the Realization of APBDesa
Implementation to the Regents / Mayors at
the end of each fiscal year.
c) Report on Realization of Use of Village
b. Report to the BPD includes a Report on the
Responsibility for Realization of the
Implementation of the Village Budget consisting
of Income, Expenditures, and Financing.
This study uses a qualitative case study approach by
taking the object of research in the Kenongomulyo
Village, Nguntoronadi Subdistrict, Magetan
Regency. The source of the data comes from the
results of interviews, documentation, and
observations on the subject of the study. Instruments
used to collect data in the form of human
instruments, namely researchers themselves. To
maintain data validity, data triangulation is carried
out. Data analysis activities include data reduction,
data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
Analysis of Village Financial Management: Case Study at Kenongomulyo Village Nguntoronadi Subdistrict Magetan Regency
3.1 Results
3.1.1 Village Planning
The planning process of Kenongomulyo Village
involves deliberation to explore people's aspirations,
this is because village development itself is from the
society and for the society, so every development
plan for the social development of the
Konongomulyo Village is always involved. This is
in accordance with what was presented by Informant
“important and there must be society leaders in
this village development planning because
village development as a system in the
construction of the Village Law places the
society in a strategic position as the subject of
development ... "
In the development planning, the village
government must have a future development plan for
Kenongomulyo Village. With the development plan,
development can be well organized according to the
needs of the village society. Following is the
explanation from Informant 1.
"Yes, what is certain is that development can
prosper the people"
The same thing was explained by Informant 3.
"The plan is to continue the previous
development, especially for the agricultural
sector because most of the kenongomulyo
residents are farmers."
From the results of the presentation of the data
above, it can be interpreted that society leaders are
always involved in village planning. With the
existence of village meetings, village officials and
being able to find out what the society wants to
achieve future village development. The village
government itself has a future development plan
with the aim of the welfare of its people.
3.1.2 Implementation of Village Funds
Kenongomulyo Village runs the management of
village funds in accordance with established
regulations and 60% of village funds are focused on
infrastructure development to support agricultural
societies. This is in accordance with what was
conveyed by Informant 2.
"The development is in accordance with the
Village Budget, mostly in the agricultural
sector, because the people of Kenongomulyo
village have their livelihoods from rice fields, so
this is prioritized if it is fulfilled to replace the
In line with management, it is certainly
inseparable from the constraints, considering that
this village fund is a new thing for the village
administration because there had never been a policy
of village funds. This is in accordance with what
was conveyed by Informant 2.
"The problem is that if it is not in
accordance with the original plan or it is not in
accordance with the pagoda, it will definitely
change from the start, the problem is if the
money is late in entering or the withdrawal is
late from the center"
Based on the results of the interview it was
found that there were still some complaints from the
society in managing village funds. One of them is
the village society empowerment program that has
not yet been seen. This is in accordance with what
was conveyed by Informant 6.
"If the construction is in physical means
such as roads, the results of the irrigation canal
are still evident. But for development that has
the character of social empowerment, it is still
not visible"
These village funds are used for village
governance, village development, and village
empowerment, therefore the existence of village
funds greatly helps the village in its objectives. In
addition, it is expected to be able to improve the
welfare of the village society. The existence of
village funds in the village administration is
expected to be able to manage village funds
according to their objectives. Following is the
presentation from Informant 3.
"Very helpful, because it can improve social
welfare and equitable distribution of rural
development through improving village public
services, advancing village economies,
overcoming development disparities between
villages and strengthening societies as subjects
of development"
From the results of the explanation above, it can
be interpreted that the presence of village funds is
very helpful for infrastructure and non-infrastructure
development. The development in 2016 is in
accordance with the plan stated in the RKP and in
the implementation of village funds, Kenongomulyo
Village has a companion who has been appointed by
the district.
3.1.3 Reporting and Accountability of
Village Finance
In carrying out their duties, authorities, rights, and
obligations in managing village finance, the village
head has an obligation to submit a report. The report
is semester and annual periodic, which is submitted
to the Regent / Mayor. In addition to submitting
reports to the center, the village head must also
submit this accountability report to the village
society. Following is the explanation from Informant
"The plot is that this accountability report is
reported to the district level to the regent
through the first sub-district to be verified, so
every stage of the village fund disbursement
must have physical evidence."
In addition to accountability made to the central
government, the village government must also take
responsibility for the society. Because accountability
to society is very important. With the accountability
of the society, the society will feel more valued by
the village and the village government will be safe.
Following is the explanation from Informant 3.
"There must be, the reporting was done
together with society leaders, RT, RW, BPD
during the village meeting, so we convey all the
The lack of socialization regarding the use of
village funds has resulted in the presence of
residents who have not yet felt the benefits of village
funds received by the Kenongomulyo Village. The
society also feels that there is a lack of transparency
in managing village finances. This is based on the
explanation by Informant 5.
"Know, but we as our people don't know
about village funds. There should be a budget
every year that the village receives and it must
be transparent so that the funds are clear on its
use, because I see the village of Kenongomulyo
has no progress at all, just a small road not on
asphalt, the money is from people's donations,
what do I not know not."
From the results of the explanation above, it can
be interpreted that the reporting and accountability
of village funds have been carried out in accordance
with procedures both at the central and society
levels. However, the lack of transparency in the
village society was experienced by the
Kenongomulyo Village, because of the lack of skill
in the village government in disseminating this
3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Village Planning
The planning process in Kenongomulyo Village is
carried out by involving society participation in
village meetings to explore the aspirations of the
society, this is because village development itself is
from the society and for the society. The
Kenongomulyo Village Government always
provides an opportunity for the society to express
their aspirations by inviting the villagers in a
meeting to discuss any complaints experienced by
the society regarding the suggestions and
infrastructure in the village.
Village development planning consultation
(Musrenbangdes) in Kenongomulyo Village is
conducted every 3 months, but it does not rule out
the possibility that if there are interests that will be
held suddenly there will be a discussion at any time.
The Musrenbangdes was conducted with a number
of public figures, heads of RT / RW, BPD, Village
Officials, PKK, and LPM. In the village meeting, the
society was given the opportunity to convey their
aspirations. Society aspirations are needed in future
village development plans. During this time the
main development priorities that use village funds
are still focused on the agricultural sector which is
the main livelihood of Kenongomulyo Village
All planning processes in Kenongomulyo
Village have been included in the RKP for a period
of one year. The Village RKP is prepared by the
village government in accordance with information
from the district/city regional government relating to
the village indicative ceiling. In 2016 the
Kenongomulyo Village compiled infrastructure and
non-infrastructure development plans. The planned
infrastructure development is in the form of
development in the agricultural sector such as
irrigation channels, making taluds and making rice
field roads. For now, non-infrastructure development
in social empowerment is for PKK, such as special
training or skills, a village youth, and others. From
the development plans carried out by
Kenongomulyo Village, the purpose is to improve
the welfare of the society and reduce poverty in
Kenongomulyo Village. The Kenongomulyo Village
Government itself has a future development plan so
that the Kenongomulyo Village society is
prosperous, safe and peaceful.
3.2.2 Implementation of Village Funds
In its implementation, the Kenongomulyo Village
was in accordance with the regulations set by the
government. Kenongomulyo Village is guided by
Permendagri Number 113 of 2014 concerning
Village Financial Management. Kenongomulyo
Village runs village fund management in accordance
with established regulations and most or 60% of
village funds are focused on infrastructure
Analysis of Village Financial Management: Case Study at Kenongomulyo Village Nguntoronadi Subdistrict Magetan Regency
development to support the agricultural society.
While the management of funds used for the
construction of non-infrastructure by the village is
managed to empower the society such as the PKK
mothers and others.
The existence of this village fund in
Kenongomulyo Village is very helpful because it
can advance infrastructure and non-infrastructure
development. Because Kenongomulyo Village only
depends on ADD and DD, the PAD is very small
because Kenongomulyo Village does not have
assets. In addition, the obstacles experienced by
Kenongomulyo Village, namely if there is a delay in
decreasing funds from the village center or the
village head must be able to bail out funds in
advance so that village development continues
This is in accordance with the function of
rolling out village funds based on Permendagri
Number 113 of 2014. Village funds allocated by the
government are expected to be able to enter the real
sector in rural development in accordance with the
potential that exists in the village and support the
village economy by building village infrastructure so
that the impact can be directly felt by the village
society. The village government must be able to
manage the village funds in accordance with the
rules from the center so that village development can
be organized neatly. With the maximum
development carried out by the village and in
accordance with the regulations from the center,
village funds can go down to the maximum. Because
basically, the central government wants this village
development to be organized and in accordance with
the rules that are passed down.
The central government always controls village
funds for villages that receive village funds.
Controlling carried out by the central government is
carried out every step, controlling this is expected
the village government can use the village funds to
the maximum and on target.
Implementation of government, development
and public services according to the paradigm of
good governance in the process is not only carried
out by the local government based on the ruling
government (legality) approach or only for the
benefit of local governments with centralized
regulations. The paradigm of good governance puts
forward processes and procedures. Where the
process includes the process of planning,
formulating and formulating a policy always
prioritizing togetherness and carried out by
involving all stakeholders, where the society is one
of the most important parts (Wibowo, 2009: 14).
The implementation of the Kenongomulyo
Village Fund is on target and in accordance with the
plan set forth in the RKP and APBDesa. The
management of Kenongomulyo Village which is
focused on infrastructure has been carried out. The
development is located in the agricultural sector,
namely the construction of talud, making irrigation
channels and road construction. All development in
2016 has been well realized, while the development
that has not been completed in 2016 will continue
with development in 2017. The village government
is always guided by the rules that have been
established in the village fund management. Non-
infrastructure development in Kenongomulyo
Village is only limited to empowering the society in
the PKK and village youth only. The village
government and BPD have non-infrastructure
development plans, namely the manufacture and sale
of plate products so that the sale of plate products
can be further.
In the implementation of the Kenongomulyo
Village, a companion is appointed directly from the
district. The implementation of village funds in
accordance with the regulations is accompanied by
the village facilitator who serves as the supervisor
and also the advisor if there are obstacles from the
village government in implementing it.
3.2.3 Village Financial Reporting and
The Kenongomulyo Village Chief carried out his
accountability report to the district head through the
sub-district. This accountability report is carried out
at each stage of disbursement and every single
period runs, each stage must have physical evidence.
This accountability process is important to be carried
out because it functions to assess whether the
planning, implementation, to the end of the reporting
process is in accordance with the applicable rules.
The reporting and accountability carried out by
Kenongomulyo Village are in accordance with
Permendagri No. 113 of 2014. In carrying out its
duties, authority, rights, and obligations in village
financial management, the village head has an
obligation to submit reports. The report is periodic
and semi-annual, which is submitted to the Regent /
Mayor and some are submitted to the BPD.
Accountability is the highest goal of
government financial reporting. Accountability
involves providing financial information to the
public and other users so that it is possible for them
to assess government accountability for all activities
carried out, not just financial activities. Mardiasmo
(2002: 29) states that accountability requires
decision making to behave in accordance with the
mandate received. It is stated that accountability
includes providing financial information to the
public and other users so that it is possible for them
to assess government accountability for all activities
carried out.
In reporting accountability the village head must
also submit a report on his accountability to the
society because accountability to the society is very
important. The Kenongomulyo village chief has
carried out an accountability report to the village
society, but the accountability report to the village
society is only done during the village discussion.
The village government submits its accountability
report to a public figure, heads of RT / RW, BPD,
village devices, PKK and LPM. In the meeting of
the village, all reports on the accountability of
village funds were conveyed by the village
The Kenongomulyo village fund accountability
report is only limited to the time of the village
deliberations, transparency has not yet touched the
general public or overall. Lack of transparency in the
Kenongomulyo village society due to the lack of
socialization regarding village funds. This is due to
the lack of skill in the village government in
socializing village funds. The village government
must be able to socialize the village society with
media that is easily accessible to the village society
regarding village funds, so as not to arouse society
suspicion of the village government.
The lack of transparency regarding the use of
village funds resulted in several societies
complaining about the transparency of village fund
management. Some society does not even know the
allocation of village funds. They only know that
there are a number of funds allocated by the
government to build villages.
Transparency is the government's openness in
making regional financial policies so that they can
be known and monitored by the DPRD and the
community (Mardiasmo, 2002: 30). The issuance of
Law No.22 and 25 of 1999 concerning Public
Information Openness has given rise to a new
paradigm in regional financial management and
regional budgets. In regional financial management,
the new paradigm is a demand for regional financial
management oriented to the public interest (public-
oriented). For this reason, the regional government is
required to be able to make financial statements and
submit financial information transparently to the
public. The importance of transparency is intended
to ensure that everything that is done is in
accordance with existing regulations. To be a good
government, transparency must be done properly
and correctly.
1. The planning process in Kenongomulyo
Village is carried out by involving society
participation in village discussion, this is
done to explore the aspirations of the
society. Village development meetings
were also carried out with BPD,
Chairperson of RT / RW, LPM and a
number of other village officials.
2. In implementing village funds,
Kenongomulyo Village is guided by
Permendagri Number 113 of 2014 as a
form of implementation of the principle of
accountability. Village funds are used for
infrastructure and non-infrastructure
development processes. Infrastructure
development in Kenongomulyo Village in
2016 was prioritized in the agricultural
sector such as the name the construction of
talud, making irrigation channels and road
construction repairs in rice fields.
3. Transparency of accountability reports on
village society has not yet touched the
general public. This is due to the absence of
socialization regarding village funds to the
society as a whole due to the lack of skill in
the village government in socializing.
Village fund accountability according to
society’s understanding is the responsibility
of the village government is the completion
of the planned development.
1. To improve the success of the village fund
program in Kenongomulyo Village, training
is needed for all village governments as the
Village Implementation Team regarding the
village funds. In addition, there must be an
ongoing evaluation to improve the
performance of the village government
regarding technical, administrative and
2. Increasing the socialization of village funds
so that people better understand the use of
Analysis of Village Financial Management: Case Study at Kenongomulyo Village Nguntoronadi Subdistrict Magetan Regency
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