Guidelines for Village Financial Management.
Public Accountability is an obligation for agents as
trustees to account for, present, report and discloses
all kinds of activities to principals as trustees, where
principals certainly have the right and authority to
hold such accountability Mardiasmo (2002) in
Lestari (2014).
A good financial management and reporting
system will support the realization of public
transparency and accountability in order to produce
information that is relevant and easily understood by
stakeholders (Lestari, 2014). With the changes from
the central government regarding the budget for
village assistance, the government issued
Permendagri Regulation No. 113 of 2014 which is
specifically as a guide for village financial
management, besides that the regulation also
controls village financial management, because there
are still many village governments that are misused
by funds village assistance for personal gain.
Research on village financial management
accounting has been carried out several times,
including Firmansyah (2014), examining "Financial
Management in Pulau Lawas Village, Bangkinang
Sub-District across Kampar Regency in 2012". The
results of the study showed that village financial
management in Pulau Lawas Village, Bangkinang
Seberang District in 2012 was unfavorable due to
the lack of maximum management of village
finances due to limited human resource capacity,
lack of supervision from the BPD and lack of
community participation and less supportive
Research on Nisa village funds (2016) on the
"Phenomenology Study of Accountability for
Village Fund Management in Tegalan Village,
Kandat District, Kediri Regency". The results of the
study said that the understanding of the village
government regarding planning was to invite society
representatives in a deliberation program and also
the community's understanding of planning was to
attend the invitation to the meeting. Implementation
is considered as a realization of the plan and the
absorption of all funds in development for one year.
With no funds remaining, it is considered that
village funds have been implemented well. While
accountability is understood by the village
government as the submission of the results of the
activity report to the center through the sub-district
and the society understands the responsibility in the
form of completion of development for one year and
can be enjoyed directly by all levels of society.
2.1 Good Governance
Governance can be interpreted as a way of managing
public affairs. World Bank (in Mardiasmo, 2002: 23)
defines governance as "the way state power is used
in managing economic and social resources for the
development of society". While the United Nation
Development Program (UNDP) defines governance
as "the exercise of political, economic, and
administrative authority to manage a nation's affair
at all levels". In this case, the World Bank places
more emphasis on the way the government manages
social and economic resources for the benefit of
social development, while UNDP places more
emphasis on political, economic and administrative
aspects in the management of the country. Political
governance refers to the policymaking process
(policy/strategy formulation). Economic governance
refers to the decision making process in the
economic field which has implications for the
problem of equity, reducing poverty, and improving
the quality of life. Administrative governance refers
to a system of policy implications.
According to UNDP (in Mardiasmo 2002: 24),
the characteristics of good governance include:
a. Participation, participation is the involvement of
the society in making decisions both directly and
indirectly through representative institutions that
can channel their aspirations.
b. Rule of law, a legal framework that is fair and
carried out indiscriminately.
c. Transparency, transparency is built on the basis
of freedom of information.
d. Responsiveness, public institutions must be fast
and responsive in serving stakeholders.
e. Consensus orientation, oriented to the interests of
the wider society.
f. Equity, every society has the same opportunity to
obtain prosperity and justice.
g. Efficiency and Effectiveness, management of
public resources is carried out in an efficient
(efficient) and effective (effective).
h. Accountability, accountability to the public for
every activity carried out.
i. Strategic vision, government organizers and the
public must have a far-reaching vision.
Of the nine characteristics, there are at least three
things that can be played by public sector
accounting, namely the creation of transparency,
public accountability, and the value of money
(economy, efficiency, and effectiveness).