cell make atrophy of gut villus. Cumulative
effect of intestinal atrophy and broken of tight
junction caused the permeability of membrane
increase and disturb intestinal absorption and lead to
diarrhea (Shankar, 1998).
Patel et al in their meta-analysis found that zinc
supplementation has a modest beneficial association
(9% reduction) with incidence of diarrhea, a stronger
beneficial association (19% reduction) with
prevalence of diarrhoea and occurrence of multiple
diarrheal episodes (28% reduction) (Kalavakuri,
Zinc is usually given as zinc sulphate, zinc
acetate, or zinc gluconate, which are all water-
soluble compounds. The World Health Organization
(WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund
(UNICEF) recommend 10 mg to 20 mg of zinc per
day for children with diarrhoea. There are several
mechanism of action of zinc on acute diarrhoea,
some of which are specific to the gastrointestinal
system: zinc restores mucosal barrier integrity and
enterocyte brush-border enzyme activity, it promotes
the production of antibodies and circulating
lymphocytes against intestinal pathogens, and has a
direct effect on ion channels, acting as a potassium
channel blocker of adenosine 3-5-cyclic
monophosphate-mediated chlorine secretion
(Lazzerini, 2016).
The conclusion of this study are the level serum
of zinc can increase in preventive group (G3) and
therapy group (G4) after receiving oral zinc and
lower in trial control (G2) which did not received
oral zinc in mice with diarrhea induced by LPS
from E. coli.
Our thank you note is given to Mr.Yulianto as a staff
of Centre of Biotechnology Laboratory Among
University (PAU) Gadjah Mada University,
Yogyakarta which has been helpful in doing
research in trial animals and Mr.Munawar, M. App.
Stats. As a Lecturer in Faculty of Mathematics and
Science in Syiah Kuala University who has been
helping analysing the study data in statistics.
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