risk factor for leprosy (Gustam TYP, 2017). A
contact history with a leprosy patient makes it
possible for transmission of M. leprae from an
infected person to a healthy person (Susanti Kurnia
Ningrum, 2016). The closer and longer a person
contacts with leprosy patients, the greater likelihood
of someone suffering from leprosy.
The conclusion based on the results of research is:
There was a correlation between the level of
knowledge and contact history with leprosy pastient
towards leprosy in Bireuen District, Aceh Province.
The suggestions of this research are:
1. Health Institutions such as Health Office are
expected to establish good cooperation between"
health institutions in both Bireuen District and
Aceh Province in improving the eradication of
leprosy. One of the activities that can be carried
out public education in general about leprosy.
2. The community is advised to actively follow the
counseling held by the health agency, especially
counseling about leprosy. People are also called
upon to improve personal hygiene to reduce the
risk of leprosy transmission.
3. Clinicians can provide adequate education to
leprosy patients and families about leprosy to
prevent transmission of widespread disease of
4. Researchers then expected to add other
variables that affect leprosy such as nutritional
status, history of BCG vaccination and
occupancy density.
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