The Correlation between Knowledge and Contact History with
Incidence of Leprosy in Bireuen District, Aceh, Indonesia
Kanna Inne Raisa
, Fitria Salim
and Safarianti
Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University
Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University / Dermatovenerology Department
Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University / Parasitology Department
Keywords:" Leprosy, Knowledge, Contact History
Abstract:" Leprosy is a chronic infectious diseases which has become a public health problem in Indonesia, including
at Bireuen District, Aceh Province. This study used observational analytic with a case control approach in
Bireuen District, Aceh Province. This study aims to analyze the correlation between knowledge about
leprosy, and contact history with leprosy patient with incidence of leprosy. The ratio of case and control was
1:1, with a total sample of 90 consisting of 45 cases and 45 controls. This study used total sampling in case
group and purposive sampling in control group. The data were analized with Mann-Whitney, Chi-square,
and logistic regression test. The logistic regression test results showed that the major constribution of the
transmission of leprosy were knowledge about leprosy (p=0,004; OR=9,699; 95% CI 2,072-45,404), and
contact history with leeprosy patient (p=0,006; OR=36,974; 95% CI 2,844-480,606). In conclusion, there
was a correlation between knowlegde and contact history with leprosy patient towards leprosy in Bireuen
District, Aceh Province.
Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by
Mycobacterium leprae that attacks the skin,
peripheral nerves, upper respiratory mucosa, and
eyes. M. leprae develops slowly with the incubation
is about 5 years. Symptoms can occur within 1 year
and even up to 20 years after incubation (WHO,
According to official reports received from 138
countries from WHO (World Health Organization)
region was 176,176 cases (0.2 cases per 10,000
people) by the end of 2015 and globally reported
211,973 (2.9 new cases per 100,000 people)
(WHO,2017). In 2011, among the 17 countries that
had contribute leprosy patients in the world,
Indonesia as the third country with the highest
prevalence of leprosy patient after India and Brazil
(Ditjen PPM & PL P2 kusta,2012). In 2015 there
were 17,202 new case of leprosy reported in
Indonesia with 84.5% of Multi Basiler (MB) (Health
Ministry of The Republic of Indonesia, 2016).
Based on Indonesia Health Profile 2013, Aceh
Province is one of the provinces that has a high
prevalence of leprosy patients. Aceh was ranked the
9th highest number of leprosy patients in Indonesia
(Health Ministry of The Republic of Indonesia,
2015). Result of Situation Analysis of Leprosy
Eradication Program of Aceh Provincial Health
Office in 2016 shows three districts with highest
prevalence of leprosy in Aceh, which are North
Aceh, Pidie, and Bireuen as the third rank (Health
Office of Aceh Province, 2016).
The number of leprosy patients in Bireuen
District fluctuates every year. In January 2013 until
the end of March 2017 there were 170 cases of
leprosy spread in 16 health centers in Bireuen
District. Three working areas of health center in
Bireuen District with the highest prevalence of
leprosy from January 2013 to March 2017 are
Peusangan Health Center, Jeumpa Health Center,
and Kota Juang Health Center (Health Office of
Bireuen District, 2017).
There are many factors that cause leprosy, such
as age, sex, immunity factor, personal hygiene,
knowledge, economic status, contact history with
leprosy patients, occupancy density, and nutritional
status. Contact history is one factor of leprosy. A
person who had a contact history with a leprosy
patient has twice risk of suffering from leprosy than
someone who did not have a contact history with a
Raisa, K., Salim, F. and Safarianti, .
The Correlation between Knowledge and Contact History with Incidence of Leprosy in Bireuen District, Aceh, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008788301680171
In Proceedings of the 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (SKIC-MHS 2018), pages 168-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-438-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
leprosy patient (Muharry A, 2013). This happened
because of the high intensity of someone" who had
direct contact with leprosy patients, making
transmission of leprosy easier.
The level of knowledge also has an important
correlation of the transmission of leprosy. A person
with low knowledge has 2.464 times greater risk
towards leprosy than a person with good knowledge
(Muharry A, 2013).
Research on factor analysis affecting leprosy in
Aceh, especially in Bireuen District has not been
studied previously. The highest number of leprosy
patients in the working area such as Peusangan,
Jeumpa and Kota Juang Community Health Center
of Bireuen District, made the researcher interested to
analyze the factors affecting leprosy in there. Factors
of knowledge about leprosy and contact history
with leprosy patient have a major contribution to the
transmission of leprosy, so the researchers chose
these factors to be studied the effect on leprosy.
This research used analytic observational
methodology with case control approach. The
research data were collected in Peusangan, Jeumpa
and Kota Juang Community Health Center of
Bireuen District from November to December
2017. The samples in this study were patients who
were treated and lived in the Peusangan, Jeumpa
and Kota Juang Community Health Center Bireuen
District which were grouped into cases and controls.
The number of samples obtained is 45, with a ratio
of 1: 1 then the total number of case and control
samples is 90. In this study, the matching is age and
sex. The primary data consists of data were obtained
through questionnaire guided interview. Statistical
analysis for nominal scale using Chi-square, while
ordinal scale using Mann-Whitney, and multivariate
analysis using logistic regression.
Most leprosy cases were low knowledge as many as
25 respondents (100%). Unlike the control case,
most of them had good knowledge as many as 30
respondents (90.9%). Mann-Whitney test results
showed that there was a correlation between the
level of knowledge with incidence of leprosy (p =
The correlation between knowledge with
incidence of leprosy can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Correlation of Knowledge about leprosy
with Incidence of Leprosy.
The results of this study showed that the
respondents in leprosy case had a contact history
with leprosy patients as many as 25 respondents
(96.2%), while the respondents in control case that
had no contact history with leprosy patients as many
as 44 respondents (68.8% ).
Chi-square test results showed that there was a
significant correlation between the contact history
with leprosy (p = 0.000). The odd ratio (OR) was
55,000, explained that respondents who had a
contact history with leprosy patients are 55 times
more risk to develop leprosy than those who did not
have a contact history with leprosy patients. The
value of OR> 1 which means the contact history
with leprosy pastient is a risk factor for leprosy
(Table 2).
Table 2: Correlation of Contact history with
leprosy patient with incidence of Leprosy.
The Correlation between Knowledge and Contact History with Incidence of Leprosy in Bireuen District, Aceh, Indonesia
The factors were done multivariate analyzed by
logistic regression test. The results of the analysis of
these factors can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3: Test Results of Logistic Regression
95% CI
Based on the final results of logistic regression
test showed that knowledge and contact history with
leprosy patient had a major constribution to the
transmission of leprosy.
3.1 Correlation between Knowledge with
Incidence of Leprosy
The result of logistic regression test showed that
knowledge level was leprosy risk factor (p = 0,004)
with OR = 9,699. A person with low knowledge
about leprosy has higher risk towards leprosy 10
times than someone with good knowledge about
leprosy. The low knowledge about leprosy causes
the ignorance of the transmission of leprosy, which
affects the isolation or alienation of leprosy patients
due to stigma. The respondents with low knowledge
also causes ignorance of the possible consequences
of leprosy if not treated adequately.
Based on field research, 62.2% of respondents do
not know that leprosy is caused by leprosy bacteria,
and 53.3% of respondents believe that leprosy is
caused by God's curse. The results of this study also
found that 85.6% of respondents argue that leprosy
is transmitted through food cooked by leprosy
patients, and as many as 66.7% of respondents stated
that leprosy is a hereditary disease. Most
respondents did not know that leprosy could be
cured with complete and regular medication, and
54.4% of respondents did not know that treatment
could break the chain of leprosy transmission. Low
knowledge about leprosy can lead to late detection
and treatment that can reduce efforts to prevent
transmission of leprosy to people around.
The results of this study are consistent with the
previous research which obtained the result that
there was a significant correlation between
knowledge and leprosy incidence. The level of
knowledge has a significant correlation with leprosy
because the higher knowledge of a person about
leprosy, the better the person's actions in preventing
leprosy (Ramadhani DS, 2013)
The results of this study are also reinforced by
previous studies which indicate that there was a
correlation of knowledge with leprosy (Curnelia IA,
2016). The higher knowledge and ability to think
someone will encourage the individual to make a
healthy lifestyle including disease prevention and
health care behavior (Notoatmodjo, 2003).
Education is an initial capital for the community
to gain knowledge and information. Education has
an important role to the level of knowledge. The
data obtained in this study states that most of the
respondents with primary and junior secondary
education have low knowledge. The higher a
person's level of knowledge, the easier it will be for
the person to receive and understand the information
(Martomijoyo, 2014).
3.2 Correlation between Contact History
with Leprosy Patient with
Incidence of Leprosy
The result of logistic regression test showed that
the contact history with leprosy patient was leprosy
risk factor (p = 0,006) with OR = 36,974. A person
who had a contact history with a leprosy patient has
higher risk towards leprosy up to 37 times than
someone who did not have a contact history with
leprosy patient.
The results of this study are in accordance with
existing theory that the transmission of M. Leprae is
alive and intact out of the body of the patient and
into the body of another person due to the tendency
of frequent and long contact (Ditjen PPM & PL P2
kusta,2012). Contact history has an important role as
a medium of transmission of leprosy. The existence
of family members or relatives who suffer from
leprosy, causes frequent intense closeness in the use
of goods that transmit M. leprae to healthy people.
The frequency of prolonged exposure increases the
high risk of contracting leprosy compared with
people who are rarely in contact with leprosy patient
(Susanti and Azam, 2016).
The result of the research in the field is known
that the case respondents before suffering from
leprosy have a contact history with leprosy patient
for more than 2 years, either with housemate or non
housemate like friends and neighbors. Respondents
who do not suffer from leprosy tend to have no
contact history with leprosy patients.
The results of this study are in accordance with
previous studies showing that there was a significant
correlation between contact history with leprosy
patient towards leprosy (Ramadhani DS, 2013).
Other literature also states that contact history was a
SKIC-MHS 2018 - The 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences
risk factor for leprosy (Gustam TYP, 2017). A
contact history with a leprosy patient makes it
possible for transmission of M. leprae from an
infected person to a healthy person (Susanti Kurnia
Ningrum, 2016). The closer and longer a person
contacts with leprosy patients, the greater likelihood
of someone suffering from leprosy.
The conclusion based on the results of research is:
There was a correlation between the level of
knowledge and contact history with leprosy pastient
towards leprosy in Bireuen District, Aceh Province.
The suggestions of this research are:
1. Health Institutions such as Health Office are
expected to establish good cooperation between"
health institutions in both Bireuen District and
Aceh Province in improving the eradication of
leprosy. One of the activities that can be carried
out public education in general about leprosy.
2. The community is advised to actively follow the
counseling held by the health agency, especially
counseling about leprosy. People are also called
upon to improve personal hygiene to reduce the
risk of leprosy transmission.
3. Clinicians can provide adequate education to
leprosy patients and families about leprosy to
prevent transmission of widespread disease of
4. Researchers then expected to add other
variables that affect leprosy such as nutritional
status, history of BCG vaccination and
occupancy density.
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The Correlation between Knowledge and Contact History with Incidence of Leprosy in Bireuen District, Aceh, Indonesia