Family Support Perceived among Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB)
Patients in Medan, Indonesia
Siti Zahara Nasution
,Reni Asmara Ariga
, Cholina Trisa Siregar
, Muhammad Ridha Haykal Amal
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Prof. Maas Street No. 3 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Law, Universitas Medan Area, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Family support, Pulmonary TB
Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, which can
attack various organs, especially the lungs. This disease if untreated or treatment is incomplete can cause
dangerous complications to death. Family is an important factor in providing support for people with
pulmonary TB. The existence of family support will increase self-confidence and motivation to deal with
problems. The purpose of the study was to identify patients with pulmonary TB in the city of Medan
Indonesia. In this study using a descriptive design with a study population of pulmonary TB patients in the
Medan City of Indonesia and the number of research samples were 250 samples carried out by probability
method with cluster sampling type. Data collection uses a questionnaire. The results of the study found that
family support in emotional, informational, material, and reward aspects were classified as good. This
research is expected to be the initial reference material for conducting further research related to family
support for other patients.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Pulmonary TB) is an
infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium
tuberculosis and commonly found in the lungs but
can affect other organs. About 75% of pulmonary
TB patients are the most economically productive
age group. Being one of the global concerns because
of the high cases of pulmonary TB can have a broad
impact on the quality of life, social and economic
and even threaten human life (Ministry, 2018).
Based on (WHO, 2013), TB prevalence is
estimated at 169 cases per 100,000 population, the
incidence of pulmonary TB is 122 cases per 100,000
population and the mortality rate is 13 cases per
100,000 population. Then the cure rate reached a
target of 83.7% (minimum target of 85%) and the
treatment success rate in 2013 reached a target of
90.3% (minimum target of 85%), from these data
making Indonesia the 4th most country after India,
China and South Africa.
Data from (Benerjee et al., 2016) contained
197,000 new cases of positive smear pulmonary TB,
namely 117,000 men and 80,000 women. Then the
data of Riau Provincial Health Office in 2012 the
number of Pulmonary TB patients in Riau Province
is still high compared to Java-Bali, which is only
160 people out of 100 thousand. Positive patients
with pulmonary TB in Riau Province were 2,968
people from 5,538,367 residents of Riau Province.
Targeted discovery coverage is 70%, the rate of
discovery of pulmonary TB patients in new cases
with Acid Resistant Basil (BTA) is positive, Case
Detection Rate (CDR) for 2011 is 2,880 cases
(33.9%) increased compared to 2010 (26, 6% of the
cases of 2,205) and in 2007 of 2,003 cases (21.8%)
(Pekanbaru, 2012). The number of Pulmonary TB
patients in Sidomulyo Public Health Center with 59
cases of Pulmonary TB, with 39 smear positive
smear, negative smear with 15 positive x-rays, 1
extra lung (EP) 1 person and 4 patients who relapsed
soul. Sidomulyo Health Center is one of the health
centres in Pekanbaru that uses the DOTS strategy
(Directly Observed Treatment, Short course
Chemotherapy) in tackling Pulmonary TB and is an
exemplary Community Health Centre throughout
the City of Pekanbaru in 2011 (Brittain, et al., 2012).
Phenomenon found in Sidomulyo Public Health
Center in 2012 is the percentage proportion of
pulmonary TB cure rate has only reached 33 people
(84.61%) of 39 pulmonary TB patients have not
reached the target of treatment success, the
minimum recovery that must be achieved by the
Nasution, S., Ariga, R., Siregar, C. and Amal, M.
Family Support Perceived among Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Patients in Medan, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008788701880195
In Proceedings of the 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (SKIC-MHS 2018), pages 188-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-438-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Community Health Center is > 85 % (Celik &
Yunus, 2014).
Community Lung Health Centers (BKPM) are
one of the health agencies that use the DOTS
strategy in tackling pulmonary TB. Based on data
from BKPM Semarang, data in 2011 showed that the
number of smear-positive TB patients was 550
people, 37 of them (6.7%) was relapsed patients, and
in 2012 the number of smear-positive TB patients
were 641 people, 39 of them (6.08%) were relapse
patient (Brittain et al., 2012). In 2016, in Medan the
number of new BTA + cases were 2,829 cases,
compared to the new BTA + cases found in 2015 as
many as 3,111 cases and in 2014 there were 3,047
cases, the number of cases decreased.
This is due to the increasing TB health services
carried out by the Medan City Health Office and
also through cross-sector programs that care about
the incidence of TB in Medan City. According to
gender in 2016, cases of BTA + in men were higher
than in the case of BTA + women. Gender plays a
role in determining whether a person is more
susceptible to TB or not. The number of male
sufferers is more likely due to mobility and higher
activity than women. Moreover, smoking habits
have a significant effect on the increased risk of
developing TB. With these factors, men are believed
to be more susceptible to exposure to TB-causing
bacteria, while women and children who also
contribute to the high number of those who are
included in the vulnerable lifestyle are also those
who are closely related to tuberculosis sufferers.
Factors that influence the risk of transmission
Pulmonary tuberculosis are those who have close
contact with someone who has active pulmonary
tuberculosis, immunosuppressive individuals
(including the elderly, patients with cancer, those on
corticosteroid therapy or those who are infected with
HIV), users of IV drugs and alcoholics, individuals
who have pre-existing medical disorders, age and
sex, malnutrition or lack of calories, protein,
vitamins, iron and others that will affect a person's
immune system so that they are susceptible to
pulmonary tuberculosis, individuals who living in
institutions (for example: long-term care facilities,
psychiatric institutions, prisons, those who live in
dense housing, slums and poor sanitation.
Family support is the most important factor in
helping individuals solve problems, family support
will increase self-confidence and motivation to deal
with problems and improve life satisfaction.
In this case, the family must be involved in
educational programs so that families can meet the
needs of patients, knowing when families should
seek help and support adherence to treatment.
Factors that affect the health of both individuals,
groups and communities are grouped into 4, namely:
environment (including physical, social, cultural,
political, economic, and so on), behaviour, health
services, and offspring. These four factors in
influencing health do not stand alone, but each
affects each other. Environmental factors other than
directly affecting health also affect behaviour, and
reverse behaviour also affects the environment.
The source of transmission is a positive smear
tuberculosis patient when coughing or sneezing, the
patient spreads germs to the air in the form of
droplets (sputum). Some factors that cause the
spread of the disease are bad habits of pulmonary
tuberculosis patients who spit carelessly. Family
support for the elderly who have pulmonary TB
disease is very important, the family can be a very
influential factor in determining individual health
beliefs and values. From Stuart and Sundeen
(Tamher, 2009), that family support is the most
important element in helping individuals solve
problems. The existence of family support will
increase self-confidence and motivation to deal with
problems. Therefore it can be concluded that family
is an important factor in providing support for
routine pulmonary TB patients in their treatment.
This study used a descriptive research design, which
is a simple description of the phenomenon of
pulmonary TB patients in Medan Indonesia. This
study uses a measuring instrument in the form of a
questionnaire. This study aims to identify patients
with pulmonary TB in Medan, Indonesia. Research
sampling technique with Probability technique.
Sampling in the study using Cluster Sampling
technique. This study was conducted on the elderly
population suffering from pulmonary TB in Medan,
Indonesia. The number of samples was 250 samples.
Table 1: Characteristic Frequency Distribution in
Patients with Pulmonary TB in Medan City,
Family Support Perceived among Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Patients in Medan, Indonesia
Batak Toba
Batak Karo
Secondary School
High School
From the table above, the results of demographic
data were the majority of male sex as many as 163
respondents (65.2%). The majority of respondents
were Islam, namely 211 respondents (84.4%). Most
tribes are the Mandailing tribe, which were 108
respondents (43.2%). Then the final education of the
average respondent in this study was secondary
school, as many as 101 respondents (40.4%).
Table 2. Distribution of Frequency of Family
Support for Pulmonary TB Patients in Medan,
Family Support
From the table above, the results of the frequency
distribution of family support for pulmonary TB
patients in Medan, Indonesia are good as many as
157 respondents (62.8%).
Table3. Frequency Distribution of Emotional Family
Support in Pulmonary TB Patients in Medan City
Family Support
From the table above, we found the results of the
frequency distribution of emotional family support
for pulmonary TB patients in the city of Medan,
namely as many as 198 respondents (79.2%).
Table 4. Distribution of Frequency of Informational
Family Support in Pulmonary TB Patients in Medan
Family support
From the table above, we get the results of the
frequency distribution of informational family
support for pulmonary TB patients in the city of
Medan, that is as good as 142 respondents (56.8%).
Table 5. Frequency Distribution Family Support
Award for Pulmonary TB Patients in Medan City
Family Support
From the table above, the results of this study were
related to the frequency distribution data of family
support awards for pulmonary TB patients in
Medan, namely 126 respondents (50.4%).
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which can attack
various organs, especially the lungs. If this disease is
not treated completely can cause dangerous
complications even cause death. TB is estimated has
been existed in the world since 5000 BC, but the
progress in the discovery and control of TB has only
occurred in the last two centuries. The main
symptoms of pulmonary TB are a cough with
phlegm for two weeks or more, additional symptoms
of sputum mixed with blood (coughing up blood),
shortness of breath, weakness, malaise, decreased
appetite, weight loss, dry at night without physical
activity, fever more than one month. In extra-
pulmonary TB, symptoms, and complaints depend
on the affected organ, such as neck stiffness on
tuberculous meningitis, chest pain in pleural TB
(pleuritic), superficial lymph node enlargement in
tuberculous lymphadenitis and spinal deformity
(gibbous) in tuberculous spondylitis and others -
SKIC-MHS 2018 - The 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences
Tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
TB transmission method.
a. The source of transmission is a positive smear
TB patients through sputum released.
However, that does not mean that TB patients
with negative smear examination results do not
contain germs in their sputum. This could have
happened because the number of germs
contained in the test sample was 5.000 out of
5,000 sputum/cc so that it was difficult to
detect through direct microscopic examination.
b. TB patients with negative smear also still have
the possibility of transmitting TB. The rate of
transmission of positive smear TB patients was
65%, negative smear TB patients with positive
culture results were 26% while TB patients
with negative culture results and positive
thorax photos were 17%.
c. The infection will occur if other people breathe
air containing the infectious sputum.
d. When coughing or sneezing, patients spread
germs into the air in the form of sputum
(droplet nuclei). Once a cough can produce
about 3000 sputum (Dinas, 216).
Risk of transmission
a. The risk of contracting depends on the level of
exposure with sputum.
Pulmonary TB patients with positive smear
give a risk possibility
Transmission is greater than pulmonary TB
patients with a negative smear.
b. The risk of transmission every year is indicated
by the Annual Risk of Tuberculosis Infection
(ARTI), which is the proportion of the
population at risk of TB infection for one year.
ARTI is 1%, meaning that 10 (ten) people out
of 1000 people are infected every year.
c. ARTI in Indonesia varies between 1-3%.
d. TB infection is proven by the change in the
negative tuberculin reaction to positive
(Gleeson et al., 2016).
Conditions in the home environment can show that
the average home condition of research subjects has
not met the requirements of a healthy home and is
very risky for the occurrence of pulmonary
tuberculosis, because based on the results of
observations or measurements it is known that the
condition of some research subjects' homes is in
risky conditions, because:
a. Some of the residential densities of research
subjects did not meet the requirements.
b. The average room temperature is 32.11 0C so it
is said to not meet the requirements of a
healthy home, this is because research subjects
rarely open the windows of the house every
day, and some tiles do not use glass tiles, so
that sunlight does not enter the house.
c. The average lighting is 21.7 lux, so it is said
that it does not meet the requirements of a
healthy home, it is affected because the
research subjects do not open the house
window every day, and the location of the vent
is not strategic so that sunlight cannot enter the
house (Li & Ke, 2017).
There are several tips to help maintain and prevent
TB disease to friends and family from germ
infections: Stay at home. Don't go to work or school
or sleep in a room with someone else for the first
few weeks of treatment for active TB
a. Ventilate the room. TB germs spread more
easily in small enclosed spaces where the air is
not moving.
b. If the room ventilation is still lacking, open the
window and use a fan to blow air in the room
c. Shut up using a mask. Use a mask to cover
your mouth at any time, this is a step to prevent
TB effectively. Do not forget to remove masks
d. Spit should be in a certain place that has been
given disinfectant (soapy water).
e. BCG immunization is given to infants aged 3-
14 months.
f. Avoid cold air.
g. Try sunlight and fresh air to enter enough into
the bed.
h. Drying mattresses, pillows, and beds especially
in the morning.
i. All items used by the patient must be separated
as well as washing and should not be used by
j. Foods must be high in carbohydrates and high
in protein.
Family support
a. Family Definition
The family is an association of two or more
individuals who are bound by blood relations,
marriage, or adoption, and each family member
always interacts with each other.
b. Family support
Family support is the attitude, actions, and
acceptance of the family towards the family
members who are supportive always ready to
Family Support Perceived among Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Patients in Medan, Indonesia
give help and assistance if needed. In this case,
the family support recipient will know that there
are other people who pay attention, respect and
love him
c. Form family support
families have several types of support, namely:
1. Instrumental support namely the family is a
source of practical and concrete help.
2. Information support is the family functions as
a collector and disseminator (the cause of
3. Assessment support is the family acting as
feedback, guiding and mediating problem-
solving and as a source and validator of
family identity.
4. Emotional support is as a safe and peaceful
place for rest and recovery and helps
mastery of emotions.
5. Financial support, financial stress usually
affects the family system and results in the
destruction of the family.
6. Spiritual support, in fact, trust in God and
prayer are identified by the family as the
most important cam for the family to
overcome a thing (American, 2017).
Family role
The role of the family describes a set of
interpersonal behaviour, traits, activities related to
individuals in certain positions and situations. The
role of individuals in the family is based on the
expectations and patterns of behaviour of families,
groups, and communities. One of the roles of the
family is to form other family members while facing
health problems.
Family Function.
In a family there are several family functions that
can be run, namely:
a. Biological function is a function to carry on
offspring, nurture, and raise children, and fulfil
family nutrition needs.
b. The psychological function is to provide love
and a sense of security for the family, giving
attention to the family, giving maturity to the
personality of family members, and giving
identity to the family
c. The function of socialization is to foster
socialization with children, establish
behavioural norms according to their respective
levels of development and carry on cultural
d. The function of socialization is a function that
develops the process of interaction in the
family that starts from birth and the family is
an individual place to learn to socialize
e. The economic function is to look for sources of
income to meet current family needs and save
to meet the needs of the family in the future
f. The economic function is a family function to
meet the needs of all family members including
clothing, food, and shelter
g. The function of education is to send children to
provide knowledge, skills, shape children's
behaviour in accordance with their talents and
interests, prepare children for an adult life that
will come in fulfilling their role as adults and
educating children according to their level of
development (David, 2008).
Family support, emotional support, informational
support, and appreciation support:
1. Family support for patients with pulmonary TB
in Medan City, Indonesia. In this study, it was
found that family support for pulmonary TB
patients was good (62.8%). Family support is
an encouragement, motivation, encouragement,
and advice that comes from family members in
the home that build one's character. Family
support can be obtained through verbal or
nonverbal. The majority of the sexes in this
study were men where men usually became
leaders in a family, so when they fell ill they
were very much cared for by the family. Family
support is also influenced by economic and
social and environmental factors. Family
support is very important when a person is
affected by illness because family support
provided can prevent the development of
problems due to the pressure faced. Family
support plays an important role in making good
interpersonal relationships. In TB patients
require iron supplementation to prevent
anaemia, in general, TB patients suffer from
anaemia (Dolan et al., 2006). Perceived
benefits, perceived barriers and family support
related to adherence to iron supplementation;
thus, developing a good perception and family
support must be promoted well. Patients with
pulmonary TB experience stress during the
treatment process, therefore pulmonary TB
sufferers need more support from the family in
the form of social support, family competence,
and adequate family resources (Sangian et al.,
2017). Social support, family competency, and
family resource adequacy have a direct effect
on parenting stress in the family and, the
adequacy of family resources mediates and
moderates the influence of social support and
family competencies in parenting stress.
SKIC-MHS 2018 - The 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences
2. Emotional family support for pulmonary TB
sufferers in this study, it was found that
emotional family support in pulmonary TB
patients was good (79.2%). Emotional family
support is the presence of emotions, feelings in
providing support to families such as giving
praise, strengthening families who are
experiencing problems such as illness or
accident. Emotional support includes
expressions of empathy, care and attention of
the people concerned to family members who
experience health problems such as feedback
and affirmation from family members.
Emotional family support serves as a place to
restore feelings and help in mastering emotions.
In the study of good emotional family support
supported by the respondent's family related to
pulmonary TB sufferers due to good family
relationships and also the good support given
by the family in the family. Family support
related to health problems is proven to increase
satisfaction for sufferers in aspects of provider
decisions and compliance during the treatment
process (Sianturi, 2014). Based on the results of
the study, practitioners must regularly assess
family support and CRC beliefs with African-
American patients. This can increase
satisfaction sharing patient-provider decisions
and compliance with CRC screening among
African American patients. In patients with TB
often need moral support from the family
because TB patients experience routine
treatment for 6 months accompanied by
medication side effects (Sumantra, 2017). In
Studies 1a and 1b, we find that individuals who
engage in prior moral actions provide less
family support than those who were not
involved in previous moral actions. In Study 2,
we found that the indirect effects of engaging in
previous moral actions on providing family
support as mediated by individual
counterfactual thinking were observed only
when situational severity was low (Triharini et
al., 2018). There is a connection between
Family Emotional Support and Self-Acceptance
in the Elderly in the village of Watutumou III.
Based on data obtained through research on 60
respondents showed that respondents who had
good family emotional support amounted to 33
respondents with a percentage of 55%.
3. Informational family support for pulmonary TB
sufferers in Medan, Indonesia
In this study, the results of informational family
support in pulmonary TB patients were good
(56.8%). Informational family support in the
form of families always provides information
related to something either about health or
other general matters. In the family exchanging
information is very important and reasonable to
do because then the communication between
family members can run well so that the
relationship between family members is also
good. Therefore, it will affect when there is one
family member who is sick or afflicted by a
disaster, the other family members will care
about the family members who are affected by
the disease or the disaster. Informational family
support is a collection of advice, advice,
guidance and providing information that is
useful to suppress stressors. Although in this
study the majority of respondents' last
education was a junior high school the
respondents had good family support and good
family communication so that the informational
family support could be well established.
Information support from families related to the
compliance of pulmonary TB patients in
consuming drugs that must be consumed
routinely by pulmonary TB sufferers for 6
months (Sumantra et al., 2017). Good family
informative support with medication adherence
in elderly hypertension as many as 29
respondents (72.5%). Informative family
support that is the Family functions as a
collector and disseminator of information on
the emergence of a stressor because the
information provided can contribute to
suggestions that are specific to individuals. The
aspects of this support are advice, suggestions,
instructions and information.
4. Family support Material for pulmonary TB
sufferers in Medan City, Indonesia
In this study, the results of maternal family
support in pulmonary TB patients were good
(60.8%). Material family support can be in the
form of providing facilities for families such as
when the family is sick and will be taken to the
nearest health service. In this study, a family
support obtained from respondents is therefore
good for material family support, where
families are very sensitive and help each other
and meet the needs of other family members
when other family members are affected or ill.
Family support in the form of competency-
based education and training support in the
form of the use of more modern technology can
make it easier to connect and get patients even
non-family members (Behera, 2010). The use
of digital technology has revolutionized and
shaped the modern world. The use of cellular-
based applications can help parents to develop
their knowledge and beliefs. Cameras and
videos can help parents to keep in touch with
vulnerable babies even when they are not next
Family Support Perceived among Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Patients in Medan, Indonesia
to their loved ones. Family economic status can
increase the family support provided by
families to TB sufferers (Nasution, 2007).
Researchers described that living with
biological parents, parents' level of education,
high family income levels and having a
disabled sibling increased the perceived family
support score. Therefore, it is estimated that
supporting and strengthening these individuals
in terms of these characteristics can increase
the level of perceived family support.
5. Family support Award for pulmonary TB
sufferers in Medan City, Indonesia
In this study, the results of family support were
obtained in the form of rewards for pulmonary
TB patients, namely good (50.4%). Where
family support can be in the form of praise,
reward, and encouragement. Family support
awards can act as feedback guidance, guide and
influence problem-solving. This support can be
realized through expressions of respect or
providing positive reinforcement for the family.
Award support is generally given by the family
in the form of attitudes and attention. In this
study, the majority of respondent religions are
Islam, where in Islam itself it is recommended
to strengthen and help one another when one of
the other Muslims is facing a problem.
The results of this study found that family support in
emotional, informational, material, and reward
aspects was classified as good. Whereas a whole the
family plays a role in supporting during the healing
and recovery process of the patient. Most families in
Medan, Indonesia have good family support this is
allegedly due to the relationship of a family caring
very much about each other.
The author would like to thank the Ministry of
Research and Technology Higher Education of the
Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Runtung, SH,
M.Hum as the Rector of the University of Sumatra
Utara, Drs. Mahyuddin K. M. Nasution, M.I.T.,
Ph.D. as Vice Rector III of North Sumatra
University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dr. Erman Munir, M.Sc as
Chairman of Research Institute of the University of
North Sumatra. This research is financed by
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