about criteria for withdrawal or withholding life
support for patient with terminal stage condition set
by Director of the hospital. Decision for termination
or limitation of life support to patient do by medical
team who handling the patient after consult with a
appointed doctor by medical committee or ethical
and legal committee. Planning to termination or
limitation of life support (withdrawal or withholding
life support) must informed and earn approval from
family or representing patient.
The life support treatment that can be stopped or
postponed only actions of an extra-ordinary
treatment such as hospitalized in Intensive Care
Unit, resuscitation cardiac pulmonary, control
dysrhythmias, intubation tracheal, mechanical
ventilation, drug vasoactive, parenteral nutrition,
organ artificial, transplant, blood transfusion,
monitoring invasive, and the provision of antibiotics
and other actions set out in the standard of medical
services. The life support treatment is not could
stopped or postponed covers oxygen, enteral and
nutrition fluid crystalloid because it ordinary
treatment (Republic of Indonesia, 2014). Based on
regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 290 year 2008 chapter 4 article
16 on approval action medical on special situation,
that is action withdrawing or withholding life
support on a patient must got it approval family
nearest patient. Based on chapter 5 article 18 of this
regulation, on denial or refusal a medical treatment
and medical intervention that is could do by patient
and or family nearby after they received an
explanation about medical treatment to be do.
Ugliness patient condition to be worst that is
ends with dead. Determination of death based on
regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia number 37 of 2014 can be do with use
criteria of death diagnosis in clinical or conventional
or diagnostic for brainstem death criteria. Based on
article 8-13 of this regulation about criteria of death
diagnosis both clinical or conventional as it is
intended in Article 7 is based on has entirely and
permanently cessation of circulation and respiration.
Determination citeria of brainstem death only could
do by team a doctor composed of 3 (three)
competent physicians, in Aceh ussually do by
anaesthesiologist, neurologist, neuro surgeon,
intensivist and medico-legist as representative of
medical committee and the diagnosis brainstem
death may be or must made in the Intensive Care
Unit and examination conducted must corresponding
with procedure and requirement for determine the
death diagnose of brainstem. Based on article 13,
after brainstem occured, then all the life support
therapy must soon stopped. The palliative care team
has medical priviledge was given by the Chairman
of the hospital, including when home care patients.
Basically acts of a medicine must be done by
medical personnel, but by consideration to patient
safety, a medical treatment can be delegated to non-
medical skillized personnel.
Based on the decree of Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia Number: 812 / Menkes / SK /
VII / 2007 on palliative care policy, the scope of
activities of palliative care as follows: pain
management, other physical complaints, nursing
care, psychological support,social support, cultural
support and spiritual as well as preparation to end of
The large number of patients suffering from terminal
illnesses and medical therapies has been in futile,
demanding hospitals to provide a special treatment
called palliative care. The goal of palliative care is to
improve the quality of life of patients and families in
dealing with life-threatening problems without
providing extraordinary medical therapy. Prior to
palliative care should first consider some aspects of
the medical humanities, ethics and legal among
others: spirituality and religiosity, the patient's
condition, principles base of ethics, clinical ethics,
informed consent, advanced directives, do not
resuscitation (DNR) and withholding and
withdrawing life support.
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