levels. The Spearman Correlation test results obtained p =
0,000 (α <0.05) with correlation coefficient value (r =
0.31). The result is in line with research by Medika 2015
in Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital. It was obtained there
were 20 people (54,1%) with abnormal abdominal
circumference and high LDL level (p = 0,02) which mean
there is difference of proportion of high LDL level
between abnormal abdominal abdominal respondent with
high LDL level with OR = 2, 64, meaning people with
abnormal abdominal circumference has a 2.64 chance of
having high LDL levels compared to respondents with
normal abdominal circumference (Prasetya M 2015).
The direct effects of excessive fat in the abdomen,
causing a person to have central obesity (Ayu IG 2007).
High intake of saturated fat diet also increase plasma
cholesterol levels with an increase about 15% -25%. This
is because there is a fat deposit in the liver which then
causing the increase of acetyl-koA in the liver to produce
cholesterol (Guyton A 2007). The high levels of LDL
cholesterol in the blood can cause the lack of antioxidants
in the blood vessels so that endothelias are more
susceptible to have endothelial injury that can cause
atherosclerosis in CHD patients (Sudoyo A 2009).
The Nutritional status of CHD patients in the Polyclinic of
Cardiology in RSUDZA Banda Aceh are more
predominantly patients with obese I (45.7%). CHD
patients in Polyclinic of Cardiology in RSUDZA Banda
Aceh are more dominant had central obesity (96.5%).
LDL cholesterol levels of CHD patients were more
dominantly high (88.6%). There is a relationship between
nutritional status and central obesity with LDL cholesterol
levels in CHD patients in Polyclinic of Cardiology in
RSUDZA Banda Aceh.
For related institutions, better to always measuring
abdominal circumference to patients on a regular basis in
order to evaluate LDL cholesterol levels of CHD patients.
For other researchers, it is expected to conduct further
research on other factors that affect LDL cholesterol levels
that also have a high risk for CHD and aggravate CHD
with a larger number of respondents.
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