bacteria and acting as a beneficial agent for the
balance of intestinal flora (Pawar RR et al, 2012).
In 2000, Dhiman et al. conducted a study by
administering lactulose for 3 months in subclinical
patients with hepatic encephalopathy. After that,
they performed NCT examination, FCT, block
design and picture assembly. And later, they found
some improvements in psychometric tests and
minimal hepatic encephalopathy.
In 2014, Shavakhi et al. administered probiotics
and lactulose to liver cirrhosis patients with mild
hepatic encephalopathy for 2 weeks and 8 weeks
follow-up. They found that lactulose and probiotics
were effective for minimal improvement of hepatic
encephalopathy. In comparison, probiotics are
superior to lactulose in improving hepatic
This study had several limitations. Firstly, the
number of samples was relatively small thus there
can be a bias in processing. Secondly, the
examination of hepatic encephalopathy only used
West Haven criteria, so we cannot assess the
changes in the degree of mild hepatic
encephalopathy to non-hepatic encephalopathy
which can be confirmed by a more accurate
examination such as Critical Flicker Frequency
(CFF). Thirdly, the limited time for the research
made us unable to observe the long term side effect
of lactulose and probiotics administration.
Administering lactulose, probiotics and a
combination of both probiotics and lactulose have
the same effectiveness in reducing ammonia levels
in the blood, as well as decreasing HE degree from
severe to mild degree.
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Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. 677-80.