Figure 1 Graph of average decrease in blood
glucose level of the sample animals
In this study, the blood glucose level of the fasting
mice ranged between 82.4-86.2 mg/dl. This shows
that all mice had normal fasting blood glucose
levels. After 10% glucose was inducted, there was a
125% increase in mice’s blood glucose level. This
situation indicates that the induction of glucose had
successfully made all mice experiencing the
hyperglycemic conditions. Proven that all mice have
hyperglycemic condition, the intervention was done
by giving metformin, pare extract with dose 100
mg/kgBB, 200 mg/kgBB, and 400 mg/kgBB.
In the first 30 minutes after the intervention by
pare extract at minute 65, a significant decrease was
found in blood glucose levels in the group with
200mg/KgBB of pare extract. This was a significant
reduction compared to not only the negative control
group, but also with the standard treatment group,
i.e. metformin. This suggests that among all the
doses tested, the dose of 200mg/kg (P = 0.016) has
the most rapid effect in lowering blood glucose
levels, as compared with metformin.
After 60 minutes intervention of pare extract at
minute 95, there was a significant difference of
blood glucose level in metformin group, 200
mg/KgBB and 400mg/KgBB of pare extract
compared to the negative control group. However,
there was no significant difference among the three
groups, which indicates that the three groups had the
same capacity to lower blood glucose levels.
In the 125
minute, there was a significant
difference between P2 (100mg/kgBW) and
metformin (p = 0.009), but the potential was not as
big as metformin P3 (200mg / kgBB) and P4
(400mg / kgBW) (p = 0.000 ).
In the 155
minute, blood glucose levels
decreased in all treatment groups and metformin was
the lowest, but the difference was not significant
with P3 (200mg/kgBB) and P4 (400mg/kgBW), so it
was considered the same.
The Duncan test results also showed the average
decreased of blood glucose levels, the negative
control group was the smallest and not statistically
significant. This is because the aquadest given to this
group have no effect on the decrease of blood
glucose. Changes in blood glucose levels that occur
in the negative control group tended to be result of
the body's physiological response to the increased
glucose intake. After the glucose was given, the
glucose levels will increase initially but will return
to normal within 2 hours (Price, 2006).
Momordica charantia L extract given to the
sample animals decrease their blood glucose level,
i.e. male mice (Rattus norvegicus) induced by
glucose compared to the negative control. The
decrease in blood glucose levels in sample animals
was due to the active compounds that contribute to
decreased blood glucose levels in pare extract, they
are alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and charantin.
Charantin works by activating AMP-activated
protein kinase (AMPK) which increases the
synthesis of glycogen and also increases the glucose
uptake in liver and muscle cells (Bagchi, 2012).
Alkaloids lowers blood glucose by inhibiting the
glucose absorption in the intestine, increasing
glucose transport in blood, stimulating glycogen
synthesis and inhibiting glucose synthesis by
inhibiting glucose 6-phosphatase enzyme, 1.6-
bisphosphatase fructose, and increasing glucose
oxidation through 6-phosphate glucose. The 6-
phosphatase glucose and 1,6-biphosphatase fructose
are enzymes that play a role in gluconeogenesis.
Inhibition of these two will decrease glucose
formation from substrates other than carbohydrates
(Tachibana, 2001).
Saponins works in the same way as the class of
α-glucosidase enzyme inhibitors to prevent the
absorption of glucose, so that the amount of
monosaccharides absorbed by the intestine
decreases. Saponin compounds that act as
antihyperglycemia is triterpene saponins, which
prevents the glucose transport to the small intestine
which is a place for glucose absorption; therefore
preventing the rise of glucose level in blood
(Mohammady Elatar, 2012).
Another compound in Momordica charantia L
that plays a role in lowering the blood glucose level
is flavonoids. Flavonoids have the hypoglycemic
effects with several mechanisms, i.e. by inhibiting
the glucose absorption, increasing glucose tolerance,
acting like insulin, increasing the glucose uptake by
peripheral tissues and regulating enzymes that play a
role in carbohydrate metabolism (Brachmachari,
From the above description, it can be seen that
Momordica charantia L has active substances that
potentially act as anti-hyperglycemia. However, in
this study we did not isolate each of the active