because in one room there were several patients,
patients in general patients revealed that they felt
they had more hope after hearing the experiences of
other patients who had the same cancer and
managed to survive and live their daily lives well.
So all of them was eager to be optimistic about
undergoing treatment because the group gave a real
picture of the success of cancer treatment( Suryani ,
All patients in this study were married and the
observations of the researchers, the majority of
patients were accompanied by their families at the
time of treatment. Breast cancer patients needed
support while chemotherapy it can decreasing stress
Keliat (1999) and can be improve the ability of
patients to resolve stress (Saragih, 2010). Family
support is taking patients to treatment, reminding
them that chemotherapy is not too late, reminding
them to take drugs, and keeping other family
members if they seek treatment (Rochmawati's
Therefore, patients have a strong desire to
recover because of their love and affection for their
children so they can always be together and
accompany their children and make children as
motivation to recover. ( Aini, 2015)
In addition to being married, the majority of
patients also have more than 50 years of age as
much as 41.4%, optimism of healing is also
influenced by the age of marriage (Wardiyah ,
The length of marriage affects breast cancer
patients in interpreting the meaning of marriage, for
newly married patients, sexual needs are still a
priority in relationships with partners. Different
things happen to patients who have been married for
a long time, they interpret marriage as a bond of
love, mutual ownership, respect, and mutual care for
each other. The patient has entered the stage of
emotional maturity, closeness to God and is ready to
face death. This is consistent with the results of a
study showing that no patients experience stress
above the age of 55 years.Someone who is able to
recognize and manage stress appropriately is the
character of someone who has good resilience.
Resilience is the ability of individuals to face,
overcome, strengthen themselves, and continue to
make changes in connection with the exam
experienced (Grotberg 1999, in Listianty, 2012).
Resilience refers to the positive side of a person who
distinguishes them from others when experiencing
stress (Campbell, 2009 in Min, 2012). Good
resilience means not only having a high tolerance for
stress but also understanding ways to overcome the
causes and symptoms of stress. This can be seen
from someone whose resilience is well aware when
experiencing failure but can see it as an opportunity
to move forward and accept that failure as part of
life (Nisa, 2013). Therefore, resilience is negatively
related to stress levels (Norman, 2001) and good
resilience is associated with good quality of life and
low stress levels so that resilience can help a person
reduce psychological burden (Cohen, 2014 in Li,
2016). Besides that good resilience is also associated
with good coping (Davidson, 2005 in Min, 2012).
The form of resilience that is used in cancer
patients is to motivate themselves, to convince
themselves that all this can certainly be passed, start
looking for friends as much as possible, often
refreshing with friends (Nisa, 2013). Optimism,
responsibility, ability to cope with stress and
anxiety, focusing on problem solving are elements
that contribute to improving one's resilience (Herth,
1992; Snyder et al., 1991 in Molina, 2016). In
addition, spirituality is also expected to improve
one's resilience (Min, 2012).
The results showed 58.5% of patients did not
experience anxiety and 41.5% experienced anxiety.
The perceived anxiety can cause anger which is
manifested by insult, or blame the nurse for the
situation and health services he receives (Keliat
1996). However, Tiolena's (2009) study stated that
all breast cancer patients stated that the treatment
facilities at Adam Malik General Hospital Medan
were more complete than the previous treatment
facilities and all patients believed that health
workers could treat the disease and cure the disease
because the attitudes of health workers were
considered good by patient. This is consistent with
the results of the study showing that the majority of
patients are not anxious.
In addition to obtaining family support according
to Suddarth (2002) anxiety can be lost when the
patient knows the side effects of treatment and a way
out of the problem at hand. This is consistent with
the results of research showing that patients with no
tertiary education have experienced severe anxiety.
It's different with those who have elementary,
middle and high school education having very
severe anxiety. This is supported by Tiolena (2009)
stating that breast cancer patients do not have
knowledge about the disease and even find out BSE
(breast self examination) when told by health
Besides having knowledge, patients also have
experience in chemotherapy. The majority of
patients in this study were undergoing chemotherapy
4-6 times. According to Utami (2013) there is an