belief in such things as: nature, science, religion or
higher power that helps people achieve goals of life.
It covers morals, values and ethics of a person.
Therapy which can be done is the therapy of
motivating children to conduct spiritual activities.
Spiritual activities undertaken are to motivate
children to perform religious activities, improve the
relationship with themselves, other people and the
environment. Children are encouraged to
improvedoing religious activities such as prayer or
other religious activities. Based on previous
research, a lot of spiritual activities are doneby
people. One of them is meditation which can lessen
the the individual’s anger. Meditation is one therapy
conducted in the Anger Management Program which
aims to train individuals to control and overcome the
upset experienced (Borland, 1981). Beside
meditation, spiritual activity others can be taught is
by praying and sholat.
Religious activities such as praying and sholat
prayer, is a positive activity that can raise
expectations and a positive impact and improve the
healing process in individuals (Gore, 2013). Results
of previous studies have also shown that prayer is
one of the coping mechanisms which are often used.
It is usually effective because praying makes a
person uncomfortable, getting directions or
guidelines as well as to strengthen the powers of the
individual (Gore, 2013).
Schools are advised to apply method of
aggressiveness handling in schools throughSchool
Health Program and also train the tutors such as
teachers and family, especially mothers so that they
are able to conduct this handling method
independently at home and school.
Aggressive behavior is considered as a type of
behavior aiming to hurt other people, verbally or
non-verbally, physically or psychologically and
directly or indirectly (Anantasari, 2006). Baron (in
Dayakisni & Hudaniah, 2009) states that
aggressiveness is individual’s behavioraiming to
hurt or harm other individuals do not wish the
behavior to exist. This definition covers four
behavior factors, namely aiming to hurt or harm, the
individual becoming the suspect, the individual
becoming the victim and victim’s unwillingnessin
accepting the suspect’s behavior.
Betty Neuman (inMarriner-Tomey, 1994) sees
human (client) as a whole which its parts influence
one another and interact dynamically. The parts
cover physiological, psychological, socio-cultural
and spiritual. Kozier (1995) states that in holistic, all
organism lives are seen as interactions.Any
disturbance on one part will disturb a system wholly.
In other words, if there is any part distracted, other
parts will get its effect overall. Erikson, Tomlin and
Swain (inMarriner-Tomey, 1994) also state about
holism, which sees a human as a whole individual
who consists of a lot of sub-systems which are
dependent to one another and unable to be
separated.This is related with generic issues and
spiritual control. Body, mind, emotions and spirit are
the core which is dynamic. Influencing and
controlling one another. The interaction of this
various sub-systems cannot be separated, which
eventually produce holism.Holistic is related with
wellness which is believed to have effect towards
human’s health status. Anspaugh (inKozier, 1995)
signifies that to reach health and wealth, there are
five dimensions which are related and dependent one
another. These dimensions are also had by each
individual, namely biological, psychological, socio-
cultural and spiritual dimension.
Holistic approach method, in lessening the
aggressiveness, is started with biological dimension,
which is giving deep breathing technique.
Handoyo’s (2005) states that before given deep
breathing technique, the respondents who are able to
control violence behavior are only 6 people (15.4%)
while those who are unable with it are 33 people
(84.6%). After the therapy, the numbers of
respondents who were unable decreased into 3
people (7.7%) while the ones who were able
increased into 36 people (92.3%). Deep breathing
relaxation technique does not only calm the
respondents down physically but also their mind.
Research conducted by Kustamti& Widodo (2008)
also signifies that there is the influence of the
relaxation technique which relates to the aggressive
patients. One of the techniques is deep breathing
relaxation and that research concludes that the
influence indeed exists. It happens also with
Zelianti’s research result which obtains p value
0,000 and that the research result signifies that it has
the influence to change, before and after the deep
breathing relaxation technique.
Socio-cultural approach is given by conducting
verbal practice. Verbal practice is conducted
bytraining the skills of asking something politely,
declining a request and expressing feelings.
Moreover, the children are also taught to give
compliments, complain due to disagreement, strive
for personal rights, give advice to others, solve
problems and collaborate with others (MqQuaid,
2000).The children will also be taught how to