Case Report: Adult-onset Still’s Disease
Andi Raga Ginting
, R. M. Suryo Anggoro
, Anna Ariane
, Bambang Setyohadi
Rheumatology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia-Rumah Sakit Umum
Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keyword: Adult-Onset Still’s Disease, Polyarthritis, Fever, Hyperferritinemia, Methotrexate.
Abstract: Adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is an uncommon systemic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology
and pathogenesis, characterized by high spiking fever, arthralgia or arthritis, skin rash and other systemic
presentation. AOSD, one of the most important causes of fever of unknown origin, is diagnosed after ruling
out infection, malignancy, and rheumatologic diseases. This report described a 19-year-old male who
presented with, arthritis, fever, sore throat, evanescent rash, raised liver enzyme and hyperferritinemia. He
was diagnosed to have AOSD based on Yamaguchi criteria after the exclusion of other potential diagnoses.
The patient responded to combined methylprednisolone and methotrexate.
Adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is a chronic
systemic inflammatory disorder of unknown
etiology, typically characterized by a clinical triad
(daily spiking high fevers, evanescent rash, and
arthritis) and a biological triad (hyperferitinemia,
hyperleukocytosis with neutrophilia and abnormal
liver function test (Bywaters, 1971; Magadur-joly et
al., 1995).
AOSD is a rare disorder and has a bimodal age
distribution in all ethnic groups with peaks at 15-25
and 36-46 years of age and equal distribution
between sexes (Efthimiou, Paik and Bielory, 2006;
Chakr et al., 2007).
There are no specific diagnostic test for AOSD.
The diagnosis of AOSD remains one of exclusion;
with typical clinical features, laboratory
abnormalities and absence of other explanations.
Several sets of different classification criteria have
been proposed for AOSD. Among them Yamaguchi
criteria are the most widely used (Bywaters, 1971).
There is no cure for AOSD; however,
treatment may offer symptom relief and help to
prevent complication. Treatment options include
non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and
aspirin, glucocorticoids, and immunomodulating
drugs. Most patients require steroids at some point in
the course of their AOSD. As it progresses without
proper treatment, AOSD may lead to chronic
arthritis and other complications. We describe the
typical presentations of a patient with AOSD.
We present a case of 19-year-old male
patient, admitted in our hospital with multiple joint
pains associated with unresolved fever for two
weeks. The patient had also having fever from
afternoon until early evening associated with sore
throat for the past two weeks. This was preceded by
an evanescent, non-pruritic malar rash distributed on
upper chest. Patient had been suffering from joint
pains involving the shoulder, knee, hip wrist and
small joint of the hands , pain was worsening with
movement until he could hardly ambulate on his
own three days before admission. There were no
early morning stiffness, ocular symptoms, orogenital
ulcers, gastrointestinal symptoms, urinary
symptoms, contact to infected person or major
systemic symptoms.
Examination revealed well built, oriented
young male with fever of 39
C. There was no
lymphadenopathy or splenomegaly. He had
synovitis of wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles, knees
and small joints of the hands, the range of movement
was limited due to pain. He had reddish evanescent
rash on upper chest (figure 1). Other systems were
Ginting, A., Anggoro, R., Ar iane, A. and Setyohadi, B.
Case Report: Adult-onset Still’s Disease.
DOI: 10.5220/0008792002160218
In Proceedings of the 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (SKIC-MHS 2018), pages 216-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-438-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
unremarkable. Hematological investigations showed
leukocytosis of 36,000/uL (93% neutrophils),
thrombocytosis of 573,000/uL, elevated liver
enzymes (alanine transaminase 303.9 U/L; aspartate
transaminase: 67.7 U/L). C reactive protein (CRP)
was 6 mg/L and erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(ESR) was 110 mm/h. Rheumatoid factor (RF),
antinuclear antibody (ANA) and anti-double
stranded DNA antibodies were all negative. HbsAg,
Anti-HCV, anti-HIV were non-reactive. Renal,
coagulation profiles and procalcitonin were normal.
Blood and urine cultures revealed no evidence of
bacterial or fungal infection. Thorax, thoraco-
lumbosacral, pelvic radiograph were normal.
Ultrasonography of the whole abdomen was normal.
But there was very high ferritin 23,745 ng/mL
(normal 15-120 ng/mL).
Figure 1. Evanescent rash on upper chest.
Based on his clinical features and review of
laboratory evaluations, he was diagnosed to have
AOSD using the Yamaguchi criteria (Yamaguchi et
al., 1992). He was started on methylprednisolone
125mg intravenously for 3 days and was followed
by 0.5mg/kg prednisone, methotrexate 10
mg/weekly and folic acid 5 mg/weekly. Over the
next few days, the patient became afebrile.
Polyarthritis improved and he was able to ambulate
himself. The patient was discharged after one week
on methylprednisolone 24 mg daily with tapering
doses of 4 mg weekly. Besides, he was also given
lansoprazole 30 mg/od, methotrexate 10mg/weekly,
folic acid 5mg/weekly. During follow up; the
steroids were tapered off , the symptoms improved
and decreased of ferritin to 1,254 ng/mL, leucocyte
to 12,804/uL (72.1% neutrophils), ESR to 18 mm/h
and CRP to 2.4 mg/L.
Still’s disease is named after an English doctor name
George Still, who described the condition in children
in 1897. Still’s disease is now knows as systemic
onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). Adult-
onset Still’s disease was used to describe adults who
had a condition similar to systemic onset JRA. It
was firs described by Eric Bywaters in
1971(Bywaters, 1971). Although cause and
pathogenesis of AOSD remains unclear, the
condition may be triggered by infection, and also
there are role of genetic and environmental factors
(Daibata and Taguchi, 2002; Youm et al., 2007).
Most common clinical features of AOSD are
arthritis or arthralgia, fever, myalgia, rash, sore
throat (Pouchot et al., 1991). Fever is an early
feature, usually quotidian (a daily recurring fever) or
double-quotidian (two fever spikes per day) in
pattern with rise of temperature in early morning/late
afternoon and normally exceeds 39
C, as presented
in this patient. The typical rash in AOSD is
asymptomatic and is described as salmon-pink,
maculopapular eruptions mainly affecting the trunk
and extremities (Phillips et al., 1994).
Serum ferritin is considered to be specific
diagnostic criteria for AOSD (Cagatay et al., 2009).
Elevated serum ferritin levels 5-fold greater than the
upper limit of normal has been reported to have a
sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 46% for the
diagnosis of ASD (Van Reeth et al., 1994).
Hyperferritinemia was thought to be due to cytokine
secretion induced by the reticuloendothelial system
or hepatic damage. Elevated ferritin levels may be
observed as an acute phase reactant in
rheumatological disease, although levels in these
disease are not elevated high as in AOSD. Our
patient had a serum ferritin level higher than 190
times the upper limit of normal. Liver enzymes are
elevated in almost three quarters of patients (Motoo
et al., 1991). Rheumatoid factor and antinuclear
antibody are generally negative (Pouchot et al.,
1991), as seen in our patient.
According to the Yamaguchi criteria, its
diagnosis first requires ruling out infectious,
malignant (especially lymphoma), and
rheumatological diseases, followed by the presence
of at least five features, with at least two of these
being major diagnostic criteria (Yamaguchi et al.,
1992). Yamaguchi criteria are shown in Table 1.
Investigations were done to rule out the possible
cause before this patient’s diagnosis was reached.
Our patient was considered to have AOSD, since his
symptoms and signs met three major and three
Case Report: Adult-onset Still’s Disease
minor criteria of the Yamaguchi criteria are given
below: Our patient had fever, arthritis, and
neutrophilic leukocytosis from major criteria, and
sore throat, liver dysfunction and RF and ANA
negativity from minor criteria.
Table 1: Yamaguchi Criteria.
Major criteria Minor criteria
Fever > 39
C Sore throat
Typical rash Hepatomegaly or
Hepatic dysfunction
Treatment for AOSD may include NSAIDS,
aspirin, corticosteroids, and immune-modulating
drugs, depending on disease severity and organ
involvement. Presence of high fever attacks, severe
articular symptoms, or internal organ involvement
may justify corticosteroid. In patient with severe
disease, such as life-threatening organ involvement
and/or conditions such as severe hepatic
involvement, cardiac tamponade, and/or
disseminated intravascular coagulation, treatment
with high-dose intravenous (IV) pulse
glucocorticoid, followed by high-dose oral
glucocorticoid. Methotrexate has been used
successfully in a small series of people to treat
AOSD. It may also be used as “steroid-sparing
agent,” meaning that if one gives methotrexate,
smaller dose of corticosteroid may be sufficient to
control disease (Ebrahim et al., 2006). As seen in
our patient had hepatic involvement and very high
serum ferritin level we treated with intravenous high
dose methylprednisolone for 3 days followed by 0.5
mg/kg prednisone. This was combined with
methotrexate tablets, 10 mg weekly and folic acid
5mg weekly.
It is difficult to predict the course of AOSD,
even with treatment. Three different patterns have
been described in AOSD (Fautrel, 2008), and the
prognosis is variable. The first category of patients
tend to have monocyclic or self-limited pattern with
complete remission within a year. Two other groups
are have intermittent or polycyclic pattern and
chronic joint problems. About one-third of people
with the disorder may fall into each of the above
patterns. Even if the patient symptoms free
sometime they need to continue medications to
control inflammation and prevent complications, at
least 6 months of treatment (Ebrahim et al., 2006).
AOSD is a rare disease with unclear etiology and
pathogenesis. It should be considered in patients
presenting with fever, arthritis and rash after
excluding other possible diagnoses. We present this
case is a typical presentation AOSD which was
consistent with Yamaguchi criteria and responded
well to methylprednisolone and methotrexate.
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SKIC-MHS 2018 - The 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences