Mass Media and Governor Candidates
Challenges of Neutrality and Trend of Alignments
Husnul Isa Harahap
Department of Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Governor Candidates, General Election, Democracy, Newspaper.
Abstract: Mass media is one of the main pillars of democracy. This is because the mass media is one of the channels to
obtain political information. Interestingly, the mass media are always actively involved in the reporting of
candidates who compete in the election. Thus, the phenomenon that can occur is the unequal amount of news
from each candidate in the mass media. At the time of the general election, mass media in North Sumatra
province also wrote information about the governor candidate. This study describes the state of the news
distribution in terms of quantity. This study has found that there are variations in the reporting of governor
candidates in terms of numbers. In some cases there is a phenomenon where the mass media only focus on
one candidate. Meanwhile, other candidates are rarely reported. But this study does not want to prove whether
the mass media has sided with one of the candidates or not. This study concludes that the trend of partisanship
has emerged from the news of candidates that can be seen from the quantity.
In the case of elections in northern Sumatra, the mass media selects its own news without considering the
issue of neutrality.
A general election for Regional Head was held on
June 27, 2018. This activity was conducted
simultaneously in several regions in Indonesia,
including the Province of North Sumatra. Other areas
that also conducted an election were Provinces such
as Riau Province, South Sumatera Province,
Lampung Province, West Java Province, East Java
Province and several other areas, including some
areas in districts and cities located in Indonesia.
The mass media was involved in the election,
especially in terms of delivering the news about the
election. The coverage of the candidates was also the
focus of the news, even before the candidates were
fixed. After the official candidate was announced by
the election organiser, the focus of the news was on
the candidates. No newspaper ignored it.
As one of the pillars of democracy, mass media
play an important role in the election. The mass media
socialise election activities as well as the candidates.
The problem is the election moment is an arena of
political competition. Mass media inevitably have to
be in the competition room. Any coverage of the
candidate will affect public opinion. And public
opinion has an effect on political choice. Thus, the
mass media is considered as a communication tool for
the candidates. Furthermore, the mass media is
identified as part of a certain candidate's political
At the time of the general election, mass media in
North Sumatra province also reported information
about the governor candidate. The election of the
North Sumatra Governor (Sumut) 2018 is followed
by two pairs of candidates. Candidate number 1 was
Djarot Saiful Hidayat-Sihar Sitorus (DJOSS) and
candidate number 2 Edy Rahmayadi-Musa Rajekshah
(ERAMAS). A small number of candidates and split
voting conditions led to a very serious competition.
Is there a balance of news about the governor
candidate in the mass media, especially the
newspaper? Is there a difference in the amount of
news (about candidates in the paper) to illustrate that
the mass media has sided with the candidate? This
study will answer these questions.
This study uses a political communication approach.
The representative of mass media included in this
study is the newspaper in North Sumatra.
Harahap, H.
Mass Media and Governor Candidates.
DOI: 10.5220/0008815900150017
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (ICoCSPA 2018), pages 15-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-393-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
Observations of news in local newspapers were
conducted in April 2018. The method of analysis in
data collection was quantitative and descriptive.
There are many studies related to mass media and
political relations. One earlier study revealed that the
less-known candidate is very little covered by the
print media. According to Licher and Smith they even
have a small chance of disseminating their opinions
in the mass media (Kaid, 2015, p. 309).
Other studies have revealed the things that often
become news during the election. Hess has explained
that one of them is the theme of what happened during
the campaign. It is also the strategy of the candidates
and their experiences, including personal qualities, or
leadership skills (Kaid, 2015, p. 309).
In the news, some candidates get fewer benefits
than other candidates. Kahn and Kenney revealed that
Republican candidates have received a favourable
report compared to candidates from the Democratic
Party. This case occurs in the United States. But the
evidence of partisan bias is still not found. So the
decision of reporters in choosing news about the
campaign, will affect the advantages and
disadvantages for candidates (Kaid, 2015, p. 308).
There is also a classic question that arises in
America in terms of media and political relations. The
question is whether news reflects a partisan or
ideological bias? (Kaid, 2015, p. 307). This question
is related to content evaluation and the quality of
media coverage in elections.
Chandrappa, in his studies The Influence of the
Media in Politics - Campaigns and Elections,
concluded that “…the media has a very strong effect
in politics, campaigns and elections by dictating what
issues are relevant, what candidates will get the most
coverage and what criteria they should use to evaluate
candidates.” (Chandrappa, 2014, p. 2312)
A more recent study (Moy, David, and Mark,
2016, p. 11), in the study Agenda-Setting, Priming,
and Framing, explains that in the digital age, news
readers have more choices. This means that fewer
voters are affected by the print media in determining
their political choices. They have direct access to the
news they have chosen. Therefore, they are not
dependent on one-way information.
The election of Governor of North Sumatra 2018
followed by two pairs of candidates. Have the
newspapers been identified as supporting particular
candidates? In this study there was a gap in the
amount of news content in each newspaper.
Quantitatively, Newspapers A and C mostly
contained candidate number 1 (DJOSS) news.
Newspaper B reported more on candidate number 2)
(ERAMAS) (see Diagram 1). However, the news
content does not always provide a positive image of
the candidates to the voters. Therefore, basically, the
quantity of news only describes how actively the
mass media reports on the candidates in the news.
Figure 1: Quantity of News Candidates in the Newspaper
(Source: results from data analysis).
Figure 1 illustrates that newspaper A reported
more on candidate number 1, i.e. 64.4 percent. That
means that newspaper A only reported on candidate
number 2 approximately 35.95 percent of the time.
Meanwhile, newspaper B reported more on candidate
number 2, 73.17 percent of the time. This means that
this newspaper only reported on candidate number 1
26.82 percent of the time. newspaper C reported on
candidate number 2 55.81 percent of the time and
candidate number 1 44.18 percent of the time. This
means that there is an 11 percent number of news
from candidate number 2 compared to candidate
number 1.
Although the news in the mass media reported
many activities of one candidate only, in fact,
individuals at this time tend to be autonomous in
choosing news, especially since access to news is so
easy through the internet with mobile phones.
Newspapers still provide news that reports the vision
of the candidates' mission, but controls on the news
ICoCSPA 2018 - International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs
are in the hands of readers. This is consistent with the
analysis by Patricia Moy.
Patricia Moy, in her study about mass media and
democracy, explains that “…as news audiences
migrate online, they exert increasingly greater control
over the nature of the news they choose to receive.
This newfound ability of individuals to select news,
perhaps on the basis of their comfort with the issue or
its frame…” (Moy, David, and Mark, 2016, p.
11).However, this condition does not automatically
change the core issue. The challenge of mass media
neutrality remains an important issue in elections and
In 2018, the election of the governor of North
Sumatra was re-implemented. Candidates were
elected by general election. One of the interesting
things is the news about the candidates for governor
in the newspaper. There are differences in the
quantity of news on the candidates. The newspapers
tend to report the activities of one candidate only. Is
this evidence that the mass media has sided with one
of the candidates? The answer, of course, still needs
more research to prove it. This study only indicates
that there is a trend of newspaper alignments with
candidates, especially when viewed in terms of the
quantity of news on the candidates. There seems to be
a pattern that the newspapers tend to be positioned
only effectively to be sources of news activities on
certain candidates. Therefore, the issue of neutrality
in newspapers becomes a challenge in elections and
for democracy in Indonesia.
Chandrappa, K. 2014. The Influence of the Media in
Politics - Campaigns and Elections.International
Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 3 (12), 2310
Kaid, L. L. 2015. Handbook Penelitian Komunikasi Politik.
Translated by Ahmad Asnawi, Penerbit Nusa Media.
Moy, P., Tewksbury D., & Rinke E. M. 2016. Agenda-
Setting, Priming, and Framing. In The International
Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and
Philosophy, 113.
Mass Media and Governor Candidates