§ The Obor Policy means that there is one belt,
and one road: 60 countries show China's 'plan
of dominance' in the wider world [the glory of
the world trade coming from the silk road];
Palika's strategic position;
§ Planning cooperation between Indonesia,
Malaysia and Thailand and
§ The opening plan of the Kra Canal in
Thailand. The aforementioned help to clarify
Palika's position as a strategic border coastal
Instrumentation in government management
comes with costs and maintenance. Rhi’s study also
has a tangible context, as the [central and regional]
governments are in a position that cannot be
developed due to the various projects being made
that are 'incapable' of being done.
4.2.2 Ambiguous Policy:
Resentralization Budget and
Dissolution of Institutions
With regard to the constraints related to
implementing Asymmetric Decentralisation, if
observed on the basis of the role of local
governments in trying to develop border areas in
Palika, then the findings show something that is
ambiguous and seemingly unresponsive. This
dilemma is related to the condition of the regional
budget that continues to decline. This was, for
example, in 2015, Rp 2.27 trillion. In 2016, it was
Rp 2.6 trillion more.
In 2017, there was a significant decrease from
Rp 2.6 trillion to Rp 1.5 trillion. This decrease in
budget has become a dilemma and has an impact on
ambiguous policy decisions. The sincerity to
develop border areas based on Asymmetric
Decentralisation becomes delayed.
Meanwhile, related to the existence of the Border
Management Agency, it was liquidated. The reason
for this was crucial, as it was because of the
limitations and the decrease of the budget. Budget
efficiency becomes the cause argument. This is
complemented by the reason behind the issuance of
government regulations on the regional apparatus.
Walaupaun is still under debate. The question is
related to how seriously can the border management
agency join with other work units.
Based on this argument, the seriousness of the
Rokan Hilir regional government becomes
questionable. This is the background of the
government; through its officials on many occasions,
it has always declared seriously that it seeks to build
a strategic coastal border region. The government
regent of Rokan Hilir appealed for the central
government's help to develop the potential tourist
area of Pulau Jemur, which is located besides the
Melaka Strait in contact with international trade
route. On the other hand, local governments are
reluctant to maintain border management bodies.
This study concludes that, firstly, the inconsistency
of the central government when it comes to
implementing Asymmetric Decentralisation as a
national strategic policy of building border areas in
Palika is part of the practice of Political
Decentralisation. Political practice is a subtle part of
central intervention in the region. Second, these
interventions have an impact on the overlapping
regulations between regions and centres, indicating
that central-regional inconsistency appears to be
prominent. Practically, this study suggests that
Asymmetrical Decentralisation is a manifestation of
the will of the state governmental condition dictating
that there should be regional dependence on the
The author would like to thank Prof. Sujianto from
the Universitas Riau. Further thanks to the Rector of
the Universitas Riau, and Chairman of the Institute
for Research and Community Service [LPPM],
Universitas Riau who has provided funding of this
research with the contract number:
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