Consideration of Parents’ Beliefs
about Guiding Children’s Usage of the Internet
Rully Khairul Anwar
, Edwin Rizal
,and M. Taufiq Rahman
Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor, Indonesia
Faculty of Social and Political Science, UIN SunanGunungDjati, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: sociology of education, internet life, children’s aspirations, domestic communication
Abstract: This research examines the performance of parents in guiding their children’s usage of the internet in the
village of Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia. How did the parents control their children’s usage of
the internet and how did their children react to the questions being answered in this research. The research
used a qualitative approach to get the natural settings in which there are many behaviours and events which
occur. This research also used a communicative theory of interactionism, because the theory could lead the
researchers to an understanding of the structure, regulation and parental procedures that could have a
significant impact on family education. This research found that to perform parents' functions as a guide, the
parents always make themselves available for their children. So, the parents collect the children's aspirations
and accommodate them and follow up the aspirations. And, also, to address children's complaints, parents
give a moral and psychological explanation to the children. This was one of the many solutions to address
children addiction to the gadgets.
Adolescence is a transition period when a person is
about to enter a self-sufficient age, but a teenager is
not yet entirely responsible for themselves or the
community. This period of transition depends on the
circumstances and the social level of the community
in which you live. The more advanced the society,
the longer the adolescent is because they must
prepare to adapt themselves to society (Bowlby,
Adolescence is one period of human
development. This period is a period of transition
from childhood to adulthood that includes biological
changes. Changes in psychology and social changes
in most societies and cultures of adolescence
generally begin at the age of 13-15 years and end at
the age of 18-22 years (Blum et al., 2014).
Family plays an important role in accompanying
teenagers in guiding what they should do inside and
outside the house. The role is an individual role that
finally manifests rights and obligations. Knowing
the role of the family is very important because,
from here, the ideal and harmonious family figure is
measured and could be read (O’Keeffe and Clarke-
Pearson, 2011).
The key success for parents in giving motivation
and guiding their children lies in how close their
relationship is with the children. No one can
completely replace the role of parents. Parents are
placing where children ask for protection and obtain
peace through harmony between order and
tranquillity, by things from outside their house
(Bowlby, 2012).
The role of the family in the supervision and
guiding the development of early teenagers of 13 to
15 years is significant. It is true in today's era that
many teenagers, especially those aged 13-15 years,
use the internet without supervision and guidance
from parents. Meanwhile, there are many impacts
caused by the internet, including the negative
impacts. Therefore, it is imperative that parents play
a role in guiding and supervising the use of internet
media for the development of their children. In this
case, parents should have the concept of information
literacy, as well as their children (Anwar et al.,
Anwar, R., Rizal, E. and Rahman, M.
Consideration of Parents’ Beliefs about Guiding Children’s Usage of the Internet.
DOI: 10.5220/0008818901950199
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (ICoCSPA 2018), pages 195-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-393-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Most of the parents still underestimate the fact
that the internet is the biggest pornography library in
the world that should be avoided by the children.
The results of the survey conducted by the Child
Protection Commission or KomisiPerlindunganAnak
Indonesia (KPAI) among 4,500 junior high school
and senior high school students in 12 major cities in
Indonesia, were shocking. Overall, 97% of
respondents confessed they had already accessed
sites that contain pornography and also watch porn
videos through the internet (Aditya, 2013). Even
worse, 36% of the parents, because of the minimum
effort of supervising, didn't know what their children
were accessing them. Only a few parents
acknowledge what is being obtained by their
children while online, and, on average, children
spent 64 hours online per month (Sufa, 2014).
As Symantec Norton has revealed, the three most
commonly used search engines by teenagers aged
13-15 years are YouTube, Google, and Facebook.
While the word "porn" and "sex" are in the second
position in Symantec data. Although it does not
reveal which country the child is from, at least
parents in Indonesia should consider this thing
(Sufa, 2014).
Teenagers around 13-15 years old have their
world; they have a curious sense of everything and
always want to try everything new. Youth live and
think only for the present moment; they do not think
of a distant past nor a future that they are clueless
about. Therefore, parents should be able to make the
reality of the present a starting point and learning
method for children. The development of a teen
character is influenced by the behaviour of the
family towards the character of a person formed
earlier; in this case, a certain family role is very
influential (Mustari & Rahman, 2014).
If associated with sociological theory, family as
the smallest social institution plays an important role
regarding the formation of individual characters. The
family becomes so important because, through the
family, one's life is formed. As the smallest social
institution, the family is a miniature of social
complexity, because, starting from the family, a
teenager experiences the process of socialisation.
The family is the first and main social unit as the
primary foundation for adolescent development. In
that sense, either for good or bad, a family is very
influential on the formation of one's personality
(Rahman, 2011).
In the family, children learn to socialise, think,
live, and feel all aspects of life that are reflected in
culture. It can be used as a frame of reference in
every action in life. The role of the individual in the
family is based on expectations and behaviour
patterns of families, groups, and communities
(O’Keeffe & Clarke-Pearson, 2011).
The question arises, how the circumstances of
parents whom their children in teenager age and can
be influenced by the development of information
technology such as internet? The following research
aims to answer the question. By focusing on a
location in rural areas in Majalengka, West Java,
here is a story about family communication between
parents and children regarding internet influence.
In this research, the descriptive method was used
with the aim that this method would provide a
clearer description of social situations and could
describe the situation in a systematic, objective and
precise way (Lindlof & Taylor, 2017). The type of
data used in this research are qualitative data
because qualitative data are more comprehensive in
understanding the phenomena in the community. In
this research, the data collection techniques used
were: observation, interview, and a study of
literature. The sources of data in this study are data
obtained directly from the parties involved: parents
who have early teenagers (13 to 15 years old) that
use the internet. Other data sources (secondary) are
sourced from supporting data that is obtained from
the literature taken from journals, books, magazines
or newspapers, and the internet.
The constant development of information
technology today is convenience for the public to
obtain information. One of the most widely used
types of communication information technology
today is the internet. The development of the internet
leads in all directions, including negative ones,
making parents feel worried about the internet.
Parents often feel worried about the internet
because it could have negative impacts on their
children. Sometimes children could forget about
their rights as human beings, children get lost in
time and socialise less with their friends and many
more. Therefore, as a parent, it is necessary to guide
and supervise their children to use the internet media
at the right time and in a limited way; children
should not forget the time and not forget their duties
ICoCSPA 2018 - International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs
as a child, such as doing school work (interview
with SW, parents, 8/7/2017).
The increasing number of online activities
among children has become a threat. Parents need to
do more than warn their child about the content of
the internet. Looking at the facts, it is recommended
that parents use internet filters to restrict internet use
for their children. In these circumstances, the most
urgent thing to do is to discuss with children the
topics that make them curious, so it's better that the
children get information from their parents instead
of from the internet (Levin & Kilbourne, 2008).
Family SW, for example, is always firm in
supervising and guiding their son. Their son RM,
never uses the internet while he is alone, he is never
allowed to go to an internet kiosk to play games with
his friends. Their son must be supervised while
using the internet (interview with SW, parent,
8/7/2017). Parents FA, on the other hand, are
limiting the amount of time for their children using
the laptop for surfing the internet. FA do not mind
taking the laptop from their children if it’s already
beyond a reasonable time (interview with FA,
parents, 8/7/2017).
Based on the results of interviews and
observations in the field, the following data were
obtained: from 15 families, six families guide and
supervise their children while using the internet,
while the remaining nine families never guide and
supervise. From 20 teenagers, eight teenagers are
avoiding the negative impact of the internet by not
accessing unusual content, while the rest, 12
teenagers, confess they have seen pornographic
photos and videos on the internet either intentionally
or unintentionally.
The family behaviour influences the
development of a teen's character. A person's
character is formed early, so the role of the family is
very influential. The family is the smallest social
group in society. Every family member (father,
mother, and child) has a socialisation process to
understand the culture prevailing in society. From
interviews with parents, they can be a reliable
teacher for their children. Therefore, parents play an
important role in the early education process for
children. The precise information about sexuality,
for example, must be given by parents though,
however, the sense of taboo is still haunting parents
in Indonesia who are adapting Eastern culture
(interview with DN, parents, 20/7/2017).
For example, both in the village and city now
Internet kiosks are available and parents can entrust
their children to the kiosk owner/guard to guide and
supervise what their children access on the internet
or parents can limit the time usage on the internet for
their children. Parents should also tell their children
what things are good for them to use. If the child
often accesses the internet on a smartphone or other
device, then as far as possible, the parents should
control what he accesses from the device. Just like
MT said: "I always limit the time of my child when
using the internet on my laptop, and I divide his time
with positive activities." This is because when using
the internet, children often forget their rights as
children; sometimes children forget the time to eat,
pray, bathe, read the Quran, and others. Parents
often feel worried about that attitude, so MT often
take the laptop if it's already over time, and MT set
the time for their child also to do positive things
such as go to the mosque (interview with MT,
parents, 20/7/2017).
Addiction to playing on the computer is
suspected to trigger children to be lazy about
writing, drawing or performing social activities. A
playing computer addiction can happen mainly
because, earlier, the parents do not make certain
rules regarding playing the computer. According to
HS, as chairman of the RW in Blok Pajawan, parents
need to make a deal with the child about the time for
playing computer. For example, a child may play
computer after school and after finishing homework
for only one hour. The other free time could be used
for doing other things. This timing is necessary so
that children do not think that playing the computer
is the only activity that is interesting. This rule needs
to be monitored by parents from early on. At a later
age, it is expected that the child can manage the time
well (interview with HS, RW chairman, 20/7/2017).
The question that often arises in parents' minds is
whether the existing media could support the process
of educating children? Does the media have a
positive or negative effect on the child? Of course,
there are a lot of answers regarding these questions.
Of course, there are those who argue the media is
very useful because the media have various
information that can be obtained. Indeed, some
parents strongly agree once and never feel worried
about their children who often use the internet media
although not supervised by the parents. The reasons
given by such parents is that the internet that exists
today is very useful because it provides insight into
the development of children (interview with UA,
chairman of RW, 20/7/2017).
But there are some who do not like the internet
because they feel that the internet has a negative
impact on children (interview with YH, parents,
20/7/2017). Of course, a wise attitude to internet
usage could happen if the parents give the right
Consideration of Parents’ Beliefs about Guiding Children’s Usage of the Internet
understanding about the internet; besides this, the
government should also make policies to manage it.
Considering the advantages and disadvantages of
introducing internet to children, in the end, it is very
dependent on the readiness of parents to introduce
and supervise their children while playing on the
computer. Therefore, all parents, it is expected,
could give a precise understanding of how to be wise
in using the internet media (O’Keeffe & Clarke-
Pearson, 2011).
The increasing amount of information regarding
the dangers of social networking sites like Facebook,
Twitter, and others, lately increasingly reinforces the
need for intensive participation of parents to protect
their children in cyberspace. The first thing many
parents need to realise is that their children will
always have access to the internet, no matter how
much they try to control what their children do and
see in that virtual world (interview with AF, child,
The Internet is also no less sophisticated with the
medium itself. Lately, it is the internet that is more
developed. Millions of people use the internet for
various purposes, ranging from personal and
organisational, to official work purposes, because
the internet is considered more practical. For
education, many schools have started to use the
internet as an important tool in learning activities
(interview with AF, children, 9/7/2017).
DR, as a child said, many benefits could be
obtained from the internet, especially in the process
of communication and information. But there are not
a few who abuse the use of the internet, not a few
teenagers who have bad morals, are lazy about study
because almost all their time is spent surfing the
internet. Moreover, teenagers who dare to open porn
sites, they all always convey a variety of reasons
when they get caught. For example, they all have a
high sense of curiosity. (interview with DR, child,
Also, children are also affected by the adults
talk. Those who saw even just a glimpse of porn will
continue to watch it because they are addicted. Soon
their attitude will change to be worse, and they will
all be involved in promiscuity (Mustari & Rahman,
Internet media nowadays cannot be separated
from positive and negative impacts on adolescent
development. As a connector between many people,
the internet certainly has positive benefits. Benefits
could be gained when it is utilised for a proper
intention. The positive impact of internet usage
includes its use as the media of communication,
internet as a medium of data exchange. For example,
with e-mail data can be distributed easily. Data
could be files, images, and more. The internet is
beneficial for browsing information quickly, as a
medium of information education, culture, business,
and others, and as a medium of entertainment
(Budiana et al., 2016).
Besides the positive impact, the use of the
internet as a significant medium in the development
of this era, certainly also could cause negative
impacts. Negative impacts that can be generated
from internet usage are: the internet can trigger
things related to pornography. The internet, with its
scope that spans the globe, can lead to fraud, can
lead to the existence of gambling, and can also cause
addiction (Budiana et al., 2016).
The internet can cause a severe addiction; an
example that is happening in society today is that a
child may be willing to spend hours in front of his
computer to use the internet non-stop. The internet is
used for many things, to the extent that a child can
forget to eat and do other activities. It can be bad
and could get worse because an addiction will be
hard to cure. The internet can reduce one's social
nature. No wonder if then there are parents who
limit the association of their children with the
internet. They even encourage their children to
socialise face-to-face with society (interview with
FA, child, 8/7/2017).
From the positive and negative impacts of
internet usage, people should wisely make
themselves healthy internet users, which involves
making use of the internet well, wisely, and
maximally for useful purposes and producing
something positive for themselves and society.
Some parties reject the use of the internet. Mrs.
KT, for example, forbids her children from using
internet media and surfing the internet in internet
kiosks or on smartphones because she feels she
cannot supervise and guide when her children use
the internet, so she forbids her children from using
the internet. This action is taken because she thinks
the internet can degrade the religious education that
she already teaches her children (interview with KT,
parent, 9/7/2017).
But there are also parents who believe that there
are lots of benefits from the internet (interview with
TT, parents, 9/7/2017). Therefore, to avoid the
negative impact of internet usage, it is necessary for
internet users to understand what the internet is and
how internet usage should be. It is also necessary for
the parents and family to help as the controller of
children's internet usage so that the internet itself
becomes a thing that leads to good things that are
beneficial (Levin & Kilbourne, 2008).
ICoCSPA 2018 - International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs
From the research, there are things that parents
should do to guide and supervise the use of internet
media among teenagers, including:
giving children time to learn and interact with
computers from an early age, especially
considering that the use of computers is
something that cannot be avoided in this
modern era. Here, parents can provide
guidance so that children can use the internet
properly according to their age;
if the parent is unable to guide their children
directly, then the parent should supervise them
through persons who are entrusted to be
supervisors for their children while using the
Based on the explanation above, this research can
lead to the following conclusions: 1) the need for a
parental role in guiding and supervising teenagers in
the use of internet media. Similarly, because it found
a negative impact of internet media if the parents do
not guide and supervise teenagers’ internet usage,
including children not obeying their parents,
children often imitate the style and behaviour that
they see through the internet, and teenagers can be
addicted to the internet. So, to avoid the negative
impact of internet usage, participation from the
parents to help as the controller of internet users is
necessary so that the internet could give beneficial
things; 2) based on the effects that could occur
through use of the internet, as an anticipation, it
necessary to know how to overcome an addiction to
the internet. Parents, who have an important role in
guiding and supervising their teenager, have to limit
their teenagers’ amount of time for using the
internet; 3) parents have to supervise and limit their
child's society while the child is still under
supervision. Parents should give an understanding to
their children about the dangers of the outside world.
Parents should make it clear that not everything on
the internet is true, because the virtual world
(internet) and reality have differences; and 4) parents
should be able to give a clear understanding to their
teenagers regarding the rules at home, though they
should not let the child feel depressed with the many
rules because teenagers have an unstable psyche.
Give the teenagers the freedom to choose but
continue to supervise. Parents should accompany
their children while doing activities such as when
playing on the internet. They should provide support
when studying or while using the internet, and guide
the activities according to the childrens' ages.
Because parents are role models for life, they
become an influence on the growth of children.
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Consideration of Parents’ Beliefs about Guiding Children’s Usage of the Internet