The Relationship between Meeting the Needs of Education
and the Aspirations of Education by the Parent and Child
Marhaeni Mega Wijayanti and Tuti Budirahayu
Sociology Department, Universitas Airlanggaa, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Family Program Expectations, Poor Families, the Aspirations of Parents.
Abstract: The low rate of education in Indonesia has prompted the government to promote Family Hope Program or
Program Keluarga Harapan (henceforth PKH) for the poor and very poor. This program is directed to
extremely poor households who have children of school age by giving them Conditional Cash Transfers
(henceforth CCT). The majority of the beneficiaries or the parents have to understand that the funds are for
the education of their children and not for everyday needs. The implementation and management of CCT
funds has proven to be ineffective, judging by the number of minors who have not completed compulsory
education. Multiple studies have been conducted in order to understand the correlation between the three
variables; (1) the degree of the fulfilment of the basic needs of education, (2) the aspirations of the parents
regarding their child's education and (3) the level of understanding of the expectations of the family program
on the pattern of the use of funds by the parents. Samples were taken from the village community of Randegan,
in Tanggulangin sub-district of Sidoarjo regency in East Java. This study conducted a survey research
questionnaire using an explanatory type approach.
Poverty reduction programs and various government
assistance has been designed year by year. The
assistance is in the form of cash or the provision of
life support facilities. The fundamental reason for the
Government aggressively creating the program is the
high poverty rate in Indonesia. In 2016, BPS
registered that (10.86%) of the Indonesian people are
poor. Therefore, the government promoted
Conditional Cash Transfers (henceforth CCT)
program. In addition, the government has also
launched Family Hope Program or Program
Keluarga Harapan (henceforth PKH) for the poor
and very poor.
The launching of PKH is basically a dilemma,
there has been CCT as the main poverty reduction
program. The purpose of the CCT itself, among
others, is to reduce the number of child workers in
Indonesia who have responded quite positively to the
Indonesian people and to increase the school
enrolment rate, especially for children belonging to
very poor households. The purpose of the CCT is
based on the ILO Convention number 138, where the
ILO Convention says that individuals aged 15 years
and under are not allowed to work in any form. This
program is considered to be effective because it has
reduced the costs of parents sending their children to
However, PKH is not running according the
program’s objectives. Since there are some children
from certain families that are not attending school.
Indeed, as reported by the Indonesian Statistic Bureau
(henceforth BPS) in 2015, around 5.99% of
Indonesian children being in labour and therefore did
not attend school. In addition, the financial benefits
of children who joined the CCT were much lower
than those who did not participate in it the short- and
medium-term. Only the long-term financial benefits
for the majority of the program’s participants were
greater than the number of participants who did not
participate. The subsidies were too low and too short
to enable the children go to school. PKH is less
effective as well, as the government does not pay
attention to the problems experienced by each
A problem analysis was not done for the actual
requirements. This is because it can be seen that the
focus of the program is on education and health. This
study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of the
basic needs of education, the aspirations of the
parents for their children's education and the family
Wijayanti, M. and Budirahayu, T.
The Relationship Between Meeting the Needs of Education and the Aspirations of Education by the Parent and Child.
DOI: 10.5220/0008819002000204
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (ICoCSPA 2018), pages 200-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-393-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
program’s comprehension level of the expectations
(PKH) on the pattern of use of the funds by the
This study was a survey research questionnaire using
an explanatory type approach. The study population
was the entire group of beneficiaries of the family
hope (PKH) in the village of Randegan, in
Tanggulangin sub-district of Sidoarjo. The sampling
was determined using quota sampling, consisting of
50 respondents who were the mothers from
beneficiary families (PKH). The data was analysed
using non-parametric statistics. Randegan village was
chosen as the test site and not at random, but because
of the variations in the composition of the population.
The methods of the data analysis on the results of
the statistical processing were done to ensure that the
questionnaire had completeness, writing, clarity of
meaning, consistency, relevance and uniformity of
the data entity as a whole. Both coding processes will
facilitate the data analysis. The third simplification of
data was used to classify the data by entering it into
SPSS for easier analysis. This study examined the
relationship between the degree of the fulfilment of
the basic needs of education, the aspirations of the
parents concerning their child's education and the
family program’s comprehension levels and
expectations (PKH) of the pattern of use of the funds
by parents. In this study, the researchers used the
Spearman Rho non-parametric statistic test.
Spearman's rho was used because the researchers
believe that the correlation between the variables
studied was monotonic, and not linear or non-
monotonic. Monotonic means that the variables move
in a common direction relative terms and are not
constant. A monotonic relationship between the
variables means that the observed variables move up
and down in the same direction but not at the same
This section described the findings of the research
and analyzed that the probability value arising from
the relationship between the level of satisfaction of
the basic needs of education and the patterns of use of
the funds by parents indicates a significant
3.1 Characteristics of Respondents
The respondents who were targeted in this research
were housewife’s from very poor households
(RSTM) who received funds from PKH. The special
characteristic of the household's mother was that she
should have school age children. Randegan Village in
the district of Tanggulangin in Sidoarjo regency was
chosen as the study site based on the development of
the CCT beneficiaries (Non-Eligible) in Sidoarjo
regency. Tanggulangin is classified as a high enough
area where children did not significantly attend
school in 2014. Moreover, Sidoarjo regency is
immediately adjacent to the city of Surabaya, as an
example of an education center in East Java that has
a relatively good education level.
3.2 Wide Level Requirements With
Regard to the Use of Funds PKH
The parents wanted to get help from PKH, for
different motivational reasons. This is associated with
the theory of motivation created by Abraham
Physiological needs (physiological needs),
such as hunger, thirst, rest and sex;
Need for security (safety needs); not in the
physical sense, but also mentally,
psychologically and intellectually;
The need for affection (love needs);
The need for self-esteem (esteem needs), which
is generally reflected in various status symbols
Self-actualization (self-actualization), in terms
of the availability of opportunities for someone
to develop the potential contained within into
real abilities.
The interpretation of Maslow's Hierarchy of
Needs is often represented in the form of a pyramid
with the more basic needs at the bottom. Someone
should therefore gradually achieve self-actualization.
3.3 Why Use CCT Funds as the Cost of
Children's Education
It is known from the research that all of the
beneficiaries (100%) were allocated the cost of
education. However, the housewives in the village
had specific reasons. Based on the data in the table
above, it appears that the reason that the majority of
mothers put their children into education was to
improve the lot of the families (94%). Providing
education to meet their child’s needs made up a very
small percentage compared to the first reason,
The Relationship Between Meeting the Needs of Education and the Aspirations of Education by the Parent and Child
amounting to (6%). Based on the above table, it can
be concluded that the reason for the mothers to
educating their children is the hope that the child can
improve their family's fate.
Table 1: The reason the mother gives the child's education.
Categories of
Because of the need
To improve the lot
Before explaining more about the aspirations of
the parents and the pattern of the use of PKH funds
by the parents. The author has presented some of the
data about the various responses related to PKH and
the housewives.
Table 2: Originally information PKH.
Categories of origin
Fellow Neighbours
Based on the above table, it can be seen that by
(84%), 42 of the 50 housewives knew about the PKH
assistance program through a companion. (14%) of
their knowledge came from their neighbors.
According to the table, the health and education
of the children dominate the housewives’ answers,
indicating that the CCT is intended to offset the cost
in the field, and out of 50, 38 mothers (76%) answered
in that category. Meanwhile, knowing that the
purpose of the CCT was actually for their child's
education was equal to (4%) only.
3.4 Relationship between Levels of
Education Meeting the Basic Needs
Fund Usage Pattern by Parents
Educational needs are included in the hierarchy as
self-actualization and self-esteem needs. Although it
has been disseminated that the use of PKH funds are
for the educational needs of children, many of the
recipients allocate the funds for other needs, such as
health needs and the needs of everyday life.
Based on the probability value arising from the
relationship between the level of satisfaction of the
basic need of education related to the patterns of use
of the funds by the parents, there is a significant
relationship. This can be seen from the value of the
probability of 0.01, which indicates a number equal
to or with an alpha error level of 0.01. A significant
relationship can also be seen from the sign (**) on the
correlation coefficient.
From the table above, it can be seen that the
strength of the relationship between the degree of
satisfaction of the basic need of education related to
the pattern of the use of funds by parents has a
significant correlation. This is shown in the figures
for 0437, in which the figure shows a correlation or
relationship that is reasonable because the number is
below 0.5. This is between the level of satisfaction of
the basic need of education and the pattern of the use
of funds by parents. The sign (**) indicates the
direction of the relationships that exist between the
level of satisfaction of the basic need of education and
the pattern of the use of funds by parents, which was
positive. The higher the level of satisfaction of the
basic need of education, the higher the pattern of the
use of funds by the parents for education and vice
3.5 Relationship between Aspirations
Parents Against Patterns Use of
Funds by Parents
The next explanation is about the relationship
between the aspirations of the parents and the pattern
of the use of funds by the parents analysed using the
Spearman Rho statistical test via SPSS. We got the
results of the analysis as follows:
Based on the probability value arising from the
relationship between the aspirations of the parents
against the pattern of the use of the funds by parents,
there is a significant relationship. This can be seen
from the value of the probability being 0.01, which
indicates a number equal to the alpha error level of
0.01. A significant relationship can also be seen in the
sign (**) on the correlation coefficient.
From the table above, it can be seen that the
strength of the relationship between the aspirations of
the parents against the pattern of use of the funds is
correlated. This is shown in the figure of 0456, in
which the figure shows a correlation or relationship
that is reasonable because the number is below 0.5,
which is between the aspirations of the parents and
the pattern of the use of the funds. The sign (**)
indicates that the direction of the relationships that
exist between the aspirations of the parents and the
pattern of the use of the funds by the parents is
negative. The higher the aspirations of the parents, the
less likely it is that the CCT funds will be used for
education and vice versa.
ICoCSPA 2018 - International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs
3.6 Understanding the Relationship
between Level of Family Hope
Program (PKH) Pattern Against
Use of Funds by Parents
The relationship between the level of understanding
of the Family Program (PKH) and the pattern of the
use of funds by parents was analyzed using the
Spearman Rho statistical test through SPSS. We got
the following results in the analysis:
Based on the probability value arising from the
relationship between the level of understanding of the
Family Program (PKH) and the pattern of use of the
funds by parents, there is a significant relationship.
This can be seen in the value of the probability being
0.01, which indicates a number that is equal to the
alpha error level of 0.01. A significant relationship
can also be seen in the sign (**) on the correlation
From the table above, it can be seen that the
strength of the relationship between the level of
understanding of the Family Program (PKH) and the
pattern of the use of funds by the parents has a
correlation. This is shown in the figure of 0335, which
shows a correlation or relationship that is reasonable
because the number is below 0.5. This is between the
level of understanding of the Family Program (PKH)
and the pattern of the use of funds by the parents. The
sign (**) indicates that the direction of the existing
relationship between the level of understanding of the
Family Program (PKH) and the pattern of the use of
funds is negative. The higher the level of
understanding of the Family Hope Program (PKH),
the lower the CCT fund usage patterns by parents on
education and vice versa.
3.7 Relationship between Education
Level Meeting the Basic Needs,
Aspirations Parents Against Child
Education, Comprehension Level
Family Hope Program (PKH)
Pattern Against Use of Funds by
X1 is the basic requirement level of education, X2 is
the aspirations of the parents for children's education,
and X3 represents the level of understanding of the
parents. The three variables influence the parents in
the use of the aid funds.
Based on the results of the correlation between the
degree of the fulfilment of the basic needs of
education (X1) on the pattern of use of funds by
parents in mind, there is a negative relationship
between the two variables. This is where the higher
the level of satisfaction of the basic needs of
education, the lower the pattern of use of the funds by
the parent with a correlation coefficient of 0.163. It is
known that the higher the level of the aspirations of
the parents concerning their child's education, the
higher the pattern of the use of funds by the parents.
Out of the three variables, the correlation
coefficient was highest for the family program
expectations (PKH) on the pattern of the use of funds
by the parents. This is because the parents have to
understand that the funds are for the education of their
children, and not for everyday needs.
Here are the conclusions of the studies in order to
explain the degree of the fulfillment of the basic needs
of education, the aspirations of the parents concerning
their children's education, the family program’s
comprehension level expectations (PKH) and the
aforementioned factors influence on the pattern of the
use of funds by the parents. (1) It is known that the
strength of the relationship between the degree of
satisfaction of the basic needs of education and the
patterns of the use of funds by the parents has a
correlation. The parents allocate and use the money
properly to finance their child's education. (2) The
direction of the relationship between the aspirations
of the parents against the pattern of the use of funds
by the parents was negative. That is, the higher the
aspirations of the parents, the lower the CCT fund
usage patterns toward education and vice versa and
(3) The high aspirations of the parents concerning the
CCT funds show that the parents have to understand
that the funds are for the education of their child and
not for everyday needs.
PKH provides assistance directly to the
community for the betterment of society. Noting the
conclusion of the research results, we recommend to
related agencies that when implementing the CCT
implementation plan, we should modify and create
variations of the pattern of the use of funds for
community groups in the hope that the family
program recipients use the funds more effectively.
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ICoCSPA 2018 - International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs