others that are used to meet domestic needs also
exported and become the backbone of the country's
foreign exchange.
The Government encourages the Development of
Biomass and Biogas PLT through Minister of
Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 27 of
2014 on the Purchase of Electricity from Biomass
Power Plant and Biogas Power Plant by PLN.
1.2 Biomass as a Source of Energy
Biomass as a Renewable Energy Source that can
always be replanted and harvested in ways that
humans use it as fuel from time immemorial.
Activity utilizing biomass as energy fuel is often
also referred to as "green farming" activity without
the need for capital / cost which is too high but able
to involve labor so-called "pro job action."
Biomass utilization has the following effects
(Kong, 2010):
1. The air around the biomass burning process is
cleaner than the air quality near the burning
process of fossil fuel.
2. For managers of biomass-fueled power plants,
this can put pressure on investment costs an
unnecessary overhaul unit of emissions as well
as daily operational costs. The more complex the
operation, the greater the electrical energy
required because each pollution prevention unit
also needs electrical energy.
3. CO2 of biomass burning is categorized as
"carbon neutral" because it is reabsorbed by
plants to sustain its growth.
4. Planting energy plants in marginal lands in
addition to boosting local people's income can
also prevent soil erosion and thus reduce the
potential for landslides.
5. When the "sleeping" areas are used for crops,
then the rainwater absorbing function is
reactivated as a means of preventing flooding.
The potential of biomass in Indonesia that can
be used as an energy source is very abundant. Waste
derived from animals and plants are all potential to
be developed. Food crops and plantations produce
considerable waste, which can be used for other
purposes such as biofuels.
Utilization of waste as a biofuel provides three
immediate benefits. First, the improvement of
energy efficiency as a whole because the energy
content contained in the waste is large and will be
wasted if not used. Second, cost savings, as often
waste disposal can be more expensive than using it.
Third, reducing the need for landfill sites due to the
provision of landfills will become more difficult and
expensive, especially in urban areas.
1.3 PLTU Fueled from Wood Pellet Red
PLTU is a plant that uses steam as the prime mover.
To produce steam, there must be a combustion
process to heat the water. PLTU is a power plant
system that converts chemical energy into electrical
energy by using water vapor as its working fluid,
with turbine blades moving the turbine shaft, for the
next turbine shaft to move the generator which is
then generated into electrical energy.
Steam Turbine is one of the basic components in
a steam power plant. Where the main components of
the system are: kettle, condenser, boiler water pump,
and turbine itself. Steam that serves as a working
fluid is produced by a boiler, a device that serves to
convert water into vapor.
Energy Conversion Process at PLTU has three
stages, namely (Suyitno, 2011):
1. Chemical energy in the fuel is converted
into heat energy in the form of high-
pressure steam and high temperature.
2. Heat energy (steam) is converted into
mechanical energy in the form of rotation.
3. Mechanical energy converted into electrical
The process of converting chemical energy into
electrical energy can be seen in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Wood Pellet Power Plant diagram block.
Almost all electrical energy is generated by using
a synchronous generator. Therefore, synchronous
generator plays an important role in a power plant.
Synchronous generator (often called an alternator) is
a synchronous machine that functions to convert
mechanical energy in the form of rotation into
electrical energy back and forth (AC)
The working principle of a synchronous
generator is (Marsudi, 2005):
1. The field coil present in the rotor is connected to
a particular excitation source which will supply