Laboratory Study of Some Plant Crude Extracts against Soybean
Leafroller Lamprosema indicata Fab. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Asmanizar, Aldy Waridha, Edy Sumantri and Ratna Mauli Lubis
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Jl. S.M.Raja, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: plant crude extract, Lamprosemaindicata, insect mortality
Abstract: Thepotential of some plant crude extract against Lamprosemaindicatawas evaluated. The experiment was
done by applying crude extract solution uniformly on Petridish and the larvae of L. indicata were released.
The crude extract used in this study was obtained fromSoxhlet extractor (acetone as solvent). The
concentrations (treatments) of crude extract used were 0.25 and 0.5% (volume of extract/volume of water,
v/v). The results showed that crude extracts affected insect mortality. Crude extract of Jatrophacurcas
(seed), Tageteserecta (leaf) and Piper betle (leaf) at 0.5% concentration caused insect mortality up to 50%,
whilst Annona muricata(seed), C. aurantifolia(peel), A. conyzoides(leaf,stem), C. nardus(leaf) andM.
koenigii (leaf) caused insect mortality from 32.5 to 47.5%. The 0.25% crude extract concentration caused
lower insect mortality.
Soybean Leafroller Lamprosemaindicata
Fab.commonly causes damage to some cultivated
plants and wild Leguminosae. The insect attacks the
soybean plant since 11 days after planting to 70 days
of old plant. The larva fold and spin the leaves
together and then feed on from the inside of the
surface. The larvae are mobile and bright green.
Older larvae defoliate the leaves leaving only the
veins. The pupa are found at the feeding sites. The
insects attack the soybean crops and this has been
reported solely during the first 4-6 weeks, mostly
during dry season (Kalshoven, 1981). The damaged
leaves caused by the insects are about 50% and this
result in the decreasing of seed production.
Synthetic insecticide has been used extensively
to overcome the pest problems and indiscriminately,
resulting in a number of problems viz., the
development of insect resistance to insecticides,
resurgence of pests and adversed effect on non-
target organisms such as natural enemies of insect
pests. According to (Marwoto, 2007), monitoring in
soybean production centre in Indonesia show that
the controlling of insect pest still relies on synthetic
insecticide. Insecticideis used intensively in some
plantingareas in controlling insect pest on soybean
with high dose and frequency of application. this
causes negative effect on insects; insect resistance,
and resurgence of insect pest. Hence, there is a need
to replace synthetic chemicals withnatural
compounds in plants.
A number of plants or part of plants growing
around Kabupaten Deli Serdang, North Sumatra are
known to have insecticidal properties, inclined to the
study of the mortality effect against L. Indicate, a
insect pest of soybean Glycine max.
2.1 Collection of Plant Materials and
Thirteen species of plants that have been reported to
possess insecticidal property (Prakash&Rao 1997;
Prijono 2003; Dodia et al., 2008;) were collected
from Kabupaten Deli Serdang Indonesia during
April 2018 (Table 1).
Asmanizar, ., Waridha, A., Sumantri, E. and Lubis, R.
Laboratory Study of Some Plant Crude Extracts against Soybean Leafroller Lamprosema indicata Fab. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
DOI: 10.5220/0008882601070111
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 107-111
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Plant and parts of plant used.
No. Plant Species Family Part of Plant Used
1 Alpiniagalanga Zingiberaceae Rhizome
2 Annonamuricata Annonaceae Seed
3 Jatrophacurcas Euphorbiaceae Seed
4 Citrus aurantifolia Rutaceae peel
5 Carica papaya Caricaceae Leaf
6 Isotomalongiflora Campanulaceae Leaf
7 Tageteserecta Compositae Leaf
8 Lantana camara Verbanaceae Leaf
9 Cymbopogonnardus Poaceae Clump (stem)
10 Cymbopogonnardus Poaceae Leaf
11 Ocimumcitriodorum Lamiaceae Leaf
12 Ageratum conyzoides Asteraceae Plant
13 Piper betle Piperaceae Leaf
14 Murrayakoenigii Rutaceae Leaf
The plants were washed thoroughly and air dried
under shade. The seeds of A. indica, A. muricata
and J. curcas were hulled to get the kernel. The
rhizome of A. galanga was slashed about 5 mm to
make dry totally, then ground using electric grinding
machineand finally passed through a 10 mesh sieve
to obtain the powder. Extraction was done using
‘Soxhlet Extractor’. A 50 g of the powdered material
was placed in a filter paper and then placed in the
extractor. Then 200 ml acetone was poured in to the
receiving flask. The process of extraction took about
10 h. A 50 ml Crude extract was obtained after
removal of the solvents with vacuum evaporation at
temperature of <40
C . There were 14 crude extracts
because some plant used were from different parts.
2.2 Insect Rearing
The larvae and/or pupae of L. indicata in the folded
leaves were collected from Soybean in field and put
in the wire cage (50x50x60 cm) consistingof
soybean plant (± 3 weeks old). The number of larvae
or pupae was 10 per cage. The emerged adults
copulated and put egg on the soybean plant. After
about 2 weeks the new larva (a length of about 15
mm) was used for study.
2.3 Testing Method
Method used was adopted from Tillman’s (2006) as
residual toxicity. Each crude extracts with the 0.5
and 0.25% concentration was smeared with 2 ml
crude extract on the top and bottom of petri dish
(100 by 15 mm). Water was used as the control.
After the solution wasdried (about 1 hour), ten
Lamprosemaindicata larvae were placed in the petri
dish. The experiment was arranged as CRD by
having 14 crude plant extracts as treatment and
replicated four times.Data of L. indicatamortality
were transformed using Arc Sine Transformation
(Gomez & Gomez 1984) for normalization before
analysis. To determine the difference of mortality of
L. Indicate, each crude extract, one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was performed. Means were
separated with Fisher’s Protected Least Significant
Difference (LSD, P < 0.05) where ANOVA result
was significant. All statistical analyses were done
using Minitab Program.
There was a significant difference in percentage of
mortality of L. indicata among plant extracts (F =
10.21df = 28&87, P < 0.05). The average larva
mortality was showed in Table 2.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
Table 2: Mortality of L. indicata after contact with crude extract as residual toxicity.
No Crude Extracts Conc. (%) Mean (%)
1 Annonamuricata 0.50 32.50 abcde
0.25 22.50 defg
0.50 30.00 bcde
0.25 27.50 cdef
0.50 52.50 a
0.25 37.50 abcd
Citrus aurantifolia
0.50 35.00 abcde
0.25 5.00 ij
Carica papaya
0.50 30.00 bcde
0.25 7.50 hij
0.50 5.00 ij
0.25 0.00 j
0.50 35.00 bcde
0.25 30.00 bcde
0.50 52.50 a
0.25 22.50 defg
Ageratum conyzoides
0.50 40.00 abcd
0.25 22.50 defg
Cymbopogonnardus (leaf)
0.50 35.00 abcde
0.25 17.50 efgh
Cymbopogonnardus (clump)
0.50 12.50 fghi
0.25 5.00 ij
0.50 2.50 ij
0.25 0.00 j
Piper betle
0.50 50.00 ab
0.25 12.50 ghi
0.50 47.50 abc
0.25 22.50 defg
15 Kontrol 0 0.00 j
Means in a column followed by different letters are significantly different (P=0.05) by LSD Test.
Overall, the 0.5% concentration of crude extracts
caused higher insect mortality compared with that of
0.25% concentration for each plant species crude
extracts. The seed crude extracts of J. curcas, leaf
crude extracts of T. erecta and P. betlewere found to
be toxic against L. indicata. The application of crude
extracts against Soybean LeafrollerL. indicata
caused mortality up to 50%. According to
Adebowale and Adedire (2006) the insecticidal
activity of J. curcas seed could be due to the
presence of several sterols and terpen alcohols which
have been known to exhibit insecticidal
properties.Adolf et al. (1984) reportsthat the seed
oil of J. curcas contains a diterpenoid (12-deoxy-16-
hydroxyphorbol). Tageteserecta showed good effect
against L. indicata, (up to 50% of mortality). The
active principles which affect the insects are
mycene, tagetone and allopatuletin(Dodia et al.,
2008).Piper betle leaf aqueous extract was reported
to show insecticidal activity tested against the bean
leaf beetle (Prakash and Rao, 1997). This leaf
contains kavikol, citronellal, geraniol, andterpineol.
DwiWahyuni (2012) reports that citronella oil P.
betle leaf possesses ovipositor deterrent and ovicidal
activities against H. armigera.
The crude extracts of A. muricata(seed), C.
aurantifolia(peel), A. conyzoides(plant), C. nardus
(leaf) and M. koenigii crude extracts at 0.5%
concentration caused lower insects mortality (32.5-
47.5%) but it was not a significant difference with J.
curcas seed crude extracts, T. erecta and P. betle
leaf crude extracts. The effect of A. muricata seed
crude extracts may be due to the presence of a toxic
alkaloid annonaine. It is an active component
isolated from this plant showing insecticidal
properties (Prakash and Rao, 1997). Whilst, C.
aurantifolia(peel) crude extracts contains essential
oil (7%), with the main components ofcitral,
limonene, β-pinene and aroma compounds which are
of terpineol, bisabolene and other terpenoids(Simon
Laboratory Study of Some Plant Crude Extracts against Soybean Leafroller Lamprosema indicata Fab. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
&Akeju, 2017).Ageratum conyzoides has been
knownto possess bioactive components affecting
the insect pest. The major components, namelythe
precocenes, have been reported to have
antijuvenilehormonal activity.Precocene I and
precocene II are highly toxic to the rice weevil
Sitophilusoryzae (Prakash&Rao, 1997).
Cymbopogonnardus contains cymbopogone and
cymbopogonol, α and β-citrals, myrcene, linalool,
lynalyl acetate, citronellal and nerol. Topical
application of the ethanolic saturated extract of C.
nardus has toxicity effects on S. zeamais, R.
dominica and Cryptolestes sp(Doumbia et al.,
2014).Murrayakoenigii was known as
kuryneemhaving bioactive component affecting the
insect. Mahanimbin, koenimbin, and koenigicine
were isolated from fruits and leaves. Field
evaluation of M. koenigii leaf extracts revealed
reduction of bud fly infestation (Dodia et al., 2008).
Whilst, J. curcas crude extract at 0.25%
concentration still showed good effect with the
mortality of L. Indicate and there was no significant
difference with 0.5% concentration (37.5% of
mortality). The crude extracts of C. aurantifolia, C.
papaya, C. nardus (clump) extracts showed lowest
effects at 0.25% concentration with the range
mortality 0-7,5%.Isotomalongiflora and O.
citriodorum at 0.5 and 0.25% concentration treated
showed the least effect (0-5% mortality). The effect
of I. longiflora and O. citriodorum was very low and
can be considered non-active. Some chemical
substances on I. longiflora are alkaloid (lobelin,
lobelamin, isotomin), whilst, Occimum sp.contains
bioactive constituents that are generally oviposition
deterrent, ovicidal, antifeedant repellent, insect
growth regulatory, attractant and insecticidal.The
toxic effects compounds ofeugenol, mono and
sesquiterpenoids which could be found in the plant
extract (Pandey et al., 2014). The lowest effect of
this crude extracts against L. indicataby the presence
of bioactive chemical was very low.
The highest L. indicata mortality was about 50%.
It may be due to the behavior of larva, which folds
and spins the leaves together and feeds from inside.
Therefore, contacting the insect with the crude
extract was limited.
Almost all crude extracts tested showed mortality
effect on L. indicata. Jatrophacurcas,T. erecta and
P. betle showed good effect at 0.5% concentrations
(up to 50%). Annonamuricata, C. aurantifolia(peel),
A. conyzoides(plant),Cymbopogonnardus (leaf) and
M. koenigii crude extracts at 0.5% concentration
caused lower insects mortality (32.5-47.5%). There
is a need of future study to evaluate the insecticidal
potency as stomach poison.
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Laboratory Study of Some Plant Crude Extracts against Soybean Leafroller Lamprosema indicata Fab. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)