the rice fields, most farmers hope assistance from
appropriate agencies to solve this problem.
Farmers must consider cultural fishing in rice fields,
especiallyabout the type of fish that contribute the
highest amount of returns and are easily cultivated.
Giving the fishes food with additional supplements
of commercial food at the rate 3 to 4% of
bodyweight is good for fishes as all the nutrients
promote growth and to the rice fields as they act as
additional fertilizers (inorganic and
organic).Furthermore, farmers could also look into
the methods and means to control the disappearance
of fishes and loss due to predators. Preferably, future
research could investigate the natural methods of
preventing predators into rice fields.In addition,
farmers also look into comparing the concurrent
integrated rice-fish farming system with others
farming systems, namely sequential and rotational
systems, which have continuous flow of irrigation
water throughout the year. This research could
actually recommend the most ideal farming system
that provides the highest income and profits to
I wish to thank,Prof. Dr. JambariHj. Ali, Dr.
MisriKusnan, and Dr. Hishamuddin Omar in our
research’s team for this programme, and to thank the
School of Graduate Studies of Universiti Putra
Malaysia for granting through the IRPA project No:
01-02-04-0040 EA 001 (Ministry of Science,
Technology and Environment Malaysia) for
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