up their living (Sukojo and Yuniati, 2016).
Similarly, the previous studies conducted on medical
students of the United States and Europe showed
that one third of students had poor mental health and
the prevalence increased in students of advanced
stage, which was 25 to 52 percent.
Based on the previous data, wecould conclude
that co-assistants’ activities were viewed difficult,
ultimately affecting the emergence of behaviors
related to stress. Stressful events with varying
degrees are also related to the individual’s responses
with hardship encountered. Some people become
discouraged, but others feel excited by the
As said by Stoltz (2004) that basically, everyone
has a different response when faced with hardship.
Some of them seem to be able to get out of the
adversity, while the others feel embarrassed, inferior
until psychological trauma. Basically, this
phenomenon cannot be separated from the concept
of AI. The medical students must have AI to become
intellectual candidates who can survive when faced
with problems or pressure. Strength or power is
needed to solve it (Laura and Sunjoyo, 2009). When
individuals are able to survive and overcome
difficulties, they will achieve success in life.
Achieving success in life is determined by level of
First, AI was developed by Paul G. Stoltz. Stoltz
(2004) stating that AI is also an individual's ability
to move life’s goal in the future, and also as a
measurement of how to respond to difficulties. He
divided the dimensions of AI into four parts, namely
RE. The CO
RE dimensions will determine
level of individual’s AI usually expressed in the
form of adversity quotient, that is a coefficient
which explains individual's ability to respond
The role of AI as intelligence is related to coping
ability after turning out, not only appearance in the
business or organization, but also in educational
institutions (Stoltz, 2004, Alka, 2012). In education,
the concept of AI plays a significant role when
individual are faced with various challenges, such as
learning process (Matore, 2015). In addition,
research related to AI and stress levels, particularly
among co-assistants has never been done. Therefore,
the reseachers would like to see the correlation
between AI and level of stress among co-assistants
in Pirngadi General Hospital Medan.
The data obtained from this research, will also be
used as basis for planning the right method to
develop the psychological readiness of co-assistants.
So, they can exhibit maximum performance and
make them have good preparation and confidence
when undergoing the profession on the actual
conditions later.
2.1 Research Design
This study used quantitative research in which the
correlation approach was selected to determine
relationship between AI and level of stress among
co-assistants in Pirngadi General Hospital Medan.
The data were analyzed statistically by using
computer program.
2.2 Variables
There are two variables, namely (1) AI, which is
defined as the total score obtained from the sum of
four dimensions (CO
RE) score, measured by AI
scale, adopted from Ariasandi (2011). AI is
described as the ability of the individual to survive
and overcome all the hardship, with tough and
diligent manners to achieve goals and; (2) the level
of stress is a feeling of tension experienced by the
individual due to internal or external pressure,
characterized by psychological reactions, as
measured through Depression Anxiety Stress Scale
42 (DAS-42).
2.3 Sample
This research involved thirty co-assistants which
were selected through purposive sampling
technique. They were taking part in professional
education at Pirngadi General Hospital Medan,
starting from May 2016 until February 2017. The
study was conducted at the hospital located at Jalan
prof. H.M. Yamin, SH No. 47, Medan.
2.4 Instrument
The researcher used psychological scale to collect
relevant data. First, the AI scale, adopted from
Ariasandi (2011), consisting of sixteen statements
and was arranged by the dimensions of CO
including control, origin-ownership, reach and
endurance. This scale had tested the reliability by
using cronbach alpha and obtained reliability index
of 0.902. Test validity with 5 percent significance
level has also been done and obtained coefficients
ranged from 0.398-0.798. Thus, it can be said that