Malaria in the Dutch East Indies: A Study on Indigenous Health
During Colonial Times
Dahlena Sari Marbun and Umar Zein
Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Malaria, Medicine, Colonialism, Discrimination, Indonesia.
Abstract: Malaria prevention is basically one of the parts that is inseparable from the efforts of the colonial
government to form a Jawatan / Rakyat Kesehatan Service in 1925. In addition there are also efforts to
establish an initial health service through an army hospital. This health service is basically a continuation of
the Army Health Service (Militair Geneeskundige Dienst) in 1808 which was established during the
administration of Governor General H.W. Daendels. At that time there were three large Army Hospitals: in
Batavia (Jakarta), Semarang and Surabaya. Civil health efforts began in 1809, and the Government
Regulation on Civil Health Services was issued in 1820. In 1827 the two departments were combined and
only in 1911 was there a real separation between the two departments (Health Promotion Team, 2006: 6).
Indonesian malaria in the Dutch colonial era. Malaria is endemic in Indonesia due to colonial government
policies and environmental factors and human behavior. This epidemic then spreads to various blood
through human activities and the environment. The government and indigenous people are trying to
eradicate the outbreak. They did the effort but there was discrimination and difference in treatment. This
study discusses the case of Indonesian malaria in the Dutch colonial era.
In the history of human civilization, malaria is a
tropical infectious disease that has caused suffering
and death until now. Since this disease is considered
mysterious until now, molecular research has
continued to develop and malaria cases are still a
health problem for people in the world including
Each year Indonesia’s 230 million people
collectively suffer at least several million cases of
malaria caused by all four known species of human
Plasmodium. Despite a long history of pioneering
work in malaria prevention, treatment and control
reaching back to the early 1900s, no systematic
review of malaria in Indonesia has yet been
1.1 Human population
The Republic of Indonesia in Southeast Asia making
up the Indonesian archipelago straddles the equator
and stretches 5200 km from west Malaysia to Papua
New Guinea. The country consists of 17,504 islands
(only 6000 of which are inhabited), covering a land
area of 1.9 million km. The archipelago comprises
seven main islands: Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, Maluku, Lesser Sundas and Papua.Sixty
percent of Indonesians live on Java and Bali,
representing only 7% of the land area of Indonesia.
More people live in rural (57%) than in urban areas
(43%). The ratio of male to female is 1:1. The age
distribution of the population is 30% young (014
years old), 65% productive age (1564 years old)
and 5% old age (≥65 years old).)
1.2 Healthcare Delivery Systems
Healthcare services are made up of primary health
centres, public hospitals, private and semi-private
pharmaceutical industries and private sector
healthcare facilities. Primary health centres are
mainly located in sub-districts and provide maternal
and infant care, family planning and in-patient and
out-patient services to the community, as well as
communicable disease control services. In 2007,
there were 8234 primary health centres, with a
centre serving, on average, about 27,400 people. The
number of primary health centres increases at a rate
Marbun, D. and Zein, U.
Malaria in the Dutch East Indies: A Study on Indigenous Health During Colonial Times.
DOI: 10.5220/0008882901230127
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 123-127
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of about 2.7% per year. The service coverage by
province ranged from 8000 to 52,000 people per
health centre. Seven provinces failed to meet the
standard target of a maximum of 30,000 people per
health centre. These were Riau, Banten, West Java,
Central Java, East Java, Bali and West Nusa
Tenggara. The area coverage per centre was 192 km
on average; however, in sparsely populated Papua,
Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan area,
coverage was greater than 1000 km
The number of hospitals was 1319 in 2007,
which provided a total of 142,707 hospital beds.
Ownership of these hospitals was 49% private and
51% public and government operated. The overall
ratio of population to each hospital bed was 1581:1.
The Indonesian Ministry of Health (MoH) declared
the ideal ratio to be 1000 people per bed. The annual
increase in hospital beds is typically 1.1%. The total
number of people seeking hospital treatment was
about 30 million in 2005, with ~7.8% of them being
referred from lower levels of healthcare delivery,
including primary health centres.
The activities of the pharmaceutical industry
ensure the availability, accessibility and distribution
of drugs to the community. By 2005, according to
the Drug and Food Control Agency, there were 465
standard pharmaceutical companies and 1634 small,
traditional drug companies in the production sector.
According to the Indonesian MoH in 2007 there
was about half a million health personnel employed
in Indonesia. Nurses and midwives made up 54%
and 14%, respectively, of that number. Typically, for
every 100,000 people, there were 138 nurses and 35
midwives. Eight percent of these half a million
health personnel were licensed physicians, yielding a
service ratio of about 19 physicians per 100,000
people. Health personnel specializing in public
health made up two percent of this half a million,
with a service ratio of approximately four per
100,000 people. The distribution of health personnel
was 257,555 (45%) at hospitals and 184,445 (32%)
at healthcare Centre.
Research on malaria in HindiBelandawas first
carried out by Allard van der Scheer in 1891. Van
der Scheer ended his tenure in 1899, however, it was
not long. Re-malaria-related research was conducted
a year later. A German doctor named Robert Koch
visited the HindiaBelandaion September `889 to
make series of research expeditions on malaria in the
tropics. His research report entitled "Professor
Koch's Investigations on Malaria" can be read in The
British Medical Journal (Vol. 1, No. 2041, 1900).
Political Ethics has its intended good effect as
the reciprocity from the Dutch to the Indonesian
people but it turned into a misery. There were three
policies of the ethical politics: education,
immigration and irrigation. But, The irrigation
programs were not maintained well so the malaria
outbreak became a serious problem in Java island.
The Cultivation system policy in Indonesia brought
enormous wealth and prosperity of the Netherlands.
The Dutch colonial system in Indonesia from 1870
to 1900 brought suffering to the local population.
The land law in 1870 gained the foreign investors
grabbing land from the kingdom. The Sugar Law, as
well as polices from the kingdom which encouraged
the growth of the Dutch East Indies economy, made
the Europeans and Chinese people richer and the
indigenous people poorer. As Furnivall said
(1983:326): “…under the Chinese liberalism who
benefited greatly from the freedom of the company,
and if the profits plummeted, the Europeans felt
more about the excess opportunity of their
The situation caused the criticisms of the
colonialism in the Netherlands and in the Dutch East
Indies colonies that only brought benefits to the
Dutch, while the local population lived in poverty.
(Robert Van Niel, 1984:19)
Besides in Batavia, Dr. Koch also conducted
research in Ambarawa. This region was chosen
because there were military hospitals with complete
facilities and had characteristics as malaria endemic
areas. The Ambarawa landscape with its rice field
and swamping area is very conducive to the
development of malaria.
In Ambarawa, Dr. Koch collected and examined
blood samples of hundreds of children in three
villages close to rice fields and swamps. As a
result,he concluded that children, especially
toddlers, were more susceptible to malaria.
However, immunity to malaria will increase with
The Ethical Politics was supposed to be a
reciprocation but turned into disaster. Irrigation is
mismanaged, malaria brought disaster on the island
of Java.
The Section I and II infrastructure projects were
successfully constructed in the mid-1895. At that
time, the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies
had turned to Carel Herman Aart van der Wijck. The
Department of Public Works continued to develop
the Section III project which included the primary
canal on the bank to the right of the Ciranjang river.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
In her book, “Etika yang Berkeping-Keping: Lima
Telaah Kajian Aliran Etis dalam Politik Kolonial
1877–1942”, the historian, Elsabeth Locher-
Scholten, wrote that it invited the concerns of the
ethics who encouraged the implementation of 100
million guilders loan to the Dutch government in
order to fund the projects in the Indies.
After the irrigation infrastructure was completed
in 1904, other problems followed. The government
disregarded for the environmental conditions in
Cihea, especially the land conditions. Furthermore,
the government did not consider that farmers in
Cihea were backward and not accustomed to using
irrigation flows which in that era were fairly
modern. The water that flew through the rice fields
turned out to be stagnant and never receded. Water
puddles also spread, inundating land other than rice
fields. As a result, Cihea became a malaria epidemic
Eight years since the irrigation had been
operated, Cihea was declared as a malaria endemic
area. From the report compiled by W. van Gorkom
regarding malaria endemic area in Cihea, it can be
seen that there was a high mortality rate of people
due to malaria. From around 22 villages in the Cihea
region, the death rate of the population reached an
average of 50 percent. The irrigation infrastructure
within an ethical spirit turned out to disaster. Over
the next few years, at least until 1930, the victims
fell on the side of the population.
After irrigation was operated, the government
allowed the establishment of a private Dutch paper
mill. The government wanted to make a big deal
from the irrigation. Meanwhile, the farmers were
taxed from the investment interest invested by the
colonial government. The badness of the colonial
government could also be seen from the way they
handle the malaria epidemic slowly, so the problem
was dragged on while the suffering of the population
never ended. This is an example of how the face of
colonial ethics is covered on hypocritical mask.
Owing to mismanagement of irrigation malaria
came back to attack and bring disaster on the island
of Java showingliberal political policy towards
indigenous people. The progress of the country's
trade gained from the sale of forced crops carried out
in Indonesia produced wealth and prosperity to the
One more factor that arose along with the
advancement of agriculture and industry in the
liberal era was the increase in the number of people
who were mostly migrants. The situation gets worse
if the unemployed city residents invade the area
outside the city to find work. The breadwinner for
the Indonesian population is left behind because
positions that require proficiency are characterized
for Christians.
One impression of industrial development in the
Liberal era was the increasing population growth.
After 1870 the number of Europeans on Java began
to increase. This change was a result of the speedy
citizens who entered the area that was previously
reserved for government employees. This new
European group worked for the company or in the
private sector that started to grow and developed.
They began to hold associations to foster a sense of
brotherhood that was different from the European
community who arrived early to work as employees
of the royal court. Local people only worked as
At the end of the liberal era, it became clear that
the predictions and expectations of the liberal group
through a liberal economic system would bring
greater prosperity to Indonesians who could not be
tested before when they had confirmed a planting
system that only helped destitution and misery in
Indonesia. Such circumstances caused the local
population to become dissatisfied (Ledge, 1972:
By 1990 the situation had reached the height of
the upheaval, resulting in the banquet of Van Kol, a
deputy who was the representative of the socialist
party (Ledge, 1972: 101). Before this, Van Deventer
had also stated in his idea regarding debt:
"........... there is no need to be sure that the
Netherlands has extorted wealth from the East Indies
at the time of the plant and because it involves
muruah, women who are paid because they receive
assistance; the Dutch has extorted wealth from the
East Indies at the time of the plant and because they
keep the money, it is worth paying the debt by
obtaining assistance from the Dutch treasury to help
with the financial condition of the colonies and seek
Indonesian virtues "(Ledge, 1972 : 101).
The new European community who lived in Java
began to see the development of the lives of the
local people which were declining. They began to
want a more open and modern political change.
They demanded from the government and wanted a
power of autonomy to take care of financial matters
that were freer than the government. The liberal base
is a system designed for European private investors
and they have succeeded in accumulating wealth
from the colonies. The liberal basis provides limited
opposition to the forced cultivation system. The
liberal basis is the basis for wanting to implement
human rights, namely religious freedom, freedom of
expression and freedom in education. In 1860 the
Malaria in the Dutch East Indies: A Study on Indigenous Health During Colonial Times
liberal mind was actively developing in Europe and
gave birth to people who were free and humane.
The liberal group always insisted on the
government so that the element would pass the
giving of things to the promised autonomy of
government in the Indies - Dutch colonies. Under
the government of the Liberal Foundation the Indies
colony - the Netherlands had turned into a tool for
the production of the world economy protected by
the government. Local residents began to be
introduced to the system of low-wage workers.
Residents began leaving the rice fields because they
were attracted by the system of wages and the value
of money. To facilitate the delivery of merchandise
from the results of cultivation to the European East
Indies government regulating shipping associations
they carried out monopolies that diverted shipping
and shipping operations to local residents.
Various criticisms made by Dr. Abraham
Kuyper, as an expert in winning the Netherlands,
finally brought a downfall to the liberal party.
Kuyper wrote an editorial plan on our progress or
our progres. He wrote about his moral responsibility
in supporting the virtues of the Indonesian
population. The intended debt other than the
proceeds of the forced planting wealth (1830-1870)
also resulted in gains during the liberal period
obtained in the Netherlands.
2.1 Period 1959-1968 (Malaria
Extermination Period)
Malaria control in Indonesia began in 1959 with the
existence of KOPEM (Malaria Eradication
Command) at the center and in the area of the
establish of the Malaria Eradication Service which
was an integration of the Malaria Institute, as well as
training for the establishment of the Malaria
Training Center in Ciloto and 4 field training centers
outside Java.
During this period malaria control was called the
eradication period, where the focus of eradication
was carried out on the islands of Java, Bali and
Lampung. The main activities carried out were
spraying insecticides, treatment with Chloroquine
and prophylaxis. It was not until 1961-1964 that
insecticide spraying was carried out outside Java and
Bali. This effort was quite successful in the Java and
Bali regions with a decrease in parasite rate.
In 1966, efforts to eradicate malaria faced
various obstacles, caused by funding decreasing both
from the government and from outside assistance,
the spread of Anopheles aconitus resistance to DDT
and Dieldrin in Central and East Java, the resistance
of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium
malariae to Pirimetamin and Proguanil and increased
tolerance of Plasmodium falciparum to Primakuin in
Irian Jaya.
Then in 1968, KOPEM was integrated into the
Directorate General of P4M (Prevention of
Eradication and Eradication of Communicable
Diseases), so that it no longer used the term
eradication but eradication.
2.2 Period 1969 - 2000 (Malaria
With the integration of malaria control efforts with
the health care system, malaria activities are carried
out by Puskesmas, hospitals and other health care
facilities. Along with ecological changes, in 1973 it
was reported that the existence of resistance to
Plasmodium falciparum in Yogyakarta, even in 1975
in all provinces in Indonesia, accompanied by a case
of Plasmodium resistance to Sulfadoxin-
Pirimethamin (SP) in several places in Indonesia.
In 1973 import patients were found from East
Kalimantan in Yogyakarta. In 1991 there were
reported cases of resistance to Plasmodium vivax
against Chloroquine on Nias Island, North Sumatra
Political Ethics has its intended good effect as the
reciprocity from the Dutch to the Indonesian people
but it turned into a misery. There were three policies
of the ethical politics: education, immigration and
irrigation. But, The irrigation programs were not
maintained well so the malaria outbreak became a
serious problem in Java island.
The Dutch colonial system in Indonesia from
1870 to 1900 brought suffering to the local
population. The land law in 1870 gained the foreign
investors grabbing land from the kingdom.
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Malaria in the Dutch East Indies: A Study on Indigenous Health During Colonial Times