by plants for its growth. Because of being
decomposed by microorganism, K element in form of
organic complex can be changed into simple K
organic in the form of K
that can be absorbed by the
plants. The bacteria solvent of phosphate generally
can dilute the element potassium in the organic
material. The element potassium in the basic material
of compost is used for metabolism of microbe and for
catalisator (Iliyin et al, 2012). This causes the
increasing grade of K at the end of the process of
making compost at the beginning of the process.
From the table 1 above, it is known that the grade
of K obtained for each K2, K1and K0 is 2,42; 2,53;
and 2,58. The highest grade of K is accepted in
compost K0. The condition may be because the basic
material has the chemical element in it that is water
hyacinth containing the nutrient K, thus it can
influence the activity of bacteria during the process of
making compost. This goes in line with the study
conducted by Yenie and Andesgur (2016) that the
highest grade of K-total is in the compost without
adding EM-4, then the grade of k decrease in
treatment EM-4 0,9%, 0,7% and 0,5%. Then, the
result of the study conducted by Pangestuti (2008)
shows that the grade of K after 40 days of the process
of making compost heap without adding bio-
decomposer is higher than that in compost by adding
the bio-decomposer in it. From table 1 above, it is
apparently seen that the grade of K in compost K2,
K1 and K0 is based on SNI (Indonesian National
Standard) (the grade K ≥ 0,2%). The grade of nutrient
in compost that is based on the SNI Indonesian
National Standard will influence positively if it is
applied for land and plants.
Bio-decomposer EM-4 is effective on the grade of
carbon (C) and phosphor (P) in the water hyacinth
composting. The grade of nutrient that consists of: C,
N, P, K in the water hyacinth compost has been
appropriate with SNI (Indonesian National Standard)
National Indonesia Standard.
For the highwater level of water hyacinth at the
beginning of process of making compost, sunbathing
is needed in longer time (more than two days if the
day is blazing). Through this way the process of
making compost is done faster and can decrease the
high level of humidity for the product of compost.
Moreover, because of the limitation of means, for the
next time, pH and temperature for certain interval is
needed to be measured.
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