interrelated in terms of enhancing job performance.
This shows that a taxi driver possesses better
management in the adversity quotient and work
stres. Dr. Stoltz in (Phoolka&Kaur,2012) shows that
team conducting research with sales employees of
SBC Telecommunication finds that sales persons
with high AQ scores sells more than those with low
AQ. In another study conducted at Deloitte and
Touche, the team finds that AQ of top performers
exceeds the AQ of low performers by 17 points
which indicate AQ can be a measure of employee
performance. By giving AQ training to the
employees, AQ of the employees can be improved.
Companies like SunTrust measures the AQ of every
applicant before hiring him/her.
Despite of the belief that adversity quotient and
work stres decrease the job performance and
employee motivation increases job performance,
researchers have attempted very little theoretical
work on the development of relationships among
adversity quotient, work stres, employee
motivation, and job performance. As such, this study
investigates the affect among adversity quotient,
work stres, employee motivation and job
performance. The results indicate that employee
motivation is not an important intervening variable
on employee(in this research a taxi driver). A
research done in Malaysia recommends that there is
a need for employers to restructure the methodology
for training employees on soft-skills (Ibrahim,
Boerhannoeddin, & Kazeem Kayode, 2017).
Another research related to job performance
states that High commitment HR practices are
related to employee performance through the
mediating effect of perceived organizational support,
a fulfilled psychological contract and job security, as
key features of the employment relationship, and job
satisfaction (Latorre et al., 2016). Another variable
that affects job performance is customer orientation
(Boles, Babin, Brashear, & Brooks, 2001). Job
performance is a behaviour that is consistent with
organizational objectives and is generally assessed
on the basis of employees’ achievement of these
objectives. Participative leadership, instrumental
leadership, satisfaction with supervisor, turnover
intentions, and work effort are variables that affect
job performance (Mulki, Caemmerer, & Heggde,
This research applies a convenience sampling
method and obtains enough number of respondents.
Therefore, it is suggested that future researchers
should apply another sampling method to collect
more responses to increase the generalizability. On
the other hand, a regression analysis method is
applied to simplify the research framework and to
investigate the affects among adversity quotient,
work stres, employee motivation and job
performance. Hence, it might be more difficult to
explain the overall model of this research. It is
suggested that future researchers should apply the
structural equation model to further verify the model
in order to simplify the elaboration of the research
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