Characterization in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon
Asnani, Pardi, Devi Pratiwy, Safitri Hariani and Sri Wulan
Faculty of Literature, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Characterization, Protagonist, Static Character, Dynamic Character, Antagonist
Abstract: This research aims at revealing characterization in Andrea Hirata’s novel Sirkus Pohon by applying
Stanford’s theory. Characterization is a literary tool that is used to focus and explain the details about a
character in a certain literary work. The elements included in characterization are physical description,
action, inner thoughts, reactions, and speech. Characterization is exposed to invite interest of the readers to
get a good understanding of the plot.The protagonist in the novel is Sobri, twenty-eight-year-old, an
innocent man from Ketumbi village, only a graduate of elementary school. Sobri works as an unskilled
native laborer or collie. One day, he meets a girl, Dinda, whom he loves so much, and he wants to have a
permanent job to be able to propose her. There are two other important characters, Tara and Tegar who love
each other. Tara meets Tegar when they accompany their mothers in religious court for their parents
divorce. During the course of the plot, Taripol, all the time stands in opposite side. This research is
conducted by means of descriptive qualitative method in analyzing the characterization based on Moleong
(2006). Descriptive method is done to make the description of facts, characteristics, and relationship
between phenomena that are investigated systematically, faculatively, and accurately (Nazir, 2005). The
data are collected, identified and categorized related to characterization in the novel. The results show that
Sobri is the protagonist, Dinda, a static character, Tara and Tegar, dynamic characters, and Taripol, the
Sirkus Pohon is a novel written by Andrea Hirata,
published on August 15
2017. Sirkus Pohon is his
tenth novel after Laskar Pelangi, Sang Pemimpi,
Edensor, Maryamah Karpov, Cinta di dalam Gelas,
Padang Bulan, Sebelas Patriot, Dwilogi Padang
Bulan and Ayah. Andrea Hirata is a brilliant and
productive author. He is the first winner in New
York Book Festival in 2013 for his first novel
Laskar Pelangi, the Rainbow Troops, in American
edition. Various awards from some countries are
contributed to him.
All people in the world have characters that they
are different from each other by seeing their
characterization. The characters may be innocent or
ambitious, shy or consistent, kind or cruel, poor or
rich, strong or weak, calm or angry, diligent or lazy,
aggressive or fearful, thoughtful or inconsiderate,
confident or self-doubting, quite or noisy, careful or
careless, straight forward or underhanded, winning
or losing. One person may have more than one
attitudes, depending on one’s personality or
situation, all of which are molded into
In reading a literary work, for example novel,
character is one of the interesting things for personal
opinions to see how one’s life is and how the person
concerns has effort to pursue a goal. Character is
also a vehicle for the author in order to convey to the
readers about her/his view of the world. The readers
can learn about individual characters from their own
words and action, from what other characters say
about them and the way others act towards them.
Character in a novel can be differentiated into
several kinds based on point of view. The character
can be categorized into several at once, for example
as protagonist or antagonist.
The characters are revealed to the reader in
various ways: description, dialogue, thought and
feelings, action and reaction, and imagery and
symbol. The characterization is the creations of the
author. The differences between characters and
characterization are the character refers to the person
in literary works, meanwhile characterizations refer
Asnani, ., Pardi, ., Pratiwy, D., Hariani, S. and Wulan, S.
Characterization in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon.
DOI: 10.5220/0008884202970303
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 297-303
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to the way in which a character is created. It means
that by characterizations, the readers will know the
personality of a person in the novel, through their
actions and sayings or through what other characters
say about them. By this it is seen that
characterization is a way and technique of an author
to make the readers understand of personality and
will know the image of a character in literary
Sirkus Pohon tells about Malay people in
Belitong countryside, through the characters in the
novel; they are Sobri, Dinda, Tara, Tegar and
Taripol. Sobri is the protagonist in the novel who
loves Dinda very much. As an innocent man, Sobri
loves Dinda with his own ways. He always comes to
Dinda’s house bringing some pomegranates. Dinda
likes them very much. Other characters in the novel,
Tara and Tegar have some activities in helping their
mother. Taripol, another significant character,is
portrayed as a recurring thief who always disturbs
people by his actions.
Character is any person originating from a fictional
work or performance. (Martin in Kusumawati, 2007)
says that a character is presumably an imagined
person who inhabits a story although that simple
definition might admit to a few exceptions.
Characterization means how the writer tells the
readers about the physical and non-physical
characteristics of a person in the story. (Kenney in
Mulyawan, 2015) states that the method of
presenting character is called characterization. An
author should have an ability not only to choose
what characters take part in the story, but also to
choose the method of presenting the characters in
the story.
According to (Vidhya & Arjunan, 2015)
characterization is classified into dimensions in
which it revolves. Most of literary works are
classified under four main dimensions such as
physical, social, psychological and spiritual
dimension. The characterization concentrated with
physical dimension exists mainly with the ideas
based on human and physical capabilities. This kind
of characterization reflects the peculiarities of
society and acts as the realistic representation of
society and morals. On the other hand, psychological
dimension moves a step further to present the
character not only as socially driven but also
biologically driven. The spiritual dimension refers to
the religion of the character that takes place in the
background of the story.
Stanford (2003) states that a character is
presumably an imagined person who inhabits a
story, and the best guide to understand him or her is
what s/he does and what s/he says. Stanford also
describes the types of characters as follows:
a. Dynamic Characte, a character who changes in
some significant way during the course of the
b. Round character, a character who shows many
different facets, often presented in depth and
with great detail.
c. Flat character, a character who usually has only
one outstanding trait or feature.
d. Static character, a character who does not
change in any significant ways during the
course of the work.
e. Protagonist, a major character with whom we
generally sympathize.
f. Antagonist, a character with whom the
protagonist is in conflict, generally not a
sympathetic character.
The writers use qualitative research in analyzing the
characterization in Andrea Hirata’s novel Sirkus
Pohon. (Moleong, 2006) states that qualitative
research is a study that intends to understand the
phenomenon of what subjects experience, such as
behavior, perception, motivation, action, etc.,
holistically and by way of descriptions in the form of
words and languages, in a specific context that is
natural and by utilizing various natural methods. As
stated by Nazir (2005), descriptive method is done to
make the description of facts, characteristics, and
relationship between phenomenon investigated
systematically, and accurately. The data are
collected, identified and categorized in line with the
existences of the characters.
There are some significant characters in Andrea
Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon.
4.1 Sobri
Sobri is twenty-eight years old, still living with his
father and his sister’s family in his father’s house.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
His routine activity is driving his niece and nephew
going to school on foot.
Rutinitasku setiap pagi adalah mengantar
kedua keponakanku itu, Pipit dan Yubi, ke
sekolah. Kuantar mereka berjalan kaki karena
aku tak pandai naik sepeda. Waktu aku kecil,
Ayah tak mampu membelikanku sepeda. Kian
besar, kian malu aku mau belajar bersepeda.
Akhirnya, aku tak bisa naik sepeda. (Hirata,
SP: 24)
As an uncle, Sobri is very nice to his niece and
nephew. He always takes them home in safety. The
background scene of the novel is a small village in
Belitung, desa Ketumbi. It is usual that bicycle is
one means of transportation in the village. But Sobri
cannot ride a bike. From the quotation above, we
know that Sobri comes from a poor family; his
father cannot buy him a bike.
Sobri only graduates from elementary school. In
his self-talk, he says that it is because he has been
influenced by Taripol, his friend. Hirata portrays
Sobri as a boy who is easily affected and he let
Taripol influencs him.
Maka, bukan orang lain, melainkan Taripol
yang menyebabkanku drop-out SMP dahulu.
Dihasutnya aku untuk berleha-leha di Bioskop
Sinar Malam. Tak tahu dari mana dia dapat
duit untuk membeli karcis. Berkilat matanya
memantul sinar dari layar, saat itu kukenal
kilat mata seorang pencuri. (Hirata, SP: 24)
The above quotation tells that Sobri and Taripol
always watch film at Sinar Malam cinema, in spite
of going to school. So, finally Sobri and Taripol
drop-out from junior high school. Actually, Sobri
knows that Taripol always steals to buy the movie
tickets. But, Sobri lets himself affected by Taripol.
Hirata reveals the character of Sobri as an
innocent man. Hirata portrays the characterization of
Sobri through self-talk. This is seen when Sobri is
asked to give a TOA to Soridin Kebul. Taripol states
that he will ask him watching film. Without any
doubt, he walks slowly as two policemen gaze him
bringing TOA.
Aku tak menaruh curiga. Pertama, aku tidak
tahu semua barang Taripol hasil colongan.
Kedua, tak mungkin dia menjerumuskanku,
kawan dekatnya. Ketiga, sudah lama aku tak
nonton pelem.
As an innocent man, Sobri has never had a doubt
with Taripol. He thinks that Taripol is his friend who
will not give him any harm.
One day, when Sobri watches a volley ball
competition, he sees Dinda. It is the first time he s
heser and he has fallen in love with her at the first
Sejak pertama melihatnya di pertandingan voli
karyawan Timah vs LLAJ tempo hari, hatiku
telah tertambat pada Dinda. Saban malam
perasaanku tak karuan dibuat sipu malunya
itu. Lewat kawan-kawannya, aku berkirim
salam kepadanya, …. (Hirata, SP: 41)
At that time, Dinda is shy and Sobri says hello to
her through her friends. Finally, Sobri knows that
Dinda works as a shopkeeper. He goes there to keep
in touch and Dinda takes their friendship.
Akan tetapi, ternyata cerita menjadi lain
Dipandanginya aku dengan cara tidak seperti
orang lain memandangku. Pandangan matanya
itu seperti air es yang disiramkan ke sekujur
tubuhku. Dia menyambut tanganku, kami
bersalaman, aku menggigil. (Hirata, SP: 42)
In every meeting, Sobri does not forget bringing
pomegranate for Dinda because Dinda likes them.
Then, Sobri wants to propose Dinda.
“Aku ada maksud denganmu, Dinda,” kataku
“Maksud apa?”
Aih, semua orang Melayu tahu apa arti kata
ada maksud itu.
“Aku mau melamarmu.” (Hirata, SP: 44)
Hirata portrays the characterization of Sobri as a
gentleman who wants to make a friend with a
woman. He makes a strategy to know her well. At
first, he says hello through her friends and then he
meets her in her leisure time at the shop. Finally, he
makes a statement that he wants to marry her.
Sobri works as a coolie in many places, like a
salesman in terminal, a cleaner in a company, a lifter
of loud-speaker in the sound system company, and
so on. But, his sister, Azizah, tells him that all his
jobs are not permanent. Then, Dinda asks him to get
a permanent job before they marry. For some
months, he searches for a work, a permanent work.
When he is accepted as a clown in Glacia circus, he
is very happy.
Menumpang truk timah, bergegas aku ke
Stadion Belantik untuk memberi tahu Ayah
bahwa aku sudah dapat kerja tetap. Setelah
memberitahu Azizah dan Instalatur, tiga hari
tiga malam kusimpan kabar baik ini karena
aku sendiri yang ingin menyampaikannya
kepada Ayah. Ayah gembira. (Hirata, SP: 60)
Characterization in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon
Sobri shares his happiness of having a permanent
job with the family. Sobri has a good relationship
with his family. All the family feels happy.
Sobri is also humble. He thinks that it is because
of Dinda, he may be hired as a clown in Gracia
…. Setelah sekian lama, seakan sepanjang
hidup aku mencoba mencari kerja tetap dan
gagal, akhirnya berhasil. Itu pasti rezeki Dinda
dan rezeki mahligai rumah tangga yang akan
kami bina nanti, hopeless romantic.
Kusampaikan kepadanya aku sudah dapat
kerja tetap sebagai badut sirkus. Dinda
membekap kedua tangan di dada, wajahnya
kagum tak terkira. (Hirata, SP: 61)
The characterization of Sobri as a humble man is
also seen from Tara, a junior high school student,
who becomes his instructor. He seriously takes some
instructions like how to wear a clown shirt and how
to have a tidy make-up.
Tara-lah yang membuka pintu alam ajaib itu
untukku. Usianya belia, tapi pengetahuannya
tentang sirkus amat luas. Koleksi buku-buku
dan dokumentasi sirkusnya lengkap. Dia lahir
dalam kelurgasirkus dan digadang-gadang
orang tuanya untuk suatu hari meneruskan
tradisi sirkus keliling. (Hirata, SP: 85)
Sobri is also as a faithful man. As a lover, finally
he asks his father and his sister to come to Dinda’s
house to propose.
Minggu berikutnya keluargaku mengunjungi
keluarga Dinda dengan membawa kue bulat
yang sangat besar. Demikian adat melamar
orang Melayu. (Hirata, SP: 109)
In Malay community, it is common that when
someone wants to propose a woman, he asks his
family to come to her house by bringing a big cake.
Then, they will determine the wedding day. The two
families agree to marry Sobri and Dinda after
Sobri’s house has been built completely. But a bad
condition happens. It is not known why suddenly
Dinda loses her memory. But Sobri keeps to marry
her. Dinda’s father feels surprised when Sobri tells
that he wants to marry her even she is sick. It can be
seen in the quotation below.
Pada minggu sore yang tenang itu, aku
menikahi Dinda. Aku berpakaian Melayu
lengkap persis seperti waktu aku melamarnya
dahulu. Dinda berpakaian muslimah Melayu
serba hijau. Bajunya berwarna hijau lumut,
jilbabnya hijau daun. Dia memang pencinta
lingkungan. Itulah hari terindah dalam
hidupku. (Hirata, SP: 315)
The readers feel sympathy to his
characterization. He is kind, innocent, having good
relationship with his family, faithful and a good
4.2 Dinda
Dinda is a woman who is not like other women. It is
portrayed by Hirata in Sirkus Pohon.
Gadis Melayu lain suka menjahit, menyulam,
membuat penganan, meronce bunga, menjalin
janur, menabuh rebana, ikut kursus sepuluh
jari, tapi Dinda suka buah delima. Apakah ini
perbandingan yang selaras? Aih, Kawan,
usahlah kau persoalkan itu. Namun,
dengarlah, dengarlah baik-baik, Dinda dan
delima, bukankah suatu paduan nan
memesona? (Hirata, SP: 44)
The quotation above is Sobri’s sentences who
say that it does not matter Dinda is different from
other women in their village. In her leisure time, she
just eats pomegranates. It is told that she has no
skills like other women.
Dinda always supports Sobri’s work as a clown.
One day, when Sobri takes his first performance,
Dinda encourages him.
Seketika demam panggungku lenyap waktu
kulihat Dinda dan Azizah tak henti bertepuk
tangan, Instalatur ternganga sampai tak bisa
mengangalagi, Pipit dan Yubi menunjuk-
nunjukku, paman mereka yang hebat ini.
It is his first performance as a clown in the
Glasia circus. He wants his family and especially
Dinda, to watch how good his action as a hero in the
Belitung legend story Raja Berekor.
A week after Sobri has lived in his own house,
their marriage is determined. Then, suddenly
Dinda’s uncle comes telling that Dinda goes for
work and does not come home. She is lost for 24
hours. All people in Ketumbi village seek her. Sobri
gets panic as he thinks Dinda gets an accident, or
becomes a victim of crime. And suddenly, someone
tells that there is a woman sitting beneath a cherry
tree in Belantik market since yesterday morning.
Bak bohlam yang bersinar terang, sekonyong-
konyong putus, gelap, begitu pula Dinda, tiba-
tiba dia padam, diam, dia seribu bahasa.
Mantra didatangkan dan dengan cepat
menyimpulkan Dinda sehat walafiat. Tekanan
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
darah, detak jantung, suhu, napas, semua
normal. Tak ada flu, demam, pening kepala,
gangguan pencernaan, atau benjolan-benjolan
aneh di perut, dada, atau leher.
Tak ada bekas cedera yang menimbulkan
gegar otak atau trauma. (Hirata, 2017: 126)
Hirata does not portray to the readers why Dinda
gets shock and loses her memory. After the incident,
Dinda has lost her memory. It is not known exactly
why she could lose her memory. The writers
conclude that Dinda is a static character who does
not change in any significant ways during the
course of the story.
4.3 Tara
Tara is a dynamic character. The dynamic character
is a character that changes in some significant way
during the course of the story. Tara is changed, from
a simple girl to a beautiful lady. When Tara is a girl,
a fifth-grade student, she meets Tegar in religious
court as their parents get divorced. Tara likes Tegar
because he helps her to have a chance to play a
game. Then, they are separated from each other.
Tara is a strong kid. When her parents get
divorced, she does not cry.
Ayah dan ibu Tara juga berpisah baik-baik.
Tak ada suara tinggi, taka da rusuh, taka da
tuduh-menuduh, taka da rebut-ribut. Ibu
menerima cobaan ini secara elegan. Tara
berusaha keras agar tak menangis. Perceraian
berlangsung lancar dan penuh penyesalan.
Penyesalan yang disimpan masing-masing
orang sebagai rahasia hati mereka. (Hirata,
SP: 29)
Tara is also a talented girl. This comes from her
mother’s blood. she is able to draw some decoration
for gipsy’s bikes, making some lamps, and tents.
Orang-orang bilang dia menuruni bakat seni
ibunya. Ibunya itu tamatan sekolah menengah
seni rupa di Yogyakarta, dan mengaku, dalam
usia yang sama dengan Tara sekarang
kemampuan anaknya jauh melampauinya.
Anaknya menggambar dekorasi kereta-kereta
gipsi, merancang lampu-lampu hias, tenda-
tenda, dan panggung utama. (Hirata, SP: 62)
As a girl of circus, she is very creative. She
knows the names of all circus properties and their
uses. She draws the decoration, plans the position of
the lamps and tents. When Tara is in junior high
school, she becomes Sobri’s instructor. She teaches
Sobri how to wear the clown shirt and how to make
a clown’s make-up. Sobri always feels comfortable
with Tara.
Suaranya mungil seperti siul kutilang. Kata Ibu
Bos, ikut saja perintah anak itukarena dialah
Sore itu juga Tara mengajariku cara memakai
baju seragamku itu dan cara merias wajah
karena aku adalah badut sirkus. (Hirata, SP:
Sobri thinks that Tara is very talented. She learns
how to draw face from her mother. She spends hours
to draw.
Di dalam kepala Tara ada penggaris, busur
derajat, jangka alami, perpustakaan warna,
dan perbendaharaan yang kaya akan pola-pola
hiasan sirkus. Minat dan keahlian utamanya
adalah melukis wajah. Dia belajar dengan
serius dari ibunya bagaimana melukis wajah.
(Hirata, SP: 62)
Tara has planned to paint the face of a boy whom
she knows in religious court. Then, Tara paints one
face in one month. For 10 years, Tara has painted
119 faces. Each of the face makes her remember
him. As the time goes by, Tara could find Tegar,
until one day she decides to stop coming to the park
of religious court.
Tara terpana melihat Tegar menyentuh
perosotan itu seakan sedang mengenang
kejadian pada masa lalu. Seketika waktu
membeku dan Tara dilanda déjà vu. Dilihatnya
Tegar menjelma menjadi anak lelaki kecil yang
membelanya itu dan dia terlempar ke pagi itu,
10 tahun yang lalu, … (Hirata, SP: 370)
The above quotation shows that Tara finally
decides that she will not come again to the park of
religious court. But unexpectedly, she meets Tegar.
Tara is a faithful lover. Tara’s love to Tegar is
great. She keeps on seeking Tegar whose face she
cannot remember well as they are separated when in
their childhood.
4.4 Tegar
Tegar is a child of a broken-home family. His
parents get divorced at the time of Tara’s parents
also get divorced. It is in the park of religious court
that Tegar meest Tara at the age of ten. Like Tara,
Tegar should also substitute his mother’s works,
Characterization in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon
because after gettingdivorced his mother always
cries and does not do anything.
Gara-gara pecah kongsi sama suami, ibu
Tegar mengerang, meradang, lalu patah hati,
lalu melamun sepanjang hari. Hobi membuat
kue dan menanam bunga dinoaktifkan. Dapur
sunyi senyap, pekarangan merana. (Hirata,
SP: 65)
Like Tara, Tegar also seeks Tara by his own
way. Tegar asks his friend, Adun, to accompany him
to find Tara by means of smelling.
Sebenarnya Adun telah bertugas dengan baik.
Dia mampu mengendus bermacam-macam
jenis parfum yang dipakai para pelajar.
Termasuk pelajar yang tak mandi pagi, tapi tak
ditemuinya seorang pun beraroma vanili.
(Hirata, SP: 132)
Tegar gets a mistake. He thinks that it is vanili,
but it is kenanga flower. So, Tegar gets some
Tegar is a good son for his family. He always
helps his mother and his sisters. Tegar also works
bike garage.
Karena ibu banyak melamun, Tegar harus pula
mengambil alih pekerjaan dapur. Dibantu adik
perempuannya yang telah beranjak remaja, dia
belanja, bersih-bersih, mencuci pakaian, dan
memasak. Setelag menyiapkan adik-adiknya
untuk sekolah, setiap pagi dia sendiri terbirit-
birit ke sekolah. Pulang dari sekolah, dia tak
bermain-main seperti remaja seusianya. Dia
makan siang sebentar, berganti pakaian, lalu
bergegas ke pinggir kota, ke bengkel sepeda
Masa Depan, demikian nama bengkel sepeda
peninggalan ayahnya itu. (Hirata, SP: 67)
Tegar is a dynamic character. Tegar’s character
always changes from time to time. One time, he
becomes a father for his family, another time he
becomes a brother for his siblings so he should help
his sisters in doing homework, and sometimes he
should become a son for his mother to listen to all
his mother’s nags.
4.5 Taripol
Taripol drops out of school in his early age. He
always steals something like candy and others from
the shop. All the people in the village know that he
is a thief.
Kondanglah dia sebagai bramacorah, maling
kambuhan. Setiap terjadi pencurian di
kampong, tak pernah luput namanya disebut-
sebut. Hilang sepeda, Taripol; hilang jemuran,
Taripol; hilang antenna tipi, Taripol; hilang di
kota, Taripol; hilang di kampong, Taripol.
Pokoknya setiap ada barang hilang, orang
bergunjing: Taripol maling. (Hirata, SP: 16)
Taripol always persuades his friends to follow
him. One day, Taripol asks Sobri to delivers TOA to
his friend, Soridin Kebul. Sobri does not know that
Taripol has stolen the TOA from a government
office. So, the police arrest them.
…. Maka, pencurian TOA itu dianggap Yang
Mulia Hakim tak lain sebagai suatu perbuatan
yang keterlaluan. Taripol kena kurung setahun.
Selaku penadah barang colongan, Soridin
Kebul kena enam bulan. Keduanya dioperkan
ke hotel prodeo kabupaten. Tinggallah aku
sendiri menekuri nasib yang sial. Sudah kena
kecoh Taripol, kena usir keluarga, plus dituduh
nyolong TOA, plus dicurigai khalayak sebagai
anggota mafia geng Granat. (Hirata, SP: 41)
When Taripol gets out of the jail, he becomes
gambler in Belantik night market.
Taripol menarik napas panjang, mencium
cincin batu satamnya, lalu pelan-pelan
membuka cangkir tengah dan sontak penonton
terbelalak karena tak tampak sebutir pun dadu
di situ. Kini malah si gendut pucat pias. Tak
percaya dia dengan pandangan matanya
sendiri. Dia merasa yakin telah menebak
dengan benar. Dibantingnya duit sepuluh ribu
di depan Taripol. (Hirata, SP: 213-214)
Taripol names the gambling as dadu cangkir. He
uses 3 cups and a dice. The player should guess
where the dice is. There are so many people standing
around him to play the game. At the end, Taripol
win much money from the gambling.
When there is an election campaign for village
head, Taripol also takes a part in this occasion. He
says to the people that pomegranate tree is sacred.
When Ngasbulah becomes village head, a
pomegranate tree is planted in the yard of his house.
Delima diangkut ke Pulau Menguang naik
perahu. Sampai di sana langsung ditanam di
pekarangan rumah Ngasbulah dan ditempeli
foto-fotonya. Dia terpilih menjadi kepala desa.
(Hirata, SP: 329)
Knowing about the intension of the
pomegranate tree, some people come, asking for
some blessings from the tree.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
Sejak itu delima punya nama baru: delima
keramat. Karena status baru itu, pamornya
makin kondang. Pengunjungnya makin ramai
dan setiap hariberdiri di situ seorang lelaki
bertopi jerami bernama Taripol sambil
memegang karton bertulisan “Pohon delima
keramat, sekali peluk Rp 2.000,00. Berfoto Rp
1.500,00.” (Hirata, SP: 298)
Taripol has some plans to make people doing
something though it is harmful in our religion. He
makes people believe what he says. And there are so
many people who do not know what is true and what
is false. So, they follow what Taripol says blindly.
The writers conclude that there are some types of
characters found in the novel as stated by Stanford
(2003). The protagonist in the novel is Sobri.
Through his characterization, the readers understand
that Sobri has a good personality and an innocent
Dinda is a static character. She is a shy woman
who works as a shop-keeper. Sobri loves her so
much and she accepts his love. But, one day, without
knowing the reason, she loses her memory and does
not know amything.
Tara and Tegar are the dynamic characters who
always change in some significant ways in the novel.
They fall in love while they are in young age and
they always seek each other using a various way till
they meet again. Their characterization is dynamic:
they are very busy in helping their mothers doing all
works but they do not forget to preserve their love.
Taripol is the antagonist in the novel. He is like a
bandit in cowboy film. He has some bad habits
influencing others and he always disturbs other
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Characterization in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon