their knowledge 3. Honesty with indicators that
students show the work based on what is done
4. Responsibility, students complete tasks that
should be done 5. Discipline, students fulfil the task
coherently 6. Hard Work, students do their work
seriously 7. Tolerance, students hear other people's
opinions 8. Caring for the Environment, students
initiate concern for the environment. As an example
of one aspect of the scientific stage in the
Psychomotor realm instrument is the stage of
gathering information. At this stage we can use the
assessed aspects as follows: a) Instruments / tools
used to collect data. b) Validity of information
collected. c) processing linkages between various
types of facts or concepts or theories. From these 3
aspects we can take a number of indicators, namely
1) students can use the right tools in making
measurements, 2) students operate the tool
repeatedly to get valid results 3) students construct
the interrelationship between collected taxonomy of
From the result of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test,
it is analyzed that the alpha value of both groups are
less than 0.05. The Test Statistics shows that the
alpha value at Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) of group A
(social class) is .001, and the alpha value of group B
(physics class) is .000. This result means that the
hypothesis is rejected. In other words, there is
significant difference of the students’ score before
and after the short course. Based on the score before
and after the short course of both groups, it is
analyzed that the score of the students in group A
(social class) increases up to 31.5 %, and the score
of the students in group B (physical class) also
increases up to 28.2 %. The assessment
instrument that is made is intended for the students
of Biology Education Study Program of Low
Animals Taxonomy. Instrument development is
done by Research and Development method of
ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation). This research
results in an assessment instrument of learning result
of student’s attitude aspect, in the form of self
assessment sheet with check list based on basic
competence 1.1 one instrument of student learning
result of knowledge aspect in the form of structured
description test based on basic competence 2.1, and
one instrument of student learning result assessment
aspect practical engineering test skills with
checklists based on basic competencies 3.2.
Development of a Scientific Approach Based
Assessment Instrument on the Material of Low
Animal Taxonomy using the ADDIE model includes
5 processes, namely Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation. These five stages
must be sequentially carried out continuously in the
instrument development process in the Low Animal
Taxonomy course. The Low Animal Taxonomy
course itself consists of 9 phyla where this course is
one of the courses in Biology Study Program that
meets the requirements to be chosen as a scientific
approach media. This course is chosen because it
fulfils the requirements for the criteria for the 3
aspects of assessment: attitude, normative, and skill
assessment. The results of the development of an
instrument are one instrument assesses student
learning outcomes in the form of structured
description based on basic competencies in the class,
and an instrument for evaluating student learning
outcomes in technical practice tests in the
laboratory. From the results of the assessment and
development, 8 aspects of the points are assessed
and instruments are obtained amounted to 20 points
per indicator.
With the development of assessment instruments
based on 3 aspects Affective, Cognitive, and
Psychomotor, it is expected that each lecturer will be
able to develop an assessment instrument based on
the ability of each lecturer. Adjusting to the courses
can enable them to more easily analyze the learning
outcomes obtained by students. Indicators of each
aspect must be considered, as well as the questions
used in the instrument must be in accordance with
the taxonomy of blooms C1 to C6. and levels A1 to
A5. Instrument validation is also needed to ensure
that the instruments used can be measured for their
validity and reliability.
Types of data used in this research development
are quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data are
obtained from the score from questionnaire
responses from teachers, and test data validity and
reliability. Qualitative data are obtained from
responses and suggestions provided by validation
experts and teachers as practitioners. Development
research is equipped with the use of research
instruments. Instruments are in the form of a
validation sheet by the team material expert and
product design and questionnaire of teacher’s
responses to assessment instruments based on the