Formative Evaluation for the Development of Blended Learning
Evi Susilawati, Atmawarni and Liesna Andriany
Lecturer At The Islamic University Of North Sumatera, Medan Indonesia.
Keywords: Formative Evaluation, Blended Learning.
Abstract: The development of learning models in this study is intended to determine the effectiveness of learning
models using formative evaluation. This research uses formative evaluation aiming to examine the
feasibility of constructional-based blended learning model in the Civics course. This formative evaluation
will present the results of the feasibility test of constructional-based blended learning models in the Civics
course to become a prototype of learning development through the following stages: (1) review of expert
Civics materials, (2) review of learning design experts, (3) revision of instructional media experts. The
results of this formative evaluation as a need analysis for the fulfilment of the feasibility of the learning
model development is based on the finalization of the learning model. The results of this feasibility test are
carried out by 2 (two) PKn material expert reviews, 2 (two) review of learning design experts, and 2 (two)
revised learning media experts. Based on the results of the formative evaluation it can be stated that the
constructional-based blended learning model in the Civics course is declared feasible to test its practicality
for the students to solve the problem of learning Civics courses at the Education Faculty of Islamic
University of North Sumatra at this time.
Modifications and variations in current learning are
characterized by the rapid development of
information and communication technology
(ICT).The effect that accompanies the development
of ICT can be seen from the development of
computer and internet-based learning models which
are now known as e-learning. E-learning is one of
the innovations in learning technology that
integrates information technology and
communication with learning content (Ali, Uppal &
Guliver, 2018: 2).E-learning is a form of distance
education that uses electronic media as a medium for
delivering material and communication between
lecturers and students (Abuhassna &Yahaya, 2018:
304-3045).Thus e-learning learning activities are
learning activities carried out individually or in
groups that are done online or offline through
networks or personal computers and other electronic
The use of e-learning has advantages and
disadvantages.The advantages of e-learning are as
follows: (1)availability of e-moderating facilities
where lecturers and students can communicate easily
through internet facilities on a regular basis or at any
time and anywhere without being limited by
distance, place and time, (2)lecturers and students
can use teaching materials such as structured and
scheduled modules via the internet, (3)students can
learn and reflect again on the subject matter at any
time and anywhere if needed remembering the
teaching materials stored on the computer, (4)if
students need additional information related to the
material they study, they can access the internet, (5)
lecturers and students can hold discussions via the
internet which can be followed by a large number of
study participants, (6)changes in the role of lecturers
and students from passive to active, (7) learning is
relatively more effective and efficient (Kattoua, Al-
Lozi, & Alrowwad, 2016:756). E-learning learning
is very helpful learning process, especially in the
delivery of material because it can attract students'
interest in participating in the lesson and students are
motivated to understand the contents of the subject
The use of e-learning is inseparable from the
following shortcomings: (1) lack of interaction
between lecturers and students,, (2)the tendency to
ignore academic aspects or social aspects and
Susilawati, E., Atmawarni, . and Andr iany, L.
Formative Evaluation for the Development of Blended Learning Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0008884803330340
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 333-340
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
instead encouraging business or commercial aspects,
(3)the learning and teaching process tends towards
training rather than education, (4) changing the role
of the lecturer from the one who previously
mastered face-to-face learning techniques to master
the learning techniques using ICT (Information
Communication Technology) (Kattoua, Al-Lozi, &
Alrowwad, 2016:756). Although e-learning can be
used in learning activities independently, the
presence of lecturers is very meaningful where the
presence of the lecturer serves to support and assist
students in the learning process (Maurer, 2017).
Looking at the existing studies, the biggest
obstacle to using e-learning is the process of direct
interaction between lecturers and students
(Sirkemaa, 2014:176-177). It is realized that a
learning process occurs from the existence of a two-
way communication process between students and
lecturers.This is the fact that causes e-learning
programs do not always get satisfactory results. E-
learning only occurs interaction between students
and lecturers in cyberspace (Traxler, 2017, 2-
4).Besides that, often the material is abundant and
fully available and students can also study anytime
and anywhere, as long as they are connected through
the network, but still the level of use of e-learning
materials is low.Learning independently using e-
learning requires feedback and two-way interaction
between lecturers and students. The feedback on the
two-way interaction between the lecturer and the
student is certainly done through face-to-face
Face-to-face learning is learning where the
lecturer teaches by conveying information and
knowledge to achieve certain learning goals for a
number of students through face-to-face meeting
activities at certain times and places (Ananga &
Biney, 2017:168).Face-to-face learning has
advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of this
face-to-face learning is that lecturers can convey
information quickly, material that is abundant and
clearly decomposed with a large number of learning
groups. (Chawinga, 2017:1-2). While the weakness
of face-to-face learning is more emphasized on one-
way communication in which to control students'
understanding of learning material is very limited
and communication is created in one direction so
that knowledge possessed by students will be limited
(Jacobs. 2013).
Based on the problems as explained above, a
settlement effort is needed to cover the weaknesses
of face-to-face learning and e-learning by using a
blended learning model. A model is interpreted as a
pattern that can fundamentally show a complete
picture of something that will be done and the results
to be achieved (Klein, Pacheco, & Righi, 2017:
440).In learning activities, learning models are
needed as an effort to enable students to understand
or master a particular theme so that the learning
objectives to be conveyed can be achieved. At
present, with the advancement of the lecturer
paradigm with various learning models, a blended
learning model is designed.
Blended learning model is a combination of face-
to-face learning models with e-learning
models(Dewi et all, 2018: 90). Blended learning
model is also interpreted as a face-to-face learning
model that is supported by e-learning-based learning
models so that the learning process will run
optimally because the advantages of both models
will be complementary from each of the two
learning model deficiencies. (Galvis, 2018). Blended
learning model is defined as a learning model that
combines strategies for delivering learning using
face-to-face activities, computer-based learning
(offline), and online computers (internet and mobile
learning) (Sari et all, 2018: 163-164).
Looking at the opinions above, it can be
interpreted that blended learning model can combine
face-to-face learning with computer-based
learning.That is, learning with a learning technology
approach with a combination of face-to-face
learning resources with teachers and those contained
in computer media, cellular or iPhone phones,
satellite television channels, video conferencing, and
other electronic media so that students and lecturers
can work together to improve quality learning. The
main objective of this blended learning model is to
provide opportunities for various characteristics of
students so that they can learn independently,
continuously so that learning activities become more
effective, more efficient, and more attractive (Lee,
2016). Blended learning model is the best choice to
increase effectiveness, efficiency, and greater
attractiveness in interacting between students in
diverse learning environments (Rivera, 2017:81-83).
Blended learning models offer learning opportunities
for students so that they can learn better both
together and separately, as well as at the same time
or differently (Nortvig, Petersen, & Balle, 2018:47-
49). Blended learning models offer learning
opportunities for students so that they can learn
better both together and separately, as well as at the
same time or differently (Suliman et all, 2018:55-
56).Therefore, the blended learning model provides
learning facilitation that is very sensitive to all
differences in psychological characteristics and
student learning environment.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
Seeing so much usefulness of using blended
learning model, before being used as a standard
learning model it is necessary to evaluate it so that
the learning model is truly tested for effectiveness as
a standard prototype learning model.Before
becoming a learning model, this blended learning
model needs to be designed so that learning
conditions and learning activities and how to use
various learning resources can be well designed.The
need for a blended learning model is designed in
advance because a learning design emphasizes
learning processes and conditions that serve as a
reference framework to identify abilities or
capabilities that are learning outcomes and produce
blueprints that can be copied and imitated based on
the size set.So the prototype is the initial form
(example) of the product or standard size of an entity
in this blended learning design.In this case, the
prototype is a functional version of the learning unit
which is usually still in the form of a draft that has
been completed and its content component is
integrated and still needs to be tested for
effectiveness and efficiency through the testing
stages. The test stages are done by using formative
evaluation. Formative evaluation is defined as a
consideration of the weaknesses and strengths of a
learning model in the stages of its development with
the aim of revising the learning model to increase its
effectiveness and attractiveness (Udoukpong &
Okon, 2012:205-207). Dick & Carrey
(2005:276)suggests that formative evaluation is a
design process to obtain data that can be used to
review learning design to be more efficient and
effective.Another definition of formative evaluation
is the activity of assessing to find feedback where
the results of the feedback are used to improve the
assessment process being carried out (Gloria et all,
2018:2). Based on this formative evaluation an
overview of the successes and failures of the
blended learning model will be obtained, that has
been made for the next appropriate actions taken to
correct the failures that have been found.
The main concept underlying the formative
evaluation carried out in the development of a
learning model is the process of obtaining data
which is then revised so that the learning model is
more efficient and effective. The emphasis in
formative evaluation is on data collection and
analysis and revision of learning products.When the
final version of learning is produced, other
evaluators may collect data to determine its
effectiveness.There are 3 (three) formative
evaluation procedures which can be seen in Figure 1
Figure 1:Formative Evaluation Procedure.
In Figure 1 above it can be seen that 3 (three)
formative evaluation procedures are: (1) One to One
Evaluation (Individual Evaluation); in this stage the
learning design team collaborates with students to
obtain data to revise learning material, (2) A Small
Group Evaluation, student groups representing the
target population who study learning materials, (3)
A Field Trial, this stage emphasizes the testing of
the procedures needed for the application of learning
materials in real situations.The three phases of
formative evaluation above must be preceded by a
review by experts who are not directly involved in
learning development projects but have expertise
relevant to the learning material being
developed.The review of experts in this study is seen
from: (1) review of Civics material experts, (2)
review of learning design experts, (3) review of
instructional media experts. The role of experts in
formative evaluation is to provide reviews or
opinions for improvements and changes in the first
draft of the design. Opinions from these experts are
One to One
Formative Evaluation Procedure – Dick & Carey
Small Group
Field Trial
In Environment
which close to
real Situation
2. Materials
3. ICT
Formative Evaluation for the Development of Blended Learning Models
recommended as recommendations in improving
existing learning models.
In individual evaluations, the purpose of
individual formative evaluation is to identify and
remove striking errors in learning and to get early
indications and reactions of students to the contents
of the learning material developed.This can occur
through direct interaction between developers of
blended learning models and students.Furthermore,
small group evaluations are carried out to see the
effectiveness of changes and identify the remaining
problems after individual evaluations are conducted
and to determine whether students can use learning
materials without interacting with lecturers.
2.1 Research Design
This research uses mixed methods research. Mixed
methods research is a research design that provides
philosophical assumptions in showing direction or
giving instructions on how to collect data and
analyze data and a combination of quantitative and
qualitative approaches through several phases of the
research process (Creamer, 2018:11). Data Analysis
uses SPSS version 24.0 For Windows.
2.2 Sample
This study describes the results of the feasibility test
of constructional-based blended learning models in
the Civics course to become a prototype of learning
development.This research activity is in the context
of retrieving data and processing data from: (1)
expert material on learning Pancasila and
CivicsCourse, (2) design experts learning course for
Pancasila and Civics, (3) media experts learning
Pancasila and Civics Course.This study describes
the results of the feasibility test of constructional-
based blended learning models in the Civics course
to become a prototype of learning development.
2.3 Instrument
The instrument used in this study is developed by
researchers. Instrument in this study depends on the
number of research variables studied in which the
indicators have been determined.Based on these
indicators research instruments are formulated.
Indicators for instruments for experts in learning
CivicsCourse are as follows: (1) Clarity of learning
objectives, (2) Accuracy of material coverage, (3)
Quality of practice questions, (4) Digestibility of
material and logical exposure, (5) Use of language,
(6) Ease of understanding of language, (7)
Exploration , (8) Illustration.
Instruments for learning design experts can be
seen from the following indicators:(1) The accuracy
of topic selection, (2) Suitability of material with
learning indicators, (3) Training provision, (4)
Consistency of Tests with learning indicators.
Learning media expert instruments are outlined with
the following indicators: (1) Execution orders on e-
learning, (2) Consistency with program flow, (3) e-
learning sustainability, (4) system efficiency, (5)
display accuracy, (6 ) Server management, (7)
Consistency between parts of the lesson, (8) Easy
2.4 Data Collection and Analysis
Before doing the data analysis, the research is first
tested for validity and reliability testing of research
instruments using the help of SPSS 24 for Windows
program.The results of the validity test of
constructional-based blended learning models in the
Civicscourse by experts on Civicslearning material
on the quality of blended learning models can be
seen in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Score of Expert Evaluation of Learning Materials
About the Quality of Learning Models
based Blended Learning Models in Civics Courses.
∑s =
Clarity of learning
5 5 5 1,00 Valid
The accuracy of the
material coverage
5 5 5 1,00 Valid
Quality of practice
5 4 5 0,92 Valid
Material digestion
and logical
4 5 4 0,83 Valid
Use of language
5 5 5 1,00 Valid
Easy understanding
of language
5 5 5 1,00 Valid
4 4 4 0,75 Valid
5 5 5 1,00 Valid
Referring to Table 1, it can be seen that the
validity test according to the material expert shows
that the quality of the Civics course learning model
is from the aspect of the quality of the majority
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
learning material in the "Valid" criteria. Expert
validation results of this subject matter indicate that
constructional based blended learning model in
Civics courses can be used in the next research
Learning design experts validate the product on
aspects of learning design including the aspects of
content feasibility which consist of the quality of
learning design, presentation aspects which consist
of information design quality and interaction quality,
and graphic aspects which consist of presentation
quality and presentation design qualityThe results of
the validation in the form of an assessment score of
the Civics course learning model component on the
quality aspect of constructivist based blended
learning model design can be seen in the following
Table 2:
Table 2: Assessment Score of learning models By
Learning Design Experts Regarding Quality Aspects of
Design Blended Learning Model Based on
course of Civics.
S1+ S2
1 2 3
The accuracy
of topic
4 4 4 0,75 Valid
Suitability of
material with
4 5 4 0,83 Valid
3 Training 5 4 5 0,92 Valid
Test with
4 5 5 0,92 Valid
Based on the assessment of the learning design
experts contained in Table 2 it is about the quality
aspects of the majority learning design stated in the
criteria "Valid".The design expert validation results
of this lesson indicate that constructional blended
learning model in Civics course can be used in the
next research activity: Media experts learning of
Pancasila and Civics coursevalidation aspects:
command execution on e-learning, consistency with
program flow, e-learning sustainability, system
efficiency, display accuracy, server management,
consistency between parts of learning, easy
modification. The results of the validation in the
form of an assessment score of a constructional
blended learning model based on Civicscourse on
programming aspects can be seen in the following
Table 3:
Table 3: Score of Expert Evaluation Learning Media
Model of constructional -Based Blended Learning in
Civics Courses by Learning Media Experts.
∑s =
S1 +
1 2 3
5 5 5 1,00 Valid
consistency in the
line of the progra
4 4 5 0,83 Valid
Continuation of e-
5 4 5 0,92 Valid
System efficiency
5 5 4 0,92 Valid
Display accuracy
5 5 4 0,92 Valid
Server management
5 4 4 0,83 Valid
consistency among
arts of learning
5 5 5 1,00 Valid
easy modification
4 4 4 0,75 Valid
Evaluation from instructional media experts in
Table 3 shows constructional learning based on
blended learning models in the majority of
Civicscourse in the "Valid" criteria.The results of the
media expert validation study show that
constructivist based blended learning models on
Civicscourse could be used in the next research
Formative evaluation results by material experts,
learning design experts and learning material experts
on each aspect of assessment as a whole are
determined by the average score in their respective
categories. As for the average percentage of the
results of formative evaluation by material experts,
learning design experts and software engineering
experts will be described as follows.
a. Formative Evaluation Results for Civics
Expert Learning Material
Expert learning materials conduct formative
evaluation of a blended learning model based on
constructivist subjects of civic education from the
Formative Evaluation for the Development of Blended Learning Models
quality aspect of learning material, which can be
seen in Table 4 below:
Table 4: Percentage of Average Results of Formative
Evaluation on the Quality of constructional Based
Blended Learning Models in CivicsCourse.
No Categorization
Aspects of
0,94 Valid
Aspects of
0,87 Valid
Aspects of
0,92 Valid
Mean 0,91 Valid
b. Formative Evaluation Results of Learning
Design Experts
Learning design experts conduct formative
evaluations of constructional learning based on
blended learning models on civics course on the
quality aspects of learning design which can be seen
in Table 5 below:
Table 5 : Average Percentage of Formative Evaluation
Results on Quality Design of Constructivistic Blended
Learning Learning in CivicsCourse.
No Categorization
Quality of learning
0,85 Valid
Quality of information
0,92 Valid
Quality of interaction
0,92 Valid
Presentation Design
0,88 Valid
Mean 0,89 Valid
c. Formative Evaluation Results of Learning
Media Experts
Formative Evaluation Results Media Learning
Experts Learning media experts conduct formative
evaluation of constructional learning based on
blended learning models on civicscourse on aspects
of the quality of learning media, which can be seen
in the following Table 6:
Table 6: Percentage of Average Results of Formative
Evaluation on the Quality of Learning Media Model of
constructional -Based Blended Learning in Civics
No Categorization
1 Programming 0,90 Valid
Technical quality
or appearance
0,92 Valid
Mean 0,91 Valid
The results of formative evaluation by material
experts, learning design experts and instructional
media experts on each aspect of assessment as a
whole are analyzed to determine whether or not
feasible, a constructional construct based blended
learning model is developed in the Civics
course.The results of the formative evaluation
analysis of the learning material experts assess the
constructional based blended learning model in the
Civics course based on three aspects: the quality of
learning material, the quality of learning strategies
and the quality of the learning delivery system
which show the average percentage of formative
evaluation of 0.94 in each aspects of the quality of
learning material, 0.93 on the quality aspects of
learning strategies, and 0.91 on aspects of the
delivery system of learning including the Valid
category as a whole, which means the learning
model in the Civics course can meet the demands of
learning needs. The results of the assessment of the
Civics Education subject learning material
developed show some minor errors in the form of
typing errors in Modules 01.02,03.04,05,06 and 07,
not a concept error and could be corrected through
revisions. The learning model in the Civics course
by learning material experts is declared feasible to
be tested for practicality and field trials with
revisions in the wrong section.Formative evaluation
of learning design experts on aspects of the quality
of learning design show an average percentage of
0.89 included in the Valid category, which means
the physical appearance of the learning model of
functional civics course for improving student
learning motivation.
Furthermore, formative evaluation of
instructional media experts on the quality aspects of
design of a blended learning model based on
constructivist shows an average percentage of 0.91,
including the Valid category, which means the
regulation of the content of learning takes into
account the aspects of interaction between student
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
participants and learning so that a condition can be
facilitated to facilitate learning. . This shows that the
interactive learning media developed have an
attractive appearance so that they can arouse
students' interest in learning.
Based on the results of the formative evaluation
of experts in learning civics course, design experts,
and instructional media experts, it is stated that the
civics courselearning model deserves to be field
tested with revisions according to the suggestions
put forward, namely in the discussion group there is
no student list. Comments from the learning design
experts summarized show that the Civics course
learning model can be accepted and in general or
valid. The results of the analysis of the problems
raised by the experts in Civics learning materials are
described as follows:
a) There is a misconception about the order of
presentation of Civicscourse and group subject
matter so that the sequence or presentation
sequence is not well arranged, which is originally
the learning device group at the end between the
other groups.
b) There is a typing error in the sentence below the
picture on the opening page, namely "click on
the group of learning devices to enter the
opening page."
c) All presentation of Civics course material should
be given an introduction and supporting media.
Formative evaluation of constructional-based
blended learning models in the Civics course is the
result of a feasibility test to become a prototype of
learning development pursued through the following
stages: (1) review of Civics material experts, (2)
review of learning design experts, (3) revision
learning media experts.
The results of this formative evaluation as a
needs analysis for the fulfillment of the feasibility
of the learning model developed based on the
finalization of a constructional-based blended
learning model in the Civics course.
Based on the results of the formative evaluation,
experts in Civics learning material obtained, an
average value of 0.91 validation which indicats that
the constructional-based blended learning model in
the Civics Education course could meet the
demands of learning needs.
Formative evaluation of learning design experts
on aspects of the quality of learning design shows an
average percentage of 0.84, which means that the
physical appearance of the Civics learning model
makes it easy for students to obtain the desired
Furthermore, formative evaluation of
instructional media experts on the quality aspects of
design of a constructionalblended learning model
based on shows an average percentage of 0.91,
which means that the regulation of the content of
learning takes into account the aspects of interaction
between students and learning so that a condition
can be created to facilitate learning.
Formative evaluation results of experts in learning
Civics, learning design experts and instructional
media experts indicate that constructional-based
blended learning models in the Civics course can
meet the demands of learning needs, providing
convenience for students to obtain the desired
information, and creating capable learning
conditions, facilitating learning. Therefore the
results of this study can be recommended for testing
to students in order to solve the problem of learning
Civicscourse at the Faculty of Education of the
Islamic University of North Sumatra at this time.
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