Indonesian Workers (TKI), one of the human
resources as the driving force of development must
have a productive work ethics, skilled, creative,
disciplined and professional and be able to utilize,
develop and master science and technology. But in
reality the existing TKI cannot fully master the
science that continues to grow. The scarcity of our
workforce with the quality that suits the needs
formation in some job sectors have high difficulty
level or require special skills and it is not easy for
our workforce to meet these qualifications. This is a
factor that encourages the use of foreign workers in
Indonesia (Randang, 2011).
Foreign Investment Issues (PMA) are also getting
crowded. This is given that for the sake of national
development it requires a lot of funds. Funds needed
for investment cannot be sustained by the
government and the national private sector alone.
This situation is increasingly encouraging to seek as
much as possible to attract foreign investment to
Indonesia (Anoraga, 1995, p. 46).
Through PMAwith many advantages, and its
permanent and long-term nature, also contributes to
technology transfer, transfer of management skills
and creating new jobs. Employment is important to
note that the problem of providing employment is a
problem that is quite dizzying to the government
(Ibid). The presence of foreign investments and
PMDN (Domestic Investment) has allowed the entry
or use of foreign migrant workers (Syarif, 1996, p.
The opening of the opportunity for the use of
foreign workers began when Indonesia became part
of the world community as part of the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) Asia Economic
Cooperation (1986), member of the Asean Free
Trade Area (AFTA) Asean Free Trade Organization
in 1992, World Trade World WTO (1995 World
Trade Organization), providing a great opportunity
for the entry of foreign workers in Indonesia.
The use of foreign workers is unavoidable in the
current era of globalization. However, in principle
the use of foreign workers is needed in 2 (two)
terms: those who carry capital (TKA) that bring
capital (as investors) and/or bring skills in terms of
transfer of knowledge or transfer of technology. In
addition to these two things, it is essentially not
allowed and should prioritize the use of TKI
(Sumarprihatiningrum, 2006, p. 57).
The purpose of the use of foreign workers is to
meet the needs of skilled and professional workers
in certain fields that cannot be filled by our
workforce accelerating the process of national
development by accelerating the transfer of science
and technology and increasing foreign investment as
development support in Indonesia. However, the use
of foreign workers should be implemented
selectively in order to optimally utilize the
Indonesian workforce. As a consequence of
globalization and liberalization of trade and
investment, such as direct foreign direct investment,
the number of foreign workers working in Indonesia
tends to increase over time.
To be able to use foreign workers in Indonesia,
employers must follow the laws in force in our
country. In formal juridical use of foreign workers it
has been regulated in Law no. 13. In Article 42
paragraph (1) of the UUK stating that: every
employer employing foreign workers shall have
written permission from the Minister, which means
that UUK has prohibited employers from employing
foreigners without written permission from the
The Understanding of TKA also narrows the
foreign citizens visa holders with the intention of
working in the territory of Indonesia. Meanwhile,
foreign workers who can be employed in Indonesia
are only in working relationships for certain
positions and certain times only. To provide wider
opportunities for Indonesian labor migrants, the
government limits the use of foreign workers and
simultaneously exercises oversight. Therefore, the
government has issued a number of legal
instruments ranging from licensing, health
protection coverage to the supervision. A number of
regulations ordered by UUK include:
(1) Ministerial Decree on Specific Occasions and
Certain Time (Article 42 paragraph (5));
(2) Ministerial Decree on Procedures for
Ratification of Foreign Workers' Use Plan
(Article 43 paragraph (4));
(3) Ministerial Decree on Position and Standard of
Competence (Article 44 paragraph (2));
(4) Ministerial Decree on Certain Occupations
Prohibited in Persistence by Foreign Workers
(Article 46 paragraph (2));
(5) Ministerial Decree on Certain Positions in
Education Institutions Released from Payment
of Compensation (Article 47 paragraph (3));
(6) Government Regulation on the Amount of
Compensation and Its Use (Article 47
paragraph (4));