the Tablighi Jamaat is more important than the
livings of Jahir, i.e. those in the form of clothing,
food and other outward nature (Interview with
Gazali, Wandi, Mansur on 17 and 24 October 2015;
Malik on 28 October 2015 and Kliwon on 16
November 2015).
If this inner living is not met, this is the cause of
a household clutter and the house will be away from
the blessings of Allah SWT. The Word of Allah
Meaning: "O ye who believe, guard yourselves
and your families from a Fire of Hell (Qs. At-
Tahrim: 6).
During the revealation of the verse above, Umar
bin Khattab asked Rasulullah Saw, The Messenger
of God, O Rasululah we have kept ourselves, how to
maintain our family? The Prophet said: "You
prevent it from those prohibited by Allah and tell
them, to do what is commanded by Allah. That
would prevent them from the fire of hell (Resume of
Speech of Mr. M. Nasir on 1 November 2015).
The biological relationship problems (jima') to
the wife is not an obligation. They argue that doing
jima' to the wife is not an obligation. Husband could
do jima' whenever he wants and has the opportunity
and ability. If the husband does not have the ability
or do not have the opportunity to do so, the wife is
required to be patient. Here lies the role of the values
of faith that must be imparted to the wife. The
Prophet says sourced from Aby Zar:
It means: "do jima' to your wife is charity. (H.R.
Some members of Tablighi Jamaat in the city of
Medan have been impressed to leave family
responsibilities for months. Based on the
researchers’ observation, the members of Tablighi
Jamaat consider that it is a normative doctrine. It
means that it is as a result of the influence of the
norms of Islamic law that is still inherent but, in its
practice unconsciously influenced by reason
(creativity), emation (feeling) and will (intention)
are quite high and excessive. If the excessive
influence of these three things are big, it will cause
people's judgment of religion to be unreasonable.
Excessive actions that have been done by Tablighi
Jamaat to leave the family resulting the negligence
of other obligations, such as children's education and
compassion do not get any impression. Even this
action may cause them lose their job which
constitutes the source of economic support.
However, it is found that some Tablighi Jamaat
willingly quit his job in order to do khuruj. This
happens since they are of the view that the inner
living inner takes precedence over the Jahir
Jamaah Tabligh in the city of Medan is a portrait
of Tablighi Jamaat in Indonesia whose roles keep
developing, and whose number does growing more
and more. The existence of Tablighi Jamaat in the
city of Medan has a significant role to encourage
Muslims to pray in congregation at the mosque.
They do not feel offended if some invited do not
want to follow them or even some give blasphemous
remarks because they consider that they carry an
obligation that must be carried out.
Tablighi Jamaat in the city of Medan is a portrait of
Tablighi Jamaat in Indonesia coming to Medan in
1970, and directly going to the mosque of Hidayatul
Islamiyah on Jalan Gajah. They have the
understanding that every member of Tablighi
Jamaat should do khuruj to leave the family.
However, they still leave a living for the family,
because they are of the view that giving a living to
the family is obligatory. However, the inner living
form of religious values is more important than the
Jahir living; in the form of food and clothing.
Abu Muhammad, Ahmad Abduh, 2008, Kupas Tuntas
Jamaah Tabligh, Bandung: Penerbit Khoiru Ummat.
Ali Mubarak, 1374, Muhtasar Nailul Autar, Kairo:
al-Mu’allaqat al-Salafiyyah.
Cholid Narbuko dan Abu Achmadi, 2009,
Metodologi Penelitian, Jakarta: PT. Bumi
Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1996, Kamus
Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Djojodirdjo, M.A. Moegni, 1979, Perbuatan melawan
hukum : tanggung gugat (aansprakelijkheid) untuk
kerugian, yang disebabkan karena perbuatan melawan
hukum, Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita.
Ibnu Katsir, 2006, Tafsir Al-Qur’an al-‘Azhim, Bogor:
Pustaka Imam Syafi’i.
Interview with Amir, a Tabligh Jamaah H. Badruddin on
25 October 2015.
Interview with Gazali, Wandi, Mansur in office of Tabligh
Jamaah on 17 October dan 24 October 2015, Malik in
Mosque of UISU on 28 October 2015 dan Kliwon, a
lecturer of Faculty of Economy of UISU on 16
November 2015.
Interview with Mr. Salehuddin, a member of Tabligh
Jamaah in Subdistrict of Medan Denai, on 29 March
2015. A base of Law of Khuruj for Tabligh Jamah