'channel'. Planning indicates the preparation made
for the realization of the text. The second way the
text is made based on the plan (+) because the text is
arranged in a planned manner in other words
previously planned interactions in writing by the
medication manufacturer to be read by a person who
will use the medicine. Thus the medication leaflet
has been prepared with careful planning and has met
the leaflet criteria set by the existing rules.
Distance refers to the feedback given to each
other by interpretants or among the language users
and the involvement of language with the reality it
represents. The distances in the two texts can be
distinguished to be experiental and interpersonal
(how fast to get the feedback). Based on the
experiental both texts belong to the
generation/reflection because the distance between
the text and the activity can be very far away and the
use of language does not indicate the activities that
take place or called that the language to be a
reflection. The language involvement of the two
texts (+) is semantic which means there is a gap
between the text and the activity performed. Text 1
and text 2 show clarity about medication description
and instruction. The distance between the
manufacturer and the remote does not quickly get
the feedback, then the leaflet should be as clear as
possible exposing the medication profile.
Medium shows the means that realize the
language. Medium used is text, meaning that the
language is realized by encoding such as scratches,
lines, symbols of the sounds (letters) on paper, in
other words the unit of realization is the letter. Text
1 and text 2 use big Latin letters so they can be read
properly. The manner does not have strata (-) strata
field either because it is for everyone and the diction
used is also general with only a few medical terms
as there is no equivalence of such medical terms in
The study of medication leaflet discourse is a study
of language in the context of situation to understand
how language users use the language when
interacting in social contexts. The context of the
situation relates to the linguistic features of skin
medication and Antelmintik leaflets.
Skin medication and Antelmintikleaflets.are not
much different, although some are incomplete when
viewed in terms of their schematic structure because
there are points in the Antelmintik leaflet that are not
found in the skin medication leaflet such as
medication work, warning and attention, and
overdose. The genre in Antelmintik and skin
medication leaflets are a combination of descriptive
and instructive genres.
The field in Antelmintik and skin medication
leaflets has a close relationship with ideational
metaphors and the most dominant material processes
are the causal circumstance. The participants
determine one another, referring to the interpersonal,
seen in the Antelmintik and skin medication leaflets;
the most dominant is declarative realized by
declarative mode. The mode also determines one
another referring to textual.
Skin drug brochures and worm medicine
brochures have fulfilled the target, namely the reader
/ user gets the necessary information about the drug.
The language used also does not use medical terms,
although there are still some medical terms used, and
even then because it is difficult to get the
equivalence in Indonesian terms.
Antelmintik and skin medication leaflets have
already met the target that readers/consumers get the
necessary information about the medication. The
language used does not use medical terms either,
although there are still some medical terms that have
no equivalence in Bahasa Indonesia.
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