Genetic Improvement of North Sumatra Upland Red Rice
through Exploration and Induced Mutations
Rahmad Setia Budi
, Irfan Suliansyah
, Yusniwati
and Sobrizal
Agriculture Department of Doctoral Program, Andalas University, Padang
Agriculture Department of Andalas University, Padang
Isotop and Radiation Application Center (IRAC) BATAN Jakarta
Keywords: biodiversity, exploration, food security, induced mutations, upland red rice.
Abstract: Genetic resources is very important biodiversity and the basic capital needed in development agricultural
industry including new varieties inventionin order to increase productionto support food security and
sustainable agriculture. One type of local upland rice in North Sumatra that is widely planted by the
community is the type of upland red rice, which adapts well to the area of origin with the taste of rice and
aroma according to the tastes of the local communityand health function for the body. Local varieties
usually have disadvantages such as inner age, high stems so that it is easy to fall, unresponsive to
fertilization and low production.The income of superior varieties to increase production in support of food
security and sustainable agriculture needs to be carried out in one exploration activity, and mutation
breeding. The study was carried out in two stages; (1) Exploration was carried out in North Sumatra from
August 2015 to March 2016 through literature studies, interviews and direct visits to farmers' fields in
regencies which are rice-producing areas and have the potential for local upland rice. Of the 22 cultivars
collected, the information obtained were environmental conditions, farming systems, farmer characteristics,
and cropping conditions,1 local upland rice cultivar (Sigambiri Merah) was selected to be improved through
mutation breeding (induced mutation). (2). Induced mutations carried out from April 2016 to June 2017 aim
to improve genetic Sigambiri Merah, especially related to the age of plants to be early matured and dwarf/
semi-dwarf stems. The seeds are irradiated with gamma rays Co-60 at the Center for National Isotopes and
Radiation Applications of the Nuclear Energy Agency (PAIR-BATAN), Jakarta. M1 planting was carried
out at BPTP North Sumatra. From the observation of the percentage of seedling growth, plant height and
root length in the nursery phase, and the percentage of grain blanket in M1 plants obtained irradiation dose
200 - 300 Gy is an effective dose in generating genetic diversity. M1 plant seeds will certainly be very
useful as an initial plant material in the improvement of red rice varieties in the future stages of plant
breeding programs.
Paddy (Oryzasativa L.) or rice is the main staple
food for the people of Indonesia, and an important
component in the national food security system. In
addition, rice is also one of raw materials of various
foods, such as cakes flour, noodles, and baby food
(brown rice). The need for rice each year increases
with the increasing of population (Amrizalet al.
2010).The demand for rice each year increases in
line with the increasing of population. Indonesian
rice consumption is 135 kgs/capita/year. Out of the
39.7 million hectares of Indonesian mainland, 20.5%
is planted with rice (Abdurachmanet al, 2008). In
2013, harvested area of Indonesia's rice was 13.83
million hectares resulting the productivity of 5.15
t/ha and total production of 71.28 million tons
(Zainiet al,2014).
The lowness increase in harvested area shows
that to increase rice production has been more
difficult especially in Java, Sumatera and
Nusatenggara (MOA, 2013 and Atomos, 2014). In
addition, the declination in production is also caused
by the occurrence of decreasing in the potential yield
of existing rice cultivars. This is due to the
narrowness of the genetic diversity of existing rice
caused by many released rice cultivars that are
related one to each other. As a result, rice diversity
Budi, R., Suliansyah, I., Yusniwati, . and Sobrizal, .
Genetic Improvement of North Sumatra Upland Red Rice through Exploration and Induced Mutations.
DOI: 10.5220/0008887702160224
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 216-224
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is reduced and the yield potential is no different.
This facts endanger the existence of local rice both
wetland and upland rice cultivars, which currently
more abandoned by farmers and threatened in
extinction (Toha, 2005).
Indonesia is a tropical country with a huge
potential and belongs to the second largest country
on biodiversity. The high level of biodiversity of
germ-plasma or genetic resources (GR) is because
Indonesia has a vast landscape with the spread and
condition of geographic areas that vary (Sujiprihati
and Syukur, 2012). A genetic resource is one of the
most important natural resources and is the basic
capital needed to develop the agricultural industry.
Genetic Resources management is considered
successful if it has been able to provide access to GR
as a source of donor genes in breeding programs,
and plant breeding is considered to be successful if it
has utilized the genetic properties available in GR
collections (Sumarno and Zuraida, 2004). Local
cultivars are seen as a very valuable asset and need
to be well managed. Local rice (landrace) is a GR
that has a certain genetic advantage, has been
cultivated for generations so that the genotype has
adapted well to the various land conditions and
specific climate in the area of development. In
addition, local rice is naturally resistant to pests and
diseases, tolerant to abiotic stress, and has a good
quality of rice and generally has a taste and aroma
favoured by the people (Siwi and Kartowinoto,
1989; Hayward et al.1993 and Sitaresmiet al.2013).
The exploration, collection and conservation of
GR has become a global concern, by forming an
international body of the International Plant Genetic
Resource Institute (IPGRI) based in Rome, which
plays a role in the management of germ-plasma for
some particular commodities (Poespodarsono,
Exploration is an activity to seek, find, and
collect certain GR to secure them from extinction. In
order for the GR to be more efficiently secured it is
necessary to conduct more dynamic conservation
such as in situ conservation or on-farm conservation
(Swastiet al.2007), has explored 182 local rice
inWest Sumatra, but more directed to wetland rice
(Warmanet al.2011). In West Sumatra there are still
15 local upland rice cultivars that are still cultivated
by the farmer in dry land/hills. From the local
upland rice cultivars there is an upland rice that has
black endosperm colour (black rice).
One type of upland rice in North Sumatra, which
is widely planted by farmers, is red upland rice. Red
(brown) rice has the advantage of both itstenderness
and benefit for the human body. Red rice is known
to be very beneficial to health, as well as staple
foods, among others, to prevent food and nutrition
shortages and cure diseases. The content of
anthocyanin in brown rice is believed to prevent
various diseases such as cancer, cholesterol, and
coronary heart (Fitriani, 2006).
The utilization of improved varieties is a reliable
technology in increasing the production of food
crops. This technology is considered safer and more
environmentally friendly and cheaper for farmers.
Therefore, attention to the effort obtaining superior
varieties through breeding research needs to be
given so that genetic quality of the local rice can be
improved. Indonesian plant breeders successfully
bred 180-day-old rice with productivity of 2-3 tons
/ha to 105 days old with 6-8 tons / ha productivity
such as AekSibundong a local rice varieties of North
Sumatra (Irianto, 2008). To support the
sustainability of paddy production in the regions and
the increasing of national rice production, varieties
that are adaptive to environmental conditions in the
country are needed (Hairmansis et al.2015).
Therefore, breeding efforts are needed to increase
the age of the plant to obtain higher production
Basically, plant breeding is to choose the
character of the plant in accordance with the
breeder's purpose. Choosing or selecting plants will
be more flexible if there is extensive genetic
diversity in the population. To expand genetic
diversity can be done by several methods, including
through induction mutations, which are effective
ways to enrich GR, as well as to improve cultivars,
by changing the genetic makeup of plants using
mutagen. The aim is to obtain new properties that
are superior to the parent variety. Mutation breeding
is considered to be better for the improvement of
only a few properties by not changing most of the
properties of the original plants that have been
favoured and relatively requiring a shorter time in
the purification process (Amano, 2006 and
Ismachin, 2007).
The specific purpose of this research is to
explore and characterize the various local rice
characters of North Sumatra red rice, and followed
by characters improvement of North Sumatra upland
red rice through further breeding activities.
Characters that will be improved primarily are the
age of plants, posture, and production. While the
specific objectives of the study are as follows:
1. Getting, and collecting and consolidating the
local red rice in North Sumatra as a first step
in conservation.
Genetic Improvement of North Sumatra Upland Red Rice through Exploration and Induced Mutations
2. Characterization of morphology, especially
morphology of rice grain of red rice from
exploration results
3. Producing plant material for the improvement
of local red rice cultivars.
2.1 Research Design
The research was conducted in eight districts in
North Sumatra Province from January 2015 until
December 2016. The method included the study of
literature, interviews to the relevant agencies, the
Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture,
Indonesian Center for Rice Research Agricultural
Extension (PPL), the Village Head, and Farmer
Groups, as well as visits and interviews directly to
the Farmers fields in the District which are regional
producer of rice and have the potential existence of
local upland red rice. The research was conducted on
several stages of research activities, namely: 1)
exploration and rice collection of red rice in North
Sumatra and 2) characterization of morphology of
upland red rice in North Sumatera results of
exploration activities.
Data collected in this study were primary and
secondary data. Primary data collected directly
through interviews with respondents using a
questionnaire to determine the existence and identify
the red rice geographic, agricultural systems,
farmers' character, agronomic characters,
morphology, and production covenant, plant height,
date of harvest, production per hectare, 1000 grain
weight, grain shape, and color of grain. Secondary
data related to this study were obtained through the
agencies associated with this research. From the data
obtained, one of the best cultivars was selected
based on existing data criteria for research on
genetic improvement of North Sumatra's local
upland red rice through induced mutations.
2.2 Exploration and Collection of
Upland Red Rice of North Sumatra
Local GR rice exploration activities were carried out
in several regencies in North Sumatra Province.
Each of these districts was eligible for exploration
activities because it stores the diversity of paddy
GRwhich was preserved for years to come. Prior to
the initial exploration preliminary survey was
conducted, for data collection that contains about the
existence of local upland rice species or even wild
relatives in the area.Visited and interviewed directly
to the fields Farmers in the District which were
regional producers of rice and had the potential of
the existence of local upland red rice. Data
collection included name of cultivar, number and
origin of collection, based on predefined sampling
method. The collected cultivars are collected and
stored in cold storage.
2.3 Characterization of Grain
Cultivars collected from farmers' fields, then
identified (characterization) and stored. A total of
22 cultivars, 21 cultivars were planted in the
experimental fieldand the green house of Faculty of
Agriculture UISU Medan and Andalas University
Padang, for evaluation, stabilization, and
characterization. Stages of observation of red rice
character were done by observing grain
quantitatively and qualitatively. All quantitative data
was determined by measuring all grain
characteristics in accordance with the rice descriptor
issued by IRRI and WARDA, 2007).
Fromquantitative data obtained, the processed with
Minitab program version 16.14 was considered
(Iriawan and Astuti, 2006).
Observations consisted of quantitative and
qualitative observation. Quantitative quantities
consisting of grain length, grain width, grain
thickness, and grain length as measured by using
digital slurry in mm, and weight of 100 grains as
measured by analytical scales in grams. While
qualitative observations consisted of grain colour
surface colour, rice colour, and shape of rice. The
data of morphological characterization (phenotypic
data) were then used for the analysis of diversity and
2.4 Induced Mutations
This research was carried out in greenhouses and
experimental gardens of BPTP North Sumatra since
April 2016 to June 2017. The plant material used
was upland rice cultivars SigambiriMerahwhich is
one of the local rice cultivars of North Sumatra. The
seeds were irradiated with 0 Gy (control), 100, 200,
300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 Gy of
250 g per dose. Seed irradiation was carried out at
the Centre for Isotope and Radiation Applications,
National Nuclear Energy Agency (PAIR-BATAN),
PasarJumat, Jakarta with a radiation source γ used
by Iradiator Gamma Cell Co-60.
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
2.4.1 Dosage Orientation
After the rice seeds were irradiated, each irradiation
dose of 100 seeds/ seedbed. It was observed for
three weeks to see the pattern of growth. The
parameters observed in this study are the percentage
of living seeds, seed height and root length. Lethal
Dose 50 (LD50) was obtained from the percentage
of germination, seedling height and root length data.
Data were analyzed further using DMRT.
Irradiation dose orientation activity is continued
by observing the level of sterility in M1 plants, to
get the seeds to be used as material for M2
population. In this activity, 300 seedlings / plot (4x5
m) of each irradiated dose were planted in the field
(rice field). Planting M1 of each irradiation dose
(parent plant (control), 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500
Gy) was carried out with a spacing of 25 x 25 with 1
stem per planting hole. Each dose was planted as
many as 12 plots (4 plots/replications). Observations
were made on the level of grain sterility, namely the
percentage of empty grains per panicle. Harvesting
is done by taking 3 main panicles from each plant to
be used as M2 lines.Research was using non-
factorial RBD with 3 replications.
3.1 Upland Red Rice Data Collected
From the exploration result that in the 11 visited
districts were obtained 22 local rice cultivars of
upland red rice, and agronomic data obtained
(Appendix).TanahKaro and Deli Serdang districts
had the largest number and varieties of upland red
rice, followed by Simalungun compared to other
districts, especially in the area around medium to
high altitude, where until now upland red rice
cultivation still maintained for generations due to
local culture. These 11 District (1) Deli Serdang; (2)
Tanah Karo; (3) SerdangBedagai; (4) Simalungun;
(5) Dairi; (6) Pakpak Bharat; (7) Samosir; (8)
HumbangHasundutan; (9) Nias Selatan; (10)
Tapanuli Selatan; and (11 Padang Sidempuan,
planting areas were situated in different ecosystems
with varying altitudes from medium to high plains
with flat, uneven to hilly topography.From the
literature data obtained local varieties (accessions)
both in BB Padi and BB Biogen that the collection
of rice plants in general in North Sumatra including
upland rice as much as 175, while the collection of
rice crops in general in Indonesia including 750 (BB
Biogen) gogo rice; 29 varieties of upland rice, and
there are 1729 local rice including 37 from North
Sumatra, but not yet explored more related to
location or area (village name), lowland, medium or
high land location, and type of wetland rice , rain-
fed, or gogo.For that still needed exploration
activities of local rice cultivars in and subsequently
carried out conservation activities and collection of
local varieties.Meanwhile, the potential for
development of upland rice in North Sumatra is
mostly located in the highlands (> 700 m asl).
In 2011, based on the temporary figures (Asem),
the area of upland rice harvest has reached 52,401
hectares with the production amount of 161,279
tons. Of this area, 77% (40,419 ha) are in the
highlands and spread in Simalungun regency
(14,708 ha), Dairi(9,056 ha), Tanah Karo (8,793 ha),
North Tapanuli (3,744 ha), Pakpak Bharat (3,465
ha), Humbanghasundutan (529 ha), and Toba
Samosir area of 124 ha (Sumatra In Numbers, 2011),
while in the lowlands, farmers no longer plant
upland rice as many turn to other more profitable
commodities such as oil palm. The farming or
cultivation system was still relatively simple and
upland rice wasplanted as intercropping plants with
some annual crops such as rubber, palm oil, and
coffee. It’s also intercropped with horticultural
plants, such as bananas, and oranges. Then the
planting sites were always altered depend on the
condition of the land or could be said as shifting
From this data it can be seen that the cultivation
of upland rice was still an unimportant crop,
although it generally proven to have high adaptation
and tolerance to pests and diseases while the land
was still available. This was because the field
priority of farmers to plant rice, which they would
choose irrigated rice fields first, followed by rainfed
lowland, and the last option was dry land for upland
rice cultivation.
For farmers who did not have wetland or where
rice field was limited, then dry land was choosen to
cultivate upland rice. In the other words, the
cultivation of upland rice was more directed by the
interests to fulfil farmer’s household consumption.
Harvest age was long (˃145 days), ranging from
150.00 to 180.00 days after seed (DAS), and
production was still low to moderate (1.0 - 3.5 t/ha).
All of harvest ages of cultivars could be categorized
in the age of the deep category. The higher the place
was planted; the appearance of harvest age would
tend to be longer than the plants grown on the
lowlands. Farmers tent to choose high potentially
yielding cultivars, and moderate to low plant height
characters. This was done by farmers to avoid the
Genetic Improvement of North Sumatra Upland Red Rice through Exploration and Induced Mutations
risk of crop failure due to lodging in the rainy
The productivity of upland rice were lower
primarily due to climatic and soil conditions
varations, unoptimal cultivation technology,
especially in the use of high yielding varieties,
fertilizing and controlling blast disease (Toha,
2005;Hairmansis et al. 2015). In addition, the
decline in production was also caused by the sloping
increase in the potential yield of existing rice
cultivars. This was due to the narrowness of the
genetic diversity of existing rice cultivars as a result
of releasing many rice cultivars that were related one
to each other. This caused the existence of local rice
both wetland and upland rice, currently increasingly
abandoned farmers and threatened extinction (Toha,
North Sumatra Province had local varieties of
upland rice which was very popular as consumer
products. Local varieties were in fact a major
provider of rice in upland area of Bukit Barisan,
North Sumatra. Although there had been a lot of
upland rice varieties released by the Government,
but no one had been able to adapt well in the
highlands. High yielding varieties that had been
released, such as Situ Patenggang, Towuti, Situ
Bagendit, BatuTegi, and Limboto that had relatively
high yield potential (> 3.5 t/ha), but the level of
adaptation was still limited appropriate only in the
lowlands (< 500 mdpl) (Toha, 2006 and Yusuf,
Then, the development of upland rice planting
should consider soil conservation, productivity
levels, taste, also the resistance to pests and diseases
through modelling approaches of integrated crop
management and resource (ICM) in the area of
specific locations, to achieve food security and
sustainable agricultural systems (Toha, 2005).
Base on morphological character (phenotypic
data) of 22 local red rice cultivars, there were
variations of each cultivar as follows: Plant height
was high ˃ 125 cm (score 7) (Figure 1). Productive
tillers was classified as little ˂ 10 (score 3) ranging
from 5,78 - 9,78 tillers. Long panicle was medium
with score 20 - 30 cm to long (31 - 40 cm) ranging
from 21.7 - 35 cm.
3.2 Character of Grain Morphology
From the exploration result in 11 regencies, 22 local
rice cultivars of upland red rice from North Sumatra
were obtained. Grain morphological (lemma/palea
and seeds (caryopsis) characteristics of 19 local
upland red rice cultivars are presented in Figures 1.
Figure1: Grain and rice husked rice from the North
Sumatra red rice.
Based on the observations obtained, the longest
length of red rice grains are genotypes BM 01 and
BM 06, while the shortest is genotype BM 15. IRRI
and WARDA (2007) divide the length of grain in
three classes, ie short (<7.5 mm), medium (7.5-12
mm), and long (> 12 mm). Based on the
classification of IRRI and WARDA (2007), we
obtained short, medium and long red rice genotypes.
The result of qualitative observation on red rice
grain showed the variation between each genotype.
Grain of red rice both non-hulled and hulled had
varying surface and shape colours (Figure 1). Based
on the observation on the qualitative character, the
colour of the grain surface was generally collared
yellow straw, brownish, and brownish red.
According to IRRI and WARDA, 2007), the
colours of the grain surface were quite diverse, ie
brownish yellow, brownish white, brownish orange,
light brown, brownish red, and greenish brown.
Similarly, there are also variations on the colour of
the seed (caryopsis), namely red, pink, blackish-red
rice. Different rice colours were genetically
regulated, due to differences in genes that regulate
aleuroniccolour, endosperm colour, and starch
composition in endosperm.The shape of rice also
showed variations, which were round, semi-round,
and oval. Most of the red rice form found to be oval
followed by a semi-spherical shape and the smallest
was round.According to Putra, the colours of the
grain surface were quite diverse, namely brownish
yellow, brownish white, brownish orange, light
brown, brownish red, and greenish brown (Putra et
al. 2010). Likewise there were also variations
considering the colours of the seed (caryopsis). Most
of the hulled grains were dark red, pink, and
blackish red. According to Indrasari, different hulled
grains colours were genetically regulated due to
differences in genes that regulate aleuroniccolour,
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
colour of endosperm, and starch composition in
endosperm (Indrasari, 2006).
3.3 Induced Mutations
3.3.1 Dosage Orientation
At M1 the irradiation effect can be seen in
germination percentage, growth rate and sterility
percentage. The results of γ ray irradiation at a dose
of 0 to 1000 Gy affect the germination percentage
and seedling growth. The response of the gamma ray
irradiation treatment at various doses to the
germination and growth of seedlings at the M1 stage
at age 21 DAS can be seen in Table 1 and Figure 2.
Table 1: Germination response and growth of upland red rice seedlings at various stages of γ irradiation dose at stage M1
age 21 DAS and Percentage of Sterilityat >70 DAP.
Dose Irradiation (Gy) Percentage of Growth
Plant of Height
Length of Root (cm) Percentage of
Sterility (%)
0 99.33 a 35.1 a 12.67 a 7.49 a
100 96.67 ab 32.9 b 12.00 a 9.25 b
200 92.00 ab 32.6 b 10.67 b 9.95 c
300 89.33 ab 32.3 b 9.63 b 15.08
400 84.00 ab 27.2 c 7.33 c 17.65 e
500 82.00 b 26.4 c 6.67 c 20.12 f
600 40.00 c 12.9
700 32.00 c 6.4 e 3.57 e -
800 0.00
0.0 f 0 f -
900 0.00
0.0f 0 f -
1000 0.00
0.0f 0 f -
KK (%) 4.56
11.08 7.02
Remarks: The numbers in the same column followed by the same lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05%
level according to DMRT.
Figure 2: Curve of γ ray irradiation treatment at various
doses towards germination and growth of red rice upland
rice seedlings at M1 stage at age 21 DAS; (The Red
Arrow indicates the LD50 value).
In Table 1 and Figure 2, it is known that the
response of seed growth and germination is very
diverse. The dose of 0 Gy shows a different response
to the percentage of seed germination irradiated.
However, with increasing irradiation doses it gives a
very real response to the reduction in the percentage
of seed germination and seedling growth. Even the
irradiation dose > 500 Gy only produces a
percentage of growth below 50%, while the doses of
800, 900, and 1000 Gy are die. Death of plants after
irradiation can occur due to deterministic effects due
to gamma ray irradiation. Deterministic effects are
effects caused by cell death due to radiation
exposure (physical mutations) (Poehlman and
Sleper, 1995). The deterministic effect arises when
the dose received by the plant is above the threshold
dose and generally arises shortly after irradiation
(Ismachin, 2007). The severity of the deterministic
effect will increase if the dose received is greater
than the threshold dose. The lower the threshold
dose is closely related to the radio sensitivity of
plant genotypes. Radio sensitivity is the level of
plant sensitivity to radiation (Harten, 1998and Data,
2001). Radio sensitivity levels between genotypes
and plant conditions when irradiated vary widely.
The sensitivity to radiation can be measured
based on the lethal dose 50 (LD50), which is the
dose that causes the death of 50% of the population
of irradiated plants. The LD50 value in this study is
high (range 530 Gy). This may be due to the water
content contained in the seed before irradiating.
Seed moisture content in the storage stage before
being irradiated is 12-14%. According to Ahnstrom,
Harten, Herisonet aland Shu et al,the high and low
LD50 values are strongly influenced by the water
and oxygen content of the seeds. At the height of the
seedlings and the length of the roots it is also seen
that the higher the dose of irradiation also affects the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Dose ofGamma Rays (Gy)
Genetic Improvement of North Sumatra Upland Red Rice through Exploration and Induced Mutations
growth response(Ahnstrom, 1977;Harten, 1998;
Herisonet al. 2008 andShu et al. 2012).The growth
response of seed height and root length decreases
due to the increasing dose of irradiation. This is in
line with the opinion of Ismachin,which explains
that certain mutagen treatments in serealea have a
correlation with high M1 sprouts, M1 germination
power and mutation frequency(Ismachin, 2007).
In observing the percentage of void grain per
panicle (sterility) it was observed at various doses (0 -
500 Gy) at >70 DAPthat the higher the irradiation dose
treatment caused the increase in the percentage of
void grain per panicle. Sterility percentage treatment
of 0 Gy (7.49%) to 500 Gy (20.12%) irradiation
doses gave a significant effect on seed void
percentage per panicle, while between doses of 100
Gy (9.25%) and 200 Gy (9.95%) did not have a
significant effect(Table 1).
However, the treatment of irradiation doses
above 300 Gy caused the percentage of void to
increase significantly (˃ 15%). The response was
curve for the percentage of seed void per panicle on
M1. As well as the effect of plant radio sensitivity
on irradiation doses, the high percentage of
seedlessness per panicle is also an indicator of
physical damage due to deterministic effects of
irradiation treatment.When M1 was planted in the
field, it was seen that the plant growth pattern was
normal and there was no significant difference
between the dose of irradiation with one another.
However, irradiation affects the emptiness of seeds
in panicles. The percentage of avoid of seeds will
increase along with the increase in irradiation doses.
One thing that is highly expected in an induction
mutation is the smallest physiological damage and
the maximum frequency of mutations. This is a very
useful factor in generating genetic variability.High
radiation dose will increase the sterility of the M1
plant panicle. One thing that is really expected in an
induction mutation is the smallest physiological
damage and genetic damage. This is a very valuable
factor in producing high genetic variability. For the
purpose of induction of genetic diversity, it is
desirable to induce mutations that cause at least
chromosomal aberration, physical damage and
sterility, and at the same time be controlled to
produce the desired mutation(Datta, 2001). This
study is very useful in providing information
especially in inducing genetic diversity. Other
reports also show that the dose range of 200-300 is
an irradiation dose that is quite effective in
producing genetic diversity in rice plants such as the
Zhong-Hua-11 variety irradiated with gamma rays at
a dose of 300-350 Gy (Zhu et al. 2006), a dose of
200 Gy in Hitomebore variety (Kawaguchi, 2006),
and dosage of 200 Gy in Kuriakkusuik and
RandahPutiahvarieties (Sobrizal, 2007).
From the results of research, the following
conclusions can be taken:
1. Results of exploration in 11 districts obtained 22
local rice genotypes of upland red rice in North
Sumatra. Meanwhile, the potential development
of upland rice in North Sumatra is mostly located
in the highlands.
2. Grain morphology characterization results
indicated the variations on quantitative and
qualitative characters. The widest level of
diversity was obtained from the long feather
characters. Correlation analysis results showed
the correlation between some variables of
morphology of grain and caryopsis.
3. The dose range of 200-300 Gy is an irradiation
dose that is quite effective in producing genetic
diversity in rice plants. The efforts of genetic
improvement of upland red rice are currently
being implemented for SigambiriMerah varieties
through induce mutations.
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Upland Red rice from exploration in Provincial of North
Sumatra Districts
Genotipe Code/
(Accession) /
Sub District/
(cm) /
Indica (Cere)
STM Hulu/
Deli Serdang
(BM02) Belacan
STM Hulu/
Deli Serdang
180/170 500-
(BM03) SiPote/
Bintang Bayu/
160/165 500-
(BM04) SiPala/
180/170 500-
riSM/ Indica
180/170 750-
Genetic Improvement of North Sumatra Upland Red Rice through Exploration and Induced Mutations
Indica (Cere)
STM Hulu/
Deli Serdang
180/170 500-
SiPenuh/ Indica
Tanah Karo
170/170 750-
(BM08) Belacan
TB/ Indica
STM Hulu/
Deli Serdang
160/170 500-
(BM09) SiBuah/
Indica (Cere)
180/170 500-
/ Indica (Cere)
Tanah Karo
150/160 750-
Indica (Cere)
Brampu/Dairi 180/165 750-
Indica (Cere)
Tanah Karo
180/175 750-
SiLottik/ Indica
170/160 750-
SiGambiri GB/
Tanah Karo
170/165 750-
(BM15) Ro’e/
Nias Selatan
155/160 500-
160/165 750-
ri PB/ Indica
Pakpak Bharat
165/165 750-
Indica (Cere)
Bakti Raja/
(BM19) Eme Si
Bakti Raja/
dong/ Indica
P. Sidempuan/
P. Sidempuan
160 /
(BM21) Si
160 /
(BM22) Sirata /
Deli Serdan
130 /
Source: Farmer’s information and field visits and
observation in the field
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research