jointly or in rotation, which is adjusted to cultivation
patterns of local communities (King and
Chandler,1978;Wijayanto, 2002). Dry land
management, especially in watersheds, with
agroforestry systems is very necessary as a strategic
development resource, including: 1) dry land is the
largest cultivation area, 2) dry land can supply most
of the major commodities, and 3) dry land has
diverse commodities for agro-industry development
(Widaningsih, 1991; Suhara, 1991; Badrun, 1998).
In general, there are many obstacles in
developing agroforestry, among other low
productivity, due to lack of knowledge in the
selection of plant species and cropping patterns
management. According to Beets (Beets,1982), in
mixed cropping patterns as in agroforestry systems,
competition between crops and trees will occur,
especially for nutrient absorption, which often has a
negative impact on crop productivity. For this
reason, selection of plant species and cropping
patterns management in agroforestry must consider
physical, socio-economic, existing opportunities,
and farmer’s involvement in design and assessment
of cropping patterns to expedite the technology
adoption process. According to Thakur et al.
(Thakur et al.2005), farmers should choose annual
crops that have high economic value (cash crops),
food crops, medicines, herbs and even animal feed.
In addition, low productivity can also be caused by
radiation intensity stress due to canopy closure.
Several studies on ecophysiology of shading have
been carried out on upland rice (Chozin et al. 2000),
soybean (Sopandie et al. 2007), taro (Djukri, 2003)
and pepper (Wahid, 1984). The research shows that
the impact of light intensity stress is disruption of
photosynthesis rate which decrease plant metabolic
Intercropping is possible especially for food
crops such as sweet potatoes, corn, soybeans, and
upland rice, and horticultural crops such as
vegetables, flowers and fruits, as well as medicinal
plants such as turmeric, galangal, galingale, etc.
According to Asanawi and Ratna (Asanawi and
Ratna,2010), land use efficiency through
intercroping is very likely to be carried out as long
as fulfill plant growing requirements.
One of the cash crop commodities that require
intensive and important development is soybeans.
Soybeans have important role as source of vegetable
protein to improve nutritional level of the
community (Jufri, 2006). However, the community's
soybean needs cannot be fully met. Soybeans supply
tends to decrease in the period 2003-2007 (PDSIP
Ministry of Agriculture, 2016). In this period, the
availability rate decreased by an average of 3.37%
on annually basis. In the following year, it increased
again until 2011 to be 10.91 kg/capita/year or an
increase of 11.78% compared to the previous year of
9.76 kg/capita/ ear. The decline in availability was
occurred again in 2012, and continuing to 2014.
National strategy to increase soybean production
is formulated in the Source of Production Growth
which consists of five opportunities, namely: a)
expansion of harvest area, b) increasing
productivity, c) increasing yield uniformity and
stability, d) emphasis on yield gaps, and e) emphasis
on yield loss. In this strategy, increasing harvested
area is carried out by new land clearing, increasing
cropping index (IP), and soybean intercropping with
plantation and forestry crops (Adisarwanto
1997). However, efforts to increase production have
constrained by decreasing harvested area. In 2012-
2016, the average national harvest area decreases to
1.68% (PDSIP Ministry of Agriculture. 2016).
Therefore, research has been carried out to obtain
the best fertilizing dose for inter-cropping soybeans
grown along with forest tree.
This research has been carried out in Arboretum of
USU KwalaBekala from January to December 2015.
Field trial approach was used to examine adaptation
of soybean varieties to shade in each tree, namely:
rubber, mindi, white teak, jabon, sentang. The test is
done with a Split plot design. The main plot is stands
while subplots are soybean varieties.
Treatment composition in the first experiment on
each factor (main plot and subplot) and type of plant
is consisted of: Main plot: P1 = Rubber shading, P2
= Mindi shading, P3 = Jabonshading, P4 = White
Teak shading. Subplot: V1 = Anjasmoro variety; V2
= Burangrang variety, V3 = Dena-1 variety, V4 =
The linear additive model of the plan is used as