Partially the cost of feed does not give a big
effect on farmers’ income. The result of regression
of significant value is 0.056 bigger than α (0.05),
meaning that feed cost has no big significanceon
farmers’ income. The value of regression coefficient
for feed cost is positive equal to (0.214).With this
positive relationship,it means every increase of feed
cost as much as Rp 1 will increase income equal to
Rp 0.214. The contribution of feed costs to income
can affect profits or losses. Regression results
indicate that increased feed costs will increase the
Livestock can be intensively maintained with
cheaper feeding costs sourced from oil palm
plantations than livestock using conventional
concentrates. If both livestock conditions (using
conventional concentrate feed and silage) are
maintained intensively then the cost of feed sourced
from oil palm plantations still has a smaller
economic value compared to the conventional
The comparison of these two types of feed
indicates that silage feeds that use natural resources
from oil palm plantations have better economic
value to increase farmers' income. According to
Gunawan et al, cheap feed using local resources is
one of the alternative solutions to reduce production
costs (Gunawan et al. 2003). Preparation strategy is
done by selecting the feed ingredients based on the
materials availability, nutritional content and price.
The role of oil palm plantations as one of the
forage sources that can be used as livestock
development is very supportive, supported by the
role of land vegetation as land cover and crop
residues as animal feed. However, forage processing
is required in order to maximize the nutrient content
and benefits of plantation waste as a substitute feed
during the dry season. The pattern of integration
with cattle is expected to be an integral part of the
oil palm plantation business, which ultimately can
have a huge impact on increasing farmers' income.
Significant value on the maintenance scale also
shows a less effect (0.688) on income. The result of
regression coefficient from maintenance scale shows
positive value of 0,043.With this positive relation, it
means every increase of maintenance scale as much
as 1 ST will increase farmers’ income equal to 4%
per cattle so that more number of livestock raised
hence the cattle farmer will obtain bigger income.
According to Soekartawi, the income of cattle
business is strongly influenced by the number of
livestock sold by farmers (Soekartawi, 2003). Krisna
and Mansur states that the higher the scale of the
business run and owned, the greater revenue will be
accepted because it can reduce production costs
(Krisna and Mansur, 2006). The study results show
that farmers have average 8.8 cows (8 ST mature
cattle), meaning that this maintenance includes
household scale, with the addition of the number of
cows raised, and it will increase the family income.
Saleh et al states that in the business of beef cattle
farming, every addition of 1 ST of cattle can
increase farmers’ income (Saleh et al. 2006). Krisna
and Manshur add that the high income earned by
farmer in running their livestock business is
influenced by the number of livestock raised (Krisna
and Manshur, 2006). The more cattle are raised, the
more profit the farmers will obtain.
Farmers’ age based on the regression result
shows a positive relationship (0.161) which means
that every 1 year in farmers’ age the farmers' income
will also increase by 16.1%. But this increase has no
big effect on income based on significant value. In
this case, the age effect of the breeder is relatively
uniform in the productive age criteria (22-55 years).
Based on the data obtained, 92% of respondents are
25-55 years old, with details of 25-35 years (20%),
36-45 years (40%), and 46-55 years (32%). Age
level in beef cattle business is one of the aspects that
affect the performance of business activities
undertaken.Work productivity will increase if the
farmers are still in a productive age and will
decrease the ability of work along with the increase
of the age. In addition, according to Maharani, by
the age, farmers tend to receive new innovations
faster and various information related to the
development of farming information technology and
information related to price and marketing
(Maharani, 2001).
The regression coefficient of education shows a
positive value (0.343). If the value of regression
coefficient of other variables remain (unchanged)
then any increase in education level will affect
farmers' income. The value of education significance
is 0.009 < α (0.05) which means it has big effect on
the income earned. This may be due to higher
educated farmers, or having a non-formal education
related to good livestock business. They are
generally more actively exploiting innovation or
new technology and although still using traditional
breeding systems.
The intensive integration of cattle-palm requires
feeding aids, farmers with better education will be
more receptive to receiving technology, so we
expect educated farmers can be pioneers to begin
paying attention to potential replacement feeds for
existing beef cattle in their respective areas. The
younger age of educated farmers according to