Realizing Simultaneous and Quality Regional Head Election through
Strengthening Supervision Function: Study at the General Election
Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province
Marzuki and Jauhari Ginting
Faculty of Law, Islamic University of North Sumatra, UISU, Medan
Keywords: Head District Election, Supervision Function.
Abstract: This research is aimed at seeing the effectiveness of the supervisory function carried out by the General
Election Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province and its components in simultaneous regional elections
of 2018 in North Sumatra Province carried out through a normative juridical research approach. The result of
the study indicates that the General Election Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province has carried out its
oversight function well through following-ups of 78 cases of violations out of 182 findings and reports from
the public. It is hoped that in the context of realizing quality elections, the General Election Supervisory Board
must improve the effectiveness of the supervision and law enforcement functions against election violations,
both administrative and criminal violations through the Center for Law Enforcement.
General Election as a selection process towards the
birth of leaders in the context of the realization of
democracy in Indonesia (read, Pancasila democracy)
is expected to be a representation of the people since
General Election is a series of political activities to
accommodate the interests of the people, which are
then formulated in various forms of policy.
Such a reality can be observed from various
elements inherent in a democratic country (Lyman
Tower Sargent, 1984, p. 32-33):
1. Citizen involvement in political decision
2. Some degree of equality among citizen;
3. Some degree of liberty or freedom granted to
or retained by citizens;
4. A system of representation;
5. An electoral system majority rule.
The various elements indicate that the electoral
and representation systems are a condition of sine
quanon for a modern democratic country, meaning
that people choose someone to represent them in the
context of people's participation in the administration
of state governance, as well as a series of political
activities to accommodate people's interests or
The manifestation of this democratic attitude is
the active participation of citizens in the life of the
nation and state. Participation is intended not only to
gain the legitimacy of the power of citizens, but also
to further involve the community in all development
Such a context means that participation is not the
result of engineering from power (mobilized
participation), but participation is based on the full
will of citizens who have high political will towards
nation-building (autonomic participation).
More systematically, election in a democratic
political system has several functions:
First, election functions as a means of political
legitimacy. Through the Election, the validity of the
ruling government as well as the programs and
policies it produces can be enforced. Election is the
most democratic means to form representative
government. Election is the expression of democratic
struggle, where the people determine who rules and
what the people want the government to do.
Second, election functions as a means of
transferring government in a safe and orderly manner.
In this case, the election is expected to be able to
produce leadership regeneration with certainty and
legitimacy. Therefore, election is a political
mechanism to ensure the continuity of regular
Marzuki, . and Ginting, J.
Realizing Simultaneous and Quality Regional Head Election through Strengthening Supervision Function: Study at the General Election Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0008888704380445
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 438-445
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
government changes (Harmaily Ibrahim and Moh.
Kusnardi, 1983, p. 330).
Third, election functions as the creation of
political representativeness to actualize people's
aspirations and interests. In this connection Election
functions not only as an embodiment of the enactment
of the principle of popular sovereignty, but more
importantly also as a means to build people's trust in
the government to implement policies and programs
that are in accordance with the basic aspirations and
needs of the community as stakeholders in the
Fourth, election functions as a means of
socialization and political education of the people. In
this function, the election is expected to be able to
implement to the people to obtain attitudes and
orientations towards political phenomena, which
generally apply to the communities where they are
located. Socialization and political education are
expected to be able to give trust to the community so
that their participation can be manifested in an
atmosphere that is free to express opinions, declare
and access information and freedom of association.
Within the framework of regional autonomy,
election is also held to elect the Regional Head
(Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy
Regent, and Mayor and Deputy Mayor), as stipulated
in Article 18 Paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution
of Republic of Indonesia which determines:
"Governor, regents and mayors as heads of the
provincial, regency and city governments are
democratically elected. This provision is then
implemented into Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning
General Elections and Law No. 10 of 2016
concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number
1 of 2015 concerning Determination of Government
Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 Year 2014
concerning Election of Governors, Regents and
Mayors into Laws, which confirms that the election
of Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and
Deputy Regent, as well as Mayor and Deputy Mayor
are the implementation of popular sovereignty in the
province and regency/city to elect Governor and
Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Regent, as well
as "direct and democratic" Mayor and Deputy Mayor
(Article 1 Number 1 law No. 8 of 2015).
Thus the existence of regional head elections is a
necessity as the main institution of democratic
government, because in essence the authority of the
government is only obtained with the consent of the
citizens who elect it. The results of regional head
elections held in an atmosphere of openness
accompanied by freedom of opinion and freedom of
association are deemed relevant reflecting the
participation and aspirations of the community.
In the 2018 simultaneous regional head elections
throughout Indonesia, based on data of the Central
General Election Commissions, consisting of 171
regions which will conduct regional elections,
consisting of 17 provinces, 39 cities, and 115 districts,
including North Sumatra, in addition to the election
of the Governor, also there are regional head elections
in 8 (eight) districts / cities, namely: Langkat District,
Deliserdang Regency, Dairi Regency, Batubara
Regency, North Tapanuli Regency,
Padangsidempuan City, Padanglawas Regency and
North Padanglawas Regency.
Such a constellation means that regional head
election is a method used in the framework of
democratic and regional autonomy in Indonesia, to
implement the will of the people through their
representatives, as well as a series of political
activities to accommodate the people's aspirations
and for regional governments as the main source of
running a regional government in order to realize
democratization and people's welfare.
2.1 Research Specification
The specification or type of research in this study is
descriptive (M. Solly Lubis, 1994, p. 77), because this
research is aimed at obtaining an essential picture of
strengthening the supervisory function in
simultaneous regional elections in North Sumatra
Province in order to produce democratic elections.
With regard to the research, the implementation of
the supervisory function carried out by the Election
Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province along
with its staff in simultaneous regional elections in
2018 will be analyzed, so that the study of the
importance of the role of election organizers,
especially the General Election Supervisory Board to
give birth to elections (regional head elections) as a
means of recruiting democratic politics.
2.2 Approach Method
The approach method used in this study is a
normative juridical research method or legal research
(Bambang Sunggono, 2001, p. 43), using several
approaches to be able to answer the problems studied,
namely: (1) statute approach and conceptual approach
(Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2005, p. 93-94). Normative
legal research is used, because the data studied are in
Realizing Simultaneous and Quality Regional Head Election through Strengthening Supervision Function: Study at the General Election
Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province
the form of secondary data or legal literature, which
include primary legal materials, secondary legal
materials and tertiary legal materials.
The legislation approach is used to examine in
depth the regulations relating to legal products in the
electoral field, especially regional head elections,
such as Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning General
Elections and Law No. 10 of 2016 concerning the
Second Amendment to Law Number 1 of 2015
concerning the Establishment of Government
Regulations in lieu of Law Number 1 of 2014
concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and
Mayors as Acts.
The conceptual approach is used to be able to
understand concepts relating to the existence of
elections in democratic countries and the role of the
General Election Supervisory Board in regional head
elections, which in turn gives birth to democratization
in the implementation of regional government.
3.1 Hacking the Path to Quality
General Election
The essence of regional head elections in the
framework of democratizing the implementation of
regional government in Indonesia, at least contains
several criteria that must be met so that regional head
elections become a parameter of democracy: First,
the implementation of regional head elections must be
supported by a set of rules that adhere to the principles
of freedom, honesty and justice. Second, the
implementation of regional head elections must pay
attention to the instruments and organizers so that
they are truly democratic and trusted by the
community. Third, the implementation of regional
head elections must involve all citizens without
discrimination in order to realize popular sovereignty,
thereby gaining public participation. Fourth, the
implementation of regional head elections must
provide equal opportunities to all candidates carried
by political parties and individual candidates to
compete freely, honestly and fairly. Fifth, the
implementation of regional head elections is intended
to elect regional heads who are qualified, and have
moral integrity, and reflect the will of the people.
If examined, various legal institutions prepared
for the implementation of 2018 regional head
elections, such as Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning
General Elections and Law No. 10 of 2016
concerning the Second Amendment to Law No. 1 of
2015 concerning the Establishment of Government
Regulations in lieu of Law No. 1 of 2014 concerning
the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors into
Laws have met the criteria of actualization of regional
head elections having the principle of honesty and
However, to apply these norms, a variety of
significant efforts are needed regarding democratic
regional head elections:
First, the commitment of the General Election
Commission (KPU) and the General Election
Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) along with their
supporting instruments, as organizers of regional
head elections that are trusted by the public must be
build on. It is believed that the community in this
context intended election organizers who have
integrity, neutrality and professionalism. This effort
is very much needed, both personally and
institutionally so that it is expected to reduce the
distrust of the community to the results of regional
elections. The practices that have occurred so far,
there are several KPU members in the Regional and
Bawaslu in the Region who then change from
"referees" to "players", so the principle of fair play
in the administration of regional head elections is
tarnished. This indication can be seen from the 76
cases of violations of the ethic code of the election
organizers from January to February 2018 involving
163 individuals, and have been examined, and in fact
61.2 percents violated the code of ethics, which
according to Ida Budhiati (DKPP or Honorary Board
of General Election Organizer members) has 37
strong warnings were made, 27 people were warned,
3 were temporarily dismissed, 11 were permanently
dismissed, 3 were dismissed from their positions as
Chairmen, and 76 were rehabilitated, and most were
violations of professionalism. This cases still happen
even though the electoral legal framework has been
designed so that election organizers generally work
professionally concerning not only procedures but
also integrity. (INDOPOS.CO.ID, 27 February 2018).
If this is not overcome, it will have broad
implications for the community, general election
participants (political parties and individuals), both
related to the electoral disputes and community
actions that can lead to anarchism.
Therefore, it is expected that the election
organizers (KPU/ General Election Commission, in
the Regions and Bawaslu/ General Election
Supervisory Board, in the Regions) must have a
commitment to hold the 2018 regional head elections
in accordance with the principles of good governance
as stipulated in Article 3 of Law No. 7 of 2017:
independent, honest, fair, legal certainty, orderly,
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
open, proportional, professional, accountable,
effective and efficient.
If this can be done by the organizers of regional
head elections, the legitimacy of the 2018 regional
head elections produced will be stronger, for the birth
of new regional governments that are in accordance
with the aspirations and desires of the people.
Second, the political knowledge of the
community must be increased. If the community's
political knowledge is still relatively low, it will affect
the level of community participation. The higher the
community participation, the more legitimate the
quality of the implementation of regional head
elections. Quantitatively, the success of regional head
elections is measured by the number of arrivals to
polling stations, while qualitatively it is seen from the
rationality of elections and the active role of the
Therefore, it is expected that the role of
community leaders can increase community
participation in the 2018 regional head elections, to
reduce the White Group (Golput) figure. In
simultaneous regional head elections in 2015, the
level of community participation was very low, only
around 26%, while the regional head elections of
Tebing Tinggi City in 2017 were 55% which were
also still below the target of Tebing Tinggi City KPU
at 77.5%. Therefore according to Yulhasni,
Commissioner of North Sumatra KPU, the target of
community political participation in the 2018
regional head election is 77.5% (Sumutpos.Co, 18
October 2017).
Third, the readiness of candidates for Regional
Heads and candidates for Deputy Regional Heads and
their supporters who have direct interests is a
necessity. Therefore, it is very relevant for
simultaneous post-conflict local election participants
in 2018, especially in North Sumatra Province to run
a campaign with a spirit of togetherness in order to
realize an advanced and prosperous regional
government, post-conflict local election campaign is
not a candidate match but an idea to provide political
education to the community. Based on this, fraud
should be avoided by regional head elections,
including the Black Campaign, so that leaders who
have integrity can be built to establish a clean and
qualified democracy in the region.
Fourth, law enforcement of regional head
elections must be qualified. In order to create a
qualified regional head election, of course it must be
balanced with effective law enforcement for
perpetrators of violations of regional head elections
so that a sense of justice and legal certainty can be
realized for regional head election participant.
Qualified regional head elections can be seen from
the lack of violations in the implementation of
regional head elections. It turns out that in the 2018
regional head general election according to the North
Sumatra Bawaslu/ General Election Supervisory
Board, Abuse Acting Division Coordinator, Hardi
Munthe, there had been more than 150 reports of
violations submitted by the Regency/ City Panwaslih
(Election Supervisory Committee) which had to be
followed up and processed by the Provincial
Bawaslu/ General Election Supervisory Board,
including allegations of involvement of the State
Civil Apparatus (ASN), violation of the installation of
the Campaign Teaching Tool (APK), involvement of
children during campaigns and advertisements
(, Friday, March 30, 2018). Such a
reality, of course, must be balanced with law
enforcement that gives a sense of justice and legal
certainty. It is to reduce the level of public distrust in
the results of regional head elections. If it is not
followed up in the long term, of course this condition
can reduce the legitimacy of the local government
administrators formed.
Fifth, community participation in organizing
regional head elections must be appreiated. In this
connection, the involvement of community
institutions both in the form of socialization of
regional head elections, political education for voters,
surveys or polls on regional head elections, and a
quick calculation of the results of regional head
elections must be appreciated as a means of realizing
good governance in implementation. Regional head
elections must comply with various legal institutions
of post-conflict local elections, as among others
mentioned in Article 131 of Law No. 8 of 2015: do
not make partiality that is beneficial or detrimental to
one of the candidates for Governor and Deputy
Governor, Candidates for Regents and Candidates for
Deputy Regent, as well as Candidates for Mayors and
Candidates for Deputy Mayor; does not interfere with
the process of conducting the Election stage; aims to
increase the political participation of the community
at large; and encourage the realization of a conducive
atmosphere for the implementation of safe, peaceful,
orderly and smooth elections.
One important element in this context is the
media, both electronic and print mass media, because
it can provide oversight of the implementation of a
clean, honest, fair, transparent and professional
regional head election. Electronic media and printed
mass media are a means for the public to obtain
information, including the track record of candidates
for the Regional Head and Candidates for Deputy
Regional Heads in order to provide political
Realizing Simultaneous and Quality Regional Head Election through Strengthening Supervision Function: Study at the General Election
Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province
education so that regional head elections are not
intended to "buy cat in the sack".
3.2 Strengthening Supervision of
Simultaneous Regional General
Elections in North Sumatra
Simultaneous regional head elections that have taken
place in Indonesia, both in the 2015 and 2017 regional
head elections simultaneously have proceeded well,
but the results of regional head elections have not
only given birth to new leaders as a result of the
people's choices, but also created various problems,
such as the increasingly massive practice of money
politics, conflicts, disputes, even riots always haunt
the implementation of regional head elections.
Indeed, this condition does not occur in all regions,
because there are certain regional heads as the results
of regional head elections that have succeeded in
leading their regions.
In connection with the implementation of regional
head elections, Anthon Raharusun stated:
However, if people look at the data that since
2004, hundreds of regional heads and former
regional heads have become suspects or
convicted in various corruption cases which
continue to increase each year. This certainly
becomes a separate problem in the
implementation of regional government so
that regional head elections need to be
addressed comprehensively. In addition, the
amount of money that must be incurred to
become the head of the region is alleged to be
one of the bases for the dragging of regional
heads in the swirl of budget fraud. The issue
of regional head elections that are increasingly
bursting later by the Ministry of Home Affairs
- takes the initiative to organize regional head
elections through simultaneous regional head
elections as the entrance to organize the
system for overall regional head elections to
be far better and more efficient (Anthon
Raharusun, 2017, p. 5).
In line with this reality, one of the strategic efforts
in improving the implementation of regional head
elections is to strengthen the oversight function:
1. Strengthening the Supervision Function at the
General Election Supervisory Board
When observing the provisions of Law No. 7 of
2017 concerning General Elections, strengthening the
supervisory function given to the Republic of
Indonesia Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, Regency /
City Bawaslu, District Panwas, Field Supervisory
Committees, and Polling Station Supervisors, is
meant to hold a more just, clean and democratic
According to Ramlan Surbakti, there are several
reasons for the need to transform Bawaslu in the
context of holding general elections, including
regional head elections:
First, the transformation of Bawaslu is based
on efforts to strengthen the existence of
society as the principal of democracy. This
starts from the weakening of supervision by
the community when there are efforts to
strengthen the Bawaslu institution. Therefore
Bawaslu's transformation efforts must also be
interpreted as an effort to strengthen the
supervisory role
election by the community. In other words, it
returns the supervisory function to the owner,
namely the community. Second, efforts to
encourage the transformation of Bawaslu are
also seen as an effort to create an effective and
efficient system of handling violations and
electoral dispute resolution. One of the causes
of ineffective and efficient election law
enforcement is that there are too many
institutions involved in handling violations
and resolving electoral disputes, so what
happens is that the technical prosecution and
resolution of electoral cases becomes a
complex and time-consuming process. As a
result of many institutions that handle
violations and resolution of electoral disputes,
there is overlapping of authority, which in turn
has an impact on legal uncertainty. Third,
transformation efforts must present an
integrated and sovereign electoral law
enforcement system (Ramlan Surbakti and
Hari Fitrianto, 2015, p. 28).
In the context of the transformation, Bawaslu
through the 2017 election law has the duty to prevent
and prosecute election violations and dispute the
electoral process, oversee all stages of the election,
prevent the practice of money politics. Bawaslu
also in charge of overseeing the neutrality of the state
civil apparatus (ASN), the neutrality of members of
the TNI (Indonesian National Army) and Polri,
(Indonesian Police) overseeing the implementation
of the Election Administrators' Honorary Council
(DKPP), court decisions, decisions of the General
Election Commission (KPU), and decisions of
authorized officials for violations of ASN neutrality,
members of the TNI (Indonesian Army), and
members of the National Police, as well as conveying
allegations of violations of the ethics code of the
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
election administrators to DKPP/Honorary Board of
General Election Organizers. Member (Article 93 of
Law No. 7 of 2017).
Based on these arrangements, there is a shift in the
supervision paradigm, which was initially directed at
the discovery of violations (repressive), but now the
supervision is mandated to prioritize preventive
(occurrence) violations. Based on this paradigm shift,
the benchmark for the success of monitoring the
stages of regional head elections that are currently
underway is no longer determined by the number of
findings of violations and follow-up by supervisory
bodies of regional head elections, but rather on how
effective efforts to prevent violations of regional head
elections can be carried out by electoral supervisory
In this construction, especially in repressive
supervision, the Provincial and Regency/ City
Bawaslu is strengthened by the authority to decide on
electoral process disputes in the Provincial and
Regency/ City Areas (Article 98 Paragraph (3) letter
c and Article 103 Paragraph (3) letter c of the Law
No. 7 of 2017).
In its implementation in the simultaneous regional
head elections in North Sumatra Province 2018, the
role of the North Sumatra and Regency/ City Bawaslu
has followed up on the findings of violations:
The North Sumatra General Election Supervisory
Board and the Regency/ City of North Sumatra
Election Supervisory Board together with all the
respective parties handles 182 violations of the
Election of Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent
and Deputy Regent, Mayor and Deputy Mayor in
2018. A total of 96 of them are findings and 86 cases
of community reports ( / o /
39560 /, June 5, 2018).
In this context, Hardi Munthe, the Coordinator of
the Violation Handling Division at the Election
Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province, stated
that both the findings and reports of alleged
violations, as many as 78 cases met the violation
element, with details of 52 administrative violations
which were forwarded to the KPU and the respective
parties to follow up, 2 (two) general election criminal
cases that were forwarded to the police, as well as 4
(four) cases of ethical violations of the election
Furthermore Hardi Munthe stated that in the 2018
head regional election, there were also 20 other
violations of law cases which were not violations of
general elections. As many as 12 cases related to the
neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) which
were forwarded to the ASN Commission, 2 (two)
general criminal cases, 3 (three) cyber cases which
were forwarded to the Sub-Division of Cyber Crime
Special Criminal Investigation Directorate
(Ditreskrimsus), Police Department of North
Sumatera, and 1 (one) violation by the village head
forwarded to the Regent, and 1 (one) employee of a
Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) forwarded to
the Governor of North Sumatra
(, June 5, 2018).
Such a reality shows the existence of Bawaslu and
all its instruments in conducting intensive
supervision, both early prevention and repression,
will give birth to an effective monitoring function.
For this reason, it is hoped that cooperation and
coordination will be integrated with the KPU at all
levels in carrying out preventive oversight efforts.
Furthermore, it is expected that either the Provincial
or Regency/ City Bawaslu with KPU in the regions
must be able to work together and become partners in
the post-conflict local election implementation, and
not vice versa to become competitors in carrying out
the functions of prevention and supervision of
administrative and criminal violations in post-conflict
local elections.
2. Strengthening Participatory Supervision
The success of supervision carried out by the
election supervisory institutions in regional head
elections, of course, must be balanced with
independent supervision and public participation so
that various forms of violations can be known by the
election supervisory agency in regional head
elections through reports submitted, both by
individuals, community organizations and political
organizations. This participatory supervision has
been given space by Law No. 10 of 2016 as stipulated
in Article 123 which states "that the election of
regional heads in their implementation can be
monitored by Election observers, both domestic
community organizations registered with the
Government and foreign Election monitoring
institutions. In carrying out the supervision of the
simultaneous regional head elections, the existence of
election observers outside the organizers certainly has
a significant role, especially in finding various
violations both committed by organizers and regional
head election participants. Even though the election
monitors do not have the authority to carry out
prosecution, of course the various reports submitted
must be followed up by the election supervisory
institution, including an integrated law enforcement
The existence of these election monitoring
institutions can certainly increase the quality of
regional head elections, because the more election
observers who participate in supervising regional
Realizing Simultaneous and Quality Regional Head Election through Strengthening Supervision Function: Study at the General Election
Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province
head elections, the better implementation of elections
will be overseen. This way will certainly reduce the
potential for violations and disputes in regional head
elections. However, it must be noted that this election
monitor must be registered with the Provincial KPU
or Regency/ City KPU and does not interfere with the
process of holding the post-conflict local election, by
implementing the rights and obligations and
prohibitions as regulated by law.
In addition to the existence of election monitoring
institutions, in the simultaneous regional head
elections in 2018, this must also involve wider public
participation as mandated by Article 131 of Law No.
10 of 2016, especially in supervising each stage of
election, election socialization, voter political
education, survey or opinion poll on the election and
quick calculation of the results of regional head
elections, with provisions: do not make partiality that
is beneficial or detrimental to one of the candidates
for Governor and Deputy Governor, Candidates for
Regents and Candidates for Deputy Regents, and
Candidates for Mayors and Candidates for Deputy
Mayor; does not interfere with the process of
conducting the Election stage; aims to increase the
political participation of the community at large; and
encourage the realization of a conducive atmosphere
for the implementation of safe, peaceful, orderly and
smooth elections.
In the context of simultaneous regional elections
in North Sumatra, community participation other than
through people's political education efforts has also
submitted reports of violations as many as 86 cases in
2018 regional head elections.
Taking into account these arrangements,
strengthening community participation is urgently
needed, and includes several activities:
First, do voter training. Secondly, socialize the
procedures for each stage of the election.
Third, monitor each stage of the election and
submitting an evaluation of the election based
on the results of monitoring. Fourth, report
suspected violations of the General Election,
both violations of the Election Code of Ethics
and violations of election administration
provisions and violations of Election Criminal
provisions. Fifth, register themselves as voters
and inviting other parties to register
themselves as voters (including checking their
own names and other family members in the
Temporary Voters List). Sixth, become a
participant in the Election campaign
(supporting certain Election participants and /
or criticizing other Election participants).
Seventh, vote on voting day, witnessing the
vote counting process at the polling station,
becoming a witness representing the Election
Participants, and / or become a member of the
KPPS / PPS / PPK. Eighth, play a role in the
process of reporting on elections in the print
media or the broadcasting process about
elections in electronic media. Ninth, take part
in the Survey Institution that carried out the
research process on the Election and
disseminated the results of the research to the
general public. Tenth, participate in the
process of Quick Counting of the results of the
General Elections at the polling station and
disseminating the results to the community.
Eleventh, volunteer to ensure the integrity of
election results by recording and
disseminating the results of vote counting at
polling stations to the public through various
available media (Ramlan Surbakti and Hari
Fitrianto, 2015, p. 51).
However, in handling violations of regional head
elections in North Sumatra Province, the Election
Supervisory Agency found several cases that could
not be followed up due to several factors: limited
reporting deadline, incomplete reports, difficulty
obtaining witnesses who knew violations, and
reporters were not present when called to follow up
on the report. Therefore, it is expected that both the
General Election Supervisory Board and the
community members must be actively involved in
overseeing the implementation of regional head
Based on the results and discussion as described, it
shows that with the strengthening of the authority of
the Election Supervisory Agency through Law No. 7
of 2017 concerning General Elections, the
supervision of the implementation of regional head
elections in North Sumatra Province has been carried
out by the General Election Supervisory Board of
North Sumatra Province along with its staff in
following up findings and public reports on various
violations of simultaneous regional elections in 2018.
Taking into account that 2018 and 2019 as a political
year, it is expected that the Election Supervisory
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
Board in carrying out its oversight and law
enforcement functions, violations of general elections
must be carried out effectively so that they can give
confidence to the public in the success of elections,
especially in the regions.
Finally, it is expected that simultaneous regional
elections and legislative elections and Presidential
elections held in Indonesia in 2018 and 2019 can
create clean and qualified elections in accordance
with various legal institutions that surround them to
create leaders who prioritize the interests of the
community, especially people's welfare and regional
Anthon Raharusun, 2017, Pilkada Serentak dan Penguatan
Demokrasi dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia,
DPC Peradi, Jayapura,
Harmaily Ibrahim dan MMoh. Kusnardi, 1983, Pengantar
Hukum Tata Negara Indonesia, CV Sinar Bakti,
Lyman Tower, Sargen, 1984, Contemporary Political
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Realizing Simultaneous and Quality Regional Head Election through Strengthening Supervision Function: Study at the General Election
Supervisory Board of North Sumatra Province