According (Handoko, 1987), Performance is a
value that results from the ability to carry out tasks
assigned to the executor, due to the consequences of
the employee agreement.With different editors,
(Wahjosumijo, 2001) suggests the notion of
Performance or Appearance is the performance of
work contributed by a person or group of people in
supporting the achievement of organizational goals.
Gibson, et all (1996) mentioning that individual
performance is the basis for the organization,
organizational performance depends on individual
performance, motivation and ability to interact
determine performance, group behavior and
interpersonal influence also gives strength to
organizational performance.
More broadly stated by(Sudjana, 1989) define
the performance with "The ability of teachers in
various teaching skills, guiding, evaluating, using
teaching aids, associating or communicating with
students, skills in preparing teaching / planning,
classroom administration skills, and others.
WhileRuki (2002) revealed that this performance
aims to improve work and personal achievements by
giving them feedback about their achievements.
Based on several definitions the experts above
can be concluded that, Performance is the
achievement or ability of a person in carrying out the
work or the results of his work. When associated
with the teacher performance is the work
performance or the ability of a teacher to carry out
the task of achieving organizational goals or
performance, the ability to carry out tasks, which
can improve the achievement of organizational goals
in this case is at school.
High performance needs to be possessed by the
teacher, because the performance will be the glue
and the driving force for someone to do the job. In
this case, Dhakidae (1978) argues that
"performance" will color our behavior in work and
appear when we carry out their respective roles. This
behavior is the creativity of work that is actualized
by the teacher and with it will have an impact on
performance. The higher the creativity, the higher
their performance will be.
Sahertian (1994) states that "people who do work
with high creativity will have better performance
compared to people who have low levels of
creativity." Bafadal (1992)states that the assessment
of teacher performance basically looks at whether
there is an increase in the quality of teacher
performance in planning and assessing the teaching-
learning process as a result of its implementation as
a teacher. Therefore,Arikunto (1990) states that the
teacher is a manager in a special learning
environment. They have the right and responsibility
in compiling the learning process, planning,
directing, and organizing all student activities.
Teacher performance can be seen from ten
teacher competencies or competencies expressed by
Sardiman (1992), as: 1) mastering the material, 2)
managing the teaching and learning program, 3)
managing the class, 4) using the media/ sources, 5)
mastering the educational foundation 6) managing
the teaching and learning interactions, 7) assessing
student achievement for teaching purposes, 8)
recognizing functions and guidance and counseling
service programs in schools, 9) knowing and
administering school administration, and 10)
understanding the principles and interpret the results
of educational research for teaching needs.
other than that, Usman (1995) also stated that the
teacher's performance was seen from ten abilities or
competencies, namely: 1) developing personality, 2)
mastering the educational foundation, 3) mastering
teaching materials, 4) developing teaching programs,
5) implementing teaching programs, 6) assessing
results and processes teaching and learning that has
been carried out, 7) implementing a guidance
program, 8) organizing school administration, 9)
interacting with colleagues and the community, and
10) conducting simple research for teaching needs.
The three opinions that state the teacher's
abilities or competencies measured as performance
or performance, it is clear that there are no
fundamental differences in terms of the
implementation or implementation of tasks as a
profession for each teacher.
2.2 Quality of Life
According Bernardin and russel (1993:520)Quality
of Work Life (QWL) is the degree to which
individuals are able to satisfy their important
personal need (e.g. need for independent) while
employed by the firm. Defined QWL as "a process
by which an organization responds to employee
needs by developing mechanisms to allow them to
share fully in making the decisions that design their
lives at work" . While Gibson (2009;368) said that
Quality of Work Life Is now widely used to refer to
”a philosophy of management that enhances the
dignity of all workers, introduces changes in an
organization’s cultural and improves the physical
and emotional all-being of employees.
Wheter and davis, (1996:502) Quality of work
life is how workers feel their role in each
organization. Role here is interpreted as part of a
systematic way in which employees participate in