The Influence of Quality of Life on the Teachers’ Performance in the
Junior High School 1 in Labuhan, Deli Serdang Regency
Mesiono, Syafaruddin, Mardianto, Abdillah, Siti Halimah
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
Keyword: Quality of life, teachers’ performance.
Abstract: Teacher performance is the ability of teachers in various skills such as guiding, assessing, using media,
communicating with students, teaching and classroom administration. This study aims to determine the
significant effect of Quality of Life on teachers performance of Junior High School (SMP Negeri 1)
Labuhan, Deli Serdang Regency. Hypothesis proposed: there is a significant influence of quality of life on
Teacher Performance. The population of this study is all teachers of SMP Negeri 1 which consist of 30
teachers. Sample was taken by using census sample where all population become as sample. Validity and
reliability was applied for the data. The data were analyzed by using path analysis by using Lisrel Program.
The data analysis showed that the influence of quality of life is very significant on teachers’ performance.
This means that the high level of teacher performance is strongly influenced by the qualit of life. So the
better and higher qualit of life, the better and higher the performance of teachers SMP Negeri 1 Labuhan
Deli Deli Serdang District.
(Moully, 1977) states that a teacher must have three
abilities: to direct and motivate students, to provide a
learning experience and develop a personality
thoroughly. According to the Directorate General of
Primary and Secondary Education and the
Directorate General of Higher Education, a teacher
in performing his duties must master 10 (ten) basic
competencies, namely: (1) mastering materials, (2)
managing the teaching and learning process, (3)
managing classes (4) using the media/ learning
resources, (5) mastering the educational foundation,
(6) managing the teaching and learning interaction,
(7) assessing the child's achievement for the teaching
process, (8) recognizing the function and program of
guidance and counseling services, (9) and organizing
school administration, and (10) understanding
principles and interpreting educational research for
teaching purposes. In fact, based on preliminary
research data, it shows that teachers do not have that
ability yet.
In learning activities, ideally a teacher should
have the abilities as above, so that their performance
becomes qualified, the sustainabilityof the quality of
education will be even better. However, empirical
facts through preliminary studies at SMP Negeri 1
Labuhan Deli indicate that these abilities have not
been fully owned by the teachers. Still found low
teacher performance. This is indicated by the
presence of teachers who act only as teachers,
renderers who have not played the role of classroom
managers. The process of teaching and learning
activities observed by researchers varies, some are
effective and some are lacking, in fact there are none
at all. These conditions appear in different teaching
and learning situations, the teacher has not used the
available teaching time, there are still teachers who
arrive late, start the lesson not on time, end the
lesson before the expiration of time, less concerned
with the condition of the students, rarely use
interactive media, less creating cooperation among
teachers. There are also teachers who have never
been involved in an education and training so that
teachers experience or feel less satisfied and
stagnant in the development of professionalism
skills. This condition has an impact on the teacher's
personality pressure so it is difficult to develop a
positive pattern of thinking in the education process.
Empirical facts above, cannot be left alone,
necessitated a serious attention and improvement
efforts from the government through in-service
education such as education and training. However,
Mesiono, ., Syafaruddin, ., Mardianto, ., Abdillah, . and Halimah, S.
The Influence of Quality of Life on the Teachers’ Performance in the Junior High School 1 in Labuhan, Deli Serdang Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0008889004590463
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 459-463
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
these efforts have not shown any significant change
in teacher performance improvement. For that must
be known and understood what factors are very
decisive or affect the performance of the teacher.
According Colquit (2009) the factors that affect the
performance of one of them is the quality of
life.These factors that influence performance are
described by Colquit in the model as follows:
Figure : 1.Integratif Model of Organization
BehaviorColquitt, Lepine, Wesson,Organizational
Behavior, Mc Graw Hill 2009, p. 8.
The model above informs that performance is
influenced by many factors. Ideally these factors can
improve work ability or teacher
performance.However, in reality there still shows
weaknesses which indicate that it is less relevant to
the reality in Labuhan Deli 1 Public Middle School.
There are still teachers who are less concerned or
less participating in school events or education, lack
of knowledge and mastery about learning strategies,
lack of maintaining the authority of educators, lack
of religious activities, lack of understanding of
vision and mission and goals of education and
teaching and not caring about negative motivation
from the leadership, there are also teachers who have
workloads while the rewards are low. While there
are teachers whose workload is low but their desires
are more fulfilled. Another phenomenon also occurs
that there are still teachers who do not feel
satisfaction in carrying out their duties, such as low
quality of work, lack of discipline in carrying out
teaching, often late coming to school, less attention
to students who are problematic, seeking activity
elsewhere, being apathetic, and lacking initiative to
innovate in the teaching and learning process.
Such conditions greatly affect teacher
performance and ultimately will lead to the quality
of education. How can the quality of education be
good if this condition is allowed to continue?
Therefore such facts cannot be tolerated because
these things will be able to create obstacles in efforts
to improve the quality of education so that the
quality of our education is decreases.
Based on the above explanation, it is illustrated
that the performance of teachers in Labuhan Deli 1
Public Middle School needs attention to improve the
quality of education. Efforts to improve teacher
performance have been made, but efforts to examine
the factors that caused the decline in teacher
performance have been neglected. One reason for
this lack of attention is because of the lack of
empirical data about how many of these factors
contribute to teacher performance.
This research has not many been done yet.
Therefore, the researcher is interested to study more
deeply by doing research on "The Influence Of
Quality Of Life on The Performance Of Teachers Of
SMP Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli Serdang District". The
purpose of this study is to determine: Significant
influence between quality of life on Teacher
Performance of SMP Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli
Serdang District.
2.1 The Performance of Teachers
According (Colquit, 2009) Job performance is
formally defined as the value of the set of employee
behaviors that contribute, either positively or
negatively, to organizational goal
accomplishment.Performance is likely to be high
when (a) challenging goals have been set, (b) the
moderators (ability, goal commitment,feedback, and
task complexity) are present, and (c) the mediators
(direction, effort, persistence, and task strategy) are
operating. (Slocum, 2009)
Performance is all of these. Its the end result
ofan activity. And whether that activity is hours of
intense practice before a concert or race or whether
it’s carrying outjob responsibilities as efficiently and
effectively as possible,performance is what results
from that activity. According Benton
(1974),performance act of doing is required by a
Styles &
Power & Influence
Personality &
Cultural Values
Trust, Justice, &
Learning &
Decision Making
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
According (Handoko, 1987), Performance is a
value that results from the ability to carry out tasks
assigned to the executor, due to the consequences of
the employee agreement.With different editors,
(Wahjosumijo, 2001) suggests the notion of
Performance or Appearance is the performance of
work contributed by a person or group of people in
supporting the achievement of organizational goals.
Gibson, et all (1996) mentioning that individual
performance is the basis for the organization,
organizational performance depends on individual
performance, motivation and ability to interact
determine performance, group behavior and
interpersonal influence also gives strength to
organizational performance.
More broadly stated by(Sudjana, 1989) define
the performance with "The ability of teachers in
various teaching skills, guiding, evaluating, using
teaching aids, associating or communicating with
students, skills in preparing teaching / planning,
classroom administration skills, and others.
WhileRuki (2002) revealed that this performance
aims to improve work and personal achievements by
giving them feedback about their achievements.
Based on several definitions the experts above
can be concluded that, Performance is the
achievement or ability of a person in carrying out the
work or the results of his work. When associated
with the teacher performance is the work
performance or the ability of a teacher to carry out
the task of achieving organizational goals or
performance, the ability to carry out tasks, which
can improve the achievement of organizational goals
in this case is at school.
High performance needs to be possessed by the
teacher, because the performance will be the glue
and the driving force for someone to do the job. In
this case, Dhakidae (1978) argues that
"performance" will color our behavior in work and
appear when we carry out their respective roles. This
behavior is the creativity of work that is actualized
by the teacher and with it will have an impact on
performance. The higher the creativity, the higher
their performance will be.
Sahertian (1994) states that "people who do work
with high creativity will have better performance
compared to people who have low levels of
creativity." Bafadal (1992)states that the assessment
of teacher performance basically looks at whether
there is an increase in the quality of teacher
performance in planning and assessing the teaching-
learning process as a result of its implementation as
a teacher. Therefore,Arikunto (1990) states that the
teacher is a manager in a special learning
environment. They have the right and responsibility
in compiling the learning process, planning,
directing, and organizing all student activities.
Teacher performance can be seen from ten
teacher competencies or competencies expressed by
Sardiman (1992), as: 1) mastering the material, 2)
managing the teaching and learning program, 3)
managing the class, 4) using the media/ sources, 5)
mastering the educational foundation 6) managing
the teaching and learning interactions, 7) assessing
student achievement for teaching purposes, 8)
recognizing functions and guidance and counseling
service programs in schools, 9) knowing and
administering school administration, and 10)
understanding the principles and interpret the results
of educational research for teaching needs.
other than that, Usman (1995) also stated that the
teacher's performance was seen from ten abilities or
competencies, namely: 1) developing personality, 2)
mastering the educational foundation, 3) mastering
teaching materials, 4) developing teaching programs,
5) implementing teaching programs, 6) assessing
results and processes teaching and learning that has
been carried out, 7) implementing a guidance
program, 8) organizing school administration, 9)
interacting with colleagues and the community, and
10) conducting simple research for teaching needs.
The three opinions that state the teacher's
abilities or competencies measured as performance
or performance, it is clear that there are no
fundamental differences in terms of the
implementation or implementation of tasks as a
profession for each teacher.
2.2 Quality of Life
According Bernardin and russel (1993:520)Quality
of Work Life (QWL) is the degree to which
individuals are able to satisfy their important
personal need (e.g. need for independent) while
employed by the firm. Defined QWL as "a process
by which an organization responds to employee
needs by developing mechanisms to allow them to
share fully in making the decisions that design their
lives at work" . While Gibson (2009;368) said that
Quality of Work Life Is now widely used to refer to
”a philosophy of management that enhances the
dignity of all workers, introduces changes in an
organization’s cultural and improves the physical
and emotional all-being of employees.
Wheter and davis, (1996:502) Quality of work
life is how workers feel their role in each
organization. Role here is interpreted as part of a
systematic way in which employees participate in
The Influence of Quality of Life on the Teachers’ Performance in the Junior High School 1 in Labuhan, Deli Serdang Regency
each decision making involving attitudinal issues
and related to their work, activities and organization,
so that the role is able to give a sense of
responsibility and sense of belonging to each job
which arises from mutual agreement and decisions.
The population of this study is all teachers of SMP
Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli in Deli Serdang District,
amounting to 30 people. While Sampling is done by
using Saturation Sampling technique (Census)
According Sugiono (1993) saturated sampling is a
technique of determining the sample when all
members of the population used as a sample. This is
often done when the population is relatively small,
less than 30 people. Based on the sampling
technique,the population of 30 teachers of SMP
Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli was taken as sample of
Prior to the data collection, first experimental
test instrument. The data collection of this research
is done by using the questions that are contained in
the questionnaire instrument and observation.Data
analysis techniques used are descriptive and
inferential statistical techniques. The analysis used is
path analysis with LISREL program. In LISREL, the
path coefficient testing is done through t test statistic
while the model conformity test is performed by the
test criteria: If the P-value of chi-square statistic is
<0.05, the value RMESA>0.80.
Based on the results of data analysis obtained
information as follows: There is Influence between
quality of life to Performance Teachers of 0.35, the
value of t-count coefficient of 8.32 at the level of
significance Alpha 0.05 t-table value of 1.98. Based
on the findings of the analysis, quality of life
significantly influences Teacher Performance. This
means that the quality of life owned by the teacher is
able to support the improvement of teacher
performance, so the better and higher the quality of
life the better and higher the performance of
Analysis of data showing the significance of the
influence of quality of life on the performance of
teachers manifested because of the satisfaction of the
needs of the teachers. As noted by experts such as
Bernardin and russel (1993: 520), Quality of Work
Life (QWL) is implied by the firm. QWL defined as
"a process by which an organization responds to
employee needs by developing mechanisms to allow
them to share fully in making the decisions that
design their lives at work". While the Gibson (2009;
368) states that the physical and emotional all-being
of employees is the philosophy of management. In
addition Quality of Life is able to make changes in
organizational culture and improve the physical and
emotional employees. So naturally if the quality of
life is built in monumental and sustainability affect
the performance of the teacher.
The quality of life condition can motivate the
teachers to improve their performance by realizing
their work ability in: 1) mastering the material, 2)
managing the teaching and learning program, 3)
managing the class, 4) using the media / source, 5)
mastering the educational base 6) managing the
interaction teaching, 7) assessing student
achievement for teaching purposes, 8) recognizing
the function and program of guidance and
counseling services at school, 9) recognizing and
organizing school administration, and 10)
understanding principles and interpreting
educational research results for teaching purposes. In
addition, high performance teachers need to have,
because the performance will be able to be adhesive
and propulsion for someone in carrying out the
work. Performance intensity will color our behavior
or behavior in carrying out duties and
responsibilities. In doing the work required a high
creativity. Because quality performance requires
work creativity supported by the quality of life of
teachers will have an impact on the performance of
teachers who are more qualified. Therefore, it needs
to be paid serious attention to the quality of life of
teachers, so that the performance of the teacher is
more qualified. So the higher the quality of life of
teachers has, the higher the performance of teachers
will be.
Based on the results of hypothesis analysis can be
concluded that there is a significant influence
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
between quality of life on teacher performance can
be accepted. This means that the high level of
teacher performance is strongly influenced by the
quality of life. So the better and higher quality of life
has, the better and higher the performance of
teachers SMP Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli Serdang
District will be.
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The Influence of Quality of Life on the Teachers’ Performance in the Junior High School 1 in Labuhan, Deli Serdang Regency