The Impact of Problem Solving Method to Improve the Critical
Thinking and Science Process Skills in Physics
Nana Mardiana
, Nani Mardiani
, Sheila Fitriana
, Miftahul Husna
, Rachmat Rizaldi
Departement of Physics Education, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Jl. SM Raja, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Physics Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Problem Solving Method, Critical Thinking Skills, Science Process Skills.
Abstract: This research was to know the level of students' critical thinking and science process skill after applyingthe
problems solving method. Themethod used in thisresearch was pre-test and post-testnon-equivalent control
group design. Sample of this research is the students of Junior High School in Medan.Class VII 1 was as the
experimental group and class VII 2 was as the control group. Test instruments and statistical analysis
collected the data. The tests of this research areanalysis of variance test, normality test and homogeneity
test.The result of the research showed that (1) there are difference of critical thinking and science process
skills among learners who learn to use problem solving method with learners who learn by using
conventional learning method in experiment class (62%) and in control class (38%) (2) There is an increase
of approximately 24% in the experimental class.
Education has become a very influential aspect in
promoting generationswho are capable of dealing
with problems in this global era. However, the
quality of education in Indonesia is still in the low
category, including in science especially in Physics
Higher Order Thinking Skills (Phy-HOTS).
This was revealed through the results of a survey
of the Program for International Student Assessment
(PISA) organized by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Trent in
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), which
showed that a reading ability was of 396, amounted
to 496.
The obtained scores of scienceswere 386. It was
below the average score of 501.Similarly, TIMSS
results obtained by Indonesian students were of 397.
It was below the average value of 500. The low
quality of education in Indonesia can be seen from
the results of research conducted by Trent in
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) designed
to examine the trends in knowledge and math and
science skills of children aged 14 years along with
other information coming from students, teachers,
and principal. The result of TIMSS 1999showed that
Indonesia occupied the 32nd position of 38 TIMSS
participating countries in IPA (Martin MO, 2000). In
TIMSS 2003, Indonesia was at 37th out of 46
countries TIMSS participants in IPA (Martin MO,
2004). In TIMSS 2007, Indonesia occupied the
position of 35 out of 48 countries participating in
TIMSS IPA (Provasniket al. 2009). This fact
identifies that the demand of science, especially
Physics in the form of mastery of concepts and even
the application concept cannot be reached optimally.
Lasmawan (Lasmawan,2004) identifies several
educational problems as: (1) education emphasizes
the development of cognitive aspect with the
orientation of mastery of science as much as
possible and ignores the development of affection
and connectivity aspects. (2) It lacks of education to
develop process skill, critical thinking skills ability,
and creative. (3) Less education provides real
experience through integrated curriculum and
learning approaches. Sagala (Sagala,2009) also
argues that learning taking place in schools tends to
show (1) teachingis more than lecturing, (2) learning
management tends to be classical and learning
activities are less varied, and (3) teachers and books
are as learning resources.
In addition, a review of the counselling revealed
that only a fewstudies have explicitly attended to the
problem-solving process (Heppner, 1978). In short,
it has not developed a technology for helping clients
Mardiana, N., Mardiani, N., Fitriana, S., Husna, M. and Rizaldi, R.
The Impact of Problem Solving Method to Improve the Critical Thinking and Science Process Skills in Physics.
DOI: 10.5220/0008889805120518
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 512-518
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with problem solving and decision making (Horan,
Most of schools do not encourage learners to
expand their thinking by creating new ideas and
rethinking existing conclusions.In the learning
process, learners are also less stimulated to be able
to expend their ideas in science, especially Physics.
Jacqueline and Brooks show that many successful
students complete their assignments, do good exams,
and get good grades, but they do not learn to think
critically and creatively. They both believe that
school only produces students who only think very
superficially. They just study the surface of a
problem. They do not extend thinking and do deep
Sagala(Sagala,2009) said that most learners do
not get the overall learning because they still get
their education conventionally. Consequently, they
are not trained to solve problems, so that their
critical thinking cannot improve properly. It is also
explained by Aryana (Aryana,2006) that one of the
causes of low ability of thinking of learners is the
use of lesson model or method of giving the
opportunity to learners to empower their thinking
ability and to actively involve them in the learning
According to John W Santrock (John W
Santrock,2010, p. 359) that critical thinking is
reflective and productive thinking. Itinvolves
evaluation of evidence.Another opinion is put
forward by Halpen. According to Halpen in Achmad
(Halpen in Achmad,2007, p. 1), critical thinking is
empowering skills or cognitive strategies in setting
goals. So, in order to be able to increase critical
thinking of learners, we can use the appropriate
learning method.
Problem solving method is right example method
to improve the critical thinking skills for learners.
There are three main characteristics of problem
solving (Suwito, 2010): 1) problem solving ina
series of learning activities. Itmeans that in its
.application problem solving, there are a number of
activities to be done by the learners. Learners not
only listen, record, and memorize the material but
also actively think, seek, process data, and conclude
the task, 2) learning activities directed to solve
problems, 3) problem solving is done by using
thinking approach scientifically.
However, problem solving not only develop the
critical thinking ability of learners but also develop
science skillsprocess of the learners. Skills process is
a set of skills that scientists use in conducting
investigations (Qomariyah et al. 2014). Skills
process is a set of skills used in conducting an
inquiry to find a concept/ principle/ theory. IPA
process skills are divided into 2 groups: basic skills
and integrated skills. Basic process skills consist of
observing, classifying, measuring, communicating,
interpreting data, predicting, using tools,
experimenting, and concluding.
Integrated process skills include formulating
problems, identifying variables, describing
relationships among variables, controlling variables,
defining operational variables, obtaining and
presenting data, analyzing data, formulating
hypotheses, designing research, and conducting
investigations (Kemdikbud, 2013, p. 6). KPS
(Toharudin, 2011, p. 35) states that, Scientific
process skills are all scientific skills used to discover
concepts or theories in order to develop existing
concepts or deny previous findings. Process skills
are required to acquire, develop, and apply the
concepts of legal principles and theoretical science.
One can perform the process as experienced and
done by scientists as they attempt to solve the
mysteries of nature through the skill of the process
of science.
Hamalik (2005) also points out that the
understanding of process skills in the field of natural
science is the knowledge of concepts in principles
that learners can gain when they have certain basic
skills that are the scientific process skills required to
use science. Scientific attitudes are aspects of
behavior that cannot be taught through particular
learning, but are behaviors captured through positive
examples that must be continuously supported,
nurtured, and developed so as to have students
(Bundu, 2006).
Based on the background that has been described
above, the authors want to examine “The Impact of
Problems Solving Method to Improve the Critical
Thinking and Science Process Skills in Physics”.
This is an experimental research. Sugiyono
(Sugiyono,2015, p. 107) states that the experiment
researchmethod is to find the effect of certain
treatment against controlled conditions. Joseph
(Joseph, 2014, p. 77) states that the researcher can
control the condition of the experimental group and
the control group.
The object of this research is the influence of
problem solving method (X) on the critical thinking
ability (Y) and the science process skill of learners
(Y). This research uses non-equivalent control group
The Impact of Problem Solving Method to Improve the Critical Thinking and Science Process Skills in Physics
This design uses 2 groups, namely experimental
group and control group. Experimental group is the
group that received treatment in the form of
application of problems solving method while the
control group is the group that is not treated class. In
this design, the experimental group or control group
is not selected randomly. Sugiyono (Sugiyono,2015,
p. 116) states that non-equivalent control group
design is described as follows
Table 1: Nonequivalent control group design.
Group Pretest
Experiment O1 X O2
Control O1 - O2
O1: pretest value
O2: the value of posttest
×: treatment given
2.1 Variable Observed
Each of the resulting products will be applied to one
classroom and the results are compared with one
control class. Field test using experimental method
with one-way is ANOVA design. In this study the
variables are:
1. Variable in this research is learning method
using problem solving and conventional media.
2. Dependent variable is critical thinking and it is
also tested separately.
3. ControlVariables in this study are educators,
teaching materials, number of hours Lesson, and
learning time.
2.2 Sampling, Data Collection and
Data Collecting Instruments
2.2.1 Sampling
Sampling technique in this research is probability
sampling technique. Thus, the strategy is that there
is no classroom discrimination. The determination of
experimental group classes is done randomly by
drawing technique.
2.2.2 Data Collection Techniques
Data processing techniques are the means used to
collect data. The techniques used in this study are as
1) Acquire preliminary data of students' critical
thinking skills by providing critical thinking
skills tests before improving the first and
second experimental classes. The same is done
for process skills.
2) Apply different activities in the two groups of
students in which one group used problem-
solving methods and experimental groups both
with conventional learning
3) test critical thinking skills of students by
providing critical thinking skills tests in the
first and second experimental classes. The
same is done for process skills.
This is done naturally, because students are
taught directly by their own educators to get the
intended learning objectives.
2.2.3 Data Collection
1) Test critical thinking skills
The technique of collecting data is done
through the written test to measure student's
critical thinking skill. The test is given at the
beginning and at the end of the session to see
students' critical thinking skills. The
questionnaire indicator refers to the student's
skill indicator.
2) Test the science process skills
The technique of data collecting is done
through the written test to measure skill of
science process of student. The test is given at
the beginning and end to see students' science
process skills. The questionnaire indicator
refers to the student's skill indicator.
2.3 Instrument Validity
Testing the validity of the content by expert
judgment, with the aim to know whether the
compiled instrument has measured accurately.
Experts are asked to provide feedback on the
instruments that have been prepared.
The validity test was done empirically (through
trials) in groups of students who had parallel class
with the experimental class. They are not the
students who were as the subjects of the study.
Validation is to test every item that has been
created. The scores on the item are correlated with
the total score. The grain score is viewed as the X
value and the total score is viewed as the Y value.
To test the correlation between the grain row scores
with the total score, the product moment correlation
of Pearson is used.
The result of product moment correlation is then
consulted with table (r
) at 5% significance level.
The item is said to be valid if r
, or the
questionnaire is said to be valid if its significance is
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
less than 0.05. Grain validity test is done with the
help of SPSS 20.0 for windows software.
2.4 Instrument Reliability
The reliability measurement uses a critical thinking
test and a science process skill. Reliability is used to
indicate the extent to which the measurement can
give relatively no different results when re-measured
against the same subject. The high reliability of the
instrument is illustrated by the reliability coefficient
in a number.
Testing instrument reliability is done internally
consistency, then the data obtained is analyzed using
a certain technique to test its consistency to various
items in the group.
The procedure used to measure the reliability
level of a scale test can be done by a retest or alpha
coefficient (Alpha Cronbach). Unqualified tests in
terms of reliability will be discarded or revised. This
reliability measurement is reliable if the r value
obtained is greater than 0.5. Instrument reliability
test is done with the help of SPSS 20.0 for windows
software. As a benchmark high low reliability
coefficient used interpretation scores as follows:
Category Reliability Test(Arikunto, 2010).
Table 2: Interpretation of reliabilities degree test.
Range category
Very high
Very low
2.5 Data Analysis Technique
Description of data is done through descriptive
analysis. The data described is the data obtained
from measurement on research variables that is
critical thinking ability and science process skill.
The data that has been obtained is calculated using
the help of SPSS program.
2.5.1 Inferential Analysis
Test Assumption Analysis
a) Multivariate Normality Test
The normality data test aims to test whether data
from each research variable is normally
distributed or not. Normality testing was
performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov
technique with the help of SPSS version 20.0 for
If the significance is below 0.05 means the data
to be tested has a significant difference with the
normal raw data, it means that the data is not
normal. If the significance is above 0.05 then
there is no significant difference between the
data to be tested with normal raw data, so the
data can be said to be normally distributed.
b) Homogeneity Test of Variance
The homogeneity test was conducted to find out
whether the data in the two experimental groups
had homogeneous variants or not.
1. Test the Equation of Variance
Homogeneity test of variant is done for
dependent variable that is mastering the
concept and ability of digital literacy. By
using Levene's test with SPSS version 20.0
for Windows.
If the significance is below 0.05, it means
that the population variant is not identical or
different. If significance above 0.05, then Ho
is accepted the mean identical population
2. Test of Variant-Covariance Matrix
To know the homogeneity of two-group
variant-covariant matrix with each
dependent variable and independent
variable, the homogeneity test of Box-M
was done. In order to know the homogeneity
of two groups variance, Levene's
homogeneity test was done by using SPSS
20.0 for windows.
The decision criterion for homogeneity test
is if the significance value <0,05 then the
data come from population with
nonhomogeneous variant, if significance>
0,05 then the data come from population
having homogeneous variant.
c) Correlational Test
Correlation test is used to know the relationship
between each independent variable with
dependent variable and to know the relation
between each of independent variable. If the
requirement to perform the test,Manova has to be
d) Regression Slope ((Homogeneity of Regression
Regression test is used to test the similarity of
slope between treatments, It uses SPSS 20.0 for
windows. The decision criterion for the
regression test is if the significance value <0.05
then Ho is rejected; if the significance is > 0.05
or in other words there is a similarity of slope to
the treatment.
The Impact of Problem Solving Method to Improve the Critical Thinking and Science Process Skills in Physics
Table 3: Data description of pretest critical thinking Skills.
Data Score
Deviation Standart 12.07341
Variance 145.7672
Average 55.71429
Minimum Scores 30
Maximum Scores 75
The data above can be seen that the standard
deviation value is 12.07341, the value of variance
still shows 145.7672, the average value of pre-test is
55.71429, the minimum value of the learners is also
very low with a value of 30, and the maximum value
of learners only reach the basic score only. For that,
it is still very necessary to be given appropriate
learning methods to be able to improve the value and
critical thinking skills of learners.
a) Description posttest of critical thinking skills
Table 4: Data of posttest critical thinking skills.
Data Score
Deviation Standart 9.251055
Varians 85.58201
Average 71.78571
Minimum Score 50
Maximum Score 90
From the data given in the table above, it shows
that there is a significant increase in the post test
(test done after given the method of learning with
problem solving) compared with the tests conducted
before the problems solving learning method was
It can be seen that the average score of the
learners who originally only 55.71429 to 71.78571,
when viewed from the minimum score of learners at
the time of pre-test is 30 after post-test to 50,
although the minimum score of the students after the
post test is still low because not yet reached the
value of basic score but already 50% improvement,
and if we see the maximum value of learners at pre-
test only 75 rose to 90.
This shows that the method used is very suitable
to improve the critical thinking skills of learners.
b) Description pretest of science process skills
Table 5: Data of pretest science process skills.
Data Score
Deviation Standart 8.749177616
Varians 76.54810896
Average 47
Minimum Score 33
Maximum Score 67
The data above shows that the science process
skills of learners is still very low. This can be seen
from the average score of learners at the time of pre-
test performed. The average score of learners did not
reach the KKM or basic score that was very low at
47, the minimum score of the learner was still very
low at 33, and the maximum score of the learner
only reached 67 under the basic or KKM score.
From the data, it can be concluded that we must
find the right solution to be able to improve the skill
of science process of learners, that is by designing
the model or method suitable and appropriate for the
learners so that skill of science process learners
c) Description post-test of science process skills
Table 6: Data post-test of science process skills.
Data Score
Deviation Standart 10.28084
Average 78
Minimum score 61
Maximum score 94
From the post test data in the table above that
there is an excellent or significant improvement in
the time before the learning with problem solving
and learning stages with problem solving.
Attended by the average learner whose previous
score is only 47 now becomes 78. The minimum
value at the time of pre-test is only 33 to 61 and the
maximum score of learners previously only 67 to 94.
This indicates that the methods provided are well
suited to improve the performance of the student.
1) Data pre-test and post-test process skills
Skills of the students' scientific process are
assessed from the test answers. Skill of science
process which form of essay matter as many as 6
problem. The instruments used have been validated
and tested before they are used to retrieve data.
Science process skill tests are performed.
The action is done before and after following the
learning by applying problem solving learning
method on material and followed by X-1 class
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
(experiment class) consisting of 44 students and X-3
class (control class) which amounted to 43 students.
Scientific process skills used are basic science
process skills consisting of six skills: observation,
classification, communicating, measuring,
forecasting (predicting) and inferences. The pre-test
and post-test values of the students' learning process
skills are presented in the following pie chart.
From the results shown on the diagram shows
that there is an increase in the ability of the learners
about 12%. This can be seen on the pie chart, is at
the time of pre-test or test performed before the
treatment is done with the problems solving method,
the average of the average participants only reached
44%, but after the settlement of the problem occurs
about 12% in the value of learners in the post test, is
Pretest loop diagrams and posttest science
process skills.
Figure 1: Percentage pre-test and post-test of critical
thinking skills.
2) Data pre-test and post-test process skills
Pre-test loop diagrams and post-test critical
thinking skills
Figure 2: Percentage pre-test and post-test of critical
thinking skills.
The pie chart shows that there is a good
improvement of test results before being treated with
problem solving method(pre-test) with tests
performed after the treatment of problems solving
method (post-test).
There is an increase of about 24% in the diagram
above, it can be seen that the percentage depicted in
the circle diagram at the time of pre-test only
reached 38%, but after being treated with problem
solving method (post-test) then increased to 62%.
The conclusion that we can draw from the diagram
above is that the method of problem solving is very
good in use to improve the critical thinking ability of
learners and improve the ability of science process
3.1 Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity Levene’s Test (Test of Homogeneity
of Variances) is a test used to determine the
homogeneity of experimental class science process
skills and control classes in this study, with the
criteria of testing if the value significance> 0.05 then
the homogeneous data whereas if significance <0.05
then the data is not homogeneous.
The result of homogeneity test of science process
skill data and critical thinking of experiment class
and control class show that sig difference by using
Microsoft Excel it can be concluded that Ho is
acceptable or there is a significant difference
between the learning result used using problem
solving method with conventional method, because
P = 1.0725>α = 0,05.
3.2 Normality Test
Test of normality of science process skill data is
used to know the distribution of data of critical
thinking ability of experimental class and control
class. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov is One-Sample
normality test with test criteria if significance> 0.05
then the data is normally distributed, whereas if the
significance <0.05 then the data is not normally
Test data of normality of critical thinking and
ability of science process using SPSS.
From the Figure 3, it can be concluded that post-
test data critical thinking and process style between
control class and experiment class is normal data,
because the distribution of data shown the data in the
form of bells. Similarly, the data is normal data.
post test
The Impact of Problem Solving Method to Improve the Critical Thinking and Science Process Skills in Physics
Figure 3: Normality test of critical thinking and science
process skills.
Based on the results of the data analysis and
discussion obtained, then the following conclusions
can be taken that Improving the science process
skills of experimental class learners is very
significant, seen from the average score of learners
who previously only 47 to 78.
Improvement of critical thinking ability of
experimental class learners also significant, seen
from the average value of learners from pre-test and
post test results that only 55.71429 to 71.78571.
There is a significant difference in the science
process skills of learners who are taught by problem
solving method compared to students taught by
conventional method, with P = 1.0725>alfa = 0,05
so, Ho is acceptable.
For the best future, teachers are expected to use
learning methods that involve activeness and can
develop students' thinking skills in the learning
process, one of which is problem solving.
For teachers and others who will apply problem
solving method in learning activities, should arrange
the time precisely because this method takes a
longer time.
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ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research