guidance from a teacher. The result score of
indicator of Grouping (Classification) is 0,50, which
is in medium category, while the score obtained
from observation sheet is 70%, the studentsshow
enough recognition on the plant based on the given
characteristics. The result of score on interpreting
indicator (Interpretation) is 0.75, in high category,
meanwhile the score obtained from the observation
sheet is 7.33%, and this shows that the students have
the ability to conclude the activities that have been
done then the students could organize, analyze, and
select the findings and connect thingsthat have been
known and interpret them so that the score on the
indicator interpretation is high.
The result of score on predicted indicator is 0,59,
in medium category, meanwhile the score obtained
from observation sheet is 92,5%; studentsare able to
predict the condition from the observed object. The
result of score on the indicator of Asking Question is
0.58, in satisfactory category, meanwhile the score
from the observation sheet is 92,5%; the studentsare
able to answer and give explanation when applied to
a problem.
The results of the score on the hypothesized
indicator is 0.40, in the medium category, while the
score from the observation sheet is 65%; the
students are less able to connect the hypothesis with
the problem. The result of the scores on the indicator
Plotting the experiment is 0.4, in the moderate
category, while the acquisition score is 80% of the
observation sheet; the studentsare able to plan the
experiment and know step in doing observation and
experiment. The result of gain scores from indakator
Using Tools and materials is 0.70, medium
category, while the score for observation sheet is
80%; students have succeeded and no longer have
difficulty determining the tools and materials while
doing the observation.
The result of the score of the indicators of
Applying the Concept is 0.29, in low category, while
the score from the observation sheet is 80%.
Students are less able to accept the concept they
learn concerning problems they are facing. The
result of score from communicator indicator is 0.43
,in medium category, while the score of observation
sheet is 95%, Normality test results obtained by Lo
<Ltabel is 0.17 <0.190 stating the data of normal
distribution while the homogeneity test results
obtained by Fhitung<Ftabel = 1.83 <2.12 stating that
the data has the same variance or
homogeneous.Hypothesis test results using t test
obtained is t count>ttable or 25.50> 1.72 with the
level of trust 0.05 then Ha accepted and Ho rejected.
It can be concluded that there is a significant
influence of the use of Green Learning method to the
level of scientific skill process of students of
Biology at FKIP UISU MEDAN.The studentsare
able to explain the observation result and describe
the empirical data of the observation result.
3.2 Overall Calculated
Overall, the results show that the application of
Green Learning method significantly influences
students' skill in observing, classifying, interpreting,
predicting, asking questions, hypothesizing,
planning experiments, using tools and materials, as
well as communicating learning outcomes , and has
no significant effect on improving students'
conceptualising skills. From the result of acquisition
of percentage of score on observation sheet, in
accordance with indicator of scientific skillprocess,
it is found that for observer indicator obtained is
95%; this means that observation ability possessed
by students is very good.
Interpreting indicator is equal to 73,3%; this
means that the ability of students to interpret is
sufficient. Indicators Group is 70%; this means that
the ability of students in the groupingindicator is
quite good. Indicator Forecast is 92.5%; this means
the ability of students in the forecast is very good.
Communicating Indicator is of 95% this means very
good. The hypothetical indicator is 65%; this means
that the ability of students in the hypothesis is less.
Indicators planning the experiment is 80%; this
means that the level of ability of students is quite
good. Indicator Using tools and materials is 80%;
this means the ability of students is good. Indicators
applying the concept is 80%; this means student
ability is quite good. The indicator asking
questionsis 81.6%; this means the ability of students
in this case is quite good.
1. Based on the results of the analysis obtained
from the pre and post tests, the students of
biology study program of FKIPUISU have
obtained the final improvement score, that is
quite good, as well as associated with the
calculation of observation sheets that have been
assessed. Each indicator of the scientific
skillprocess shows a good gain. The interpreting
indicator (Interpretation), is 0.75, in high
category, while the score obtained from the
observation sheet is 7.33%.
The Influence of Green Learning Method of Scientific Process Skill in Biology Studies Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP)