In Indonesia, the term social welfare can be
found in Law No. 11 of 2009 concerning “Social.
Welfare”. by Law No. 11 Year 2009 concerning
Social welfare repeal Law No.6 Year 1974 on basic
provision and conditions for social welfare.Social
welfareis as a condition in which material, spiritual
and social needs of citizen are fulfilled.
The formulation of idea of life encompasses
material and spiritual life, by not placing one more
important than the other, but rather trying to look at
the effort to get the balance point. (Onny Medaline,
2017). As the leading agency in social welfare and
development, the government should intervene for
service and development on social welfare in
planning, organising, and directing.
The involvement of the state in realizing juridical
normative social welfare is formulated in the
preamble of the 1945 Constitution on welfare. Social
welfare has become an important function within its
national development strategies in order to advance
general prosperity, to develop the nation's
intellectual life, and to contribute to the
implementation of a world order based on freedom,
lasting peace and social justice. Generally, waqfis a
legal action of someone or a group of people or legal
entity to separate the property owned and put it for
religious purpose for the entire time or for another
public needs based on Islam. On other hand, Waqf
institution contributed in Social welfare and
warranty is regulated in law of the republic of
Indonesia No. 41 of 2004 concerning waqf.
The material, spiritual, and social needs
mentioned in the definition of social welfare in the
Law on Welfare is important element in achieving
prosperity for society as a whole, individuals and
social beings. Furthermore, these parameters are
used as a reference in determining welfare towards
the existence and development of waqf above,
especially waqf of ulayat land in West Sumatra
Waqf serves the welfare of society, which
includes institutions that have activities and
programs towards the realization of general welfare,
in which the business is managed with social
services by Nazhir.Waqf also includes activities or
activities organized by an institution , BWI, to
achieve a prosperous condition. Waqf is also
expected to create a condition of prosperous life in
the fulfillment of material, spiritual and social
interest in social balance.
Waqf can play important role, if the number and
size of the one involved in social welfare activities
can be increased
Economy can be defined for the growth of
increasing the real output. It is also defined as a
broad perception that refers to the process of
economic growth that has capacity to raise the
welfare of the people. (Jait Mubarok, 2008)
Based on the nature of waqf output, waqf assets
may be classified in two categories : (Jait Mubarok,
1. Direct waqf which means asset the produces
comsumptive service to be utilized by
beneficiaries such as school, hospital, and
orphanages. The purpose of this kind of
waqfmay be of general philanthropy, such as
school or a private philanthropy.
2. Waqf investmentis intended for investment. It
produces marketable goods and services to be
sold in order to generate a net income which
will be distributed to the beneficiary.
Beneficiary may be general charity such as a
mosque or scientific research or private
philanthropy consisting of the descendents of
the founder.
Hence,waqf investment is not going to assume an
important role in the development of our economic,
the most important element for modern islamic
3.2 Potential of Ulayat Land Waqf in
West Sumatra
Reality and potential of waqfin West Sumatera has
importante role in waqf development and social
economic welfare.Waqfassets in West Sumatra are
as many as 5,694 locations with an area of 7,501
001,15 m2 with 19 districts and cities of West
Sumatra province. However, they are still in
traditional forms, that have not been managed
productively and the capacity of Nazhiris not
professional. Thus, the potential wealth of waqfis
worth trillion of rupiahs without playing a role in
resolving various social issues such as poverty and
Waqf land of ulayat kaum in West
sumaterashows the form of direct or consumptive
representation only to provide direct services to the
surrounding community, such as mosque , mushalla,
or surau. About 65% of the waqf land has been
taken over to projects. People agree to
registerwaqffor the mosque built on ulayat land.
Registration of waqf land is carried out on initiatives
and cooperation programs between the ministries of
religion and BPN. The implementation of this
program aims to continue to preserve and provide
legal certainty of waqf lands that have long existed
in West Sumatra.