Teacher's academic qualifications have at least a
bachelor degree (S1) or four Diploma (D-IV)
education. Whereas pedagogic competence,
competence, personality, social competence, and
professional competence. But in reality teacher
competence is still low. Teacher competency is still
far from the standard set. How the quality of
education will increase if the competence of the
teacher is still less than expected. The importance of
teacher competence in the city of Medan is very low.
Based on data from the North Sumatra Education
Quality Assurance Agency (LPMP), the 2013
Teacher Competency Test (UKG) score for high
school teachers averaged 53,635 with details of
55.48 for public teachers and 51.79 for private
teachers, and in 2014 UKG scores were obtained
with an average of 56,355 with details of 57.81 for
public high school teachers and 54.90 for private
high school teachers. In particular, the UKG value
for clump teachers in language subjects is also low.
The UKG value of Indonesian language subjects can
be averaged to 60.75. But actually if traced deeper,
UKG participants in 2012 and 2013/2014 were
different teachers. Most of the participants who
joined UKG in 2012 were still teaching but probably
were teachers who had longer teaching periods than
teachers who joined UKG in 2013/2014.
The above is a description of the competence of
Indonesian Language teachers who are still low. The
low competence of Indonesian language teachers is
actually a scourge for the world of education,
especially learning Indonesian in schools.
Indonesian language subjects are very important
because language is a means of thinking for humans.
The importance of Indonesian can also be known in
the Indonesian book by (Mahsun in the Ministry of
Education and Culture, 2013) which says that the
preservation of Indonesian is on the list
School lessons because of the importance of the
existence of Indonesian as a unifier and bearer of
knowledge. In addition, Indonesian Language is also
regulated in the 1945 Constitution. This indicates
that Indonesian Language teachers must have
adequate competence so that the objective of the
Indonesian Language subject in the list of subjects in
the School can be achieved.
The problem of Indonesian language teacher
competence in addition to government responsibility
is the duty and obligation of school supervisors,
especially supervisors in the family of language
subjects. It was as stipulated in the Minister of
Education Regulation No.12 of 2007 recognizing the
competencies that school supervisors must have,
namely Educational Supervision. Some of them are
guiding teachers in preparing learning
implementation plans (RPP) for each subject in
relevant subject groups in similar secondary schools
and guiding teachers in carrying out learning /
guidance activities in classrooms, in laboratories and
in the field for each subject in the clump relevant
subjects in similar Middle Schools.
Therefore school supervisors must master
teacher competencies. The shortcomings and
advantages of teachers in carrying out their main
tasks must be overcome through training/ guidance
by the school supervisor. The activity of fostering a
teacher is part of academic supervision. This means
that teacher competence becomes the main goal for
school supervisors in supervising Education. In
supervising education, school supervisors must at
least master the dimensions of educational scientific
substances that are indispensable for improving
teacher professional abilities, especially in
implementing effective learning. Effective learning
characterizes a quality or quality of education and
learning. If learning is quality it means learning has
succeeded. Learning success can be seen from the
dimensions of the process and results. What is meant
by the dimension of the process in this case is the
activity of the teacher in managing the learning
component so that it can change the behavior of
students in learning better. While the dimensions of
the results in this case are the characteristics of
students after following the learning process which
can be seen from their mastery of understanding the
teaching material and being able to apply the
material teach in solving problems that are all
contained in the value of cognitive (knowledge),
affective, (attitude), and psychomotor (skills).
However, in order to create the quality of prior
learning, good learning planning is also needed.
Because with good learning planning, the learning
process is focused, directed, and makes it easier for
students to receive learning material. Learning
planning is done by arranging a learning
implementation plan (RPP) after the lesson plan is
made, then the teacher conducts learning and
evaluating it. Due to the fact that not all Indonesian
Language subject teachers are able to prepare lesson
plans properly. Forthis reason, the role of the school
supervisor as supervision of education is needed as a
learning supervisor who should be able to foster
teacher skills.
All expectations in creating quality or the
success of learning above are not in accordance with
reality. If viewed from the dimensions of results, not
all high school students / students have mastered and
understood teaching materials or not all students