Table 10 shows that F
< F
which means
that learning outcomes of the students at experiment
class and control class have homogeneous variance.
Based on normality and homogeneity done for
experiment class and control class, it is obtained that
learning outcome of students at experiment class and
control class is normally distributed and have
homogeneous variance. T-test is implemented to test
the hypothesis.
The result of t-test shows that t
= 4,27 and
= 1,67. The acceptance criteria of null
hypothesis (Ho) is t
. The result shows that
= 4,27 is out of the acceptance area of Ho. It
means that there is a significant difference to the
learning outcome of the students at experiment class
and control class which the average score of the
students at experiment class is higher than those at
control class. For that reason, it can be concluded
that there is significant effect of the implementation
of Guided Discovery Strategy using LKS on the
learning outcomes on IPA Physics of Grade VIII
students in SMP N 24 Pada at psychomotor aspect.
Learning Physics which implements guided
discovery strategi from the observation at
experiment class obtains that the students are active
and have desire to solve the problem given by the
teacher. Student’s activity in finding the concept and
also the principle makes the students active to find
the solution of the problem from source book and to
do exercise or try out. According to Bruner in
Oemar (Bruner in Oemar, 2011, p. 117), “student’s
discovery on the concept and also on the principle
gives them stimulus to study through their own
active involvement”. Suherman (Suherman, 2003, p.
214) states that this learning makes the students
active in learning activity and trains the students to
study more themselves.
Using LKS as the aids in the implementation of
Guided Discovery Strategy will make the students
more active and more directed than the students at
control class who do not use LKS. This is in line
with Depdiknas (Depdiknas, 2004, p. 23) which
states that LKS supports the students in developing
and finding concept based on the description of
observation result of the data obtained in the
experiment activity.
The implementation of Guided Discovery
Strategy using LKS effects the student’s
competency achievement on IPA Physics. It is
proved by the average score of students at
experiment class which is higher than those at
control class. This result shows that students who
implement this strategy in their learning process
many of them will reach the KKM set. So, the
implementation of Guided Discovery Strategy using
LKS can increase students’ learning outcome on IPA
The research result shows that learning outcomes of
students at experiment class with average score 70,5
at cognitive aspect, 77,93 at affective aspect, and
77,13 at psychomotor aspect are higher than those at
control class with average score 62,58 at cognitive
aspect, 70,45 at affective aspect, and 72,96 at
psychomotor aspect. Hypothesis is tested using t-
test. T-test result shows that t
= 2,51 at cognitive
aspect, t
= 7,69 at affective aspect, and t
4,27 at psychomotor aspect, and t
= 1,67 at 0,05,
which means that t
so that Ho is rejected.
The results show that there is significant difference
on the learning outcomes of the students at
experiment class and control class. For that, it can be
concluced that there is a significant effect of the
implemention of Guided Discovery Strategy using
LKS to the learning outcomes on IPA Physics of
VIII students in SMP N 24 Padang.
The implementation of Guided Discovery
Strategy using LKS will assist the teachers in
increasing students involvement in learning process.
In the strategy students are let finding the solution of
the problem themselves or experiencing themselves.
Teacher only guides and gives instruction. Guided
Discovery Strategy using LKS can be used as an
alternative strategy to solve the problem in learning
Physics in the class.
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