Translation Shift Used in Economic Bilingual Text Boo
Ratna Soraya
Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan
Keywords: Translation Shift, Economic Text.
Abstract: The aims of this research were to find out the kinds of translation shift in translation of Economic Bilingual
Text Book, to describe the pattern of shift used by Economic Bilingual Text Book to bridge the different
grammatical structures between Indonesia and English, and to explain about the reason of translation shift
used in Economic Bilingual Text Book. The research used qualitative descriptive design. The data of this
study was clauses translated from Bahasa Indonesia into English by Mulyadi and Mardiyatmo on an Economic
Bilingual text books ‘Economics 1’ for Junior High School Year VII as the source of data (Mulyadi and
Mardiyatmo, 2009). The data was analyzed by using the Theory of Translation Shift based on Catford
(Catford, 1965), to find the types and the ways of translation shift used in economic bilingual text book and
the reasons of translation shift were used in Economic Bilingual Text Book based on Newmark (Newmark,
p. 85, 1988).
Translation is the process of transferring the meaning
of a text from the Source Language (SL) into the
Target Language (TL). The text is reconstructed
by translating the words from the SL into the TL and
is arranged based on the structures of the sentence in
the TL, therefore, the structures are suitable with the
TL and certainly, there will be no loss of meaning.
Several factors should be remembered by the
translator in order to produce a good translation in
translating a text. There are two factors in translation,
they are linguistic factors that cover words, phrases,
clauses and sentences and non-linguistic factors
covering the cultural knowledge on both sources and
the TL cultures said by (Nababan, 1999).
Each language has its own characteristics or even
distinction. Therefore, the translation from the SL
into the TL cannot be exact equivalents as both
languages are widely different in structure and
cultural background. The understanding of the
structure and the culture in both languages is required
by the translator as it makes the translator capable of
grasping the meaning in the text accurately and
allows him to transfer the same meaning. The
equivalence refers to cases where languages describe
the same situation by the different stylistic or
structural means stated by Vinay and Dalbernet
(Vinay and Dalbernet, 1995). Meanwhile, the form in
the SL has a new form or different form the TL; it is
called a shift. A shift is the departure from formal
correspondence in the process of going from the SL
to the TL as said by Catford (Catford, 1965). It
represents some changes occurring in a translation
process. The translator always uses the element of the
TL commensurate with the SL in order to express the
same message in the target text. Since every language
has its own rules, differences in these rules will cause
a shift. As subtitles, of course nouns Reviews their
own communications information as subtitles, of
course nouns Reviews their own communications
infrastructure change when converted into
Indonesian. The form of the translation is the
communication infrastructure itself based on these
two examples of noun phrases, there was a difference.
Translation is closely related to the grammatical
structure; therefore, the grammatical structure of both
languages should be known to get a good translation.
One of the language grammatical units is a phrase. It
is usually inserted into a sentence. There are several
types of phrases, such as noun phrase, adjective
phrase, adverb phrase, and preposition phrase. In this
study, it focuses on clauses and phrase. Clauses and
phrases are often found in the text book such novel,
science book, newspaper and poem. One of the
samples is noun phrase, it can be categorized into two
types; they are simple noun phrase and complex noun
phrase. Simple noun phrase is any group of words,
Soraya, R.
Translation Shift Used in Economic Bilingual Text Book.
DOI: 10.5220/0008890905890593
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 589-593
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which consist of modifier and head. Head here
consists of noun itself and pronoun. There is a phrase
which is longer than simple noun phrase; it is
complex noun phrase. In total, complex noun phrase
can be composed of four major components:
determiners, pre modifiers, heads, and post modifiers.
Nowadays, many of English books such as novel
have been translated into Bahasa Indonesia. This
surely brings a great advantage to Indonesian people.
Nevertheless, it is possible that shifts also occur in the
translated science such bilingual book. It also impact
to the translation which certainly found shift. The
shift is useful to convey an idea or meaning in SL so
that the idea or meaning in TL can be understood
correctly by the readers.
One of the Bilingual Book that has been translated
from Indonesian into English is Economic Book. In
the translation in English, the bilingual book contains
shift to establish equivalent and the exact structure in
TL so that the translation could be natural and
communicative so that to find the same equivalent in
TL, it’s translated by repeating the base form
A book entitled Economic Bilingual Text Book is
one of the many books that discuss the scientific
world of business and commerce. In it discusses about
the way to run the business along with excellence in
implementation. As a book of science, of course, this
book will be much in demand by the public observers
of the economy, given the purpose that Informs
inside. As the new things in the form of scientific
texts, books Economic Bilingual have unique
characteristics in accordance with the purpose of
writing. It is supported by Nurdin (Nurdin, 2014).
Explains that the writing of scientific texts, style
guides or registers have Reviews their own
characteristics. This is based on the issues Discussed,
as well as the reader. Therefore, the hallmark of
scientific texts growing niche informative language,
dense and accurate based on the findings of research
or analysis. Characteristics of scientific are register.
This is due to the type of the text contained in the
economics term that is composed by the group of
nouns. It explains that "most technical terms are
nominal group constituently, usually things Classifier
thing or compounds". Statement is largely formed
from the technical term nominal groups, the which in
general is the incorporation of a “classinfier thinf”
(explanatory objects) as said by Halliday (Halliday,
2.1 Research Design
This research was conducted by using descriptive
qualitative research design. It is supported by Bogdan
and Biklen, qualitative research is as direct source of
the data and the researcher is the key instrument,
qualitative means to find out how a theory works in
different phenomena whose data collected are in the
form of words rather than number. And qualitative
research has the natural setting as the direct source. It
means that qualitative research is study things in their
natural settings, attempting to make sense or to
interpret phenomena in terms of the meaning people
bring to them (Bogdan and Biklen, 1982). Descriptive
research is unique in the number of variable
employed. Like other research, descriptive research
can include multiple variables for analysis, yet unlike
other methods, it requires only one variable state
(Borg and Gall, 1989). It refers that descriptive
research studies are designed to obtain information
concerning the status of phenomena (Ary, 1979).
They are directed toward determining the nature of a
situation as it exists at the time of the study. It means
that descriptive qualitative is designed or the natural
setting as the direct source of data.
Related to this study, it described the translation
shift of occurring in economic textbook bilingual,
which were translated from English into Indonesian
in natural setting without any intervention to the data.
2.2 The Data and Source of Data
The data of the research were words, phrases and
clauses from Economic Bilingual Text Book
(Mulyadi and Mardiyatmo, 2009). And source of data
in this study were Economic Bilingual Text Book for
Junior High School Year that consisted of five
chapters and 242 pages.
2.3 Technique of Data Collection
As said by Moloeng (Moloeng, 2006) states that
technique of collecting data is kind of documentary
technique. It means that the data is one of the tool to
bridge by reading document and examine include
check it systematically. Four steps were conducted to
collect the data, namely
1. Identifying the words, clauses, and phrases by
bold type.
2. Listing of each Clause, phrase and words types
of translation shift
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
3. Categorizing the data, interpreting and making
the public findings.
4. Instrument of data collection is a tool or
equipment used in collecting the data. The
researcher is the key instrument who will
collect and observe the available data of the
Economic Bilingual textbook.
2.4 Data Analysis
This research deals with types of translation shift used
in Economic Bilingual Text Book. The subject of the
study was Economic Bilingual Text Book
(Mardiyatmo, 2009). If the data of the study were
words, then phrase and clause in translating of
Economic Bilingual Text Book was taken. The types
of translation shift were divided into four types
namely, structure shift, unit shift, class shift and Intra-
system shift. Those types were existed and found out
in analyzing data.
The data analysis was taken by listing, bold,
recording the English teacher when she was teaching
English in classroom. Afterwards the data were
transcribed. The transcription of the data were
analyzed based on Mile, Huberman and Saldhana
(Mile, Huberman and Saldhana, 2014). This is done
by condensation that consists of selecting, focusing,
simplifying, abstracting and transforming. The data
then display by using table in order to get easy
analyzing the data and also answer the problem of the
study as had been mentioned in the problem of the
study at the first chapter, namely types of translation
shift was based on Catford (Catford, 1965) in order
to answer the question number one and two. The
reason of translation shift was used in
Economic Bilingual Text Book. The last steps of data
analysis were drawing conclusion or data verification.
To find out the types of translation shift, the
researcher firstly analyzed data by condensation
consists of selecting, simplifying, focusing,
abstracting and transforming. Then the data was
displayed by tabulation and then it was converted by
2.4.1 The Types of Translation Shifts Occur
in Economic Bilingual Text Book
Translation shifts were divided into two major types
namely level shift and Category shifts. In this study
concerned with Category shifts that consisted of four
types namely, structure shift, class-shift, unit shift,
and intra system shift.
To find out the types of translation shifts in this
study, the researcher firstly analyzed by condensation
consists of:
1. Selecting
The Selection in data analysis was the words,
phrases and clauses by using the bold type for
source language and underline was used for
target language. For instance:
Data 3
SL : Kebutuhan yang penting saja
TL : Only the important needs
Based on the data above, the clause of
“Kebutuhan yang penting saja of source
language shifted into “Only the important needs
as target language. Shift was occurred in the
structure. Which the structure of source
language was as Modifier+head in SL and those
were shifted into modifier head qualifier in
Data No 5
SL : Potongan harga bagi pelanggannya
TL : Discounts for his customers
Based on the data above it was clear that the
source language “Potongan harga was translated
into “Discounts”. Here there was a change in the
each of unit namely “potongan Harga in source
language consisted of two units. In the target
language shifted to be one unit namely
Discounts. The next sample showed as below:
Data 11
SL : Tindakan yang dilakukan
TL : That one performs
Based on the data above it could be seen that
there was found the shift in class form. It was
marked by SL “Tindakan yang dilakukan” as
passive sentence but it was translated to be
active sentence namely “ That one performs” in
target language.
After analyzing the data, there were some findings
found in this study and it was necessary to discuss.
There were four types of category shifts used in
Translation Shift Used in Economic Bilingual Text
Book from Indonesian into English is namely
structure shift, class shift, unit shift and intra- system
There were some ways of translation shift used in
Economic Bilingual Text Book, namely an adjective
may be translated into a noun, A conjunction shifted
into a adverb, an adverb may be translated into an
Translation Shift Used in Economic Bilingual Text Book
There were four reasons behind the occurrence of
shifts that used in Economic Bilingual Text Book.
The first one is when SL and TL have different
language systems so the shifts occur automatically
and translators have no options but to undergo those
shifts as in the translation of English plural words to
Indonesian singular words and the position of
adjectives. Another reason is the grammatical
structures of SL do not exist in TL, for example, the
initial position of verb in Indonesian sentences that is
not familiar in English sentences except in imperative
sentences. Further, shifts also occur where literal
translation is grammatically possible but may not
accord with natural usage in the TL so it is the matter
of naturalness between SL and TL, for example the
change of word-class from noun to verb. The last,
shifts occur to replace virtual lexical gap by a
grammatical structure, for example the change from
phrase to clause.
In conclusion, in the use shift in the translation of
Indoneian into english in economic bilingual Text
Book being analized, form of structere shift are more
dominant that other shift.
This research shows us that the translation of
Indonesian into English in this economic bilingual
Text Book tends to use category shift. In this case the
stage in translation pruduct are basically in
accordance with the translation theory. This is also
the same of its use of shift. From the research, the
writer concludes that the translator does the
translation shift in translating the text. After
analyzing, all the kind on translation shift is occured
but the most frequent shift in the unit analysis is
structure shift.
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Translation Shift Used in Economic Bilingual Text Book