There were four reasons behind the occurrence of
shifts that used in Economic Bilingual Text Book.
The first one is when SL and TL have different
language systems so the shifts occur automatically
and translators have no options but to undergo those
shifts as in the translation of English plural words to
Indonesian singular words and the position of
adjectives. Another reason is the grammatical
structures of SL do not exist in TL, for example, the
initial position of verb in Indonesian sentences that is
not familiar in English sentences except in imperative
sentences. Further, shifts also occur where literal
translation is grammatically possible but may not
accord with natural usage in the TL so it is the matter
of naturalness between SL and TL, for example the
change of word-class from noun to verb. The last,
shifts occur to replace virtual lexical gap by a
grammatical structure, for example the change from
phrase to clause.
In conclusion, in the use shift in the translation of
Indoneian into english in economic bilingual Text
Book being analized, form of structere shift are more
dominant that other shift.
This research shows us that the translation of
Indonesian into English in this economic bilingual
Text Book tends to use category shift. In this case the
stage in translation pruduct are basically in
accordance with the translation theory. This is also
the same of its use of shift. From the research, the
writer concludes that the translator does the
translation shift in translating the text. After
analyzing, all the kind on translation shift is occured
but the most frequent shift in the unit analysis is
structure shift.
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