stoned due to this glue can be found under the
bridge, the corners of the intersection of red lights in
the city of Medan. Based on the report of the
Directorate IV of Drugs and KT of BARESKRI
POLRI in 2007, there were 22,630 cases of
narcotics, psychotropic, and hazardous substances,
the proportion of narcotics cases 50.28%, the
proportion of psychotropic cases 43.43% and the
proportion of 6.29% dangerous material cases. North
Sumatra is ranked the third most cases after East
Java and Metro Jaya (BNN, 2008). Based on BNN
data, the number of drug users in North Sumatera
Province in 2010 was 2,065 cases and 2,068 cases in
2011 (BNN, 2011).
From the data above, users of addictive
substances do not know the negative effects of this
glue; they simply feel happy after using the glue.
Goat glue contains chemical substances that add to
the human body, either swallowed through the
mouth, or inhaled through the nose. These chemical
substances can change the minds of moods or
feelings, and one's behavior and there is a great
wish to use the glue continuously.
Converted with other types of drugs, glue is very
easy to get at a fairly cheap price. Even because its
function is very useful, many do not think there is
risk behind the glue with acridvapor. When inhaled,
this solvent vapor only takes a short time to reach
toxic levels. The organ system that is attacked is the
brain and nerves, especially those associated with
the heart and breathing. Quoted from Kidshealth.
(Taufik, 2002, p. 15), the short-term effects felt
when inhaling the solvent vapor are as follows: 1).
Heart rate increases, 2). Nausea, vomiting, 3)
Hallucinations, 4) Numbness or loss of
consciousness, 5) Difficulty in speaking or lisping,
6) Loss of coordination of gestures, and 7)
Depression and hallucinations as serious
consequences of steam. This impact can kill
someone if the person is moved to commit suicide in
a chaotic psychiatric condition.
Among street children, ngelem activity is often
done with the head closed so plastic bags do not
spread anywhere. When the body is full of solvent
vapor, the street children cannot remove this plastic
coverby himself and will suffocate if no friends
come to help.
Based on data from the Social Service of North
Sumatra Province in 2008 it is identified that there
are 2,867 children, the largest number in five cities.
Medan (663 children) Dairi (530 children), Tapanuli
Tengah (225 children), South Nias (224 children)
and Tanah Karo 157 children) (Pemko Medan,
2012). Law violations that often occur in street
children are: pickpocket, stealing, hold-up, extorting
(using and selling drugs), robbing, killing and raping
(Erina, 2003).Responding to a very alarming
phenomenon, of course needs to be anticipated as
soon as possible. Efforts that seem and very
probably to be done quickly is through the policy of
the Local Government of Medan, namely the
formulation of academic texts. But in this first phase
of research, the ones studied are concerned with the
causing root and legal efforts that have been done by
the Government of Medan City in minimizing the
exchange of criminalization of street children. The
results of this study serves as a grid to fill the
substance of research on the preparation of academic
script of goat glue in Medan City, which will be
done on the next researchers. In the end this research
will be continued with the ultimate goal of
formulation of goat glue script for the city of Medan.
This research refers to several libraries, journals and
preliminary studies that aim to provide operational
definition for the understanding of existing
variables. The main topic in this research is the
academic script of goat glue. Assessing the existing
theory, goat glue is categorized into groups of
addictive substances that have no restriction on the
purchase and use.
2.1 Addictive Substance
Addictive substances are very dangerous substances
and if misused can damage the body, cause
hallucinations or perhaps a tragic death, for
examples: terpentine, rubber glue, aica aibon,
thinner, aerosol spray, aceton, etc. Addictive
substances belong to the class of drugs (Narcotics,
Psychotropic, and other Addictive Substances). So
far, what is often considered dangerous is the misuse
of Narcotics, so the Government has to give special
care of this problem, and so far the law has been
fixed. Narcotics, psychotropic substances and
addictive substances that enter the drug class have
the same impact if left unchecked. The dangers are:
1. To oneself : being able to change personality,
give rise to sex, indulgence, not to hesitate to
torture oneself, become a lazy and decline
learning spirit
2. To the family: stealing things in their own
home, defaming the family, and standing
against the parents.