The results of the assessment of students class X
at SMA Negeri 1 Stabat in the product trial stated
that the scientific-based project assessment
instrument on newspaper editing material developed
was categorized as "very good." The indicators of
the assessment were in the form of: (1) Can be used
as a measurement of student ability from various
aspects are considered very good with a percentage
of 92%, (2) Instruments that are made in accordance
with the learning objectives are considered very
good with a percentage of 92%, (3) The contents of
the instrument are in accordance with the material
studied is considered very good with a percentage of
83%, (4) The contents of the instrument are easy to
understand and are understood to be good with a
percentage of 77%, (5) Can provide feedback to
students rated as good with a percentage of 75%, (6)
This assessment instrument can collect all student
assessment data on newspaper editing material rated
very well with percentage of 86%, (7) Systematic of
tasks according to the order and organizational
structure of learning materials at Very good value
with a percentage of 94%, (8) The instrument can
access scientific understanding and reasoning is
considered very good with a percentage of 86%, (9)
Using language that matches EYD and is easily
understood is considered very good with a
percentage of 86%, (10) Consistent Font use (letters)
is considered very good with a percentage of 94%,
(11) The use of line spacing and spacing is
considered good with a percentage of 75%, (12) The
use of paper formats and typing layouts is
considered very good with a percentage of 81%, (13)
Making students can learn independently is
considered to be very good with a percentage of
83%, (14) Can increase student participation in
practicum on newspaper editing material is
considered very good with a percentage of 94%, (15)
Can know the strengths and weaknesses of students
in learning is considered very good with a
percentage 86%, and (16) Can improve student
performance in the application of newspaper editing
in daily life is considered very good with a
percentage of 83%. With an overall average number
of 86% with the category "very decent." So that this
product can be used as an assessment tool for the
learning process of editing newspapers in class X
SMA 1 Stabat.
The use of project assessment instruments as an
evaluation of student learning outcomes in schools is
a solution that can be offered to see the extent to
which learning is carried out effectively. On both
sides this is something that benefits both students
and teachers or schools. The benefit for students is
being able to express both their understanding of
academic material, express and strengthen their
mastery of competencies, such as gathering
information, using resources, handling technology
and thinking systematically, connecting learning
with their own experiences, their world and the
wider community, sharpening their skills think at a
higher level. While the benefits for the teacher,
project appraisal can be a comprehensive benchmark
of students' abilities. Some methods given to
students can be carried out. Therefore, the
application of project assessment instruments as
learning evaluation tools in schools are important
because the students just not being learners, but in
the end can mix and match achievement with the
abilities they have into the real world.
Based on the research above, Some elements can be
concluded: (a) The pattern of scientific-based project
appraisal get very good score by using the
assessment of newspaper editing skills with
percentage of 84% with a very good category; (b)
The level of validity of material experts on the
content of scientific-based project appraisal
materials has an average percentage of 78% with
good categories; (c) The level of validity of the
design experts of the instrument against the
scientific assessment instrument based on the project
has an average percentage of 80% with very good
categories; and the effectiveness of scientific-based
project appraisal instruments has a percentage of
84% with a very good category.
a) Teachers should usethese learning tools that
can support the application of assessment
instruments developed in this study.
b) The teacher must convey aspects that are the
focus of the assessment in editing newspapers
produced by students. Thus, students will try to
maximize aspects that become the focus of
assessment in learning.
Purwanto, N. 2009. Prinsip-prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi
Pengajaran. Bandung: Resda.