3.7 Skills Improvement of Student's
Science Process on Elasticity Concept
Based on the results of pre-test data analysis of
science process skills on the concept of elasticity, it is
known that the average score of the control class is
not too much different from the experiment class
before the application of the model of laboratory
activities. Thus, it can be concluded that both classes
have the same initial ability. This is because some
concepts of elasticity have been studied by students
in junior high schools, and the context of pre-test
problems faced by many students on a daily basis.
The two classes were given different learning
treatments that controlled the class using an
exploratory learning model with laboratory
verification methods while the experimental class
used an exploratory learning model with an
investigative laboratory method. To find out the
improvement of students' science process skills, the
posttest was implemented and the results were
Observation skills did not show a high N_gain
difference between the experiment and the control
class because in the laboratory activities, the students
were poorly trained to observe the experiment
activities. Similarly, the low N_gain difference in the
ability to plan the experiment. On the skills of
identifying these variables, the experiment class
students are trained to design experiment steps with
guided by method questions. But from the posttest
result, it turns out the N_gain difference is not too
high. This is presumably because the instruments to
test these skills are less able to measure the skills of
identifying variables.
Based on the result of data analysis, students who
get learning with explorative learning model with
inquiry labs as a whole method show their science
process skill better than those who get learning with
the model of verification laboratory activity. The high
acquisition of posttest score and the normalized gain
of the experiment class is caused by the explorative
learning model with the inquiry labs method directing
the students to various activities such as observing
skill, concluding, identifying variables, predicting,
hypothesizing, and interpretation.
Dahar (Dahar, 1985) states that when a child
during science learning is only informed about
existing science by listening to teacher explanations,
the science itself will stop growing. Science is not just
knowledge that consists of facts, principles, concepts,
and theories known as science products, but also the
skills and attitudes necessary to achieve a product of
science known as the process of science.
This is in line with Rustaman (Rustaman, 1997)
who defines the skills of the scientific process as the
necessary skills to acquire, develop and apply the
concepts, principles, laws, and theories of science in
the form of mental skills, physical skills, and social
skills. The skills of this science process can be
improved with an explorative model. Through these
step-by-step laboratory models, students are guided
and directed to initiate activities by identifying
contextual problems, preparing tools and materials to
solve problems, predicting problem solutions,
devising experiment steps to solve problems/plan
experiments, explore, measure, analyze the data
obtained and conclude so the problem can be finished
The highest increase in the science process skills
for the experiment class is on predicting skills with a
normalized average gain value of 0.67 (medium
category). This happens because, in the learning
process, students are trained to be able to submit
results that may result from an experiment. Prediction
is based on previous observations and inferences.
While the skill improvement of the lowest experiment
class science process is on observing skill with the
normalized average gain value of 0.29 (low category).
This is because, in the learning process, students are
poorly trained to observe either a picture or a natural
phenomenon related to elasticity either in the form of
a direct phenomenon or a tool that can indicate an
The highest increase in science process skills for
the control class is on the skill indicator of the
variables with a normalized average gain value of
0.46 (medium category). This happens because in the
learning process, students are able to identify
variables from the experimental activities carried out.
While the lowest increase in science process skills in
the control class was on hypothesizing skills with a
normal average gain of 0.25 (low category). This is
because, in the learning process, students are poorly
trained to form reasonable assumptions that can be
tested on how or why something happens and the
LKS used is verification of LKS.
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion
above, it can be concluded that the improvement of
the science process skills of students’ elasticity using
explorative learning model with the inquiry labs
method is significantly higher than the students using
the laboratory verification model.