according to the provisions of the marriage law. Thus,
the Religious Courts must accept, examine, consider,
and decide the petition of marriage to the Religious
Courts with careful consideration and in-depth study,
the Religious Courts must learn a lot from the cases
that have been there.
4.4 To Get a Divorce
Isbat of marriage is also done by couples who want to
divorce in front of the court when previously they
have conducted sirri marriage and not recorded. In
this case, for example, when the husband wants to
divorce a wife who is married in sirri with him, then
he applies for divorce to the Religious Court, then the
first path that must be taken is to conduct an itsbat
marriage. The existence of itsbat of marriage and
isbat for divorce becomes a new issue for the practice
of sirri marriage. This opens the opportunity for the
practice of sirri marriage as sirri marriages for
polygamy are not recorded. Therefore, itsbat of
marriage can be seen as as a two-edged knife, on one
hand itsbat of marriage is to assist the community in
resolving sirri marriage issues, but on the other hand,
they also have opportunity to open the development
of sirri marriage practice, because if sirri marriage
can be compromised, it will legalize the marriage to
the Religious Court by filing a petition bring good
virtue, and eventually marital status becomes
legitimate in the eyes of the State.
Therefore, for the judges, it will be their own
homework, whether itsbat of marriage will bring
more goodness or even bring madharat (badness) for
all parties in the family (Ali, 2006)
4.5 To Get Marital Legal Certainty for
Child’s Status and Marital
Usually when people need legal certainty over their
marriage and legal certainty about the status of their
child, the couple will file a petition for the itsbat
marriage in the Religious Courts.
The existence of legal certainty of itsbat of
marriage on marital status and on the status of the
child is closely related. The legal status of a child
comes from a legal marriage. In the recognition of the
State, a legitimate child is born of a recorded
marriage. Therefore, the status of this child becomes
one of the reasons for proposing itsbat of marriage.
The status of the child is not only related to the
validity of the child's status but also is closely related
to his/her rights as the legal child including with
regard to parental rights, livelihood rights, inheritance
rights, and so on. Another reason for filing itsbat of
marriage is related to children's rights, the main
reason that the petitioners apply for marriage to the
Religious Courts is in order to deal with the Birth
Certificate of their children in addition to obtaining
the legal certainty of the marriage of the petitioners
In line with the legal certainty of itsbat of
marriage on marital status and the status of the child,
itsba of marriage will also provide legal certainty to
the status of marital property. With the existence of
itsbat of marriage, the legal marriage, and the
settlement of marital wealth disputes can refer to the
provisions of existing legislation, such as the
provisions of Chapter VII Act No. 1 of 1974 regulate
the property in marriage. Article 35 states that (1) The
property acquired during the marriage becomes a
common property; (2) The property of each husband
and wife and the property acquired respectively as a
gift or inheritance is under the control of each other
as long as the parties do not specify otherwise.
4.6 The Role of the Religious Courts
Marriage recording is one form of government or
state intervention to protect and ensure the fulfillment
of the social rights of every citizen, especially married
couples, and children born of the marriage. Religious
Courts as State institutions with marriage have been
contributed enormously and importantly in an effort
to provide a sense of justice and certainty and legal
protection for the community. Those who do not have
a Family Card because they do not have Marriage
Books, after the establishment of marriage ceremony
by the Religious Courts will be easy to take care of
Family Card and Birth Certificate of their children so
that it is not difficult for their children to go to school.
In fact, prospective pilgrims who do not have a
Marriage Books are greatly helped by itsbat marriage
conducted by the Religious Courts in order to get
The establishment of itsbat of marriage by the
Religious Courts aims to provide protection to
children born from unrecorded marriages. The
registration of marriage is a protection and guarantee
for the fulfillment of social rights of every citizen,
especially the married couples, and children born of
the marriage. With the fulfillment of social rights, it
will generate social order so that it will create
harmony of social life.