2.1 Customer Loyalty
According to Kotler and Armstrong (Kotler and
Armstrong, 2011, p. 271), consumer loyalty in
general can be interpreted fidelity someone on a
product, goods and services. Consumer loyalty is a
manifestation and continuation of consumer
satisfaction to use the facilities and services provided
by company, as well as to be a repeated buyer of the
2.2 Customer Satisfaction
According to Kotler (Kotler, 2011, p. 42) satisfaction
is feeling happy or disappointed someone who
emerged after comparing anatara perception /
impression of the performance (yield) of a product
and expectations.
Additionally, Tjiptono (Tjiptono, 2011, p. 349)
defines customer satisfaction as an emotional
response to the evaluation of the consumption
experience of a product or service. Then, Oliver
(Oliver, 2011) mentions that the product features play
an important role in the creation of customer
Based on some of the above definition, consumer
satisfaction can be formulated as postpurchase
evaluation relulted from the selection of specific
purchasing where the perception of the performance
of products selected meet or exceed expectations
before buying decision.
2.3 Customer Relationship
Customer Relationship Management is defined as an
integrated function that consists of the sale strategy,
marketing and service aiming to increase revenue
from customer satisfaction (Kalakota and Robinson,
2010, p. 172).
Customer Relationship Management is the
concept of building a strong relationship between the
companies, in this case the management with
customers (Sutedjo, 2011, p. 65). So, Customer
Relationship Management is a customer service
approach that focuses on building and maintaining
long-term relationships (Ardiyhanto, 2011).
Based on the above point of view, the organization
can focus on the development of an important asset in
the long term, a more progressive in relationships
with valued customers. CRM program is making a
vision for how to transform their companies to
develop important attributes, so that they can be
bonded by the organization, products and intend to
make a purchase (Gordon, 2002: 2).
According to the above viewpoint, it can be
concluded that the Customer Relationship
Management can affect the level of customer
satisfaction. Furthermore, customer satisfaction can
have an impact on customer loyalty.
For more details, how the Customer Relationship
Management variable affect customer satisfaction
and its impact on customer loyalty will be explained
in the following section.
2.4 Effect of Customer Relationship
Management on Customer
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a
method to attract, to maintain and to improve
customer satisfaction and strengthen relationships
with customer (Tung, 1997).
Furthermore, Customer Relationsip Management
(CRM) provides data and information relating to
customers, such as in shopping behavior, habits in
consuming products, and others (Agrawal, 2004).
These data and information are used to improve
understanding how to communicate with customers
in order to create value and customer satisfaction
(Agrawal, 2004).
From the above description, it can be concluded
that customer relationship management influence
customer satisfaction. In other words, the better
customer relationship management, the higher the
level of customer satisfaction is.
2.5 Effect of Customer Relationship
Management on Customer Loyalty
Customer relationsip Management (CRM) is a
strategy focusing on creating customer satisfaction
and long-term relationships by integrating several
functional areas of the company to achieve
competitive advantage (Payne and Frow, 2005; Indah
and Dewi, 2013; Chang, 2007; Nguyen, Sherif, and
Newby, 2007).
Findings of researches conducted by Ardiyhanto
(Ardiyhanto, 2011) and Ariyanti (Ariyanti, 2006)
show that there are significantly customer
relationship management on customer loyalty. This
means that the better implementation of CRM in a
business unit, it had a positive impact on customer
loyalty. Therefore, CRM’s applications allow
companies to leverage information from all points of
the box with the customer, whether it is via web, call