of education in creating human resources that can be
aligned with the Dutch in education at the time.
Looking at the educational content of this
organization, it can be closer to the social education
history. According to Hasan Asari, it is more
potentially profitable in its application because it can
provide an understanding of the practice of Islamic
education comprehensively specifically on the
motives of changes in the educational content of Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah (Asari, 2006). A specific and
exhaustive study can contribute to social Islamic
education history. Therefore, the method
of interpretative analysis has significantly
emphasized the principle and detail on the contents
of the discussion by Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
organization. As a historical analysis of an event at a
specific time, this study methodologically used the
historical method with the approaching of social
history that reveals the role of individuals and
groups in carrying out its functions on changing the
educational content activity.
The Islamic educational material is experimenting
the first school established by Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah in 1932 namely Maktab al-
Djamiatoel Washliah (Yunus, 1979). In memorial
book Al Djamijatul Washliyah ¼ Abad, this
establishment is mentioned with the following
explanation: “On August 1, 1932 the first Madrasah
al Djamijatul Washlijah was opened, and it was at
Sinagar street Medan on initiative of A. Rahman
Sjihab and Udin Sjamsuddin as well as the other
board's approval” (Hasanuddin, 1998). In this
Maktab, the religious materials become the
educational contents of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah. It
taught about the Islamic teachings, such as Fikih,
Arabic (Nahu and Sharaf) and recitation of the
Qur'an, and also Tafseer and Hadith. The Maktab
has not taught the general sciences as shown in its
form letter when receiving new students as
mentioned in ChalijahHasan's book. In the form
letter, it is described that Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
learning has levels of intelligence although it is not
yet clear. Because of the level of intelligence of
students in accepting the learning, they can move or
go up the class. Based on this, the levels of
teachingmaterials at Al Jam'iyatul Washliyahare
formulated in the form letter.
In the same year, at the end of 1932, Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah school progressed with the
two levels of system education: Tajhizi 2 years and
Ibtidai 4 years. The Tajhizi level is held in the
morning and afternoon; the afternoon
accommodating students studying in public schools
in the morning. In 1933, the Islamic teachings with a
variety of Islamic religious knowledge occur after
many Madrasahs around the city and outside Medan
also joined the Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah maktab
(Hasanuddin, 1998). The management of this school
invited the admiration of other school managers in
Medan because after the merger, the schools
progressed. Merging several Madrasahs to Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah's organization, Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyahwas very active in doing some of the
establishment of Madrasahs in that year. The
inflowing of science teachings to this Maktabh is as
a mixture for the development of religious
knowledge added with Islamic History and Khat,
while the general education is not found in the
The merging of this madrasah changes the name
of the Maktab into Madrasah Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah that the religious education still runs
without the presence of general sciences, even the
level of education increases with the 2 year Tajhizi
or Ibtidaiyah of 4 years. In 1934 the Tajhizi and
Ibtidaiyah became 6 years, especially after the
comparative study of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah to
Minangkabau by looking at the modern School
Institution in Minangkabau in 1934. The results of
this comparative study began to shift the science
which is not only Islamic science but also the
general science which began at Madrasah Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah. The envoy consisted of
Arsyad Thalib Lubis, Udin Syamsuddin, and
Nukman Sulaiman, with visits to Adabiyah School,
Normaal School and Diniyah School (Hasanuddin,
1998). In the bookof Al Djamijatul Washilyah ¼
Abad, it is mentioned that the envoy was preceded
by Baharuddin Ali who had followed Udin Arsjad
Sjamsuddin and M. Th. Lubis. Nukman Sulaiman's
name is not mentioned in the mission as stated in the
book ---“Untuk mengadakan perobahan Lembaga
Peladjaran di Madrasah al-Dj. Washlijah, jangakan
dimadjukan pada konprensi bulan Desember 1934,
maka diutuslah tuan Baharuddin Ali ke Bukit Tinggi
pada tanggal 30 Nopember 1934. Selain daripada
mengadakan hubungan da-lain soal kitab2
peladjaran maka diadakan djuga peninjauan-
peninjauan pada Sekolah2 Agama di Sumatera
Tengah di antaranya Tawalib school, Normaal
Islam, Madrasah Dinia hentjik Rahmah dll.nja.
Keberangkatan tuan Baharuddin Ali ini disusul pula
oleh tuan Udin Sjamsuddin dan M. Arsjad Th. Lubis.
Sekembalinja beliau2 itu dari Sumatera Barat,