Modernization and Formulation of Educational Content of
Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah in North Sumatra, 1930-1942
Syaiful Anwar
, Ahmad Muhajir
, Solihah Titin Sumanti
, Surya Adi Sahfutra
and Suriani
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Fakultas IlmuSosial, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi, Bukittinggi, Indonesia
Keywords: Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah, Modernization of Educational Content, Islamic Education.
Abstract: This study aims to elaborate on how Al Jam'iyatul Washliyahhad been modernizingtheir educational content in
1930-1942. During that period, they owed a lot from their predecessors (Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul
Ulama) in formulating their educational content. They focused on the educational content adapted to the
situation at that time by combining religious education and general education selectively and
situationally. There was a different model between Muhammadiyah and Nahdhatul Ulama in the educational
context. Muhammadiyah focused more on common education, whereas Nahdlatul Ulama focused more on
religious education. Therefore, Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah as the youngest Islamic organization had tried to
synergize the two models through their educational institution but still adjust to the situation and condition
under pressure from the Dutch colonial government. As the result, the modernization of the educational content
of Al Washliyah at that time had succeeded and participated in coloring the existing education for people in
North Sumatra.
Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah is the youngest Islamic
organization compared to Muhammadiyah and
Nahdlatul Ulama. Muhammadiyah and
Nahdlatul Ulama are Islamic organizations originally
established in Java thenexpanded to Sumatra by
havinga number of embranchment, especially in
education. Muhammadiyah was established in North
Sumatra in 1927 by the existence of Muhammadiyah
schools in the area, while Nahdlatul Ulama in
1947(Pulungan, 2009). Therefore, Nahdlatul Ulama
schools were not a comparator in establishing a more
advanced school for Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah. This is
proved by Chalijah Hasan who has known that Al
Jam’iyatul Washliyah has similarities with
Muhammadiyah in the preparation of educational
materials and some subjects used. Generally,the
traditional education in North Sumatra has similarities
with Pesantren, teaching kitab, bandongan, sorogan,
and Islamic teachings before the 20
(Nasution, 2002).
The Islamic teachings generally consist of Fiqih,
Kalam, Sufism, and Aqidah that have already existed
in Islamic schools in North Sumatra. Such contents are
also implemented in Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah school
when the formulation of educational content has been
formed. The learning materials have been separated by
taking the required subjects in Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah
schools. Therefore, not all educational materials are
included in the school. Their educational contents
highly prioritize appropriate subject matters and time
Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah has experimented by
formulating the educational contents through the
schools in North Sumatra. It is important that the
formulation bea part of Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah
teaching materials that Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah
become more advanced andhaveits own statute.
Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah statute implements the
demands of the Islamic religion to happiness in the
world and the hereafter (Hasanuddin, 1998).
A.Wahhab Siregar gave his foreword in the 25
anniversaryof Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah which
mentioned that in 1930 the purpose of this
organization was to bring forward, concern and
increase the spread of Islam. Then in 1934, the
purpose was to fulfill the demands of Islam. This
Anwar, S., Muhajir, A., Sumanti, S., Sahfutra, S. and Suriani, .
Modernization and Formulation of Educational Content of Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah in Nor th Sumatra, 1930-1942.
DOI: 10.5220/0008892706990705
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 699-705
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
purpose shows the importance of Islamic teachings
spread, implemented and studied so that Muslims
can achieve their life destination.
Islamic teachings according to Al Jam’iyatul
Washliyah are very urgent and are the foundation of
learning materials. The teachings would be the first
component for the education contents of Al
Jam’iyatul Washliyah delivered to the ummat
generally as well as to the students. The
establishment of Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah had been
mentioned in the local daily newspaper Sinar Deli in
which the founders in a vergadering (meeting) were
agreed to establish an Islamic Studies Association
(Sulaiman, 1956).The development of Islamic
teachings does not mean that other lessons (general
sciences) are excluded in their educational activities.
Basedon above arguments, the modernization
and formulation of the educational content of Al
Jam’iyatul Washliyah organization especially
between the 1930-1942 are important to investigate
although having the similarity with Muhammadiyah
and Nahdlatul Ulama, but it is relevant to look at
how the process of modernization and the
formulation of its educational content. Thus we will
find the fundamental differences with other
organizations in Islamic organization history in
North Sumatra in the colonial era.
This research uses the historical method with a
social approach. It meansthat this research focuses
more attention on the historical concepts such as
chronologic, diachronic, continuity and
change. Diachronic is an object in the past, with
concerning space and time dimensions. History
gives a diachronic dimension to the synchronic
dimension in social sciences about historical
events. This research discusses the modernization of
the educational content of Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah
in 1930-1942 written in historiography. The social
and historical contextsof Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah is
suitable to analyze in the period since the
organization exists in developing education for
indigenous people. “Continuity” is always
continuous from one event to another and does not
stop. And “change” is different from each event
after event. The concept of change is so important in
history because history itself is about the change
(Supardan, 2009).
History is the science of time so that this
research discusses on the things related to time like
development, continuity, repetition, and change.
History has a social meaning and usually directs the
motion of an event. It is caused by factors from the
social factor it self. This research is concerned
much about the study of the time and place of the
historical events. Therefore, this research focuses on
the years of 1930 to 1942, especially in Sumatra as
Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah was geographically
established in Medan, North Sumatra.
The authors are using the social history approach
because some aspects of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
organizational development in activities of
individuals in the modernization of educational
content are included. The emergence of activities
and roles among individuals cause social
interactions and conflicts in political and intellectual
struggles when this organization chooses to establish
an organization and formulate their educational
content. Methodologically, a study of social history
as explained by Sartono Kartodirdjo is aimed to
understand the subjective meaning of social
behavior, rather than objective one (Kartodirdjo,
1992), and from here, it will be arisen the
functionalization of the social science to conduct the
historical writing to find the meaning intended by
the individual action with the collective events.
Therefore, it theoretically guides historian in finding
the motives of actions or factors for an event when
there is a change in modernizing the educational
content ofwhole events in Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
This study covers the social, politic and thought
process that happened around the interaction of Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah organization in modernizing
the educational content. The authors will describe
the social situation of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
organization during 1930-1942, and express totally
and globally, including the individual’s activities
which strive in the organization globally by
presenting their educational activities in the past on
the process of changing the educational content of
those three organizations.
The authors assume that life ofthe Indonesians
during the colonial era (20
century) brought a great
change in colonialist behavior (politically) towards
indigenous people that emphasized the Dutch
education system rather than economic policy. This
situation brought to the appearance of organizations
that orientate their targets to education as a path to
the advancement of particular Muslim. Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah organization has an important role to
change the educational system especially in the
structure of science in education. It is hoped that the
Islamic community is more intelligent and qualified
and active in all sectors especially the “output”
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
of education in creating human resources that can be
aligned with the Dutch in education at the time.
Looking at the educational content of this
organization, it can be closer to the social education
history. According to Hasan Asari, it is more
potentially profitable in its application because it can
provide an understanding of the practice of Islamic
education comprehensively specifically on the
motives of changes in the educational content of Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah (Asari, 2006). A specific and
exhaustive study can contribute to social Islamic
education history. Therefore, the method
of interpretative analysis has significantly
emphasized the principle and detail on the contents
of the discussion by Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
organization. As a historical analysis of an event at a
specific time, this study methodologically used the
historical method with the approaching of social
history that reveals the role of individuals and
groups in carrying out its functions on changing the
educational content activity.
The Islamic educational material is experimenting
the first school established by Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah in 1932 namely Maktab al-
Djamiatoel Washliah (Yunus, 1979). In memorial
book Al Djamijatul Washliyah ¼ Abad, this
establishment is mentioned with the following
explanation: “On August 1, 1932 the first Madrasah
al Djamijatul Washlijah was opened, and it was at
Sinagar street Medan on initiative of A. Rahman
Sjihab and Udin Sjamsuddin as well as the other
board's approval” (Hasanuddin, 1998). In this
Maktab, the religious materials become the
educational contents of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah. It
taught about the Islamic teachings, such as Fikih,
Arabic (Nahu and Sharaf) and recitation of the
Qur'an, and also Tafseer and Hadith. The Maktab
has not taught the general sciences as shown in its
form letter when receiving new students as
mentioned in ChalijahHasan's book. In the form
letter, it is described that Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
learning has levels of intelligence although it is not
yet clear. Because of the level of intelligence of
students in accepting the learning, they can move or
go up the class. Based on this, the levels of
teachingmaterials at Al Jam'iyatul Washliyahare
formulated in the form letter.
In the same year, at the end of 1932, Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah school progressed with the
two levels of system education: Tajhizi 2 years and
Ibtidai 4 years. The Tajhizi level is held in the
morning and afternoon; the afternoon
accommodating students studying in public schools
in the morning. In 1933, the Islamic teachings with a
variety of Islamic religious knowledge occur after
many Madrasahs around the city and outside Medan
also joined the Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah maktab
(Hasanuddin, 1998). The management of this school
invited the admiration of other school managers in
Medan because after the merger, the schools
progressed. Merging several Madrasahs to Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah's organization, Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyahwas very active in doing some of the
establishment of Madrasahs in that year. The
inflowing of science teachings to this Maktabh is as
a mixture for the development of religious
knowledge added with Islamic History and Khat,
while the general education is not found in the
The merging of this madrasah changes the name
of the Maktab into Madrasah Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah that the religious education still runs
without the presence of general sciences, even the
level of education increases with the 2 year Tajhizi
or Ibtidaiyah of 4 years. In 1934 the Tajhizi and
Ibtidaiyah became 6 years, especially after the
comparative study of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah to
Minangkabau by looking at the modern School
Institution in Minangkabau in 1934. The results of
this comparative study began to shift the science
which is not only Islamic science but also the
general science which began at Madrasah Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah. The envoy consisted of
Arsyad Thalib Lubis, Udin Syamsuddin, and
Nukman Sulaiman, with visits to Adabiyah School,
Normaal School and Diniyah School (Hasanuddin,
1998). In the bookof Al Djamijatul Washilyah ¼
Abad, it is mentioned that the envoy was preceded
by Baharuddin Ali who had followed Udin Arsjad
Sjamsuddin and M. Th. Lubis. Nukman Sulaiman's
name is not mentioned in the mission as stated in the
book ---“Untuk mengadakan perobahan Lembaga
Peladjaran di Madrasah al-Dj. Washlijah, jangakan
dimadjukan pada konprensi bulan Desember 1934,
maka diutuslah tuan Baharuddin Ali ke Bukit Tinggi
pada tanggal 30 Nopember 1934. Selain daripada
mengadakan hubungan da-lain soal kitab2
peladjaran maka diadakan djuga peninjauan-
peninjauan pada Sekolah2 Agama di Sumatera
Tengah di antaranya Tawalib school, Normaal
Islam, Madrasah Dinia hentjik Rahmah dll.nja.
Keberangkatan tuan Baharuddin Ali ini disusul pula
oleh tuan Udin Sjamsuddin dan M. Arsjad Th. Lubis.
Sekembalinja beliau2 itu dari Sumatera Barat,
Modernization and Formulation of Educational Content of Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah in North Sumatra, 1930-1942
banjaklah rupa2 Lembaga2 Peladjaran di sana
yjang dibawa untuk mendjadikan katja
perbandingan bagial. Dj.Washlijah jang akan
dimadjukan kedalam konperensi”--- (Sulaiman,
1956) (To make changes in the Institute of Learning
in Madrasah Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah, which will be
presented at the 1934 conference of December,
Baharuddin Ali was sent to Bukit Tinggi on 30
November 1934. In addition, to establish other
relationships on the lesson scriptures, there were
also observations on the Religious Schools in
Central Sumatra including Tawalib school, Normal
Islam, Madrasah Diniahentjik Rahmah, etc. The
departure of Mr. Baharuddin Ali was also followed
by Mr. Udin Sjamsuddin and M. Arsjad
Th. Lubis. Upon his return from West Sumatra,
many of the Institutions were brought to compare
with Al Washlijah which would proceed into the
The results of the visit were discussed in the
second teacher’s conference of Madrasah Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah on December 25-28, 1934 at
Madrasah Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah Jalan Padang
bulan, Medan. In 1934, the officers of Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah and the division of several assemblies in
the Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah Organization were
formed in order to make the structural of Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah on the process of
dissemination of the organization and the spread of
schools and also make changes to the preparation of
Statute and by Law, Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
organization disclosed the invitation: ... on it, and
those who on Sunday (29-7-34), or that same day
starts from 11 o'clock to 1 pm we will hold a
member meeting again in order to change the
Articles of Association and talk about Statute and
ByLaw.... (Sulaiman, 1956).
On the Law, it is mentioned thatTarbiyah
Conciliation was formed from several majlis, and it
handled educations and schools. Thus all systems
related to education are organized by a large board
of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah. Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah's stewardship was carried out through its
Tarbiyah Council program for organizing the
teaching system in every Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
Madrasah. The teaching materials compiled by the
Tarbiyah assemblies are solely to systematize the
teachings set on each level. Centralization in the
management of education systems can show the plus
and minus of the material settings. This is because
they must always wait for a solution from the
management center, while policies are needed
quickly and the benefits of everything are well
organized with overall supervision of progress in
In the same year enactment of All Universities Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah was authorized on March 17,
1353 Zulhidjdjah H 1934-1 (Sulaiman, 1956). In
1935, theTsanawilevel was established for students
who have completed elementary school in the form
of Ibtidai, with a period of a four-year study. The
provision was contained in the first congress of Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah in 1936 which discussed the
results of the visit and the plan of teaching and the
structuring of existing schools in Al Jam'iyatul
The results of the First Congress in 1936,
amounting to 250 people in the book Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah ¼ Abad mentioned a few points to be
discussed. One of the points related to the lesson is
as follows; that the results of the conference closely
associated with the decisions of Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyahare as follows: establishing the public
school founded by religious namely
Volkschool (elementary school), and a foreign
language (Dutch) included in the learning
material;starting the school year at the beginning of
the year, and making the admission of new students
once a year. The results of this Congress make a lot
of decisions about teachers and religious and general
subjects in Al Jam'iyatul Wasliyah. According to
Chalijah Hasan, there is the same subject between Al
Jam'iyatul Wasliyah and Muhammadiyah in
elementary school, but there is a difference in the
quantity of time in a week. They have similarities
including in giving the names of the School. In
1935, Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah openeda Madrasah
for teachers with modern school namely Kweek
school and Normal School under the auspices of
DEWI (Djamijatul Washlijah Institute). The study
period is two years and three years respectively.
The entry process at DEWI School is regulated;
if the students want to enter the school, they must
complete their lesson in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah or
elementary school level, vervolg school (advance
primary school of 3 years is a continuation of
primary school volkschool, 3 years), and HIS
(Hollands Inlandse School) is an elementary school
Netherland language or Schakel school, the same
levelwith HIS. Since the change in the names of the
schools based on the decision, the change of
educational content in Madrasah which was
established in Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah despite pros
and contras in the management of Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah(Asari, 2008).
The development process which brought an
agreement on the preparation of educational
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
materials made consistency in Madrasah Al . The
arrangement of educational content in Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah was built centrally till all
Madrasahs should be included in the Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah management center and also books were
used as teaching materials in Madrasah Al Jam'iyatul
The development of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
School historically has similarities to
Muhammadiyah, but the similarities are not in all
sectors. One of the similarities is in the changes of
the school names. In the development of learning
materials, such materials as in Pesantrenare
developed in Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah School,
therefore, the school is a Dutch-style Islamic School,
while Muhammadiyah is a Netherland Islamic
patterned school. Moreover, the term Madrasah in
Muhammadiyah is not well known as that in
Madrasah in Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah. One of the
similarities between Muhammadiyah and Al
Jam'iyatul Washliyah is “HIS met de Qur'an school”.
Besides, some similarities are also found in their
subjects, and this is based on the comparison of
learning materials in Normaal School
Muhammadiyah and Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah.
HIS met de Qur'an became a school in an
institute form consisting of Normaal Al Jam'iyatul
Washliyah School and Kweekschool, which later
became DEWI Al Jami'iyatul Washliyah. In the
Second Congress of 1938, Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah
organization mentioned that the DEWI School was
changed into Madrasatul Muallimat and Madrasatul
Muallimin. This change also has similarities with
Muhammadiyah. The learning materials did not
change permanently in the general and religious
subjects with each portion of a balanced percentage
because it is equipped with afternoon learning, as
mentioned:Dengan suatu uptjara jang sederhana
dan perhatian jang penuh dari organisasi2 Islam
dan ahli2 pendidik disekita rkota Medan maka pada
tanggal 7 Dec.1938 – 14 Sjawal 1357 H,
dirasmikanlah pembukaan Madrasah al Muallimin
bertempat di Calcuttastraat 38 dan Madrasah al
Mu’allimat bertempat di Dj. Padangbulan 190. Ke-
dua Madrasah (Sekolah) Guru ini, langsung
dibawah asuhan Madjelis Tarbijah Umumi jang
diketuai H. Abd. Rahman Sjihab Hasanuddin, 1998).
(With a simple program and full attention from
Islamic organizations and educators around the city
of Medan, on December 7, 1938 [14 Sjawal 1357
H], the opening of Madrasah Al Muallimin at
Calcuttastraat 38 and Madrasah Al Mu'allimat
located at Jalan Padangbulan 190 was inaugurated.
The Madrasah teachers were directly under the
supervision of Madjelis TarbijahUmumi, headed by
H. Abd. Rahman Sjihab).
The way of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah in applying
formulation of the educational content in its school
by incorporating Islamic teachings in their learning,
and then arranging the religious teachings is possible
to stand alone in science, but after the comparative
study of the officers it appears that science starts to
be developed in science generally, afterward it is
proposed to go to the Sultanate in East Sumatra to
get his approval. After obtaining approval, the
learning materials are presented in all Madrasah Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah. Implementation of Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah School is supervised by
overseers for each region, then for the whole area is
supervised by the inspector. Then the names of
schools of Al Jam'iyatulWashliyah slowly changes
not to replace the existing one but to build more
schools with the Netherlands School names like
Volkschool of 3 years, Vervolgschool 3 years, the
normal school 2 years, 3 years later there is Kweek-
school, HIS and Schakelschool. These school s
spreading process took place in various regions and
this can be seen in the table below about the number
of types of Al Jam'iyatulWashliyah schools that had
already existed in the regions. The type of Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah school is distinguished from
Madrasah School but having the same teaching
contents of the religious sciences and general
sciences, with different percentages.
This madrasah school alongside with
Gouvernement (State schools) in Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah organization, makes Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyahSchool different in shades of
science among schools witha dominant religious
knowledge. The Madrasah with science generally
dominated the Dutch School. School with the Dutch
in Al Jam'iyatulWashliyah was not executed because
the name of the school gradually faded away. The
sources of Al Jam'iyatulWashliyah also do not talk
much about this Dutch school name, because the
Madrasah School is equated with the Dutch School
as expressed by Mahmud Yunus in his book that in
general the schools that stood in Indonesia before
1931-1945 had a type of many schools that can be
aligned each other with the position level based on
age of students enteringthe school, such as village
school (desascholen) 3 years (as well as the first
school 3 years) and the School of
subsequent schakelschool 5 years aligned with
Ibtidaiyahfor 4 years, as well as MULO 3 aligned
with Tsanawiyahfor 3 years and AMS3 years is
aligned with Islamic teachers school with a long
study between 3 or 4 years.
Modernization and Formulation of Educational Content of Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah in North Sumatra, 1930-1942
The development of Al Jam'iyatulWashliyah
School occurs due to the impact of the development
of content that should be taught to students: both
religious and general materials. Each School is
established with different types because of the
material set in a Madrasah School. Netherland
government policy on school makes al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah continue to promote the school
system like State schools. This is for the legalization
permit from the government. The teaching materials
are constantly adapted to the Dutchstipulation,
although not all subjects should be adapted from the
government and thiscomparison can be seen from
other schools. The selectivity is to adjust the
available learning time for using the various
sciences. The materials are arranged so that the
ideals of al Jam'iyatulWashliyah are achieved as in
target of the organization. Schools and
madrasah were already established by organizations
were also not of different level when viewed in
terms of age and on the development of the material
as a percentage of science is the same either with a
Dutch name or Madrasah, especially in Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah havingboth general and
religious knowledge.
In 1940 Madrasah Qismul Ali level equivalent
to Kweekschoolor Normaal school (Asari, 2007) was
established. In Normal school, Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah contains materials teaching in
religious and general knowledge, and Chalijah
Hasan mentioned this school is a school teacher
ofWashliyah and the material has similarities with
the Normal school of Muhammadiyah. This school
is located in Westtenninkstraat (Dj. Tjandi
Borobudur) which is the highest Madrasah with 3
years study period. The teachers involved in
learningmaterials are M. Arsjad Th. Lubis
on subjects of Jurisprudence, UsulFiqh,
Qawa'idFikih, Munazarah, Sufism and Tafsir, H.
Adnan Lubison subjects of Hadith, and Zainal Arifin
Abbas, on subject of history. The learningsare
generally composed of trade arithmetic, algebra,
natural sciences, chemistry, geography, economics,
educational sciences, foreign languages, and
sports(Asari, 2008).
The above description provides the formulation
of Al Jam'iyatulWashliyah's educational content that
has developed according to the needs of the Islamic
community at that time. This situation is for
Muslims to be advanced and the material is
maintained, although there is an inevitable policy
influence. The results of comparative studies of
other schools are also due to the initial idea of the
basic budget to teach Islamic material to Muslims
with intellectuality so that not left behind by
Netherland colonialism and withwide education for
Muslims themselves. On this basis, Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah makes changes to the
educational content so that Muslims have decent
educational opportunities.
The formulation of educational content
makes AlJam'iyatulWashliyah organization different
from the previous organization of education systems,
namely Muhammadiyah and NahdlatulUlama. Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah is an organization that learns
from both, and the educational content sets the two
sciences to see which aspects are preferred and
emphasized. Religious and general material gets the
portion in the educational content of Al
Jam'iyatulWashliyah selectively adapted to the
circumstances and needs.
Al Jam'iyatulWashliyahimplements the
educational content by spreading the subjects in
schools appropriate to specified levels. The situation
of educational content has been done as the previous
organization makes no other choice but determines
the right choice to formulate the educational content.
Therefore, the nature of the organization's leaders is
trying to pick and choose both religious and general
materialsat school placement. Selectivity is done for
the purposes and needs on the progress of
AlJam'iyatulWashliyah. Thus the process of
dissemination of educational content of the
organization is to put the contents of both general
and religious knowledge in practice.
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