attitude, behavior in order to have entrepreneurial
thinking, socialism - economy, in order to be able to
experience entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship
gain empirical experience from previous
entrepreneurs, equip production techniques to get it
produce or produce products in the form of goods,
services or ideas, anticipation techniques for various
possible things in entrepreneurship in the form of
problems, problems and other risks.
University and Faculty facilitate the growth of
entrepreneurship new by providing laboratory,
gallery, program incubators, training, workshops and
the like, allocate internal budget to support
Entrepreneurship courses and the growth of new
entrepreneurs. 24% (point 10) answered neutral /
showing doubt, that curriculum and learning at the
Faculty of Economics are still interested emphasize
mastery of theory compared to the application of
practice, where the lecturer becomes the center
teacher centered learning must be more competent
and skilled in running the Entrepreneurship Course.
The educational approach sees that this condition
occurs because of weak entrepreneurship education in
schools and colleges. Whether viewed from the
aspect of curriculum, instructor, learning process,
learning facilities, sources of learning and evaluation,
the implementation of entrepreneurship education
still has fundamental problems (Rianti, 2003).
3.4 Effects of Internal, External, and
Contextual Factors
From the results of statistical tests between internal,
external, and contextual factors with entrepreneurial
interests obtained Fcount> Ftable = 6,002> 2,699 and
significant value = 0,001 <0,05, it is seen that Internal
Factors, External Factors, and Contextual Factors
significantly influence the Interests of
Entrepreneurship together. Of the 13 questions about
entrepreneurial interest (General attitude towards
entrepreneurial activity, Specific awareness to like
entrepreneurial activities, feeling happy with
entrepreneurial activities, and Entrepreneurial
activities have important meaning for individuals),
100% agree; it means that students have a high
interest if internal, external and contextual factors are
very supportive.
The value of the determination coefficient (R
Square) is 15.8%. It can be said that the interest of
Faculty of Economics students in Medan City for
entrepreneurship is generally relatively low. This is
indicated by the lack of individuals and groups
entrepreneurial students; low student involvement in
training, debriefing, seminars and the like inside and
outside the campus environment; and the lack of a
business proposal submitted/ competed, individual
characteristics, family environment and socio-
demography and academic support are the most
dominant factors determining the high and low
interest of student entrepreneurs. The tendency of
high interest in student entrepreneurship is due to
there is a feeling of being more free, independent and
productive when entrepreneurship; love to work
according to personal intuition; confidence in ability
and self-potential; and the courage to accept
challenges and take risks. The low interest in student
entrepreneurship is because the majority of parents
and families work as civil servants and private
employees so that they direct their children to
continue their careers in the formal sector. Public
perception that social status and welfare guarantees
employees are better than entrepreneurs also make
student entrepreneurial interests low. The climate of
entrepreneurial learning is still dominated by
theoretical aspects and is also one of the factors that
influences the low interest of student entrepreneurs.
Students do not have field orientation and experience
because the learning model is still conventional.
Facilities in the form of physical, capital, and
programs that can be accessed on campus internally
are availabe but relatively limited that it does not
support the student entrepreneurship interest.
Some ways that can be done to increase student
entrepreneurship interests include (a) increasing the
frequency of entrepreneurial practices, socialization
and access to information about entrepreneurship on
campus internally as well as possible to the widest
possible extent. student, (b) implementing periodic
contextual learning in the form of field studies in
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in
the campus area, especially those owned and
managed by alumni. (c) providing and completing
entrepreneurial facilities on campus such as
laboratories, galleries, workshops and the like, (d)
holding special programs such as business incubators
and competitions writing business plans for students
(business plans) with certain prizes / bonuses that
have an impact in increasing entrepreneurial interest
and skills, (e) allocating adequate budget to groups of
students who after certain selection meet the
requirements and have prospects for developing
businesses, and (f) building integrated
entrepreneurship development networks with local
stakeholders who have similar programs such as
Dinas Industry and Trade Cooperatives, Bank
Indonesia and the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry in Medan City (Herwin Mopangga: 2014).