The Management of 2013 Curriculum in Improving the Quality of
Learning at SDN 23 Ternate City
Mardia Hi. Rahman, Astuti Salim, Ridwan Jusuf
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University, Ternate Indonesia
Keywords: Curriculum management, Learning quality
Abstract: The research aims to know the 2013 curriculum management model, supporting and inhibitory factors of
curriculum management implementation and the role of curriculum management to improve the quality of
learning at SD Negeri 23 Kota Ternate. The research method is a descriptive method with a qualitative
approach. The data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The
research subject consists of the Principal and the Teacher of SD Negeri 23 Kota Ternate. The results of the
study indicate that: (1) The curriculum planning is carried out including the arrangement of the school
academic calendar, the intra-curicular and extra-curricular activities, and the division of teacher teaching
tasks, develop annual programs, semester programs, Core Competencies and Basic Competencies mapping
based on the theme of each subject in a particular theme, formulation of syllabus, Minimum Criteria of
Mastery Learning, and Lesson Plan. (2) The implementation of the curriculum is always guided by the
planning that has been set; (3) Evaluation of the curriculum implemented by the principal and teachers to
determine the level of program achievement. and (4) Supporting factors; the involvement and commitment
of the teacher (5) 2013 curriculum arrangement by the team can improve the quality of learning.
Learning is not only transferring knowledge from
the teacher to the students, but the teachers should
be able to make students learn and understand what
they are learning, because the essence of learning is
how to make students learn. Learning as a process, it
must be well designed by using various models and
learning approaches to create a fun learning process
for students.
The quality of learning nowadays is still being
questioned by various groups, especially users of
education services, and one of the reasons is the
weak of learning process carried out by teachers.
The curriculum is not only as a setting of learning
schedules as some people assumes, but the
curriculum is a guideline for teachers to develop
learning that starts from planning to evaluation and
follow-up of the learning process. In the Law on the
national education system, it is stated that the
curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements
regarding the purpose, content, and material of
learning and the methods used as guidelines for the
implementation of learning activities to achieve
certain educational goals. The learning process
carried out by the teacher to be more focused, the
teacher must understand the curriculum. Information
from the curriculum is the material for teachers to
develop syllabus and lesson plans. The teacher
should be able to understand all components of
learning activities both in terms of planning,
implementation, and evaluation of learning.
The development of Lesson Plans is closely
related to learning activities and implementation of
guidance, because the contents of the curriculum are
not only in subjects, but include other things outside
the subject matter as long as it is the responsibility
of the school to be given to students, such as hard
work, discipline, good learning habits, and honest
learning (Mulyasa, 2007). Learning planning is one
of the absolute requirements for every learning
management activity. Without planning,
implementing an activity will experience difficulties
and even failure in achieving the desired goals
(Sobry, 2009).
Rahman, M., Salim, A. and Jusuf, R.
The Management of 2013 Curriculum in Improving the Quality of Learning at SDN 23 Ternate City.
DOI: 10.5220/0008897100380042
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 38-42
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
An understanding of curriculum management
will bring the school to achieve its overall vision and
mission. It will be very influential if the principal
and teacher do not understand curriculum
management well, it will impact on errors in the
pattern of education. Errors in the pattern of
education will affect the lack of quality of education
The curriculum management that will be
examined in this research is curriculum management
that starts in terms of planning, organizing,
implementing and evaluating which will help
teachers improve the quality of learning. The
preliminary study of researchers at SDN 23 Kota
Ternate that has already implemented the 2013
curriculum in 2013, but where the readiness of
learning devices for the 2013 curriculum was still
very minimal.
2.1 Curriculum Management
Management is one of the important things done and
implemented in the learning process, so that the
learning process can run effectively and efficiently.
Management is a continuous process that contains
special abilities and skills possessed by someone to
do an activity either individually or with other
people or through other people in coordinating and
using all sources to achieve organizational goals
productively, effectively and efficiently
(Engkoswara & Komariah, A, 2010). The
curriculum, according to Sanjaya (2009), is not only
concerns the entire school effort to influence
students learning both inside and outside the
classroom or even outside of school. For the
effectiveness of its application, the teacher is
required to understand curriculum management
which enables optimal efforts to improve the quality
of education.
Curriculum Management is a process work
together (cooperation) in an organization through a
systematic and coordinated process that regulates
and facilitates the achievement of teaching goals in
schools effectively and efficiently (Murniati, AR, et
al, 2016).
2.2 Learning Quality
The principles of learning process involves teachers
and students, because in the learning process there is
an interaction between the teacher and the students.
Sagala (2007) says that learning has two
characteristics, namely: 1) in the learning process
involves the process of thinking and 2) in the
learning process build a dialogical atmosphere and a
continuous question and answer process that is
directed at improving and improving students'
thinking skills, which in turn thinking skills can help
students to acquire the knowledge they construct by
themselves. Thus, it can be said that the quality of
learning depends on a variety of learning inputs
which include teaching materials, teacher learning
varieties methods, facilities and infrastructure as
well as teacher's abilities and students' initial
From this explanation, it can be said that
improving the quality of learning is a series of
learning activities that must be carried out by
teachers and students to improve the quality or the
quality of continuous learning. The quality of
learning in Elementary Schools is often overlooked,
not because of the teacher's inability to manage and
carry out learning, but because there are so many
learning materials that must be taught by the teacher
to the class they care for. Elementary teachers as
classroom teachers are required to have the ability to
teach five basic subjects whose material is quite
dense. With these problems, the teacher must be able
to manage the learning process in such a way that
students are actively learning and the teacher only
acts as a facilitator of student learning. 2013
curriculum in its implementation provides
opportunities for teachers to further activate students
by using various learning models. By activating
students it is expected that the quality of learning
will increase.
This study refers to the RIP of Khairun
University, especially RIP 05, which is about
Improving Education Quality. Strategic problems
and issues. North Maluku Province, which is an
archipelago, has the potential of each region to have
potential, excellence and weakness in implementing
educational programs, especially in the learning
process which is related to curriculum management.
Elementary School which is the basic platform of
student competence must be managed and developed
in such a way that the quality of education is
expected to be achieved.
The Management of 2013 Curriculum in Improving the Quality of Learning at SDN 23 Ternate City
3.1 Types of Research
This type of research is qualitative research, namely
research that intends to interpret the existing
curriculum management at SDN 23 Kota Ternate in
improving the quality of learning. This research
includes descriptive research, because it aims to
describe planning, organizing, implementing and
evaluating curriculum.
Figure 1: Research Process Flow.
4.1 Result
Schools as educational institutions have the
functions to educate the nation's children need to be
well organized and managed, in order that the
school's vision, mission and goals are set to be
achieved. Every school certainly has curriculum
management as the direction of the learning process
and improvement of the quality of education.
Curriculum management relates to how to plan the
curriculum, implement, and evaluate the curriculum.
The results showed that: (1) Curriculum planning
was carried out covering the preparation of school
academic calendars, preparation of intracurricular,
extracurricular activities, and teacher teaching
assignments, compiling annual programs, semester
programs, mapping KI and KD based on the themes
of each subject in a particular theme preparation of
syllabus, determination of KKM, and preparation of
lesson plans. The curriculum planning process is
determined based on the agreement of the drafting
team with the principal, so that all the stages that
have been set up can be carried out effectively by
the teachers who are members of the curriculum
development team; (2) The implementation of the
curriculum is always guided by predetermined
planning. The implementation of the curriculum is
part of the process of improving the quality of
learning. The curriculum implementation regulates
all operational activities both in the implementation
of the learning process and in all school activities
that support the improvement of the quality of
learning. The implementation process is illustrated
by an increase in the discipline of teachers and
students, the implementation of extracurricular
activities, the development of students, both through
intracurricular activities, as well as other activities
related to improving learning, so that a positive
impact on improving the quality of education; (3)
Evaluation of the curriculum carried out by the
principal and teachers to determine the level of
achievement of the program, namely by
implementing supervision and supervision carried
out by the principal of all teachers with a
predetermined schedule. Evaluation of curriculum
implementation is carried out in all aspects both in
terms of objectives, material or curriculum content,
learning strategies, assessment strategies and aspects
of their implementation. Evaluation activities are
carried out to determine the achievement of the
curriculum, teacher performance and the success of
students in participating in the learning process. The
successful implementation of the curriculum will
have an effect on improving the quality of
education; and (4) Supporting factors in the
implementation of curriculum management are the
involvement and commitment of teachers in
implementing the 2013 curriculum in accordance
with the applicable provisions and obstacles in the
implementation of the curriculum is that all
curriculum programs have not been implemented as
determined, both by principals and teachers. (5)
Curriculum 2013 that has been made by the
curriculum development team can improve the
quality of learning. The draft curriculum that has
been made can be shown in (attachment 3)
4.2 Discussion
Research conducted at SDN 23 Kota Ternate
involved all teachers and school principal. The first
stage of the research was to review the curriculum
that had been made by the curriculum development
team in the school with the intention to see the
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
weaknesses or shortcomings of the curriculum
prepared. The results of the study found deficiencies
that need to be refined or revised again in the school
curriculum. These shortcomings include the absence
of an extracurricular activity schedule as a form of
student self-development, unscheduled scouting
activities, and the Lesson Plan (RPP) that is not
uniform between one teacher and another teacher.
The learning model used is still not maximally
implemented and is still not in accordance with the
learning material, the learning model is only written
without being accompanied by the syntax / steps of
the appropriate learning model and the use of
learning media that are not yet suitable and even less
used by the teacher. In addition, curriculum
development, especially in the preparation of lesson
plans, has not yet been fully developed by the
teacher but is still being developed or referring to the
RPP prepared during the activities of the Teacher
Working Group (KKG).
Based on these findings, the research team
conducted a workshop with the school curriculum
development team to refine / revise the school
curriculum. This activity is intended to train teachers
in the preparation of curriculum, especially in the
preparation of lesson plans that meet the standards
that can be used as guidelines in the implementation
of the learning process to improve the learning
process. The workshop produced a draft in
document 1 of curriculum 2013 containing the
structure of the curriculum, vision, mission and
objectives of the school, KKM for each subject,
types of extracurricular activities and self-
development. The research team and the teacher also
compiled the RPP especially the odd semester,
especially the Lesson Plan at the fifth grade with
several themes. The Lesson Plan (RPP) produced is
expected as an example for other teachers in
developing lesson plans to improve the learning
The curriculum developed by the school has not
been well implemented by the teachers, because
there are various problems that have become
obstacles in the implementation of the curriculum
2013 at SDN 23 Kota Ternate.These obstacles are
found (1) there are still teachers who think that the
curriculum is only a document and signs in carrying
out the learning process; (2) the teacher only uses
the finished curriculum (the result of the compilation
of the KKG group), whereas what is desired is the
curriculum must be the result of the creativity of the
teacher so that the learning process is the best
process for the success of students who support the
improvement of learning quality; (3) teachers
assume that the curriculum is only limited to orderly
administration that must be met by teachers to be
able to carry out the learning process without regard
to the quality of what is planned; (4) facilities and
infrastructure that support the implementation of
curriculum management, especially learning
facilities. Schools do not have learning media that
can be used by teachers as teaching aids to clarify
learning material and lack of creative teachers in
designing media or can use materials that are around
the school environment that can be used as learning
In addition to these factors which are considered
as inhibiting factors for the implementation of
curriculum management, there are supporting factors
that can be used as a driver of improving the quality
of learning at SDN 23 Kota Ternate. These
supporting factors include: (1) all teachers are
actively involved in KKG activities that are expected
with these activities the teacher has basic knowledge
of the curriculum that makes it easy for the
development team to collaborate in revising the
curriculum to be used; (2) the discipline of teachers
and students in carrying out the learning process.
Teacher discipline in carrying out the learning
process greatly influences student discipline in
following the learning process; and (3) the excellent
collaboration between the curriculum development
team and the division of work tasks evenly so as to
improve team performance in supporting the
achievement of the completion of the curriculum
Teachers as curriculum developers in the class
have the task to translate and describe the values
contained in the curriculum to students. The school
curriculum compiled by the school itself is a very
strategic instrument in improving the quality of
learning, which results in increased quality of
students. The curriculum has a very fundamental
relationship in the effort to achieve school goals.
Good curriculum management will support
curriculum functions to develop all the potential
students have. The curriculum developed in its
implementation must be able to stimulate all
students potential with various activities and student
learning experiences. The curriculum must be able
to stimulate students' creativity to be able to create
something that can benefit themselves in the future.
Curriculum management should be a manual and
guide for schools, teachers and all school members
in an effort to improve the quality of learning. The
curriculum applied in the learning process is not
only limited to the delivery of knowledge that has
been designed, but what is stated in the curriculum
The Management of 2013 Curriculum in Improving the Quality of Learning at SDN 23 Ternate City
must be able to develop all students' abilities and
apply them in daily life, so that the quality and
values in an institution can be realized well.
(1) All of these stages are carried out effectively by
the teachers;
(2) The implementation of the curriculum is always
guided by predetermined planning. The
implementation process illustrates the increasing
discipline of teachers and students, the running of
extracurricular activities, the development of
students, both through intracurricular activities, as
well as other activities related to improving learning,
so that a positive impact on improving education
(3) Evaluation of the curriculum is carried out by the
school principal and teachers to determine the level
of program achievement. The existence of
evaluation activities can be known the level of
teacher performance and the success of students in
following the learning process, so that it influences
the improvement of the quality of education;
(4) Supporting factors in the implementation of
curriculum management are the involvement and
commitment of teachers in implementing the
curriculum 2013 in accordance with the applicable
provisions and obstacles in the implementation of
the curriculum is that all curriculum programs have
not been implemented as determined, both by
principals and teachers.
(5) Curriculum 2013 that has been made by the
curriculum development team can improve the
quality of learning. The teachers needs a training for
to understand the curriculum, in order that they are
be able to develop curriculum independently at
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ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning